Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight and Lavender ❯ Midnight and Lavender 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Midnight and Lavender 6 by Kaialicious

Disclaimer: I have never and will not ever make a profit from Dragon Ball Z and any of its merchandise. I have created this story for the soul purpose of entertaining myself. Akira Toriyama has all the rights to Dragon Ball Z.

Warning: This story contains intense YAIO and obscene language. It is not intended for under aged readers.

Author's Note: Here it is, the final chapter and what a ride it has been. ^__^


Seventeen angrily climbed off him and retrieved his jeans.

"Seventeen…" Trunks sat up and stopped laughing. "Come on."

"This conversation is over. Why are you even still here?" He finished belting his pants.

Trunks muttered a curse and pulled on his trousers. "I came here to tell you something."

"You've told me enough. It was…good between us, but the fun is over."

"It doesn't have to be."

Seventeen ignored him and began to walk away. It would have been less painful to fly away, but he couldn't bear to leave him just yet.

"Will you listen to me?" The desperation in Trunks' voice had grown.

It's better this way, Seventeen thought. Don't look back.

But arms wrapped around him and he felt his lover's body against him. His embrace halted him from taking another step.

"Let go of me!" Seventeen demanded.

"I love you, damn it!"

Seventeen froze in shock.

"I don't care what you've done. I know that you won't do it anymore, Seventeen. You told me that you wouldn't hurt anyone else. I believe you, and I love you," Trunks pressed his cheek against him, "and I know that you love me too."

"I don't! I'm incapable of love, you stupid-"

He kissed the android's dark silken mane. "I have enough love for the both of us, Seventeen."

He wanted to yell at Trunks and tell him how foolish he sounded, but the words would not come.

"Besides, did you think that I would let you go, uke?" he uttered softly and moved his hands down the front of Seventeen's jeans.


"It's not over between us," he said. "It's hardly even begun."

Seventeen found himself linking his fingers with the human's.

"You're in my blood, Seventeen."

"Trunks…" he turned in his arms and hungrily kissed him.

Trunks buried his hands in Seventeen's hair and devoured his kisses. The android darted his tongue within his mouth, and suckled on Trunks' own tongue, pulling it into his. Seventeen pushed his hands beneath Trunks' jacket and rubbed his back.

Trunks gently bit his lover's bottom lip and nibbled a trail over his left jaw to his earlobe. He could hear his uke's labored breaths in his ear. Trunks licked the plump little earlobe, and then held it between his teeth. He licked the soft flesh and Seventeen moaned. Trunks teased it a little then brushed his lips over Seventeen's neck. He spotted his mark, just beneath the android's neckerchief. He licked his lips. The need to sink his teeth into him overwhelmed him. He pushed aside the orange material, caressed the mark with his fingers and bit him there.

The pinch of Trunks' teeth wrung a cry from him.

"You're not human," Seventeen muttered in disbelief. "You can't be. You're so…different."

"I am human, Seventeen," Trunks whispered huskily when he stopped biting him, "but I'm Saiyan as well."


"Yes. I'll tell you all about it," he assured him.

Seventeen nodded. "Yes. I want to know everything about you, Trunks. I want to know you, all of you."

The demi-Saiyan smiled. "You make everything sound so sexual."

"I meant what I said," he insisted. "I want things to be good between us. I won't be bad anymore. I won't kill. I won't make you hate me, Trunks. I promise."

He was serious. Trunks saw it in his eyes. "I'm glad, Seventeen."

They were about to share another kiss when a small blast of energy landed several feet away from them, showering them with pebbles and dust.

When the dust cloud cleared, a figure appeared on the mountaintop.

"What about your promise to me?" The voice was unmistakably familiar to Seventeen and so was its owner.


The blonde android smiled bitterly and descended to the ground.

"I should have known that you were weak. All of that talk about hurting inside when he left you…"

"I won't let you hurt him."

"Who said anything about hurting him?"

Seventeen relaxed a little.

"I'm going to kill him."

"No!" Seventeen faced his sister, trying to block Trunks from her.

Trunks pushed past Seventeen and said, "I'm sick of this. You can't stop us from seeing each other."

Eighteen crossed her arms and stared coldly at the human. "Death can stop anything."

"I'm not afraid to fight you."

"Funny, your father said the same thing."

Trunks gasped.

"I heard you and your mother. Who knew that my brother would fall for the son of that stubborn little loud mouth? It's really laughable."

"Why you…" Trunks clenched his fists and growled.

Seventeen kept him behind him. He knew that all it would take was a clear shot for his sister to finish off the demi-Saiyan.

"First I killed the father, and now I'll kill the son…"

"No!" Seventeen charged at her, intending to move her away from the area. They collided with each other and Seventeen locked his arms around her. "I won't let you do this!"

"Of course not…" she reared back her head and then slammed it forward into Seventeen's jarring him loose from her. "I know how difficult it is to see the person you care about die, and now you're going to experience the same thing."

Her hands filled with energy and she sent several blasts at her brother, driving him into the mountainside.

"Seventeen!" Trunks cried out and rushed in a fury towards Eighteen. His fists and legs were a blur as he tried to connect one of his kicks and punches. Eighteen blocked each one, grinning evilly in the process.

"That's right, fight me. You're going to die just like your father," she taunted. "Fight me with everything you have. You still won't win."

"Shut UP!" he yelled and cupped his hands together. He summoned up his energy and threw a large round blast at her. It swallowed her up, blinding her for a moment. Her arms covered her face in an effort to protect it. A second blast ignited the first but Eighteen managed to pull free of the explosion before it could damage her.

"You'll pay for that!" She flew at him her teeth and hands clenched.

Trunks was ready for her and he landed a couple blows to her stomach, and one to her face, but the blonde android recovered quickly. Her foot hit his temple and the other, his throat. Trunks gagged and tried to avoid another attack from her, but she had already gained the advantage in the fight. She grabbed a fistful of his lavender hair, wrenched his head back and elbowed him in the jaw. She released him and let loose a barrage of punches, pummeling him into submission. Trunks staggered weakly in the air.

Eighteen gave a lilting laugh and gave him a right hook. The blow was so strong that it sent him crashing to the ground. She was on him in a second, hitting him and thrashing him with miniature blasts.

Trunks blacked out under her assault. Eighteen didn't let up on him. She was incensed. Here, she thought, was what had corrupted her brother -this human with the strange colored hair and beautiful face. He had to die, and then everything would be all right.

Seventeen had finally pushed himself free of the rubble. He took one look at his sister and the unconscious Trunks and became furious.

"Stop it, Eighteen!"

Eighteen stood over him, placed her foot on Trunks' chest and grinned. "All right," she said. "He's just a toy, and I'm tired of playing with him."

She raised her foot to crush him.

"Don't touch him!" Seventeen yelled.

"Are you jealous that I'm playing with your lover?" she asked. "He is cute, isn't he? Is that his real hair color? Tell me, you should know. You've been intimate with him. I've seen you two together."

"Let him go, now!" Seventeen ordered.

Eighteen removed her foot, but straddled Trunks' hips. "Things were a lot simpler when we had no outside distractions -I with my human, you with yours."

She touched the soft strands of Trunks' hair. "Father was right. We malfunctioned. Why else would we care about humans who are as weak as this?"

"You're wrong, Eighteen," he told her. "Doctor Gero, he was insane."

"No. He was our father, and we killed him." Eighteen raised her hand to her breast.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm putting an end to it…the pain, the suffering."


Eighteen's hand began to glow as energy filled it. Seventeen threw himself at her and sent the both of them tumbling down the rocky slope. They rolled to a stop at the bottom.

"Eighteen! I won't let you do this!"

Eighteen struck him across the face and tossed him off her. "I was always stronger than you."

She rose into the air and aimed her palm at her brother down below.

"Eighteen, you're mad!"

"That's right! It's your entire fault, and you're little lover is going to pay for it with his life!"

She aimed a blast of energy towards Trunks. Seventeen rushed after the deadly ball.

"What are you doing? You'll never save him!" Eighteen yelled.

Seventeen felt the heat of the blast as he flew right into it. The explosion blinded and deafened him for a moment. He awkwardly landed on the ground, wincing in pain.

"Stop interfering!"

"Never!" Seventeen quickly stood over Trunks' still form, blocking him from Eighteen's view.

Eighteen screamed out in anger and pulled at her hair. Her actions shocked Seventeen.

"Eighteen…" he was deeply concerned about his sister's behavior. "Eighteen calm down."

"You love him, don't you, more than you love me?"

"Eighteen, you're my sister. I love you, but I won't let you kill him!" he told her.

Eighteen landed, her body trembling with rage. "You do love him more."

Seventeen didn't know what to say. He would be lying to her if he denied her words.

She charged at him, knocking him down to the ground.

"My dear brother," she said. "You managed to save your human after all."

She stood over him and placed her palm over her breast. She was about to activate the self-destruct device in her chest. If she accomplished that, the explosion would be huge. Trunks and Seventeen wouldn't survive.

"We'll both die…together."

He rolled away from her and hurled an energy ball towards Eighteen. There was a great explosion and the blast knocked her several yards away from Trunks. Eighteen skidded to a stop face first, one of her arms buried beneath her.

"Eighteen!" Seventeen rushed to her side. "Eighteen, I'm sorry!"

He knelt down beside her and pulled her into his arms. There was a gaping hole in the right side of her chest. Seventeen had barely missed the self-destruct mechanism.

"Eighteen speak to me!"

A small sound of pain came from her. Her eyes fluttered open.

Seventeen touched his forehead to her cheek. What had he done? He had killed her -his only link to his past.

"Eighteen…" his throat ached and he could barely speak.

"I didn't think that this would happen," she muttered.

"I'm…sorry, but you were…" the words swarmed in his brain. He had tried to protect Trunks. He was who had mattered the most, but now his sister…

He shook his head to clear his mind and asked her, "Why did you…make me do this?"

"I don't know," her blue eyes trembled, "but it made me so angry...to see the both of you together."

"I didn't want…" his voice broke.

Eighteen raised a weak hand towards her brother's face and moved his dark hair away from his eyes. "You wanted him."

It was as if the movement had been too much for her, because her hand fell limply across her chest. She stared at him and Seventeen thought he saw fear in her eyes. A faint memory of them huddled together in a dark alley, watching in fright as rats scurried about them flashed through his mind's eye. They had been alone and afraid for so long until the doctor had found them and taken them in and…changed them.

"For the better," he had said. "You won't be cold or hungry or scared anymore."

Had he lied? He must have, because Seventeen was beginning to shiver with fear. He was losing his sister.

"Eighteen, I'll find someone to help, just hold on!"

"It's…too late…" she said.

She gave a frightened cry.


Her eyes slid close and her body went limp.

Seventeen gently shook her.


She didn't move.

He promised us…he promised we wouldn't suffer anymore.

The doctor had tricked them both. Now all that Seventeen had left of his sister was an empty shell. He hugged her to him one last time and kept repeating to her the words "I'm sorry."


Trunks wakened with a groan. He remembered that he had been fighting with Eighteen and quickly rose to his feet. There was no sign of the blonde android, but he saw Seventeen kneeling next to a mound in the ground. He rushed to his side.

"Seventeen are you hurt?" he asked and checked Seventeen's limbs for any damage.

"No," Seventeen told him. "Are you?"

"I'm fine. I'm tougher than I look," he joked.

Seventeen looked at the mound and said, "My sister is gone."

"I'm sorry," Trunks said. He tucked a loose black strand of hair behind Seventeen's ear and slid his hand down to cup the android's nape. "I'm glad that you're okay."

Seventeen touched the demi-Saiyan's lips and parted his own. Trunks instantly knew what he wanted. He dipped his head and lightly brushed his lips across Seventeen's. Seventeen buried his fingers in his lover's lavender locks and closed his eyes as Trunks affectionately kissed his cheeks, then his jaw.

Trunks pulled him into his embrace. Seventeen breathed deeply of the half Saiyan's scent. He had almost lost him. The thought made him shudder.

"Why?" he uttered. The pain was unbearable.

Trunks held him tighter.

"She didn't understand," Seventeen said. "It wasn't her fault."

"She was going to kill you," Trunks told him.

"No. She wouldn't have done such a thing. She was just angry," Seventeen said in denial.

Trunks kissed Seventeen's forehead. "It's not your fault. Don't even think of blaming yourself."

"I don't know if I can live without her," the android admitted.

"You can and you will. I'll help you." Trunks kissed him on his lips.

Seventeen leaned against him.

"I love you Seventeen."

The blue-eyed android enveloped Trunks in his arms. "I-I love you too, Trunks."

Something wet rolled down his cheek. He touched his fingers to it and looked at it in shock.


A tear…but Dr. Gero…he had said that they weren't humans anymore.

He held Trunks even tighter. It seemed that the doctor had been wrong. He had mentally conditioned them to believe that they were not capable of love. He himself had distanced himself from the emotion. He'd thought that he was above it, and far more superior than any human.

The tear meant that he was half-human. Eighteen…she had died too soon. She had died not knowing what they truly were. If only…if only things had been different.

"Lets go home, Seventeen."

There was nothing more that he could do. Home sounded good and he was suddenly very tired.

"Yes, home."


They were in bed. Their bodies meshed, Seventeen on top of Trunks, pale, creamy skin against golden-tanned flesh. Midnight and lavender intertwined.

They had shared a shower and enjoyed hours of fun.

Trunks had bit him again, this time on his hip. The mark still looked raw. Trunks ran his fingers over it. Seventeen thought that the demi-Saiyan simply had a fetish for biting. He voiced his assumption to him and Trunks chuckled.

"It's not really a fetish, Seventeen," he explained. "This mark, it means that you're mine and that we belong together."

"Then what does this one mean?" Seventeen slipped on to the cool sheets, turned on his side and touched the teeth marks on his left flank.

Trunks smirked and kissed the rosy area. "That one means that you have a cute butt."

"Oh?" Seventeen smiled, "and when am I going to mark your cute butt?"

Trunks sweat dropped. He had a feeling that Seventeen wasn't talking about a love bite.

"Well, uh."

"Why are you being so shy now?" he asked him and caressed his member. "You weren't a moment ago when you were inside me."

Trunks moaned. He was getting hard again from Seventeen's hand and words.

"It will be good. You'll see," he continued to persuade him and kissed the demi-Saiyan. His tongue lingered in Trunks' mouth, mimicking what he wanted to do to him with another part of his body.

Trunks' hips began lifting, his cock thrusting eagerly into his lover's fist. Seventeen smiled mischievously. He had him right where he wanted him. He leaned over and licked the head of Trunks' flared cock head then seductively said, "Roll over for me, Trunks…" and the demi-Saiyan did.


In the words of Ether: Wankity, wank, wank! *____*Thanks to everyone who liked my fic! I had a good time with it because it was about one of my favorite DBZ characters, Seventeen. *sigh* He's a hot piece of android…O__O! Um...I drifted off there for a while! ^__^'