Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight and Lavender ❯ Midnight and Lavender 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Midnight and Lavender 5 by Kaialicious

Disclaimer: I have never and will not ever make a profit from Dragon Ball Z and any of its merchandise. I have created this story for the soul purpose of entertaining myself. Akira Toriyama has all the rights to Dragon Ball Z.

Warning: This story contains intense YAIO and obscene language. It is not intended for under aged readers.

Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated to Ninjin. Good looking out Nin! I would have never finished it if you hadn't given me the encouragement. ^__^


Trunks released his mother and looked up at the construction on the roof. The place would be up in no time. They had dedicated workers on the job.

"When are you going to tell me where you have been these past few days?"

"Mom, you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Trunks, I am building a time machine."

He smiled and said, "Okay, maybe you would."

"What is it? Tell me," Bulma encouraged him.

"Well, I…I met someone."

"Oh, you were staying with her then?"

Trunks shook his head and said, "No mom. I was staying with him."

Bulma's eyes widened. "Oh."

He nudged a tuft of grass with the toe of his boot. His mother studied his nervous behavior and touched the sleeve of his jacket.

"You care about him," she said.

Trunks blushed and told her, "Yeah, but he did something really bad. I don't think I could ever forgive him."

"What did he do?"

"He…killed dad."

Bulma gasped and covered her mouth. After all of these years it still hurt for her to think of Vegeta.

"Do you see why I can't forgive him?"

"You're…you're in love with one of those…androids?"

"I didn't say that I was in love with him." Trunks frowned.

"You don't have to say it, Trunks. It's painfully obvious that you are," she told him. "But no," she shook her head. "He wasn't the one that killed Vegeta. The other one, the blond one did it."

Trunks was surprised by this information. "You were there?"

"I was watching the television. Some reporter got close enough to film the fight. Vegeta had trained so hard…but it wasn't enough."

Eighteen had killed his father. But what of Krillen, Piccolo, Goku, and his best friend and teacher -Gohan? Seventeen had killed Krillen, Trunks was sure of that. But had he also killed the others?

"I killed hundreds of humans, Trunks. You know that. And I am sorry for it, I truly am."

He had not believed him…

"I came to hate killing humans…"

…because he had been so cold…

"I detested it and Eighteen did as well. She had stopped long before me."

…when he had said those words.

"I am not a monster!"

He had been so angry when Trunks had called him that.

"What should I do mom?"

"Your father killed thousands of people, maybe billions."

This shocked Trunks. His mother had always talked of his father as if he was the bravest man that ever lived. Price Vegeta, in her eyes could do no wrong. He was a proud, warrior who died trying to protect her and their son and the world.

"At first, he had been forced to do it by a tyrant named Freiza. Then, he started enjoying it. It was how he dealt with the pain. He was always so angry. But I forgave him, because I loved him and I understood that deep down inside he was sorry for what he had done."

Why hadn't she told him this before? "Mom…why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted you to remember him as a good person," she explained, "and he was good, Trunks. He died trying to save us all."

Dad. Trunks had not known the noble Saiyan. Everything that he had learned about him had come from his mother. He knew that Vegeta had loved them both very much and now, he knew that his father had not been the perfect prince. He'd had the blood of innocent people on his hands, just like Seventeen.

Seventeen…The android's clear blue eyes flashed through his mind. Feelings within him began to stir, but he quickly shook carnal thoughts of the android from his head.

His mother had no such problems with bringing up the subject of the beautiful android again.

"Have you…bitten him yet?" she asked.

"Mother!" Trunks squeaked out in embarrassment.

"I'm just trying to help you, sweetheart. Well, did you and Seventeen get intimate or not?"

Trunks was mortified that he was having this conversation with his mother. "That wasn't the question, mom."

"So? If you slept with him, and you're this worked up over him, then you bit him."

Trunks slumped and asked her, "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Everything, Trunks, everything," Bulma said and enlightened her son about the Saiyans' method of mating.


"Are you okay?" Bulma asked him with a smile some time later.

"Yeah." Trunks ducked his head. "I bit him, a lot."

"Then you must like him a lot."

Yes, he thought. No wonder he had been so obsessed with him during their lovemaking. Seventeen had become his through primitive means. One bite…it seemed so insignificant. Trunks had wanted to keep on thrusting into oblivion when he was with him, and now he knew why.

He's my mate…A smug smile worked its way on to his face. Mine, mine, mine!

"Thanks mom, for everything." He kissed her on the cheek and darted up into the sky. He had to find Seventeen and tell him that he forgave him.

He went to Seventeen's apartment. The little android wasn't there. He sat on the bed that they had shared and sighed. They had known each other only for a short while, and yet, his feelings for him were so strong. He wanted to stay with Seventeen forever.

The fact that Seventeen had not aged a day since the battle with his friends and family did not elude him. He would simply have to find a way to live with the ever-youthful android. Maybe, once his mother's time machine was built…he could borrow it and use the DragonBalls in the past to make his Seventeen human. Maybe, his mother would know of some other way to fix their problem. She was smart and she would help him if he asked her to.

As far as I see it, we'll be together, Seventeen.

He rose from the bed and resumed the search for his lover. The city below was slowly being cleared. More and more survivors were walking about in the open. A little girl waved to him and he smiled at her. Her mother clutched her to her side, fearing that it was one of the androids, but smiled at him as well when she recognized the lavender haired young man that had helped them find shelter.

He saw the blast when he was hovering over the city. It came from the mountains.


He headed for the plume of smoke and debris.

He could feel him. His mother had spoken of this bond. She and his father had shared the same thing.

He recalled the urge that he'd had to claim Seventeen in every way possible. He had left his marks on him and it had been all so primitive. At the time, conquering the android had been more than a pleasure. It had been his destiny.


Eighteen followed the lavender haired human at a distance. She had suspected that he would come back to her brother. Playful Seventeen had caught the human in his trap. Eighteen envied the devotion that the human had for her brother. It gnawed incessantly at her mind, that Seventeen had acquired a lover while she had none. She had tried to find another, but there was no one that interested her. The one that had drawn her attention was no longer living and for her, the world had grown cold.

It was all Seventeen's fault and he had to pay.


Seventeen hurled a blast of energy at the mountaintop and yelled out his anger to the heavens. He should have known better than to trust a human, especially one that he had blackmailed into his bed. He had lied to him. He had told him that he didn't have a girlfriend…but that woman that he kissed…Seventeen had seen true emotion in Trunks' eyes for her. Who was she and why did Trunks love her so much?

He threw another ball of energy towards the mountain, carving a huge crevice out of the rock. She could have him, he thought, but then realized that he was too selfish to let anyone have him. He blamed his indecision on Trunks and fired another energy blast at the defenseless mountain.

"The mountain didn't do anything to you, Seventeen."

He held back as the voice interrupted him. He looked behind him, saw the lavender haired human hovering nearby and frowned.

"Go away."

"Is that any way to welcome me?"

"Why would I welcome you? I don't have a use for you anymore."

"That's very cold of you, Seventeen."

"Oh, you already know that I can be very warm when I want to," he told him with a mischievous smile.

Trunks returned his smile and was startled as a hot burst of energy shot past him and plowed into the ground hundreds of feet below. The android had been aiming for him.

"Seventeen, stop!"

"Don't tell me what to do!"

Trunks avoided another blast and blocked his face with his arm as debris from the rocks pelted him. It was apparent to him that Seventeen was angry, but one way or another, he was determined to claim his prize.

"You almost got me there, Seventeen."

"I'll try harder to get you next time," he promised, and missed him a third time.

Trunks chuckled. "Nice shot. You scorched my jacket...barely."

Seventeen scowled and charged at him. The android's fists flew at him in a fury. Trunks blocked each blow, sporting an arrogant smile on his face. His overconfidence made Seventeen even more upset.

"You stupid human! Don't you know what's good for you?"

"Yes, you are," he said. "You need me."

Trunks grabbed Seventeen and pulled him to him. His arms were like a vice. Again, he wondered at the human's strength, but it soon became a distant thought. He realized that their fighting was stimulating Trunks. The evidence of it was pressing into his belly.

"I-I don't need you!" Seventeen shouted, trembling with rage.

Trunks refused to let go of him. "But I need you," he said and kissed him.

Seventeen struggled for a while, but gave in when he realized that the human was too strong for him.

"Trunks…why did you do that when you have her to do that with?" he asked when the kiss had ended.


"That woman with the blue hair. I saw you two...together."

Trunks grinned at Seventeen's serious expression. He preferred it when the android was having his "fun." He liked seeing him in good spirits. More so, he liked seeing him in the midst of sexual excitement. Thinking about it was driving him mad. A low growl rumbled in his throat.

"Do you like being with her?" Seventeen pressed.

"Of course I do," Trunks answered. "She's my mother."

"You're mother?" he paled. He felt foolish. He had revealed his jealousy to Trunks.

"Yes," Trunks said and hurriedly undid Seventeen's belt and pants. He pushed them down the android's slender hips and looked at his nakedness. "My uke…" He kissed the still stunned Seventeen -touched him possessively.

"We can't."

"Why not?" Trunks greedily slid his hands over his lean torso.


"Isn't here, so what are you worried about?"

"I'm not worried," Seventeen snapped.

Trunks chuckled and told him, "You are. You're worried about me. Admit it, Seventeen."

I'll admit nothing! He thought angrily.

Trunks kissed his nose and said, "Lack of sex has made you cranky. I don't like it one bit. I'll have to do something about it."

Seventeen stared at Trunks' mouth and said, "No," but he sounded unsure of what he wanted. Trunks helped him make a better decision. He kissed him again -his mouth lingering as he tugged on the android's lower lip. When Trunks looked at him, he smiled triumphantly. There within Seventeen's icy blue gaze was that hunger that was familiar to him. He was his, and there was no escaping that.

"I…I do need my protein," Seventeen muttered and desperately clutched Trunks.

Before they knew what was happening, they were on the ground, both naked from the waist down. Seventeen impaled himself on Trunks and moaned in delight. He missed his human lover so much that it made his eyes burn. To smother the frightening feeling, he closed his eyes and concentrated on being with him.

Trunks cupped his slender hips and rolled them towards him. Seventeen clenched Trunks' shirt in his hands. Trunks wrapped his sword-roughened hand around Seventeen's erection and gently pulled on the pretty shaft. He increased the motion of his hand and Seventeen threw his head back and sighed. Trunks bit into the soft skin of his throat and purred.


Trunks moved his other hand over Seventeen's buttock and ran his middle finger over the android's engorged entrance.

He continued to nibble at Seventeen's throat. Moving downwards, he flicked his tongue against the agitated flesh. His tongue prodded at Seventeen's collarbone. The dark haired android arched his back and Trunks took his nipple into his mouth. He teased the pink nub until it swelled.


Trunks adjusted his position; lifting Seventeen with him until Trunks was on his knees. He gave Seventeen a few quick thrusts before he set the android down on his back. Trunks was now over him, his member still inside of him, throbbing with life.

Seventeen slipped his hand between them and grabbed his hard cock. He jerked himself while Trunks filled him repeatedly.

The sensations that haunted him whenever Trunks made love to him returned full force. It crippled him with pleasure. He could do nothing but bask in contentment. Trunks knew how make to love him, thoroughly. Seventeen didn't care if he was being greedy. What mattered was that his human was here and he was giving him what they both needed -one more chance at bliss.

Seventeen crushed his lips to Trunks' and pushed at his shoulders, reversing their positions. He rode Trunks long and hard, his face pink from his efforts. Trunks tightened his hold on his lover's hips, bringing him down to meet his every thrust.

Seventeen clenched Trunks' jacket in his fists and shivered as his body tensed. It was going to be over all too soon.


He could no longer hold back. He cried out as his orgasm rushed through him. His buttocks clenched, and his essence spilled from him and spattered on to Trunks' belly.

"No…" he protested weakly, his vision wavered. His eyes were irritating him. Had dust entered them?

Trunks' moan signaled the human's own climax. Seventeen felt his heat spurt inside of him. It was over.

Seventeen's chest ached. He slumped against Trunks and buried his face in his jacket. He sniffed at the human's clean scent, intent on remembering how his lover smelled. He kissed him, wanting to remember how he tasted, and then he rested his head against Trunks' chest just to hear his heart beat. His human had a good heart. He was kind, perhaps too much. It was a shame that it was now over between them. Seventeen had looked forward to learning more about the lavender haired human.

"This has to be our last moment together," he muttered.

"What are you talking about?" Trunks said. "I'm not leaving you."

"You will. You have to," Seventeen told him. "I know my sister. She'll kill you."

"I won't leave."

Seventeen looked at him, his face hardened and expressionless. "I'll make you leave."

Trunks laughed at him. "If you keep that up I'll start to believe you."

Seventeen was aghast. He noted the change in Trunks. The human was being more aggressive with him and he was taking his threats lightly. What had caused this sudden change in him?

Seventeen shook the thought from his head and studied Trunks with determination. He would rather die than see his lover perish at the hands of his sister. It would hurt him greatly never to see Trunks again, but it had to be done.

"If you don't do as I say, I'll pay a visit to your mother."

Trunks blinked and stared blankly at him for a few seconds then burst out laughing.

"What is so funny?"

Trunks folded his arms behind his head and said smugly, "She already knows about you. I told her everything."

Damn it!

Seventeen frowned as the human continued to laugh at him. He decided that he hated this change in him. It made Trunks just a little too arrogant.

"Stop laughing you bastard!"

The human held him and laughed even more.


*sigh* Another chapter done, thank Dende. The next one will be the final chapter…I think. ^__^