Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mimic ❯ What did you do? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
This is for Cherry and Skayda, thanx for the nice reviews! Boy do I ever feel good now! And
Skayda, draw away and I'll figure out how to post it! Well, on with the show!

I slowly backed away from Vegeta. He was positively terrifying! I had no idea what to do,
should I try to calm him down, run, or try to hold my ground? I knew I would die if I
tried to fight him, his power level was already well above my own, and it didn't even
look like he was finished. I could just go ahead and jump to another dimension, but could
I honestly leave him here like this? I knew that I had no choice but to try to calm him
down, but how does one calm a crazy Saiyan?

Food, I remember my mother, Dobreha, fixing my father, Akanasu, a nice meal when a full
moon came out. He was extremely edgy and irrational on those days, but he would always
calm down at mealtime.

*Well, it wont hurt to try it* I thought to myself. I opened up the portal that I kept
all my food in, and Vegeta chose that moment to rush me, knocking us both in.


"Where in the hell are we? What have you done and why in the hell am I surrounded by


"What have I done? Do you have any idea what happens now? I can't go back to your
dimension, it would cause a dimensional tear to travel back so soon, so now I have
to take you with me when I jump."


"What? I refuse to go anywhere with you!"

I looked over to the Saiyan prince, who was eating everything that came close to
him. *Well, at least my distraction worked* I knew I had to get us out fast, the
only air in here is what got trapped in here with us, and I knew that it wasn't a
lot. I opened up a portal right behind the unsuspecting prince, then I flew as fast
as I could go straight towards him, knocking us both into another dimension.

Well, where do you think they'll end up? I'm not to sure where I want them to go so if you
have an idea leave it in your review! Thanx! And sorry for the short chapter, the next one
will be longer (hopefully)

Bye bye,
