Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mimic ❯ Phenistae? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Birdie: "Guess what?"

Raditz: "What?"

Birdie: "I'm quitting smoking!"

Raditz: "No you're not, your hair is still smoldering."

Birdie: "Warning: never fight with a Saiyan just because your feeling the effects
of no nicotine in your system, no matter how badass you're feeling at the time."

The story is about to get weird, I'm quitting smoking, so basically I'm typing to
keep my hands busy. I'm feeling kind of bi-polar or something lol, and it will
probably show. Well, on with the show.

We were surrounded. There were some huge grasshoppers standing all around us. I
looked over to Vegeta, he was just staring, his mouth hanging open and a strange
look on his face.

Vegeta: "Arlians, I can't believe it."

Nyto: "It's the savior, he's come once again to free us!"

Sonaj: "We will finally be free from Phenistae!"

*Phenny? It couldn't be, could it?* I wondered.

"Take us to this Phenistae at once!" I shouted at the Arlians surrounding us.

"No need, I'm already here" came a voice from outside the crowd. "Who is disturbing
my little workers?"

The crowd parted and I saw her. I still remember her from my youth, the piercing
green eyes, spiky silver hair, and the finely toned tan skin. I laughed as I
looked at the little tiara perched on her head, and a royal red robe wrapped
around her shoulders.

"Who are you and why are you laughing!?!" She shouted at me.

"Always wanted to be a princess, didn't you Phenny?" I shouted as I came closer to her.

She looked at me in shock. "Nasis?"


"Who is that girl, what's going on?"


"Vegeta, this is my sister, Phenistae. Watch her, she's an elemental Mimic."


"What the hell is an elemental Mimic?"


"Well, you can tell what powers a Mimic has from the day we're born. I have
violet eyes, so my main strength is dimensional jumping. I'm a dimensional
Mimic. Phenny was born with green eyes, which means that her strength is
controlling the elements."


"What are you doing here Nasis? And how did you manage to get the prince to
come with you? Don't tell me you've actually found your mate."


"Phenny, it's not like that, I'm just on a small quest for Lord Freeza, and
I found this Vegeta in the last dimension I was in. He pushed both of us into
my food portal of all things. And, well, you know how it is, no going back to
his dimension for at least a year."


"Stop calling me Phenny! I'm not a child anymore, and I hate that damn name!
My name is Queen Phenistae, and you will address me as such!"


"Oh stop being so dramatic, Phenny, and you're not a queen! From the looks of
things, you've become nothing but a common slave driver. How did you manage
to become such a bitch?"


"I'll show you bitch! I'm gonna kick your sorry ass all over this planet!"


"Bring it on cricket queen!"

Vegeta's pov:

I watched as the two girls slowly circled each other. They looked pretty pissed
off, and I thought someone was going to die. Then it happened. Nasis lunged at
her sister, and grabbed her hair! *What the fuck! What is she thinking?* I
watched as Phenistae started slapping her sister, I had never seen anything so
fucking pathetic it my entire life. When Nasis counter attacked by scratching
her sisters face I knew what I was witnessing, it was a cat fight. I had to
stop this nonsense, it was making me ill. I formed a small ki ball in each hand
and threw one at each of the pathetic females.


"What in the hell did you do that for Vegeta?!?"


"That was the most pathetic fight I have ever seen in my entire life! Who trained
you two? I'm going to find the person and kill them before they make anymore
weaklings like the two of you!"

Nasis and Phenistae:



"Yes, train. You know, learning how to fight, perfecting your battle instincts."


"We've never trained before, were Mimics, we fight with magic. There is no need
for us to train."


"Yeah, I can simply set people on fire, and Nasis can suck people into a wormhole.
We don't need to fight to win, therefore, there's no need to train."


"No need to train! You both are half Saiyan, are you not?"




"Well, than as your prince, I command you both to learn how to fight. You both look
ridiculous. It's an insult to the Saiyan race. Nasis! Take us somewhere where I
can train you two!"


"Very well my prince."

I opened a portal and dragged my sister into it, I was already hating this arrangement,
but what could I do? Vegeta actually looked pleased with himself.

Well, that's it for now. Review if you liked it, and if you didn't tell me why and i'll
try to fix it.

bye bye,
