Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mimic ❯ Vegeta's Revenge ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

We slid into the nothingness, I had to concentrate on finding a battle arena or
something. There! I felt what we needed up to the right. I grabbed Phenistae and
Vegeta and opened a hole. We went through and I found myself in a throne room of
sorts. I recognized Dodoria at once, I had always hated the pink fucker. I looked
behind me and saw Lord Freeza and Zarbon as well.


"Vegeta, what are you doing in here? Get your monkey ass on Rivaa, I want it purged
before the week is up!"


"Nasis, you couldn't have picked a better spot. Now watch girls, I'm only going to
do this once, then you get the other two."

We watched Vegeta walk slowly up to Freeza, a maniacal smirk on his face. He looked
like he had been wanting to do this for a long time. When he reached Freeza he looked
down at the small lizard and shouted Fuck You! And it was on.

I had never witnessed such an awesome display of power, Vegeta was blocking everything
Freeza was throwing at him! Freeza backed off and started to raise his power. Vegeta
let him, a cruel smile on his face. When Freeza was completely powered up Vegeta
smirked and began powering up, he kept transforming until I couldn't even recognize
him anymore. He had red fur covering most of his body, and leather pants? Where in
the hell did those come from? The sadistic grin on his face completed the look.
Freeza never even saw it coming. Vegeta powered up a huge blast, and he attacked.
Freeza didn't even have time to blink, he was vaporized instantly.

This is soooo short, but i thought Vegeta's revenge on Freeza deserved it's own chapter,
Vegeta has waited long enough. He definately deserves it!

bye bye,
