Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mind, Body & Spirit ❯ Urges ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author's Note: It's me again! This is a little something I put together while I was at work…I tired to keep it in a strict timeline and character. If you don't think so, oh well, I tired. Citrus Alert here, but not as strong as the lemons I've written before.

Disclaimer: All Characters of DBZ are owned and Licensed by FUNimation, INC. Don't you even think about suing me!

Mind, Body, & Spirit

Written by Gokusgirl

Part One: Urges

Bulma grumbled as the loud buzzing of the alarm clock rang, stabbing through her ears painfully. She reached out for the clock on the dresser, and couldn't reach it. That's strange, she thought to herself, moving closer to the edge of the bed so she could turn the clock off. Usually her alarm clock sat right on the edge of the nightstand, at arms reach. Finally sitting up halfway, she found the clock and quickly hit the snooze bar. Ah…just ten more minutes

She sank back down on the mattress, pulling up the thick warm comforter over her exposed shoulder. She shut her eyes and began to fall back asleep, but all at once she snapped her eyes open, raising her head up to look at the clock.

4:30 AM…what the hell ??!!?? She looked around the dark room, not really seeing much, but not seeing anything familiar, either. Panic swept through her as she tried to recount the night before, and where she was at the present moment. Her mind spun with a hundred unanswered questions, but soon they would be answered…

She felt the bed creak and shift, and she almost screamed. Slowly, she turned over and to her horror, she found the Saiyan no Ouji lying beside her! He was on his back, his arms, sprawled out around him, sound asleep.

She quickly turned back over, her eyes bulging. She closed them tightly, silently praying that she didn't do it. That she didn't go to bed with the one person she hated most. But as suddenly as she discovered where she was, the memories of last night came rushing in, choking her in her moment of regret…

As usual around 10 PM every night, Bulma's parents retired for bed. Evenings always were Bulma's favorite time of the day, so after working hard in the lab all day, coming home and relaxing in front of the TV was her favorite pastime.

After getting a hot shower and putting on her nightgown, Bulma made a quick stop in the kitchen to get a bowl of ice cream before plopping down on the couch to watch a movie.

Fifteen minutes into the movie, Vegeta walked into the den, snatching up the remote off the coffee table and turning the channel. He dropped down onto the couch beside her hard, making the cushion with her on it bounce.

"I was watching that, you asshole!" Bulma shouted, trying to grab the remote out of his hand.

"And now you're not," Vegeta flatly replied, holding the remote over his head, keeping it out her reach. "Go to bed."

Bulma was furious, and as she continued to grab the remote from Vegeta, she never realized she dropped her ice cream out of her lap. And she never even gave it a thought that she was now climbing into the Saiyan's lap, straddling his waist in attempt to take the remote that was still out of her grasp. Leaning towards him, she stretched her arms out, trying her best to get the item, never noticing the proximity of their bodies. But Vegeta noticed, and he held the remote up higher, and higher, making the lithe body press against his. All at once, he lowered his arm, and she quickly snatched the remote out of his hand.

"Ah-ha! I got it sucker!" Bulma said with a triumphal laugh.

"And I got you," Vegeta said, sliding his arms around her waist.

"Huh?" Bulma said confusingly, looking about herself. Finally realizing what he meant, she tried to get off his lap, but his hold on her tightened. She began to panic. "Vegeta…let me go." She tired to speak calmly.

"I'm not through playing this game," Vegeta purred, kissing the hollow of her throat. "And I never leave a game unfinished."

Immediately Bulma slapped him hard across this face, leaving a huge crimson marking. She covered her mouth, fearing what she just did. She knew he could crush her with his bare hands, what the hell was she thinking? Her eyes scanned all over his face, watching his scowl deepen.

Suddenly, the frown disappeared, and his evil smirk formed across his face. His eyes twinkled with something she knew would be her demise.

"I commend you for being so…spunky…but if you value your life, I suggest you to not do that again. Agreed?"

Too scared to speak, Bulma hesitantly nodded.

"Now," Vegeta said in a much lighter tone. "Let's see what's under here…" His hands left her waist and slid across her buttocks, gently squeezing them before gliding under her short nightgown. Bulma gasped, totally forgetting on major thing…

"No undergarment eh?Well, you certainly was waiting for me tonight." Vegeta said with a cruel chuckle. His hands smoothed across her bare buttocks, and Bulma let out an involuntary moan. She bit her lip, feeling a mixture of loathing and lust for the Saiyan as he caressed her. She hated the fact he was doing that so well, and her body was reacting to it so quickly.

"You should let go…it'll make it quite enjoyable for the both of us." Vegeta sneered.

"I don't want you, I've never wanted you." Bulma said hoarsely.

"Really? Well let's see…" Vegeta slid a hand between her firm thighs, finding her very wet center. Bulma gasped when she felt his fingers skim across her slickness, zeroing in on her clitoris, twirling it with is fingers.

"Ugh…oh god…stop…" Bulma moaned, dropping the remote, grabbing Vegeta's exploring hand by the wrist. Sensing her desperation, he began to rub her harder and faster. She rolled her head back, squeezing his wrist as tight as she could. Her release came so strong and suddenly, she saw a flash of bright light as she rode it hard. Her hips had a mind of their own as they rocked back and forth against his hand.

Vegeta watched on, amused at her sudden display of ecstasy. With his eyes still on her, he brought his mouth to her heaving cleavage that jiggled in front of him for the taking. His tongue trailed across her skin, licking up her essence mixed with the salt on her skin. He quickened his fingers again across her swollen nub, sending her off again. He felt her body shiver and jolt uncontrollably as she came, her whimpers loud and intelligible. He slowed his hand down as he watched her rolled her head back upright; her eyes closed, lips partially open. She opened her eyes slowly, looking down at Vegeta in a fog of lust in her eyes. Her face grew hot as she suddenly realized what he did. Yet she wanted to be angry, but her body still tingled with surges of electricity from when he touched her…she needed more.

They stared at each other for that moment, and Bulma could not hold back any longer. She cupped his face with her hands and drew her lips to his, kissing fiercely. She never noticed he had risen from the couch, with her now wrapped around his waist as he floated to his bedroom…

Bulma was drawn out of her thoughts when she felt the warm familiar arms encircle her. She shut her eyes tightly and became still, wishing she was anywhere but there for the moment. Her heart raced as she felt Vegeta's lips press against her shoulder, his body now very close to hers.

"Too bad I have to train now," Vegeta whispered, assuming she was still asleep. "I would enjoy it very much to take you again…" He chuckled lightly, and rolled over, getting up out of the bed. Bulma sighed with relief as she heard his feet pad to the bathroom and shut the door. She remained quiet until she heard the shower turn on, and then she hopped out of the bed.

Bulma made two steps before feeling the sudden pain between her legs, and she grabbed her stomach and nearly keeled over. She quietly grabbed her nightgown that laid on the bedroom floor and limped out of the room, making sure to shut the door quietly behind her.

Finally making it to her bedroom, she threw her nightgown in the hamper and made it to the bathroom. Stepping into the hot shower, Bulma sighed. Shouldn't she feel glad that this finally happened? That her three-month dry spell was over…but why did she feel so miserable? Working the shampoo into her hair, she tired to recollect what happened…it happened so fast, and everything was so blurry…and why did she ache all over?

Bulma suddenly thought that maybe Vegeta pushed himself on her, against her will. She laughed at her stupidity. As good-looking as Vegeta was, he didn't need to take anything from anyone.

Stepping out of the shower, Bulma grabbed her white fluffy towel and began to dry off. She sat down at her vanity and began to vigorously dry her hair, and after raising her head up, she stared back at herself in the mirror. She gasped, noticing the circular wound on her neck. Taking a closer look, it appeared to be teeth marks. He bit me! Bulma thought angrily. That bastard bit me!

Grumbling to herself about what she planned to do with the Saiyan no Ouji, she slipped on a clean gown and slid under the covers of her bed. Bulma turned over, facing her huge plane glassed window. She sighed as she saw the sun beginning to rise, like it was gradually catching the sky on fire. How she hated watching sunrises alone. Her eyelids became heavy soon, and she finally fell back to sleep.

The alarm clock woke Bulma for second time that morning, and she could easily reach it this time. Moaning, she pulled herself up in bed, looking around the room. Maybe I dreamt I slept with him, she thought. But she could still feel the slight tenderness between her legs that told her the real truth. She shook her head. Why did she feel so…exhausted? Looking at the clock again, it read 8:30 AM…I think I'll sleep in for an hour or so, Bulma thought. She reset her clock and flopped back down on the bed, curling up into a ball as she fell fast asleep again.

Finally getting up for the morning, Bulma descended downstairs dress and ready for work around 10:30 AM. She wore her dark blue sleeveless dress with a multi-colored silk scarf around her neck. She decided to wear the scarf after the makeup didn't work on the bite mark.

Bulma held her breath as she entered the kitchen. Her mother, as usual, was busy at the sink washing dishes and humming a tune happily. Her father sat at the table, hidden behind the newspaper, a hand occasionally coming out to pick up his coffee. And there sat Vegeta, his eyes down in his plate as he stuffed down his food. When she entered the room, he looked up and gave her a sly smile. Bulma ignored his gesture and walked over to the sink.

"Morning everyone." Bulma spoke in a flat tone. She grabbed her coffee mug and began to pour her some coffee.

"Ah! Darling! You're finally up dear!" Mrs. Briefs said spinning around to face her lovely daughter.

"Good morning baby girl." Mr. Briefs spoke from behind his newspaper.

"What kept you, woman?" Vegeta sneered. "Did you have a hard night?"

Bulma narrowed her eyes at him. Ignoring his remark, she sat down at the table in front of him and changed the subject. "Mom…how are your African violets doing this year?"

Her mother walked over to the table, looking at Bulma confusingly. "You never asked me about my flower garden dear."

"Well, I should." Bulma said with a smile. Her mother dried her hands on her apron and sat down next to her daughter.

"Well…" Mrs. Briefs started. "I didn't think they were going to bloom this year, but I went down to the Hyland Botanicals in Gingertown and they gave me the purest fertilizer!"

"Mmmm…interesting." Bulma said, trying hard not to sound bored.

"But I just can't seem to get my red roses to peak this year…" Mrs. Briefs said shaking her head.

"Well you should ask her about peaking," Vegeta interrupted. "She does that very well…don't you woman?"

Bulma's face turned red, and her Mother laughed.

"Oh Vegeta! You do say the silliest things!"

"Yeah, he's a goddamn comedian," Bulma said hotly under her breath.

Bulma's mother stood and returned back to the sink to finish her dishes, placing her back to Vegeta and Bulma. She went on about her beautiful garden with her daughter; delighted that someone in the household had noticed her hard work. But her words fell on deaf ears, because Bulma kept her eyes down in her cup and not on the Saiyan Prince. She finally looked up at him, and of course he was starring right back at her, a mischievous smile on his lips. He suddenly kissed and winked his eye at her, making her so damn mad she leapt from the table, knocking the chair over. Mr. Briefs let his paper down, looking at her.

"Something wrong baby girl?" Mr. Briefs asked.

"No… I'm fine." Bulma muttered as picked the chair up and pushed it up towards the table.

"Are you sure dear?" Mrs. Brief worriedly asked.

"YES! I'm off to work, okay?" Bulma blurted out, trying to keep her anger down to a minimum. She grabbed her briefcase that sat near the doorway and hurriedly walked out, feeling Vegeta's mocking glare on her back.

All day she seemed to be in a fog. She tried to focus on her daily tasks, but she couldn't get her mind off that damn Saiyan. Her lab assistants watched in confusion as she combined a molecular structure wrong three times straight. The whispered among themselves as Bulma stormed off, pissed with everyone and everything.

Lunchtime finally came, and she went out with her friends for a bite to eat. As they talked away, Bulma sighed with relief, finally…a distraction.

But soon the memories from last night flashed in her mind, and she finally remembered it all. Her girlfriends continued to talk on about their boyfriends and husbands as Bulma recounted…

Vegeta kissing her, laying her down on the bed, slowing undressing her…kissing each exposed part as he went…

…And they gossiped about the latest at work…

The warmth of Vegeta's hands, running across her naked, arching body…his mouth slowly following…this teeth nipping at her flesh, a small whimper of surrender…

…And talked about their endless relationships, jobs, their children…

The thrusting of his hips, the taste of his skin…the pure rush of pleasure searing through her body…her nails digging into his back as he wildly made love to her…this teeth sinking into her neck…the metallic taste of blood in her mouth…

Her friends laughed at Bulma's zoned out expression and she blushed. Damn! He's even effecting my very thoughts, Bulma thought to herself.

Making it back home at the end of the day, Bulma sat in her car in the driveway. Her knuckles turned white as she grasped the wheel tightly, dreading to go inside. She tried staying out all day until late that evening, hoping to avoid Vegeta. Why am I torturing myself? Bulma asked herself. Get a hold of yourself old girl…so you did it. Now get over it…

She crept in the house, taking off her high heels at the door. She made it almost to the stairs when she heard a familiar voice in the darkness of the house.

"It's about time you came home." Vegeta spoke.

Bulma spun around, looking around herself frantically. "Where are you?" She whispered. She saw Vegeta then step out of the shadows, shirtless. He was wearing a long pair of pajama bottoms that were way too big for him, because they hung very loosely around his hips, exposing his midriff (if you seen Brad Pitt in his pj's on 'Fight Club', you know what I mean! I love that spot! ^_^).

"I'm here," Vegeta said in a seductive tone. He began to walk up to her before she put her hand up, making him stop.

"Wait," Bulma said in an authoritive tone. "We need to talk."

Vegeta stuffed his hands in the pockets of the pajamas, shrugging. The pajamas slipped down a little further, which naturally caught Bulma's eye. "Alright…talk. We can do that first."

"I just want to let you know that what happened last night won't be happening again."

"Is that so?"

"Yes…that's so. It was a mistake Vegeta. I felt that you took advantage of me…"

"I didn't give you the lap dance last night."

"I was only trying to get the remote from you! And you grabbed me-"

"So you're saying I forced myself on you?" Vegeta said with a laugh. Bulma couldn't reply, she just stood there, her hand still suspended in the air. "I didn't do anything you didn't want me to do…and I don't have to force myself on you…I know you want me."

"Don't flatter yourself asshole!" Bulma tried to say in a brash tone, but failed miserably.

"Even though it was one night…Vegeta said walking up to her, grabbing her suspended hand to his warm lips. "I know everything you like in bed…I know what gets you hot, and what makes you come…" He got closer to her, his breath now on her cheek. His other hand went around her waist, pressing his body tightly against him, letting her feel his arousal that was ready for action. She shuddered when he kissed each fingertip of her hand before going to the center of her palm, licking it playfully. Oh god…don't let him do that…Bulma groaned in her mind.

"Well biting me doesn't get me hot," Bulma muttered.

"That bite wasn't' done out of pleasure. I marked you because you now belong to me."

Bulma's eyes widened with shock hearing that. She pushed away from his grasp. "You marked me as your property?" Bulma squeaked.

"No…as my mate."

"Well you can forget about that buster!" Bulma shouted. "First of all, you don't go around marking people without consulting the other party! And I'm no one's mate! I belong to no one, got it?"

Vegeta shook his head pitifully. "You're in denial, I can understand." He turned and walked away, heading for the den. He stopped and turned around to look at the fiery woman once more. "You don't have to share my bed with me tonight…but you will come back to me…and soon." He let out a little snicker and walked down the hall.

Bulma stood there, her fits clenched with fury. Just who did he think he is the asshole? She walked upstairs to her bedroom, grumbling to herself bitterly.

Bulma spent the next two days avoiding Vegeta at any cost. She went to work early, came home late, and locked herself in her bedroom, even though the Saiyan could just tear the door off the hinges if he wanted to gain entrance. Staying away from him was becoming a breeze, but deep down she felt so strange…

First it started with stomach aches and waking up in cold sweats. By the second night, Bulma had insomnia, and her head ached.

Fearing the worst, she took a home pregnancy test, which came back negative…what the hell is wrong with me? Bulma seemed to scream in her mind on morning, as she was about to leave for work. She dashed downstairs to grab a piece of toast and a huge glass of orange juice, it seemed like nothing quenched her insatiable thirst lately. As she gulped down the last of the juice, Vegeta walked in, picking up an apple out of the basket that sat on the kitchen counter.

Like a deer caught in headlights, Bulma stood still, staring at him intensely. He leaned against the counter and smirked, biting into the apple. The aches and pains in Bulma's stomach suddenly lifted away, as did the sharp pain in her head. She couldn't explain how gazing upon the Saiyan Prince put her mind and aliments at ease, and they were replaced with a hot, horny feeling. She didn't even notice she dropped her glass out of her hand, it crashing loudly to the floor in front of her. The only sound she could hear was the thumping of his heart, and oh god, his smell…it was driving her crazy!

Don't look at him, walk away…Bulma tried to tell herself. But why can't I move? And why am I getting so turned on just by being in his presence?

"Good morning stranger," Vegeta said looking her over very carefully. "How have you been?"

Bulma narrowed her eyes at him. She now knew he had something to do with her being so sick lately…