Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mind, Body & Spirit ❯ Compromise ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ. Please do not sue me!

Mind, Body & Spirit

Written by Gokusgirl

Part Two: Compromise

"You bastard," Bulma hissed. "What have you done to me?"

"I haven't done anything," Vegeta replied as he walked up to her slowly. "You're just not complying."

Vegeta's proximity made Bulma's heart thump hard in her chest, and she couldn't ignore the heat that spread throughout her body, especially between her legs.

"Stay back!" Bulma yelled fearfully, not understanding what she was feeling at the moment. A big part of her wanted to rip his clothes off and kiss him all over, but a small rational part of her wanted to run. He stopped his advance towards her, his expression perplexed to her actions. Bulma began to feel a strange, hot burning on her neck, right at the spot where he bit her. It begged to be scratched as she began rubbing on it roughly, but the more she scratched, the worse it became. Vegeta noticed her anguish, and she watched him lick his lips in anticipation, advancing towards her again.

She became mute and powerless as he finally approached her. Her eyes widened with fear and confusion as he pulled her hand away from her neck. She saw the look of concern and compassion on his face as his hand, which felt soft and cool to the touch, stroked her neck softly. She whimpered and closed her eyes, feeling a profound sensation of relief sweep across her as he began to massage the spot gently. Unknowingly, Bulma craned her neck to one side, exposing her neck to him as her limbs fell to her sides. She felt like she was in a deep trance; her feet felt like they weighed two tons so she couldn't move, and she commanded her mouth to scream several times but it seemed like her brain wasn't registering. Vegeta looked over her face, noting the sensual submission, and he smirked. Pulling her closer to him, he lowered his head down to her neck and finding the offending spot that gave her so much trouble, he clamped his mouth around it, bearing his teeth and broke the skin.

Bulma gasped, and her hands came to life as they wrapped around his shoulders. He pulled her closer as she heard him let out a low, guttural growl as he began to suck on her neck hard. She swooned a little, never experiencing anything so painful yet so erotic at the same time. Why was she letting him do this, and why did it have such a powerful effect on her? And why did it feel like she was about to have an orgasm along with it?

When he stopped his ministrations on her neck, his kisses led from her chin up to her mouth, then they kissed with intensity. Bulma's hands were now in his hair, tugging on it softly as she moaned into his mouth. He broke the kiss and looked at her, running his fingers across her lips delicately. Bulma seemed to still be in a daze as she stared back at him, suddenly feeling sleep overtake her, making her eyelids heavy.

"It's almost complete, little one." Vegeta whispered lightly.

Bulma began to speak, but it felt like her tongue was heavy, and soon darkness fell all around her.


She awoke suddenly, jumping up and looking around the room. She was lying in her bed…but how did she get there? She was still in her work clothes and the bed sheets were pulled up over her neatly. Sitting up completely, she groaned. It felt like she was recovering from a hangover, and her neck hurt like hell! Then she remembered what had happened…Vegeta bit her again, and she did nothing to prevent it! Looking around the room she noticed she was alone, but the warm indentation on the bed next to her proved that someone hand been there moments before she woke up…Vegeta.

Pulling herself out of bed, she glanced at the clock on her nightstand. 10:45 PM…had she been asleep all day?

She walked up to her window and looked down into the backyard. The lights were still on in the gravity room. Bulma put on her slippers and went outside, heading for the gravity room. She was going to get to the bottom of this, once and for all.

As she approached the door, she could her Vegeta inside as he shot ki blasts at the mechanical robots as they attacked him. Bulma began to pound her fits on the steel door of the gravity room, knowing he probably couldn't hear her due to the humming sound of the compositor. She ran around to the window and peered in, watching Vegeta dodge and hit the robots with such force, their outer metal shell bent in. Bulma slapped her hands on the glass, trying to get his attention, but is was only when he happened to glance up, he saw her. He floated down to the floor and put his hands on his hips, an agitated scowl on his face. Bulma ran back around to the door just as he opened it.

"What?" Vegeta asked rather irritably.

"I want some answers Vegeta! " Bulma hollered. "What are you doing to me?"

"Calm down woman," Vegeta said as he backed up, motioning her to enter. "Get in here and stop shouting my business all over the place!"

Bulma tightened her lip and walked in, closing the door behind her. As she walked past Vegeta, she picked up his sweaty scent from his hard workout, and it nearly made her spin on her heel and kiss him. But she kept on walking, sitting down in the chair in the control room.

"So what do you want to know?" Vegeta asked as he walked up to the controls, looking them over, never paying much attention to Bulma's heated stare.

"Don't you even act like you don't care what's going on with me," Bulma said in a dangerous tone. "Tell me!"

There was a moment of silence before he even spoke, his back now to her as he continued to tinker around with the controls. "It's the bond," Vegeta began in a serious tone, never taking his eyes off the controls. "You're having some difficultly adjusting to it, but you will in time."

"A bond? What the hell are you saying?" Bulma jumped up and walked around to face Vegeta. "That I'm connected to you somehow?"

"Yes," Vegeta said plainly as he crossed his arms. "We are now connected…by the spirit, the body…" A mischievous smirk spread across his lips, thinking about her glorious body, supple and soft to his liking. "Especially the body."

"Never mind that, just give me the details." Bulma snapped.

'But we are not connected mentally…by the mind."

"And why did you bite me again?"

"It is an old Saiyan ritual for the male to claim his mate by marking her twice in this way. And in turn, she does the same."

"Well," Bulma scoffed, folding her arms. "You can definitely count on me not biting you." Vegeta smirked as he pulled back the collar of his bodysuit, revealing the small but evident bite on his neck. Bulma gulped as she covered her mouth in surprise. "D-did I do that?"

"I certainly didn't do it to myself," Vegeta said with a cruel chuckle. "All that book sense and no common sense…what do you remember about that night, woman?"

Bulma felt trapped, and she fretted for a moment before speaking. "Well…so what? I bit you. That doesn't mean anything."

"It does it you do it again," Vegeta said in a seductive tone. "It will make our bond complete, and eternal. I've already claimed you, it would be a sensible choice for you to do the same and claim me."

"And what if I don't?"

"Have you been feeling well lately?" Vegeta asked with a raised eyebrow. He saw the expression tighten with the question, already knowing the answer. "Your aliments can increase tenfold if you do not claim me."

"But why?" Bulma whined, plopping back down in the chair again, devastated with the news. "Why can't I have a normal relationship with a normal man? And why aren't you sick?"

"Because I've accepted the union between us. You have not. I don't know why it happens this way, it just does. It is a Saiyan tradition."

"Well I'm not a damn Saiyan!" Bulma screeched, leaping from the chair. "And I'm not claiming you!" She began to walk out when Vegeta grabbed her arm tightly.

"My, you're a hot little thing when you're all pissed…I thought it was a passion you only had in bed." Vegeta said in a sexy whisper. He pulled her closer to him as he leaned down to catch her earlobe between his lips, licking it lightly. Bulma could hardy constrain the moan she made, hating herself for reacting so quickly to Vegeta's tricks. "You know that every fiber of your body screams for me. So give in…we'll have fun like last time."

"You fucker," Bulma hissed, jerking away from him as she walked out. "Stay away from me!"

Vegeta let out a loud, boastful laugh. "The question is…can you stay away from me?" He continued to laugh as Bulma ran across the yard and back into the house in tears.


Days later, after a long and hard day of training Vegeta entered his bedroom and quickly undressed, heading for the shower. He stayed in there longer than usual tonight; the muscles in his shoulders and neck were tense and sore. Finally stepping out, he grabbed a towel and began to dry himself off as he walked into the bedroom when he heard a soft tapping at the door. He stopped drying himself, inhaling deeply. A wicked smile spread across his lips as he picked up the scent of the person on the other side of the door…Bulma. So the woman's finally came to her senses, Vegeta thought smugly. Not caring he was naked; he walked right up to the door and swung it open. There stood a terrified Bulma, her jaw unhinged as her eyes widened looking over his body quickly before covering her face.

"Vegeta!" Bulma whispered loudly, not wanting to wake up the whole house. "You're naked!"

"No shit," Vegeta snapped. "What do you want? Maybe you're ready to play, ne?"

"No, I'm not here for that," Bulma said uncovering her face, keeping her eyes off his most discreet parts. "I'm sick, and I need to sleep with you tonight."

"Wait a minute…you want to sleep with me but you don't want to sleep with me?"

"Just let me in dammit," Bulma snapped, trying to gain entrance. She was blocked by a muscular arm across the door frame, and she noticed the tiny droplets of water that clung to it. For a second she wanted to lick them right off. "What is it now?"

"You got some nerve showing up at my door like you're the boss of me and demanding to sleep in my bed," Vegeta said with a laugh. "What am I to do with you?"

"Look Vegeta, I haven't slept in two nights. We both know now that when I'm around you, my pains go away. Can't you be a little generous, just this one time?"

Vegeta leaned against the doorframe and tilted his head back as if he was in deep thought. He looked at her, his evil grim forming across his mouth.

"I am feeling quite…generous this evening," Vegeta said in a sexy tone. "So you can sleep in my bed tonight."

Bulma sighed with relief. "Thanks, Vegeta." She tried to move his arm from the doorframe, but it wouldn't budge.

"…But…" Vegeta said running his hand across her soft cheek, making her flinch. "You must do something in return."