Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mind, Body & Spirit ❯ Surrender ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hold on to your lug nuts folks, there's some strong LIME in this chappy! Enjoy! J

Mind, Body & Spirit

Written by Gokusgirl

Part Three: Surrender

Bulma's face paled with horror. "Oh no…anything but that."

"It's not what you think," Vegeta snapped, shaking his head. "I need you to give me a massage. My muscles are sore from my training today. Now will you do it, woman?"

Bulma gulped nervously, thinking of putting her hands all over that god-like body of his…it would definitely make her lose control. But she was so sleepy…

"Alright," Bulma sighed, giving in. "But after that I can go to sleep, agreed?"

"Most certainly," Vegeta said with a smirk, dropping his arm from the doorframe, letting her in. He closed the door behind him, noticing that she had on a thick dark robe. She untied it and let it fall down from her shoulders, and to Vegeta's disappointment she had on a long flannel gown. He frowned. "And what hell do you have on?" He queried, raising a curious eyebrow.

"My nightgown," Bulma said with a shrug.

"If you sleep in my bed, you sleep like I do…naked."

"What?" Bulma squawked. "Forget it!"

"Alright…pleasant dreams in your room then." Vegeta grumbled as he folded his arms.

"Fine, you blackmailing bastard!" Bulma shouted like a spoiled child (in which she is), turning her back to him as she began to unbutton the gown timidly. "But don't look!"

"What? Woman with the night we had, I know every pore on your entire body…and now you want to act modest!"

Bulma huffed with her frustration as she turned around, letting the frumpy gown fall down around her ankles. She covered what she could of herself with her hands, one arm covering her breasts, and the other across the front of her pelvis. Bulma could feel the heat rise in her face as she glared back at Vegeta, his grin wide and satisfying at what he saw.

"There's no need to be ashamed…you have a delicious looking body," Vegeta said walking over to the bed, discarding the wet towel as he laid down on his stomach. "Come here."

Bulma bit her tongue to prevent any more outbursts to spew from her mouth as she slowly crept up to the bed looking down at him with wrath in her eyes.

"Now…good." Vegeta cooed. He grabbed her hand near her crotch, prying her fingers away. His eyes widened with excitement, as he noticed not a single hair wasn't present on her lovely mound. "You…shaved it all?" He asked as she watched the Adam's apple in his throat bob.

Bulma's face reddened. "Yes…I do that sometimes."

It wasn't very hard to notice Vegeta's arousal twitch with exhilaration as he looked over her nude form. He was quite fond of those curly turquoise hairs she had before; but his added a new element in the whole evening.

"I can't wait to see it up close like that," Vegeta said in a whisper, not realizing he was thinking out loud.

"Well you won't," Bulma shot back. Vegeta came out of this trance and sucked his teeth at her.

"Whatever. Now climb up on my back and give me my massage woman."

Bulma muttered some choice words at the Saiyan as she climbed up on the bed slowly, finally settling down on his back, straddling his waist. She felt his chest rise and fall as he exhaled sharply, and nearly moaned out when her clitoris made contact with his warm muscular back. She raised her behind up enough so it wouldn't rub against his body. She gazed over his body, her eyes going over every line and shapely curve. She had to admit, he truly had a magnificent body. And as her hands slid across his back, she never thought his skin would be as soft as hers, being a warrior and all.

"What are you waiting for?" Vegeta snapped, turning his head to the side, looking at her out the corner of his eye. "Give me my massage woman!"

"Okay, okay!" Bulma said as she began to rub his shoulders lightly. This went on for a few minutes before Vegeta spoke up.

"You know, I'm not going to break under those frail fingers," Vegeta said with sarcasm dripping from his voice. "Do it harder."

Bulma fumed as she angrily rubbed his shoulders harder, wishing she could inflict pain on him as she did it. Soon she heard him let out a soft groan, and she blinked. Bulma smiled, surprised that he even made such a noise, and she continued.

Her fingers finally went up to the back of his neck, and she felt the tightening muscles under her thumb, rubbing it as hard as she could. It started to work because she felt his muscle relax slowly, and he began to purr like a huge jungle cat. The purring vibrated through her body, making her feet curl and her knees knock.

"Does that feel better?" Bulma spoke in a quiet whisper.

"Mmmm…I've had better." Vegeta mumbled. Bulma sucked her teeth and continued, not even realizing her behind had settled back down against his waist. She stayed too busy working on his massage and never gave it a thought that she was now rubbing herself against him. A tingling sensation began to tickle her belly, and she felt very warm all of a sudden. Vegeta had already sensed it, smelling her growing arousal as he felt her wetness trickle across his back. He never said a word as her slow, winding moves became desperate, rocking thrusts, and she began to moan softly.

When the hot burning between her legs begun to be too much for her to ignore anymore, Bulma gasped at its feeling. She stopped rubbing his back as she began to dip her hips against his harder, not caring that she was doing it. She just needed this release…between being this close to him and feeling of her hairless heat was making her crazy, sending electric tremors all over her body.

Her nails dug into his skin as she felt her orgasm approach, and she let out a soft, frail cry as she went faster. Suddenly her release gripped her; and she trembled as it tore through her body in a series of spasms. As she began to slow down, she could hear the slick, wet sound she made against his skin, and she felt dazed as she lowered herself on his back, resting her head on shoulder blade.

Bulma was brought back to her senses with a light chuckle. She opened her eyes, realizing where she was lying. Her face turned red with mixture of embarrassment and anger, horrified that she just masturbated on Vegeta's back. He would never let her live this down.

"Enjoy the ride?" Vegeta laughed, turning his head to the side once again, looking at her blushing face. Bulma sat up, biting her lip as she tried to think of some explanation of her lustful act.

"I -I just…damn, I'm sorry." Bulma said with a stutter, removing herself from his back.

"If you want to do it again, be my guest. I don't mind…really." Vegeta said with a smirk. Bulma ignored him as she grabbed some Kleenex from his nightstand to wipe his back off. He never moved as she wiped his lower back, he simply lowered his head again, closing his eyes. Occasionally he would laugh to himself as he thought of what she did.

Bulma was about to climb into bed, hoping he was finished teasing her for the evening when she noticed the small dark spot on his back, right where his spinal column ends and his buttocks began. She knelt closer to it; and she observed the small circular path of downy hair. Marveled and curious, she her fingers through it, and it was a softest texture of fur she ever felt. Vegeta's body suddenly rose off the bed with the initial contact, making him cry out loudly. She jerked her hand away, confused with his strange outburst.

"Did I hurt you?" Bulma stammered.

"NO," Vegeta choked out. "That is a very sensitive spot, it was where my tail used to be."

"What do you feel when I touch you there?"

"Nothing. I feel nothing, alright? I don't want you touching me there anymore."

Bulma smiled. He was lying. And she knew it for the tone of his voice. "So, if it feels like nothing, then you shouldn't mind if I did this…" Bulma ran her fingertips across the spot once more, and she felt Vegeta's body shake. He let out a low moan as his hips began to frantically pump up and down.

"Enough woman!" Vegeta growled through clenched teeth. "You have no idea what you're messing with!"

"Ha, seems like I'm messing with you g-spot," Bulma whispered.

"My what?" He managed to say, nearly tearing the pillow under his head to shreds.

"You know…your erogenous zone. A spot on your body that makes you…horny."

"I have no such thing. Now get off of me before you regret it!"

Bulma never listened as her fingers kneaded the spot deeper. Vegeta's breathing became ragged as he struggled to find his voice. It fascinated Bulma that she found his weak spot; and the more she played with that place, his hips began to move more urgently with each touch.

She watched in amazement as Vegeta lost all control, giving in to the wonder pleasure of her fingers. But all at once, he growled loudly, rolling over very quickly. Before she knew it, she was pinned down beneath him, and she could feel his hardening shaft against her inner thigh.

"Just remember that you're the once who started this little game," Vegeta said with a hiss, holding her arms over her head tightly. The look in his eye was wild and lustful. "And I intend on finishing it!"

Before Bulma uttered a syllable, Vegeta leaned down and kissed her. She protested a little, but soon she began to kiss him back, her tongue swirling around with his passionately. He went on to kissing her chin down to her neck, where he found her bite mark he gave her previously. He sucked on it softly, causing Bulma to whither with bliss. She couldn't understand why that felt so damn good, and she definitely didn't want him to stop. He raised his head up gazing into her deep blue pools. Their foreheads were pressed together as he let out a raspy breath, shutting his eyes.

"Stop resisting…" Vegeta said in a low sexy voice. But for once Bulma could hear the sound of pleading in his words. "Give in to me. I want to be inside you again."

At that moment Bulma wondered why she was resisting him. She was free from Yamcha, and Vegeta was awfully sexy…Just a simple nod, and he would be inside her warmth. She knew now that it was all up to her. But her belly flipped with anticipation and dread, and she gulped as she stared back at him. Now she knew what it was that kept her pushing the Saiyan away form her…

"I'm scared." Bulma whispered, saying it with uncertainty.

"Of what? Of me?" Vegeta asked incredulously.

"Of you, of this…Vegeta, if we do this, you won't leave me will you? I won't be another one of your conquests…I need to know, I can't take my heart from being broken anymore."

The features in Vegeta's face softened as he let go of her arms, and they wrapped around his shoulders. He ran a hand along her cheek, whisking it through her hair.

"Do you know why I chose you?" Vegeta asked her as if she already knew. She shook her head. "Because you always stand up to me, no matter how rude I am to you or your family and friends. You are there for me when no body else would, convinced that there is some good in me, and that I had changed for the better. You shower me with your kindness…I've never hand anyone do one kind thing for me my entire life, until I met you. You're so feisty, and smart…and beautiful…You will never have to worry about your heart breaking ever again…I will fill your void, and be everything you'll ever need."

Bulma's reaction was joyous as her lip trembled, tears spilling down her face. She pressed her lips to his and nodded, silently asking him to take her. And he did, all night. They never experienced so much passion and love as they did that evening; and when Bulma finally bit him on his neck, completing the bond between them, she watched him embrace her tightly and actually smile with utter happiness.

Maybe this won't be so bad after all, Bulma thought as she laid in Vegeta's arms later that morning. They watched the sun rise to a new day, together…in mind, body, and spirit.

The End