Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ MiNd GaMeS ❯ Chapter Twelve ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Konnichiwa minna-san! Claire-Chan desu! Yeah, I know it's been a while since the last update, but trust me, I will make it worth your while =) So go ahead and read, review if you feel inclined. Those of you who read this 2 years ago, see if you can remember what happens next!


Mind Games: Chapter Twelve



Middle of the seventh month...


>If you asked Bulma how things were going on Vegetaseii, she would tell you "things are rotten, Cambodia is a rotten conniving bitch, and Vegeta is a rotten whoreson." But of course, if you asked Lady Cambodia Sinclair, she would tell you things were "simply divine, darling, thanks for asking". If you were brave enough to ask him, the King would tell you things were, "going exactly as they should, you nosy son of a bitch; keep the hell out of my way."


The King kept his guest fully entertained for the two months, and the few times when he talked to Bulma the conversation usually ended in her bursting into tears, and Vegeta storming out of the room.


A minor rebellion sprang up and was easily taken care of. While Vegeta departed to take care of this, Lady Cambodia was left basically alone with Bulma. The two women did not get along at all, which is an understatement for one, but it is also understandable since both want something different from Vegeta. Their verbal battles were fierce in nature and sometimes lasted for hours. Neither cried nor in any way showed the other how the words spoken wounded their feelings. But there was no hiding or denying the enormity of the rift between them.


Vegeta soon returned from space, and these battles were put to an end. Once in a while, there would be a minor skirmish, but Vegeta always intervened, taking Cambodia's side, and ignoring Bulma.


Bulma spent much of her time in her room, unless protocol required that she make an appearance. Surprisingly, her pregnancy still went unnoticed, due to the clothes she wore. Thanks to some help from Rachel and her unfortunate abundance of free time (due to Vegeta entertaining Cambodia) she was the owner of quite an extensive maternity wardrobe.


The doctors offered to reveal the sex of the child but Bulma declined. She didn't want to know. Knowing would make it that much harder to leave the child when it was time. <


* The Present *


"If you like, "Your Highness", I can find a suitable tailor to make your clothes, so you won't have to wear those RAGS."


Bulma clenched her teeth, her irritation quickly elevating. "No, thank you, 'Lady' Cambodia, I'm aware that you 'know' a great many men, but my current tailor is fine, thank you."


Cambodia's eyes narrowed at the insinuation, but before she could even open her mouth to reply, Vegeta walked into the room. The redhead rushed to meet him. "Vegeta, darling! I was worried about you." She smiled prettily and put one of her thin hands on his chest.


Vegeta ignored her hand and glanced in Bulma's direction for a brief moment. "Were you?" he asked in a tone that said he really didn't give a damn.


"Of course. I'd be mortified if anything happened to you," she said pouting up at him. Cambodia kissed his cheek briefly, and began drawing circles on his chest with a long, manicured fingernail, inwardly laughing as she sensed the anger of the human behind her growing.


Vegeta's eyes revealed his amusement for a short moment. "I'm going to have to leave again."


Bulma frowned, trying to ignore Cambodia's actions. "Why?"


"Nappa," he said angrily, though for once it was not aimed at his mate. "I heard he's on Sagon and I want to get this fight over and done with."


"Planet Sagon? But-but that's so far away!" Bulma said breathlessly, putting a hand to her chest in surprise.


Vegeta turned his gaze to her again, his expression slightly mocking, "Careful Bulma, I could almost swear that was concern I heard in your voice," he said lightly.


Bulma looked down at her feet in an attempt to hide the blush that came to her cheeks. "I-It's just that--"


"Oh Vegeta! I shall perish waiting for you to return from that dirty little planet!" Cambodia interjected bombastically, pressing her body suggestively against the King.


Vegeta frowned ever so slightly, but Bulma noticed. "Cambodia, your theatrics are beginning to tire me," he said quietly.


Cambodia's green eyes flashed once with some emotion that was quickly dampened. She stepped away from him, and stayed silent, her face in a sulky pout.


Vegeta continued where he'd left off before. "I should be back in a few months." He looked pointedly at Bulma, who seemed startled to hear that. Bulma wondered if Vegeta knew that she only had a few months left. Almost as if he could read her thoughts, Vegeta nodded at her slightly before turning to the sulking Cambodia and offering her his arm. "Come, I'll take you to bed."


Bulma felt the world spin around her at Vegeta's choice of words. Maybe he didn't mean it like that. This can't be! She pasted a sickly smile on her face as Vegeta and Cambodia walked past her, and out the door. He's already replaced me? "So soon?" She said aloud. The corridor echoed her words back to her: "Soon? So soon? So? Soon? So?" When did this happen?! I know I told Rachel that I suspected he and that-that creature were…involved, but I didn't want to believe that it could be true.


She trudged dejectedly to her room and entered her code, as she called it now since Vegeta rarely came in there, except for once to get some of his clothes, and another time to tell her about a joining ceremony between two of the second class, which as royalty, she was required to attend. The door opened, and she stepped in wearily. Something doesn't feel right, she found herself thinking as looked about her front rooms. It was though something was warning her of things to come. Bulma shivered as she remembered she was alone, I wouldn't mind Vegeta being here now. Even if he does hate me. The human female changed her clothes and carefully got into bed making a face as all the aches and pains she had been experiencing in the small of her back seemed to intensify. Bulma reached across the bed and got Vegeta's pillow; placing it in the small of her back. Oh, that feels much better. She sighed, closed her eyes, and in a few moments only knew darkness.



'You don't even care, do you Bulma? You don't give a damn. You lied to me. Bitch. You lied to me. Bitch. You don't even care. You don't even give a damn, you--'


Bulma sat up sweating, the accusing voice of Yamcha still haunting her even outside of her nightmares. It was true. She did lie to him, and she had forgotten all about him; though, not on purpose.


The human female glanced at her watch; it was 0300 hours. Groaning slightly, she got out of the bed and moved to the computer. She said her name and the computer instantly allowed her access to every file on the system. She typed in Brocco's name and looked at the list of Brocco's slaves. Yamcha was the commander's messenger, and he was still alive. Bulma breathed a sigh of relief and turned the machine off. She'd try to contact Yamcha later. She moved a little unsteadily toward the bathroom. She called for the lights to come on, fixing her hair in the mirror before sitting in the main room. She sat down to read one of the books Brocco had given her before the joining ceremony.







**Her false cheer and happiness faded and she instantly became a furious looming force. Bulma's eyes were a very dark red, and her face twisted into an ungainly sneer. She threw the child to the floor violently, and put a dainty foot on its tiny chest, crushing the bones of the child maliciously.


The look on Vegeta's face turned to one of murderous rage, but he could not move a limb. 'The child IS yours Vegeta and I curse you for it. Damn you, you bastard. Damn--'**


12/10/04: Wow, this is a short chapter! I'll post another to make up for it. I haven't changed this one very much, so it's pretty much exactly as it was when I first posted it a million years ago.