Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ MiNd GaMeS ❯ Chapter Thirteen ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mind Games: Chapter Thirteen

By: Bulma16




At exactly 0900 hours, Bulma began to walk to the ship port to see Vegeta off. He hadn't told her the time of his departure, but she had found out from Rachel, who had found out via the ever reliable, if somewhat complicated, slave gossip network.


She paused slightly before entering the dome and shook off the sense of foreboding she felt hit her for a moment as she watched a small ship shoot off into space. Adjusting her royal blue shawl, she opened the door and walked the distance to the ship on which her mate would be leaving for space…again. A few of the second class soldiers came off the ship with clipboards in their hands, gesturing and talking animatedly amongst themselves. Bulma smiled faintly as she recognized the tall, shorthaired, Second Commander who was supervising them carefully, with his scouter on. He was dressed in battle armor and so it seemed as though he was going on the voyage also, but isn't the Second Commander supposed to stay behind, while the First Commander goes with the King? Bulma pondered this a moment before a strong gust of wind from a departing space pod yanked her shawl from her shoulders and up into the seemingly infinite darkness of space over head. The human Queen of all Saiyans felt that apprehensive feeling again as she watched the disappearing piece of blue cloth disappear against the immense backdrop of the dark night sky.


Maybe I'm just being paranoid. I'm probably just on edge because of Cambodia, she thought, tearing her gaze from the sky, and rubbing her arms for warmth. It was then she noticed a silent figure a distance to her right, watching the ship as intently as the Second Commander was. Vegeta. Bulma moved silently over to him, but his Saiyan ears detected her presence and he turned to her expectantly. The Earth woman gave him a lopsided grin, some of her nervousness returning to her. "Surprise."


The King crossed his arms over his chest as if to subconsciously put another barrier between them. "What are you doing here?" he asked her not in a hurtful way, but as though he was genuinely baffled as to why she had come.


"I came to see you off," she said, her heart rate accelerating as she remembered how long it had been since she had spoken to Vegeta in a humane manner like this.


For a moment, disappointment crossed his face, and then his expression settled into that oh-so-familiar smirk that could drive a woman crazy simultaneously with rage and desire. "Why? Will you miss me?"


Bulma briefly wondered at that expression she had glimpsed on his face before responding, forcing a laugh to hide her own inner turmoil. "Only as much as you will miss me," was her dryly delivered response.


Something resembling amusement came across his features before it quickly disappeared. His tone was still slightly mocking as he continued, raising an ebony brow. "Cambodia's leaving later today. If not me, you'll at least be sad to her go, won't you?"


Scowling fiercely, Bulma replied between clenched teeth at the mention of the woman who she believed had managed to put an immobile wedge between her and her mate. "I most certainly will NOT! I will be the happiest being on the planet once that wench is out of my hair for good."


It was his turn to laugh. "Jealous, are you?"


"Of what? She has nothing for me to be jealous of," she replied in a tone that said "so there!" even as she silently added; Except for you. And you're the one thing I treasure the most, though I've been too stupid to realize that until recently.


The ghost of a smile found its way on Vegeta's features for what seemed like a split second before his countenance returned to its usual stoic expression. The King solemnly held a white-gloved hand out to her palm up and Bulma instantly put hers into his, even though her eyes showed her confusion.


After all I've done to her…how can she trust me so completely? Vegeta wondered, feeling a rare pang of guilt as he looked deep into those sapphire blue eyes that were capable of telling him what the human female was really thinking. And as the king of one of the most powerful races in existence pondered the bizarreness of this particular woman further, he realized that he trusted and respected her as well. This realization amazed him, for he had never felt this for any woman before her. Could it be…? Vegeta forced himself out of his reverie as he sensed her growing confusion.


He turned her hand over and kissed the inside of her wrist, looking into her startled sapphire eyes. Bulma stared back at him in confusion, surprise, and something else that Vegeta could not place. She said, "Oh!" so faintly that even with his superior hearing, he barely heard it. He released her hand, and took a small step back putting distance between them. "Good luck with the brat," he said gruffly. And with that said, Vegeta turned on his heel and walked up the ramp and onto the ship.


Bulma bit her lip to keep herself from calling him back to her as she felt her heart stir in an emotion. It wasn't lust it was something more powerful, something more permanent. Do I love him? She wondered, her eyes widening in surprise.


Brocco walked up to her solemnly. She was the only Saiyan to see exchange between the two sovereigns. "Do you still hate him, Bulma?" she asked in a whispered tone.


Before the flustered Queen could answer, the ship switched on and the engines roared to life. Bulma took a step toward the ship, her right hand going up for a wave farewell. I wonder if he can see me? She wondered, her voice caught in her throat as her eyes burned and her vision blurred with unshed tears. Brocco held onto Bulma's elbow to keep her from blowing away as the ship suddenly took off into space, disappearing from sight in a few seconds. The Commander released Bulma and sighed as she heard arguing on the other side of the ship. "Excuse me, Your Highness, but duty calls."


She started walking rapidly toward two angry Saiyans, and Bulma watched, still in a state of shock and bewilderment, as she impatiently wiped the tears from her eyes. What was Vegeta trying to prove with that gesture? The perplexed female wondered as she left the ship port and began the long trek back to her room without even realizing it.


As she walked down the mainly deserted hallways, Bulma found that her head was swimming with a thousand and one questions she wanted an answer to. Why is Cambodia leaving? Is she going to meet Vegeta somewhere in space, or has he grown tired of her? And why did Vegeta kiss me if he-he-he's done with me now?


It was no use. She couldn't come up with any satisfactory answers.  The earth woman sighed and said her name in a weary voice, waiting until the door of her quarters shut behind her before she trudged to her bedroom, a feeling of exhaustion settling about her. She turned her back to the bed and let herself fall straight back, smiling a little as she made herself more comfortable and tried not to think of Vegeta. Too confusing and way too painful for me to dwell on for long. She closed her eyes calling, "Lights out".


"Why can't I get that guy out of my thoughts for even a minute?" Bulma whispered aloud, her bottom lip quivering as the answer came to her. Because I love him, damn it. Oh Kami, what am I going to do?


That night, she cried herself to sleep as she mourned what she had forever lost, thanks to her stubborn pride.



Vegeta could see nothing for the blackness that surrounded him. But he could smell her. That annoying earth woman. But something about her smell was different now. She was emitting an aura of pure unadulterated evil in and about her that would have put Freeza to shame. As perplexing as that was, Vegeta found that he was just glad that she was there somewhere if he could only find her. 'Damn it woman! Where are you?'


Her voice answered him teasingly from all sides. 'I'm right here Vegeta. Can't you see me?'


He took a step forward, his fists clenched in anticipation of something-though he wasn't exactly sure of what. 'Where?'


'Right here, silly,' her sultry voice answered, laughingly. She appeared before Vegeta from the darkness, and he could see the outline a child in her arms, wrapped tightly in a yellow blanket.


She smiled at him winningly, before giggling and kissing the baby. 'Do you believe me now about the baby?' Her eyes shone surreally as she waited for his response, her lips parted and her head tilted to the side innocently.


Vegeta looked at the bundle in her arms not immediately speaking since he was unsure as to how he should answer.


'Bulma' saw this. Her false cheer and happiness faded and she instantly became a furious looming force. Her eyes became very dark red, and her face twisted into an ungainly sneer. She threw the child to the floor violently, and put a dainty foot on its tiny chest, crushing it maliciously. The look on Vegeta's face turned to one of murderous rage, but he could not move a limb as she advanced on him, her voice booming in his ears and her incisors elongating to imposing fangs. 'The child IS yours, Vegeta and I curse you for it. Damn you, you fucking asshole! Damn--'****


Vegeta sat up from his narrow bed, thoroughly pissed but he eventually calmed down as he reminded himself that it was only a dream. He frowned as he absently scratched his shoulder.  Damn it Vegeta, you need to stop thinking of that earth wench and keep your mind on the mission. For Pete's sake, you'd think we were…  


His thought trailed off as he realized what he was thinking and what he was doing. "Oh shit," he hissed angrily.


******** **


"Damn you…fucking asshole," Bulma heard herself muttering as she slowly regained consciousness. She sat up somewhat gingerly and felt a series of shudders rack her body as she involuntarily recalled the appearance of the "Bulma" in her dream. That evil voice and face that was hers, yet not quite hers echoed in the recesses of her mind and frightened her immensely, making her want to burst into tears.


In order to prevent this, the earth woman closed her eyes more tightly and tried to think of something, anything more pleasant.  The only thing that comes to mind is…Vegeta. If only I could get him to realize how I feel. We could be so happy, she thought, a contented smile on her face as she finally fell asleep.


********* ******


>About a hundred GU's away… <


Kaaren Doublet O'Connor deftly maneuvered to the lone figure seated at the bar, before her 'co-workers' could find her potential client. "Hey there handsome," she purred, putting a hand into the stranger's back pants pocket, "Are you looking for a good time?"


Stiffening, the figure replied through clenched teeth, "I'm a WOMAN you stupid cow." Great ZARIAN above, I hate my job sometimes.


"It doesn't bother me," Kaaren replied, letting her silky blue hair fall down to her knees. She smiled at her 'companion's' stare, "Impressed? I've been growing it for about a year now."


"Fascinating," was the absent reply. "Actually, I think I would like a…'good time'. Come with me please."


Kaaren smiled as she caught sight of her envious 'friends' gawking at her recent catch,


"Sure sweetie, but I don't even know your name."




"Bolivia? Well you're going to have the night of your life sugar," Kaaren laughed, picking up her feather boas and following the frail figure before her.


Bolivia smiled faintly as she showed the eager prostitute where her capsule car was parked, "I hope so."


******* **

>About an hour and ½ later… <


A steady beeping noise broke through the silence.  Why the bloody hell do people call me at the most inappropriate, inopportune moments? Cambodia thought groggily, blindly reaching for the transmitter that she kept by the bed.


"My Lady Cambodia, this is 1st class officer Bolivia Shaker reporting."


Cambodia sat up and ran a hand through her hair as she yawned tiredly. "Go ahead Bo."


"The subject has been captured as you ordered and is being prepared for elimination."


A devilish smile lit the Zafrite's gorgeous features, "Excellent! Is she really as close a match as I thought?"


Bolivia squirmed a little under the glare of her ruler. "Of course, my lady."


"Good. Have the teleportation unit send her here." She ended the transmission and stretched like a cat as she stifled a yawn, a smile on her face. She got out of bed as she went over recent developments in her mind's eye, a foolproof plan to get rid of a fool. Genius, pure and simple genius. Great ZARIA above, but I'm brilliant!


****** ****


Brocco tried again to rouse her ruler, who was hiding her head under a pillow. "Your Highness, the King is on the VAP right NOW!"


Bulma sat up surprisingly fast for one of her size, realizing how futile it was to try to sleep with Brocco in such a frenzy. "Do you see this face Brocco? Let me know when it says I give a damn," she growled angrily even as she hurried to the living room.


The impatient face of the King met hers. "It took you long enough," he growled angrily.


"Well, EXCUSE ME if I didn't know that the bakayaro Vegeta no ou wants ME to rush to his side and be at his beck and call!" she said angrily in her own language.


"You try my patience onna." Vegeta warned her in Japanese. He switched back to the SL, "Now cease your endless yammering and listen to what I have to say."


Bulma tried to hide her surprise as she raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms over her chest. "All right, I'm listening."


Vegeta looked as though he was in severe pain as he spoke in apparent irritation. "Do you have a mark on your left shoulder?"


"Of course not you ass! As you should know, my body is flawless! Why would I have-"


"Just look!" The King roared his patience finally gone.


Bulma scowled at him and suppressed the urge to stick her tongue out at him as she yanked her sleeve up angrily. "See, you jerk, there's no-" Her eyes widened as a distinctive mark caught her eye. "What in the name of Kami is THIS?"


"Damn it to hell," Vegeta cursed as his eyes fell onto the mark similar to his own. "We're bonded. That's a bondage mark that I have also…unfortunately."  How did this happen? Why did this happen? Damn it, now things are more complex than ever.


Bulma's feature lit up in remembrance as she remembered Brocco telling her all about bonding, "Oh shit," she gasped, looking at Vegeta's face to gauge his reaction.


The King's eyes flickered and then went back to normal. "That's not even the half of it. That…DISGUSTING dream the other night was yours, was it not?"


"That was a nightmare and it was all a bunch of BS!" Bulma retorted. She frowned as she heard the Second Commander's voice speaking softly on Vegeta's end of the transmission.


"Don't move, this won't take long," Vegeta told her as he got up, and started talking with the Second Commander off screen.


>About five minutes later… <


Vegeta returned, his posture indicating his irritation. "That dumb ass. Why he has to bother me with news of a meteor shower is beyond me. Why the hell did I not bring Brocco?" He was muttering aloud to himself, as he retook his place before the VAP.


Bulma was sipping a glass of orange juice and sitting on the floor a short distance from the screen, humming a little into the silence.


Vegeta didn't say anything for a while, but he silently watched her not meeting her eyes.


Feeling somewhat uneasy, Bulma cleared her throat, glad when the Saiyan's eyes finally met her own. "Vegeta, I want to know what that kiss was about on your departure."


Vegeta smirked mischievously. "What's the matter Bulma? Were you hoping for more?"


Bulma laughed, a part of her melting at that expression on his face. "NO, I wasn't expecting anything from you. I was just confused because…"


The mischievous smirk disappeared and Vegeta's face became very serious. "Because why?"


"Well…" She tried to think of the right words but none came easily. After a moment, she thought of something. "You don't usually act in such a way."


"I see," he said softly.


Bulma tried to look through the mask that is Vegeta's face, but it was nearly impossible. She sighed in exasperation. "I swear Vegeta! If I didn't-" She cut herself off by putting her hands over her mouth. Oh my Kami Bulma! You were about to say, 'If I didn't love you so much Vegeta, I'd hate you.' What the hell is wrong with me? And why can't I keep my mouth shut?


The King's face briefly lit in interest. "If you didn't what?"


 You can't let him know Bulma! He'll rip your heart out, puree it, make it into a smoothie, and drink it with the devil woman.  "I was saying that if I didn't hate you so much I'd wish you were here right now so I could really give you a piece of my mind." Damn it Bulma! That was SO weak, he'll never buy that.


Her mate just rolled his eyes. "Whatever woman. I'll be calling every 3-4 months to talk to Brocco." He paused slightly, and a smirk played over his face. "Oh and Bulma: don't screw things up." He cut off the transmission.


"Ass," Bulma said, childishly sticking out her tongue. He has a very nice one if I remember correctly.  She grimaced as she stood up, picking up her glass, "Thoughts like those are what got me in my current condition," she said to herself aloud, walking to her room.


"What condition?" Brocco questioned from where she'd been waiting. "And what thoughts?"


"Oh, uh, I was thinking about food and that's the whole reason why I'm so fat now," she lied quickly.


"Oh. Well, you're not that fat Bulma. I mean, it's barely noticeable," Brocco said loyally.


"Thanks Brocco, I needed that," She muttered, easing into bed, "And what exactly did King Vegeta ask you to do?"


Brocco smirked a little and somehow managed to keep herself from rolling her eyes. "He said to, and I quote, 'Keep an eye on that foolish wench. She's too stupid and too weak to protect herself.' Oh yeah, and he said, 'If something happens to her and the brat, I'll kill you.'"


"Well that's reassuring," Bulma said in mock seriousness. "Go take a break Brocco. I'll be fine."


The 1st Commander looked pleased but hesitated at the door, looking back at the Queen, who was fluffing her pillow enthusiastically. "Are you sure Bulma?"


"Positive," was the emphatic reply. "I'm going to lie here and read. If I need you for something I'll try to contact you using the VAP, okay?"


"Okay!" Brocco replied, smiling. She bowed quickly and was gone.


Bulma sighed in exasperation. For Kami's sake! You'd think I was a three-year-old the way Vegeta is making Brocco watch after me. Wait a second! He never answered my question! Tricky bastard! I'll make him answer the next time he calls. I don't know what I'm going to do in the mean time. I guess there's something I can find to do…preferably something that will piss Vegeta off.  She twirled a strand of her blue hair around her finger pensively, "Maybe if I act like Cambodia…no wait, I'm not a dumb slut so that idea won't work. Maybe if I act as though her presence doesn't bother me, he will stop bothering me with her." She mentally congratulated herself and gingerly got out of bed to find out when the Zafrite was scheduled to leave. The sooner the better. I can't keep up that act forever!


**** ******


Kaaren was a trifle cold, but she didn't complain. She couldn't even if she somehow wanted to; she's been dead for the past four hours. She had been beautiful while she was living. Somehow in death, she seemed almost like a holy being or some kind of surreal beauty. She was kept on ice to keep her from smelling. Her face was in a sad sort of smile, her cold unmoving hands folded on her abdomen, her overall aura was breathtaking, which is why Bolivia was having trouble looking away from her.


What does my Lady have in mind for this girl I wonder? She pushed these thoughts away as she imagined the consequences of questioning the ruler of the Zafrites: 'Self-inflicted' death. This fate actually involved the usage of a team of four people and Cambodia. Cambodia would 'suggest' that the woman in question end her life for the sake of her people. If the woman denied, she was 'persuaded' by various degrees of torture, until finally Cambodia took their life. This was the ultimate disgrace in their race: to be taken down by their ruler for the sake of the people. Especially when the people in question could do it themselves. Self-inflicted death was probably the reason for the great migration of Zafrites to earth and neighboring planets not too long ago, yet somehow Bolivia couldn't leave. She tried to shake off the guilt and self-disgust she felt as the body of Kaaren disappeared before her eyes as the teleportation machine finished charging. It's not my department to figure out what happens to her now. The rest of this depends entirely on Lady Sinclair.




End of Chapter Fourteen! ANY SUGGESTIONS/COMMENTS/QUESTIONS/FLAMES? I WANT 'EM ALL! Just drop me a line and I'll write back to you as soon as humanly possibly! Thank for reading!


Your ditzy author:


~Bulma16 (Claire-Chan) ^o^--yawn