Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ MiNd GaMeS ❯ Chapter Fourteen ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mind Games: Chapter Fifteen



"1900 hours!"


Brocco flinched as Bulma's enraged shriek met her ears. "Yes, 1900 hours. Lady Cambodia rescheduled her departure so that she can, in her words, `Reconcile any differences between the Queen and I.'" Brocco paused and her eyes lit in both suspicion and curiosity. "Why? Is there a problem?"


Bulma sighed. "No, damn it. I guess I have to talk with her now that she said that and at least make an effort to get along with that hateful creature." She turned the VAP off before the First Commander could respond. What is Mrs. Everyone-do-me up to I wonder? I think it's safe to assume she's up to no good. She probably means to gloat about winning Vegeta from me. The bitch.


She jumped a little as the VAP indicated that she had an incoming call. Laughing at herself, she pushed the button to receive it. After seeing whom it was, she wished she hadn't.


"Queen Bulma."


"Lady Cambodia," Bulma replied through clenched teeth.


"I trust your Commander has informed you of my desire to make up?"


The Queen hid her hatred for the redhead well. "Yes and I'm willing to go along with it."


The Zafrite smiled beautifully as if this bit of news delighted her more than anything else in the world ever could "How very excellent! May I come to your rooms then?"


"Well…yes. Of course you can," was the Queen's reluctant answer.


Cambodia smiled and waved. "See you soon."




Vegeta scowled-- which was nothing unusual or out of the ordinary, but why he was scowling could only be described as being humorous. Brocco's shoulders were shaking in her effort to keep from bursting into laughter and they shook even more as she saw the scowl on her King's face. Vegeta furrowed his brows and crossed his tanned arms over his chest in irritation. "And when is she leaving Commander?"


The female Saiyan temporarily swallowed her laughter as she remembered who she was talking to. "A-at 1900 hours, Your Highness."


The King snorted in disgust before he spoke. "Figures. Remember what I told you earlier Brocco…and get a fucking hold of yourself soldier." He turned the VAP off and knew that his obviously amused First Commander was probably laughing her head off at his expense. I never should have invited that redheaded bitch to Vegetaseii, he thought, his mind back to the problem at hand. Now I'll have to deal with Brocco's laughing as Bulma and Cambodia kill each other off.


"Damn it," he muttered under his breath as he stepped into his brightly lit and immaculate training room. Vegeta blew his breath out loudly as the door automatically closed behind him. He pushed all thoughts of his `female problems' far from his mind as he felt the old familiar sense; that sense that made him want to train until he could barely move any more, come back to him full force. He smirked as he began to gather his immense energy, amused when he sensed the awe and fear of the others on the ship, No more distractions. The female means nothing to me. Screw the bond. It also means nothing. When it comes down to it, strength is the only thing that matters.



Bulma frowned at the laughing Saiyan on the screen before her. "You told him?"


Brocco immediately ceased her laughter upon hearing the disappointment in her friend's voice. "Was I not supposed to?"


"No, you weren't! I don't want you to tell Vegeta everything! I'm sure he was absolutely delighted to hear that the biggest blasted idiot in the castle and his fat cow of a mate are `making up'," she spat angrily.


Brocco frowned. "Actually he was-"


Bulma's head spun to the door as she heard a loud knock. She turned back to her friend, annoyance written all over her face. "That must be her now. Don't you dare come bother me, Brocco. I don't even want to hear anything from you until further notice. You got that?"


Any trace of humor was long gone from the female's face. "As you wish my Queen." She bowed a little stiffly to the monarch and disappeared from the screen as she ended the transmission.


Bulma frowned. "I didn't mean it seriously," she said to herself, feeling guilty. She went to the door as another knock yanked her from her reverie. She pulled it open. "Please come in," she said stepping back, a fake smile plastered on her face.


Cambodia smiled brilliantly. "That won't be necessary. I can conduct my business from right here, thanks." She opened her left hand and hovering just above her palm was a small orb of blue and green.


Bulma felt an odd feeling of déjà vu as she stared entranced at the orb, and then finally into Cambodia's emerald eyes. "Wha-what is that?"


"This? This is my revenge," Cambodia answered, smirking. She extended her right hand so that it too hovered slightly above the orb. With a faint grunt, she snapped both of her wrists back so that only her palms were visible. The orb flashed brightly once, twice, three times, and then turned back to its regular dormant state.


Bulma frowned as she sensed no change. She smirked and prepared to insult her would be killer when she felt as though she was getting stabbed everywhere with a thousand sharp knives. The female screamed and found that she could move no other part of her body; she was frozen in place. Her cries continued and she felt as though a giant vacuum was sucking her life away. The Queen was correct in this thought, because in a manner of speaking, the orb in question was a vacuum sucking away her life force. If it was used for long enough, it could suck up to 50 years from her, leaving her a ragged pile of bones and dust. The human female fell to her knees, moaning as she fell to her side, unconscious.


Cambodia made an elaborate gesture with her hand and the orb disappeared into her skin. She snorted as she observed the female lying before her. The Zafrite ruler gently turned her with her booted foot so that the human was lying on her back, one of her arms across her chest and the other stretched out to the side. Cambodia pushed down the mad rush of jealousy as she took note of the earthling's irregular beauty. Bitch. She'll fucking pay for taking Vegeta from me. She pushed a button on the transmitter in her pocket and leaned against the wall, thinking as she waited. This is what they deserve. I'll show them both. No one makes a fool out of Cambodia Sinclair.


**Flashback** (About two or two-and-a-half months ago).


Cambodia smiled as she heard Bulma burst into tears and run off to cry in her quarters. Even as she saw the furious look on Vegeta's face, she couldn't keep that smile off of her face. "Is something wrong Vegeta?"


The King laughed harshly, without humor. "Everything's wrong. What else is new?"


Cambodia smiled sultrily and leaned against the King flirtatiously. "Oh, I wouldn't say that. Some things have been and always will be right."


Vegeta remained impassive, not even looking at her as he snorted in disbelief.


Determined not to give up that easily, Cambodia pressed her pelvis against his and ground against him suggestively. "I can think of one thing that was always good for you, good for us both Vegeta. It's been so long since the last time. Let me make things better for you," she whispered into his ear, teasing his ear with the tip of her tongue playfully.


Vegeta growled and pushed her away from him. "I'm mated now, woman. Things are different from how they used to be."


The Zafrite's laughter had a bitter edge to it. "I thought you said that being joined means nothing to you?" The King looked away from her, scowling. Cambodia continued, her voice rising in growing alarm, "You mean you actually have feelings for that whoring dumb ass bitch?"


Vegeta growled again, his ebony eyes bored angrily into hers. "Do NOT presume to say such things about my mate. Especially in my presence."


Denial was beginning to set in. "You must be joking! I can't believe you Vegeta! You're ruining what we had together! We had something special!"


The King's features took on an incredulous expression as he spoke, his tone harsh, mocking, and to the point. "'Something special?' The only thing there ever was between us was fucking Cambodia…and a lot of it. If a lot of sex means that there's `something special' then I also have `something special' with at least 7 other women out there. You are NOT the only one Cambodia, nor were you the best. But you are the most beautiful."


Cambodia's face took on a look of horror as she realized just what exactly was going on. "You-you're fucking using me, you bastard! You're using me to make that bitch jealous aren't you?" A shrug of the shoulders was her only answer. The Zafrite quickly recovered even as she felt the hate, the anger, the hurt of betrayal burn inside her. "Very well. I only wish to be with an old friend Vegeta, though I must confess that I am a little peeved at you," she lied.


Vegeta shrugged. "I do whatever it takes to get what I want. If that means I have to sleep on a couch, use a less important person, or pretend that I have feelings for someone else… so be it."


**end of flashback**


"He'll pay for that." Cambodia vowed, her fists clenched in anger. And that fucking whore of his will pay too



(during Vegeta's first absence).


"Rachel, guess what? I-"


"Excuse me. Can I talk to you for a minute Bulma?"


Bulma frowned and followed Cambodia. "What do you want?" she asked impatiently.


"Why don't you just give up? Vegeta is mine, and always will be. We have sex every night and let me tell you that we both find your little attachment to Vegeta to be hilarious," Cambodia lied, smiling.


Bulma smirked. "What the hell do I care? If Vegeta wants to catch some kind of STD with a whore like you, that's his business; I could really care less," she replied, crossing her arms over her chest.


Cambodia growled. "Why you-"


"Bitch?" Bulma supplied, her eyes full of amusement. "Thank you."


The Zafrite frowned in puzzlement. "You do know that the King and I were lovers for years, don't you?"


Bulma's expression didn't change a bit. "I figured that out a long time ago. I also figured that after someone with your…uh, years and years of experience, Vegeta would be looking for someone less aged and not quite as diseased; i.e., me." She ignored the outraged look on Cambodia's face as she continued, her voice rising in volume. "My father always said, `never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.' I am through wasting my time and precious moments of my life talking to you. So you have Vegeta; big deal! I hate the bastard and I could care less about you or him. So you can take your insecurity and fucking wedge it up your tight ass!" With that said, she lifted her chin in the air and left the Zafrite standing there in disbelief.


**End of flashback**


"They'll both pay." Cambodia tensed as she heard the door to the King's private hallway open, "Who goes there?" she said aloud, pulling her knife from the leather band at her inner thigh and preparing to attack.


"It is I, my Lady," a cool voice answered before the figure stepped into Cambodia's line of vision, her long green hair loose about her shoulders, her dark blue eyes ablaze, and her slim figure as graceful as that of any feline.


"Ah, Granada. I'm glad to see you," Cambodia said, putting her dagger back.


The deadly beauty bowed. "And I am glad to see you, as always." Her eyes fell onto the body of Vegetaseii's Queen. "Is this…" She trailed off, looking into the fiery eyes of her ruler. The hatred reflected there was answer enough. "She will fit in well with the others as long as they don't know from whence she came."


Cambodia nodded absently. "Yes, yes. Where is the replacement?" With a jerking motion of her head, the blue-eyed Zafrite indicated that it was over by the door. "Bring her here."


Granada nodded and went to get it. She was back in a matter of seconds. "She's heavier than she looks." She dropped the body onto floor and rubbed her hands together in dismissal.


Cambodia walked over to the body and turned it over with the toe of her boot, so that

Kaaren was face up. She nodded in approval. "Quite an uncanny resemblance. To pull this off however, you'll need to cut her hair and copy any blemishes the other girl might have that Vegeta might know about." She turned to Granada, who was looking at the two bodies in mild surprise. Lying side by side, the two appeared to be twins, though Kaaren's hair was much longer.


"Of course my Lady," she muttered, a little spooked by the resemblance.


Cambodia nodded again in satisfaction. "I trust I can depend on you to take care of the rest alone?"


Granada's blue eyes me the green ones of her ruler. "Certainly," she answered, a little offended.


"Do not disappoint me Granada. Or else." The Zafrite turned her attention back to the two bodies and didn't notice the scowl on Granada's face. With a deft movement, Cambodia stabbed the human female in her arm, right below the shoulder. As the blood flowed from the wound, she pivoted on one foot and stabbed the frozen body of Kaaren once in the chest, and then again in the heart. She wiped the blood on Bulma's clothes and turned to her subject, smiling. She saw the question in Granada's eyes and sighed. "The blood of the bitch needs to be all over her clothes so that if any of her scientists test it, they will not know that it is any other person." She straightened and sneered as she saw Bulma's arm twitch in her unconscious state. Just you wait bitch. Your suffering has only just begun.




A low rumbling noise broke into the silence of the training room and Vegeta ceased his meditating. He grabbed a towel, patting his face dry as he left the room. He ignored the admiring looks of a few of the warriors and only nodded as he saw the 2nd Commander trying to contact him. He wasn't in the mood for Asparo's bullshit. The only thing he was in the mood for was food. He growled as the exhausted Saiyan put himself in his path,

"What do you want soldier?"


Asparo panted and then answered. "A call for you, sire, on the VAP."


Vegeta frowned and pushed the warrior out of his way as he continued to his room. Once he finally got there, he felt a sort of odd feeling, as if he had just lost something really important. He shrugged it off and tossed his towel somewhere in the vicinity of the bathroom as he first pushed the button to summon `room service.' Once he'd done something about his growling stomach, he pushed the button connecting him with his call. Vegeta scowled as he saw who was on the screen. What the fuck does she want now? "What do you want?" he growled.


"I'm leaving Vegetaseii today Vegeta."


The King snorted impatiently. "No shit."


Cambodia's smile never wavered. "I just wanted to say goodbye. It was nice seeing you again. Even if it was just to make your wife jealous."


"I don't know what you're talking about," Vegeta said coldly, his black eyes expressionless.


"Oh forget about it," Cambodia said, still smiling. "Nothing you say or do can ruin my good mood. I'll see you soon," she said, ending the connection.


Vegeta frowned, what the hell is that supposed to mean? He let the cooking slave in with his food and then let her right back out. He sat down to eat, forgetting his previous question: all thoughts of Cambodia, or any woman for that matter, miles away as he concentrated on his meal.



Thank you to those who reviewed or emailed me! We're getting nearer and nearer to the end of the chapters I have already written! If you have any questions, feel free to email me.


Ciao for now!
