Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mine ❯ As Close to an Apology ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

As Close to an Apology

"V… Vegeta!" I gasped as he drove hard into me, tingling pleasure suffusing my body from tailtip to claim scars. He hissed between his teeth as I tightened around him, rhythm faltering as he was caught in the grasp of his own orgasm. We thrust together in a few eternal moments of frenzied completion before sliding back down from the peak; Vegeta pulled out and dropped down on top of me to rest. While a purr rumbled through my chest, I stroked a desultory hand lightly over his shoulders, smiling at the sleepy murmur my movement evoked.

After a moment he propped himself up on my ribcage, considering me and threading a thoughtful hand through an errant strand of hair, a rare offering of gentle affection. I felt a blush rise to my face under the close scrutiny, and I focused on his cheek, his shoulder…. An unexpected question snapped my attention back to his eyes.

"You really enjoy being uke, don't you."

I really wasn't sure where he was going with this one. "Well I… yes."

"Just with me, or with others as well?" I knew the rut-induced possessiveness that caused him to react violently to Toma's scent had worn off, so it wasn't likely he was trying to accuse me of infidelity… Not that we were exclusive anyway; it was an unspoken arrangement that I could take other lovers and partners so long it wasn't too close - chronologically or geographically - to him, and didn't interfere with our arrangement. I didn't come to him smelling like someone else, and I could seek out other partners if I needed to. Though my extracurricular activities with others had been infrequent at best since my… branding. Naturally I'd answer truthfully, at any rate.

"It depends on the person, I guess."

"Hn." That non-committal murmur again that meant so much yet revealed so little… he was thinking something over.

I was floored by what he asked next.

"Show me." He was… asking me to be seme? Shocked, I gazed into his black eyes, trying to discern that I'd heard and interpreted him correctly. I could smell a tiny, well-concealed touch of nervousness… to my knowledge he had always, always been seme, in any encounter. But he'd meant what he said… he trusted me that much. What Vegeta, my lord, my king, my idol, was offering me… it defied logic, it defied expectation, it defied explanation.

And I'd be thrice-damned to Hell before I said no. "I… Vegeta-sama, I'd be… honored." Still in awe, I leaned up to meet his lips in a worshipful kiss, raising my hands to thread through fine tufts of hair by his ears and at the nape of his neck.

Gently I rolled us over so that we were on our sides, facing each other. In the back of my mind I noted how he bent his knees, placing his feet on the floor, a subconsciously protective posture. He wouldn't have told me to do this if he wasn't sure… but everyone was nervous the first time, if for no other reason than it was an unknown experience.

Given that, I suspected he was partially doing this out of obligation to me… obligation, apology, reparation, amends, whatever. He might have felt he owed me something… or, perhaps, that I'd proven myself by taking the worst he had to offer, and this was the least he could do in return. Proven, hah. I hadn't looked into his eyes with fearless devotion, even after the injuries he inflicted landed me in the tanks for a week, because I was trying to prove myself. It simply wasn't in my nature to do anything else. Oh sure, if he did that to me every day, I'd eventually learn to feel fear before love, or whatever you chose to call it. But I was either too loyal, too dense, or both, to let one incident affect my instinctive reaction.

Whatever the precise reason, the timing of his decision was simply too coincidental… I understood him too well. Of course I need never say as much; in fact I intended not to let on if I could help it. Chances were he didn't even admit it to himself.

So I took my time with his mouth, coaxing, neither being too aggressive nor leaving everything to him. Gentle fingers worked along his shoulders and back, seeking out sensitive areas to distract him from anxiety. His breath huffed across my cheek as I felt his spine relax, head resting on my arm… my tail beat a rhythm on the floor in pleasure.

I licked my way along his jaw, nuzzling and nibbling at his ear, soaking up the small noises he allowed to escape from his throat. Hah, so gorgeous… I could get carried away so easily… My tonguetip traced the strong, fluttering lines of his neck as his hand crept to nestle at the back of my head, the warm, firm pressure reassuring both of us that he was still in charge. The juncture of his shoulder was mesmerizing… but firmly I removed myself from temptation, scraping teeth across his collarbone, kissing and sucking on his chest, raising dusky nipples taut across tight muscle. I'd never felt the bite instinct so strong before… it kind of frightened me. I'd contemplate it later, but for now, I had to keep my teeth away from his neck.

Subtle, almost imperceptible pressure on the back of my head informed me that his need was quickening. I traced down his ribbed stomach to nestle at the base of his erection, the heat of his shaft close against the back of my hand. I felt out the grooves and lines up to the head, closing my palm around it… Vegeta's back arched, a growling purr hissing out from between his teeth, and a spot of precum cooled on my fingers. Sweet god… he was so…

I reined myself in with difficulty, knowing that while Vegeta was ultimately the one in control - as he liked it, as it should be - I was the one, this time, who had to stay in control of himself. I slid to the side, feeling a sensual tug as his fingers threaded through my hair. He'd relaxed onto his back, providing me with a good angle to work from. Leaning in close to his arousal, I smelled… god, honey and rum and blood and wine… was it an attribute of the royal family to smell so divinely, or was it just him?

I wanted so bad to just take my time with him, tease him to the brink until the slightest feather-touch sent him over the edge… but I had to stay focused, keep my mind on the goal. Cradling & bracing the stiff shaft in my hand, I slid my lips over the tip, tasting myself, the odd tang of lubrication brought on by rut or sexual activity, and heady cum. I let my tongue wander over his unique contours and textures, delighting in nudging the tip past the back of my throat, savoring the thick salty-sweet precum.

Once I'd worked up a good rhythm, sucking his cock all the way down and working my tongue around it like a rod of hard candy, I dipped my fingers into the thickening ejaculate on my own thigh and brought them down to his cleft. My hands had gone this route before, but never with the thought of preparing the way for something else. I dipped slick digits between firm globes of sheer muscle, sliding down to that sensitive divot bordered by wrinkled flesh, all the while working my lips around his heat.

I stroked back and forth over his entrance, relishing the little bucks of his hips. I wanted to try something I was sure would remove any trace of conscious apprehension… I wanted him to just feel, just experience, not think about it and anticipate what he thought might happen.

Moving fluidly, I navigated down between his legs, then allowed my hand to take over where my mouth had been busy. With the other, I spread him wide, baring his slicked entrance to the cool air. His tail thrashed under my nose, musk overpowering me for a second… I gained control of myself, licking gently, teasingly, along his perineum, then down to taste my own semen on his entrance. K'so… I heard his gasp as my warm, wet tongue lathed against the puckered skin, and as I thrust the tip in, just a tiny bit to feel the smooth inside ridge… in and out, tickling and hyersensitizing the tender skin.

I realized I was being bad, teasing him as I'd swore not to…. Oh well. I dove deep, thrusting my tongue as far as it would go, ignoring the slightly bitter taste the uniquely Saiyajin glands produced along the slick entrance, taste that would turn sweet and thick during heat. He couldn't decide which way to thrust, into my hand or back towards my face, and seemed to settle for minute rolling movements that encouraged both. The lush, slick fur on his tail brushed my chin, nose buried in the crease next to his scrotum - a spot which, if anything, held more scent than any other place on the body, a musk that lanced fire straight to my belly.

His muscles relaxed and opened up to the slick, warm intrusion almost too quickly, and much easier than they would have to the traditional, standard method of spit-coated fingers. I never was traditional. Some people have told me that the only reason the things I can do in the bedroom aren't illegal is because no one else has thought of them. I'm sure they were kissing up, but it's hard not to feel flattered anyway. I couldn't reach that little nubbed ridge that was the aim of all well-intentioned strokes - what I'd give for a tongue that long - but heck, I tried.

Two fingers slid in easily enough once I turned my tongue's attention back to his cock. Pushing in deep, I brushed the tips over that firm, round nub, hearing his gasps turn to moans. His balls pulled firm against my chin as I felt his stomach flutter underneath my free hand, his back arching, breath quickening… so close. What to do… Let him cum now and then go for a second, or stave it off and go for one intense orgasm at the end?

Ah, fuckit. I want him to cum in my mouth. I released his erection long enough to wet down a third finger, and was back on him before he could growl at me for stopping. Carefully, oh so carefully, I pushed my fingers into him, tiny thrusts that eased off to relieve the muscle strain, then came back to press the advantage. Oh yeah, I exalted as his thighs tensed on either side of my shoulders, and I thrust the head of his cock to the back of my throat, massaging it between my palate and the back of my tongue; muffled curses filtered down to me as I drove my fingers into him hard and deep, sinking in to the knuckle. "H-ha… k'ssso…. Ra-… Radditz…. tsu…." It's hard to smirk with your lips around someone else's shaft, but it's the thought that counts, ne?

In a snap, his tail coiled around my wrist, back curving like a longbow as his muscles constricted around my fingers. Under my tongue, the center vein pulsed, his hips bucking to thrust thick semen down my throat, leaving an odd bitter tingling in its wake. I didn't mind that, or when his hand fisted down on the back of my skull, pressing my nose down against his pelvis. Reveling in the slick feel as the first few morsels pulsed down my throat, I shifted my tongue to trap the creamy fluid. It spilled back down around his shaft, a blanket of liquid heat that made Vegeta shiver as it compounded his ecstasy. I could feel it pattering through the bond like thick drops of rain, soaking into me around his mental barriers. Fucking incredible… hm. My thoughts or his?

As he came back down, I lapped gently at his shaft, carefully treading the line between prolonging the pleasure and pushing sensitivity over the pain threshold. While his breathing evened out, I crept up to hover over his flushed body, licking and nibbling at his chest and nipples. My hands sought out the little sensitive places along his side and thighs, wanting - needing - to ease his afterglow into something more. He gasped and murmured, writhing in expressive sinuous movements, cock re-hardening.

Following my lead, he allowed me to bring him up to straddle my lap, teeth bumping as our kisses grew careless. I was so hard it ached; I prayed I wouldn't explode the instant I got inside… Inside him… at the thought I could have sworn I got even harder.

I spent a few more minutes making sure he was warmed back up, but I felt he was growing impatient. Well - he was ready, no doubt about that, but I wasn't so sure that I was! This is no time for self-doubt, baka! Right… right. Just keep telling yourself that.

It's just that he was so beautiful…. Delicate lips parted and moist, a powerful flush gracing high cheekbones. Bronzed figure shaking with passion as he rested on my legs, almost artfully patterned with scars from victorious battles. Frame much smaller - so much more perfect - than my own, dark chestnut tail moving in fitful arcs between my calves. This perfect moment he gave to me… I would give him no less, or die trying.

Our cum mingled slick along his entrance as I nudged his hips into place. Pressing against him, I bit my lip, feeling the ring of muscle easily give way. He was thoroughly relaxed, which was what I wanted - pain often lent an exhilarating sensation to coupling, but that could wait. The pleasure alone could be overwhelming enough…

With a sudden give as the base of my head slipped inside, I was in.

Hot. Velvet, slick heat. I hissed shallowly through my teeth as he eased down, slowly encompassing every inch. The muscles of my stomach jerked spasmodically as I fought the urge to buck my hips and bury myself to the hilt. That soft, scorching passage called to me with the whispered promise of heaven… no siren's song could have been sweeter.

When I could see again, I was assaulted with the image of Vegeta perched on my hips, erection hard and leaking, breathing in shuddering gasps as his skin flushed and arms shook. I knew what he was experiencing - that first revelation of "oh, THAT'S what this is like," the stretching, the incredible feeling of being filled by another person… He shifted imperceptibly, and suddenly I had absolutely no attention to spare to think about what he was feeling.

I couldn't help it, a whine escaped me as he rocked his hips to move back up. Slowly that tight ring slid up my shaft, up, up around the tip; I saw white as he seemed to linger at the head, infusing me with delicious, friction-laden tingling. He stopped then, poised above me, and when I opened pleasure-hazed eyes, I saw that he was enjoying my reactions just as I was his. Oh, indeed….

"Ou-sama…." I gasped. "Please…" His sadistic smirk gentled to a pleased, arrogant smile, and he settled back down onto my cock, barely nudging the tip inside… "Hn-" I whimpered, barely in control of myself - it was too much, I needed, I had to -

I reached shaking hands to seize his hips, and finding no trace of rebuff in his expression, lowered him down just slightly, thrusting up to meet him at the same time. I was rewarded by his sharp exhale, fingers bruising my ribs in a sudden grip. Yes, it feels different when someone else moves for you, doesn't it. Holding him in place, I slid in and out, gradually inching towards an age-old rhythm. His cries above me were unlike any I'd ever heard from Vegeta; the sounds alone were enough to drive one mad with desire.

Carefully but firmly, I pumped into him, steadying his hips so that I was the one doing all the work. If indeed you could justify this as work. Hs tail was ramrod-stiff, shaking and brushing my thighs at each thrust. Fuck… this was so different… being the one to act, not simply be acted upon, knowing I was the one causing each tremble, each moan… I was the cause, the source of the sheer beauty that was Vegeta's pleasure. It was a great ego boost, I'll give you that.

More…. I want him to have more. I want to give him everything. Tilting his hips fractionally, I angled just so; as my cock pounded up against the firm, round nub nestled along his inner wall, his back straightened, eyes shuttering open with a gasp, fingers clawing my stomach.

"R- Radditz… fucking gods…"

"Vegeta," I murmured, imparting all the reverence and adoration of any honorary title or suffix with his unadorned name. I summoned strength and momentum, driving in hard until he nestled flush against my crotch. My tail snaked around to curve over his aching shaft, heat sinking through my fur, bombarding the delicate limb with intimate knowledge of the unique ridges and contours. A moan escaped me even as I wrapped the tip instinctively around his length, stroking motions ruffling my fur.

Vegeta tossed his head restlessly, tail spasmodically flicking against my knees. With a lash, it suddenly tickled the inside of my thighs, groping around my balls, soft fur providing unbelievable sensation. My legs spread instinctively, offering myself even as I took him. My thrusts shortened, intensifying & focusing our movement... I didn't even have to think about it anymore. Cold-hot tingles scurried through my abdomen, and I felt the very lip of the cliffedge taunt me…

His lush-furred appendage pressed close against me, fur pricking against the lie with every thrust. The royal tail constricted tight around my thigh, wedging in close against every sensitive place I had left… His breath quickened, muscles shaking as everything I had thrust into him, again and again. Every thrust was pure, incredible ecstasy…

Honey-sweet light burst behind my eyes as it happened, and somewhere I heard his choked cry of triumph accompany mine. His tail pressed into my cleft crackled with sharp energy, needle-pricks of stiffened fur as sweet as any mate's gentle touch.

When they talk about reaching nirvana, they hope in vain to reach anything as glorious as this.

I could not have told you who breached the edge first, whose bursts of sweet liquid and sporadic thrusts heightened whose pleasure - in the end, it truly didn't matter. In the end, what mattered was his delicious weight resting upon me, his perfect contentment and trust radiating through my soul.

We lay there…. I don't know how long, tails occasionally twitching against each other lazily, deep throbbing purrs resonating throughout the chamber. I large-boned, in the prime of Saiyajin fitness, skin criss-crossed with soldier's scars, proud mane of hair billowing out onto the floor… he smaller than most, perfection incarnate, having thoroughly earned both his pride and the battle marks that patterned his tan, a flawless amalgam of inheritance and personal accomplishment.

A strange symmetry… The larger one, myself, completely & thoroughly submissive to him and only him, a ferocious loyalty far beyond words interwoven within the fabric of my being; the smaller, more outwardly diminutive, suited impeccably to dominance and leadership, accepting my service with unparalleled regality. Any preconception of height and stature within relationship status had no place here. We were utterly, completely… perfect.

Vegeta's weight shifted above me and I opened my eyes languidly to gaze at him. His upswept hair was tousled, the blush of afterglow gracing his high cheekbones, the fiercely furrowed brow smoothed out, just a little, over hooded eyes. That I could relax him so… it made me want to be good so that I could be granted access to heaven and forever be just like this. Not one damn thing would I change…. Well, maybe the drying stickiness of cum was beginning to itch a little. And I'd have to wash it out of my tail as well, I could feel the fur stiffening. We were still on the mortal plane after all… supposedly.

One compact, yet artistic hand traced the planes of my brows and temples, and I sleepily looked back at him, not questioning, not self-conscious, just… looking. Experiencing. Sinking into his own star-black eyes… "Mine," the rumble arose from his chest with a soft exhale, more true than Vejitasei was red, as natural as his breath.

I breathed back.
