Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Misplaced ❯ The Darkness Within One's Mind ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
AUTHORÿS NOTE: People will hate me for uploading this and not a chapter for Lost

AUTHOR'S NOTE: People will hate me for uploading this and not a chapter for Lost. ::sighs:: This is basically an idea I came up with, oh at the beginning of summer, so ya…..onto the story!



Gazing out the side window she sighed in discontent. Perfect blue sky, no clouds, even birds were happily chirping by her window. Yet everything seemed to be mocking her. She wished it would rain, hell she wouldn't mind if there was hail or even a tornado. Just something that would match her dismal mood….she felt so lonely and disconnected from everything. What was wrong with her? Shouldn't she be happy, at least a little? She lived in a fairly large house, got most of what she ever could want, and to top it off…she had a gorgeous boyfriend that was loyal to a fault. Yet, it's weird how people with so much…can still have so little?

Yet, she was contradicting herself. Her house was large, but empty. Her father worked endlessly and her mother spent time at her grandmother's usually. The time left was divided and she found herself spending more time at Kame house when her parents wanted to be alone. She understood why….she was 21 years old after all. Marron thinks she is crazy for staying there for so long. She should have her own apartment and live her own life….yet fear held a great part with this….it was in her past and was nothing much to think about anymore.

No, that's not true either, she dreaded it every second of everyday. Could it happen again? That question has lingered within the depths of her subconscious, submerging frequently to torment her. No. Home meant father was in close reach, that if anything should happen she could easily be found. What a coward she felt like….strongest female on the planet, but that didn't put her up on a high pedestal.

Her boyfriend, he was a `red herring' or so she referred to him secretly. At first he was a pawn to rise jealously within a certain man she had liked, but now he was something she clung to. It was one of the few things that made her facade more believable. She wondered what people would say if she just ended it….after all they had been together for a little over a year. Most thought they were serious together, but people have failed to understand her as of late. In fact they failed a few years ago, or more….she truly didn't know where it had all begun.

Staring at her door, she frowned as she heard her mother bound up the stairs. It was like the grim reaper ready to take her to her death. All she wanted was to stay home and lay on her bed as music blasted in her room. But no….fate wasn't smiling upon her today. The knob turned and in came her flustered mother. She seemed furious…

"You've been ready all this time?!"

She stared unmoving. Should she respond? But then again she probably didn't need to…

"Come on we'll be late! Your father is already in the car waiting!"

Her mother bumbles out in her tight black dress, the pounding of her footsteps filling the air as she runs heavily downstairs. `Kill me now…oh, kill me now…' she silently pleaded with herself. A little phrase she had adapted from seventh grade. Never was it meant literally, though sometimes she believed her heart wanted it so. Pushing off the sill, she smoothed her scrunched up dress. Its soft material ran against her hands and she frowned in distaste. She felt naked! She swore from there that no one was going to get her to wear a dress again.

`Yes, we're off….' She thought begrudgedly. Trudging out of her room she counted every step before she stopped before the front door. Her stomach retched for a moment as a face passed through her mind. She did NOT want to see him or the disgraceful wench that she had once called her friend.

Turning the Knob slowly she creaked the door open, "Hurry up! We're going to be late!"

She sat back against the leather care seat and felt her butt slide off. This is gonna be fun…another reason to hate this confound thing!! Growling she gripped the handle above her window.

Mom was mad….that much was for sure. So they'd be a little late….what's an hour…

"You think Bulma will be upset. She did stress the time after all; 7:00 sharp."

Who the hell cared what Bulma thought…she didn't ….one thing was all too clear….if anyone called her Panny-chan…she'd kill them…

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Imbeciles…spineless….morons….she cursed the men sitting around her in the cell. How she wanted to wring everyone of their necks. They had won the fight, but at a price. They were incompetent and caused three casualties and who ever had been left standing possessed serious injuries.

Hissing painfully, she gripped her side warily. No use in causing more blood to pulsate from the deep wound. Standing up she walked up to one of the few barred windows that adorned the walls. Yet, all she could spy was the ruby red sky and a faint shimmer that came from the setting sun. Night would come soon and so would the cold. Her clothes were torn in various places, leaving her pants as mere shorts and a shirt that only stay on if she held it with her free hand.

Giving a low growl, she watched the men squirm from her view. The guards laughed from behind the gates, no doubt the sight of Saiyan men running from a woman was entertaining to them. Leaning against the wall, she slumped to the floor and grunted loosely. She had nothing to bandage her side and if she tore her shirt or what was left of her pants, surely all the perverse wretches would flock to her side.

The wall felt cold on her back and the humidity inside the infernal cell was not canceling it out. Tilting her head back, she sighed….sleep would come soon, yet with her wounds she felt wary about closing her eyes. With her injuries any one of the men might come over and try something, but she wasn't worried. Once she'd wake, they'd find themselves in worse condition than herself or dead. Which ever she preferred.

Damn those royal parsimonious bastards!! They hadn't healed her….she wasn't injured ENOUGH. The only reason she had lived throughout these years was due to her power. She was intriguing or so she was told by her king. A toy that would never run out of batteries that kept on fighting. The gladiatorial tournaments, involved weapons at times, were fought to the death. Most fighters were more partial to their bodies than the occasional Katana that was thrown to their feet. King Vegeta enjoyed these bouts the most, for his favorite did better in these than when she was equipped with any weapon. His favorite, what a great recognition! As any could plainly see, it neither helped nor diminished her current lifestyle.

These dank stank cells would be the death of her someday. Through battle or from getting too old. She'd be here forever. These stark walls swallowed more of her hope everyday…leaving a cold shell that seemed incapable of any warming emotion. There was only one thing that kept her from forfeiting. There was one chance. Yet, there was much doubt. She wouldn't last more than a minute or two, IF THAT.

How she longed for her mother and father again. To be safe within their warming embracement. She was a Saiyan. Her grandfather had disappeared shortly after her father was born and her grandmother with him. All her questions….everything she desired to know could never be answered.

Why did her grandparents leave? Where did they go? These were things that not even her father would tell her. Already the memories were beginning to fade….she had lived on Chikyuusei all her short-young-life, until the fateful day that she was taken…snatched from her own home. She could only imagine her parents distraught faces….and here she was sixteen years later, a fighter of amusement. She was entertainment… NOTHING ELSE!! Sometimes the guards liked to play with her. She refused at first….but she quickly learned her lesson. She didn't need to be whipped a second time with that spiked-metal-twine.

She felt her eyes close and her side began to feel numb…

`Goody the pain is gone…' she thought sarcastically. Tomorrow it would be back and with vengeance no doubt. She could hardly wait….She let her eyes close and felt a man come near. Lifting up a bloodied hand, a small ki blast shot from her palm. She heard the impact against the wall and the low grumbles and snorts. They were moving away from her, into the other corner of the vast cell they were confined too. Funny, this was one of the few nights she would be able to sleep and it was only because she had lost blood and was in unbearable pain. Maybe she should do this every time…then again she wouldn't live long enough then….and the king wouldn't let her out of this that easily.

Letting fatigue take over she fell into an empty darkness that had long ago stopped dreaming.

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Ok, side not here…..ummm…. at the moment I am NOT working on this story. My first priority is finishing Lost, but if enough people think this is good, then I'll continue it. As for pairings, well it might be Pan & Vegeta or Pan & Trunks or Pan & Original Character or Pan & nobody. As you can tell I don't have everything sorted through yet here. However, tell me if any of you like this and then I'll probably continue it.

Shall I continue this or not? It's all up to the reviewers!!

~ Xenia ~