Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Misplaced ❯ Complicated Relationships...... ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Why am I writing chapters for this? Glutton for punishment and that first review had me thinking on this for a while. Don't worry guys CH44 for Lost will be uploaded sometime this upcoming week.. ****Also, From here on I am going to be doing this mostly in first person, cause I suck with third as you may have noticed in the prologue……Anywho, if any of you get confused, please tell me.


Chapter 1………

`Capsule Corporation' The appearance of the gigantic bold letters pulling my pathetically fake smile into a frown.

"Here we are." My mother's voice rang out from the front. `You think so?' I thought, annoyed by my mother's chirpy nature. Did adults have to point out the most obvious things? taking only one step out of the car, I found someone grab my arm tightly and drag me inside.

"Bura!" I shouted angrily. I was perfectly capable of going inside by myself!

"Oh come on Pan, you're as slow as a turtle. And I know you're not in a good mood, but I need you to fend off your uncle before my dad decides to kill him."

Uncle Goten….him and Bura had been together for a while now, and Vegeta wasn't too happy with the setup. He didn't want any of my grandfather's sons near his little princess. Maybe the fact that he was nine years older than her bothered him, but then again many other couple had even more years between them.

We wedged through the entrance hall, Bura apparently intent about keeping me right by her side. I felt like a sardine as she pulled me through the bustling CEOs that littered every room we entered. Finally we stopped and I gazed about the overly crowded room. Oh no…no…no…no…no…no. Now my night has been officially screwed.

"Panny!" Uncle Goten hugged me tightly, "We wondered when you would get here. You look great!"

He ruffled my hair playfully and I surpressed the rising thought that nagged at the back of my mind. Though I couldn't help but wonder what uncle Goten would do IF I decided to deck him right now.

"Thanks, we just lost track of time and well…." I plastered a fake smile as Goten shook his head.

"Don't worry, you haven't missed anything."

"Don't hog her Goten." A deep voice protested. Two arms encircled my waist in a tight hug and I smiled for a brief moment. A REAL smile. But then it was gone, just as he pulled his arms away, "Great seeing ya Panny. Haven't seen you around here lately," Trunks smiled before placing an arm around his wench's waist.

"Ya Panny, were have you been?" Marron drawled my pet name mockingly. How I wanted to kill that blond bimbo. Or at least give her a black eye or two and maybe some broken bones….

"Nothing much, school has been hectic and you know my father…" I smiled at her and subconsciously curled my fingers into a tight fist. Oh ya, she was enjoying this…

Bura tugged on my hand and gave me a stern look before placing a smile upon her lips, "Now Pan, won't you follow me upstairs. I want to show ya something."

At least I wouldn't have to stay down here with HER. I nodded and followed Bura to her room. My eyes widening as we nearly avoided a head on collision with a waiter. Would Bura look where she was going! Suddenly I found myself colliding into someone's chest. Two arms encircled my waist just as I began to fall, and Bura simply let go of my hand and sighed.

"Hey there gorgeous," drawled a deep voice.

I half-smiled and regained my footing, "Hey Mikhail."

I just had to run into him. How the hell was I suppose to get away now??

"I was wondering when you'd get here."

"Why are you here?" I asked my voice full of shock.

"You're uncle called me up and told me about this party Bulma Briefs was giving and I knew I had to come. After all I have to watch out for my girlfriend, don't I? Can't have you wondering around all by yourself with these older men…"

Like I couldn't manage without a chaperone…

"Oh how thoughtful." Bura cooed and I growled at her attempt to grab some attention. I couldn't help it, I didn't really want Mikhail, but I was damn possessive.

"I can't believe your here….but…uhhh." Think! Think! Think! "But Bura said she needed to show me something. Don't worry though cause I'll be right back." I stepped out of his embarrassment only to have him grab me and pull me against him. I glanced up and felt him press his lips to mine. My eyes widened in surprise and he pulled back, "Don't be gone too long."

He smiled and gave me one last peck on the cheek before letting me go. I nodded and turned to Bura, "It's great seeing ya Mikhail…"

I pushed Bura forward and smiled back at him, "Come on. Let's go." I hissed into her ear.

"Sheesh what's wrong with you?" She asked irritatingly.

"Nothing. Just hurry up." I pulled her up the stairs and down the hall. I didn't want to be down there any longer than necessary…..Turning sharply to my right again, I gazed around the hallway and quickly dragged Bura to her room. Refuge! Refuge! Slamming the door shut behind us I sighed in relief. Thank Dende that was over! Bura jerked sharply on my arm and pulled free, "You know I didn't need assistance!"

And I did when I came here?? Although, mentioning that out-loud would open Pandora's box…and with Bura, winning an argument was near impossible. walking over to her night-stand, she began to mused over Dende knows what. Sometimes Bura could be an air-head.

"Do you think Mikhail would like it if I put a red headband on?"

"What???" Ok now I was officially confused.

"Well, you don't seem interested in him, so maybe….well I was thinking that maybe I could take him off your hands…."

For some unknown reason anger suddenly boiled up inside of me. Ok, I guess I wasn't the warmest, well to be blunt I was becoming a bit of a prude with him, but that…..well….he hadn't mentioned anything, had he? Maybe I should pay more attention or did he tell Bura? But why would he tell her?

"What gives you that impression?" I asked innocently.

Bura gave me her infamous I know everything look and sighed, "Ummm…lets take what JUST HAPPENED for example…hmmmm?"

Ok maybe I had been over analyzing it….

I quickly averted my eyes and subconsciously began biting on my lower lip. An annoying habit that I had picked up from my grandmother.

"Well I….."

"Why don't you just break up with him?" I looked up quickly and found her rummaging through one of her many drawers.

Great, anything I had to respute her allegations were quickly going down the drain. She wouldn't believe a word anyway. Might as well give in…I hated it when she did this to me!!

"If it were only that easy…."

"What do you mean, `if it were only that easy'?" Bura asked raising a brow in confusion as she looked back. Falling back onto the bed I sighed. Sometimes with her things took longer to explain.

"We've been together for a year or so now, Bura. I can't just break up with him."

"I don't see why not!" I gazed up at her and chuckled lightly. She looked down right comical at the moment. Hands on her hips and eyes cocked curiously. She was Bulma all over again….If it were only for her hair color…..

"Hello????" Dear Dende I was beginning to sound like her!! Ok I have been spending way too much time over here. Suddenly a mental image of me with blue hair popped up in my mind and I nearly shrieked.

"Pan you there?" I shook my head and blinked rapidly a few times.

What a trip…. "Sorry, just a spontaneous moment of horror."

Bura simply rolled her eyes and took up her pink brush from beside her.

::Knock:: ::Knock::

"Yeah!" Bura shouted.

"Get downstairs! You mother wants to speak with you."


Silence reigned in on the room and I couldn't help but snicker.

"Please princess…"

"Sure dad." Bura winked and I took a double take. Had Vegeta actually said that with people present or in other words, other people such as the MEDIA present. He better hope they didn't hear or good-bye badman image. Laughter bubbled up in my throat and I fell off the bed as the expression on Vegeta's face began to surface in my mind. There was no doubt that that had been exactly what his face had looked like. For a moment a smile dawned my face and one that hadn't been influenced by Trunks.

"You should be like this more often, you know…I just…I am worried about you girl."

I pushed myself up and sat back against the foot of her bed. My laughter from before dying in my throat.

"You're always depressed and it….it just…"

I stayed quiet, I hated this subject. However….It seemed as though Bura was the only one who knew, I didn't know my facade was that good.

"Well, it seems our brief intermission is over."

I mentally cursed Vegeta's name and got up. He just had to come upstairs and here I thought I could stall up in her room for at least half-an-hour. Just make something like, `personal issues' or `something about Mikhail.' Surely my parents would have believed any of that as well as the Z gang… Oh well, you had the face the music sometime. At least she had changed the subject…

"Ya, ya…" I moved over to the door, but hesitated for a moment, "Hey do you think I could say I'm tired and leave early?"

Bura considered this for a moment, but eventually shook her head in disagreement, "Maybe in an HOUR or TWO. But they won't let you leave right now."

"True, true." I hated it when she was right. Thankfully though, she took the lead out the door and I dutifully followed behind. Once again I was reminded of what it felt like to be a sardine and grimaced in distaste. This one of the few times that I thought Capsule Corp. was too small.

Suddenly a hand snaked out and curled around my waist, "You didn't take long after all."

I cringed inwardly and plastered a fake smile about my face once again.

"Hey, you waited for me!"

"Ya, its boring without you around."

Bura smiled and clasped onto his arm tightly, "You're not enjoying yourself??"

He blushed and quickly pulled his arm away, "It's ok, don't get me wrong or anything. I just want to be with my girlfriend, that's all."

Oh great, was I going to be attached to him all night??

"I'm not letting you out of my sight," he whispered softly before placing a soft kiss to my lips.

Yep, I was going to be stuck with him. Maybe I should reconsider Bura's offer.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

"Get her. The King requests her presence."

I cracked open an eye and glanced about the room. What the hell was going on? My vision blurred as the piercing light struck my eyes, the loud screeching of the rusted metal-door not helping my senses at all. Why were they coming into the cell? Glancing back at the window above me, I noticed that the moon had only risen a bit into the sky. Or at least that little white tip that peaked through the window looked like the moon.

A large shadow suddenly showered me within its darkness and I turned back, finding one of the guards infront of me. This was strange….what did they want with me this time? The usual? No I was too injured, but then…

"Yes?" I drawled as my eyes darted towards the open door.

"The King requests your presence." He stated emotionlessly, as he stepped forward.

"Does he now?" A low groan passed my lips as I shifted my body a bit, "Well, what have I done this time to be honored with his majesty's presence?"

A small grin fell over the man's face, "Don't know."

Grabbing onto my left arm, he yanked me off the floor. The movement tearing at the open flesh by my side.

"You son of a-"

My mouth ran dry for a moment as pain reared up within my stomach; the bile rising up my throat. My knees buckled beneath me, but the guard held up his arm prohibiting me from recuperating from the blow. Damn that hurt! Never talk back to the guards, rule number one. A rule I disobeyed frequently.

"Know your place wench."

I growled at him for a moment as my legs fought for better footing. How I hated these men…..

My body was heaved up and I sighed in frustration and pain as he dragged me out of the dark cell and into the more brightly lit areas of the of the cell blocks. Wails and cries greeted my ears as I passed numerous doors, the men either giving crude comments or jealous cries of injustice. After all who else but me, got all these frequent royal summonings? Though I would gladly trade with any of them if they offered.

I winced lightly as he yanked me outside into the castle court yard. The cell blocks had been specifically built away from the palace. This way they stayed hidden from the ambassadors that might be offended by the large collection of incarcerated criminals that the Royal Family held in their hands to play with when bored.

I shivered against the wind that swept up my torn suite. The cold was rather biting tonight. Every Saiyan on Vegetasei hated the winter months. They were short, but to each who loved the heat of summer and spring, abhorred the drastic drop in climate. It didn't help that my armor had nearly been stripped away by my opponent in the battle earlier.

I staggered slightly as we came onto the paved road that led to the main chambers, the pain from my wounds lessening my coordination a bit. The guard growled in annoyance, probably wondering why he had to deliver me and not one of the King's other lackeys.

"Finally got beat onna?"

I glanced up at the guards stationed by the entrance to the throne room and frowned. Did they have to remind me of my present condition. Yet before I could mull over my team's incompetence any more, I was swiftly pushed to the floor. Quickly, I forced myself to surpressed the growing desire to scream as my side sent a jolt riding through my entire nervous system. Two gold tipped boots suddenly came into view, their position suggested ill-tension within the person infront of me.

"You may rise."

The guard beside me yanked me upright and I hissed sharply as I tried to sustain eyes contact with the King. King Vegeta, even more tyrannical that his father, but he was the one who liberated us from Lord Frieza so no one displayed any doubts over his years in ruling Vegetasei.

"You had a hard time today." His mouth quirked up slightly, "You growing soft Pan? Or is my favorite simply not enjoying herself anymore?"

I stared at his amused expression, wanting more than anything to charge at him that moment and send a ki blast right through that large head of his, but I held myself still and let the banter flow without dispute.

"You know the ambassador from Cuasean was here. I promised him a good show. I even pointed out you and your team especially, stating that your lot would win for sure." He had begun to pace now, his smirk quickly turning into a frown. "The ambassador loves such tournaments, and held great interest towards the results of the battle. Yet he was rather disappointed when your team did so poorly in the preliminary matches."

He paused for a moment, his eyes searching off towards one of the side halls. I couldn't help but wonder where this conversation was going. Was he going to reprimand me for my teams unsatisfying performance or was I simply here to be scolded at like a simple child?

"I don't like to be wrong Pan." He took a step forward and took my chin gruffly in his large gloved palm, "You should always strive to please me. It's unfavorable for you if you perform anything less than perfection."

His hand slowly trailed down my neck, another interest in his eyes. I shivered slightly, not being able to stop the reaction before he noticed. His eyes quickly darted up to mine, their appearance slightly glazed for a moment. Yet, snapping out of the stupor he turned to the guard beside me, "Place her in a rejuvenation tank."

"But sire," argued the guard, "The seriousness of her injuries only suggests some bandaging and-`

"ARE YOU QUESTIONING YOUR KING'S ORDERS!!" Vegeta bellowed over the room, his fury apparent in his face and voice. I couldn't help but feel an odd sense of satisfaction from the position that the guard had implanted himself into.

"No, sire. No. I will get right on it, sire." He quickly grabbed my arm once more and began to pull me out of the throne room as quickly as possible.


We froze and I glanced back at the King who was now grinning wickedly from his seat on the throne, "After she has been healed bring her to my chambers."

My mouth ran dry at the command, the knot in my stomach churning vehemently as my mind ran over what he wanted from me. The guards knew of the Kings infidelity to the queen. They knew it quite well, after all she was not of pure Saiyan blood. Therefore it was quite easy for the King to withhold information from her in their telepathic bond.

The queen at this time of the year visited her mother's home planet, the ardent arguments over the issue between the royal couple having been dominated by her majesty.

"It's rather cold tonight," He stated sardonically, "Perhaps some company would help."

Another night to have my soul stripped away from me. Another night with him in his filthy arms. Bruises and cuts littering my body the next morning for he kept me in a collar that restricted my strength.

"Yes, King Vegeta." Stated the guard somewhat amused at the implied decision. They all loved it when I was subjected to such treatment. After all they had taken up the practice just the same, though they took good care to keep such actions a secret from their King. His majesty's favorite was not to be spoiled.

Another quick yank and I found myself trailing after the guard to the medic ward that was situated near the cell blocks on the east side of the courtyard. The wind picked up ever so slightly, this time forcing the guard to shiver inside his warm armor and body suite. Yet I neither showed or felt the frigid fingers of the night as I had just a few minutes before.

Tonight once again, my soul would be buried within darkness. Its once pure light dwindling to a simple flickering that would soon dissolve with the dying stars of the night's sky.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Now, I still don't have any exact pairing decided. If any of you are wondering where this is going, well just wait a few more chapters and you'll understand. I don't know when Chapter 2 will be up. Hopefully sometime soon, within this month or next. Christmas break will give me time. Hope you liked chapter one!! Review please, all you have to do is click that little button in the left-hand corner and type a little!