Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Misplaced ❯ Chaos ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AUTHOR'S NOTE: 2 reviews for 2 chapters. I like that. Sorry I've neglected this story. I wanted to finish Lost and then I got caught up in Origins. I'll try and work on this one a bit more, but with senior year coming up…well, I hope I have enough time. Anywho, I hope you all are enjoying the story thus far and onto the fic!!


Chapter 2………

"Mikhail…" I tugged on his arm for a moment, my mind working out an escape route as my eyes searched the sea of CEOs. Another tug and I smiled sweetly as he turned, "I'm going to go see what my father and Goten are up to."

He followed my gaze and spotted the two talking only a few feet away, "Sure." He shifted uneasily as his eyes lingered on my father and I couldn't blame him. My father may not seem threatening to the untrained eye, but he was still able to make every boy around me uneasy. Not to mention he could easily beat any of them to a bloody pulp if he wanted to…

Mikhail reluctantly let me pull away, his gaze burning into my back as I tried to flee.

"Hey Mikhail, where's Pan?"

I glanced back to see Bura snatch a hold of his arm, his face falling into a frown as he tried to disentangle himself from her. I couldn't ignore the rising anger that spurred from her actions, but I had resolved myself to stop caring and dammit all if I'd let that crumble because of my stubborn will. It would be for the best anyway, at least her feelings about him weren't false.

I took a swift detour around my uncle and father, the kitchen drawing me in quickly as I failed to be detected by their radar.

"This is really good."

A smile alit my lips as I stopped myself from glopping the man who was steadily stuffing incredible portions of food into his mouth. "Grandpa!"

He turned to me then, his cheeks puffed out with the vast quantity of food that they held. With one inhumanly impossible gulp he swallowed everything down and got up. "Hey Pan."

It had been a few months since I had seen him. School had taken over training, another element of my depression. Not being able to see him at least every other day wore my happiness thin, after all he was the only one who treated my as an equal instead of a little kid.

I let him envelope me in his large arms and relished at the contact. "I've missed you Grandpa."

"I haven't seen you lately Pan." He stated curiously as he pulled away.

"School." I nearly snorted in distaste, annoyance perking up as the word passed my lips. I let my thoughts drift back to my previous dilemma and frowned, "Is he out there?"

He glanced up, his eyes searching the crowd that shuffled outside the kitchen, "Can't see him, so do I have to warn my son about your boyfriend?"

"No no, it's just that…" I cast my eyes to the tiled floor, "It's just that, well, we don't seem to be 'connecting' anymore." I blushed profusely with the end of the statement. It felt strange discussing such matters with my Grandfather. We had always been close, but I always saved this sort of discussion for Bura's ears only.

"You mean you aren't connecting with him anymore?" He stated knowingly as he glanced at me for a moment before returning his gaze to the wave of people.

"I-I…" I looked away and bit my lip as I decided that refuting his observation wasn't the most appropriate course of actions. Might as well wave a white flag, it'd mean just the same.

I watched him step into the kitchen doorway for a moment and weighed the choice of joining the sea of people or staying in here. "Hey Pan?"

"Yeah?" I asked taking a step forward.

"Can you find Vegeta for me?"

A smirk lifted the corner of my lips as I watched my grandfather fidget for a moment, "Ready to ditch the party so soon?"

He laughed at the statement, placing one arm typically behind his head, "Well, I don't do well at these things. I rather train with Vegeta than have to stand around here."

I glanced out into the bustling room for a moment, "But where's Grandma?"

"I believe she's with your mother."

"She left you to fend for yourself, eh?" I smiled at his disposition, "Well in that case I could find Vegeta for ya, after all we don't need you dying from socializing with the crowd."

He smiled at the small joke and sat back down at the table, "Thanks Pan. I'll wait here."

"And I get to drown in the crowd," I mumbled as I set out into the gray depths of business suits and ebony tuxes. Who'd a thought I'd ever willingly seek out the Saiyan-jin Prince. He wasn't the best person to be around. Though I had no qualms with him, after all he did have some admirable traits. I glanced into the adjacent ballroom and spotted him leaning nonchalantly against the wall like usual.

My eyes drank in the sight of him, noticing once again where Trunks got a good portion of his features from, which in consequence made the prince rather easy on the eyes. The only aspects that truly separated the two were their eye and hair color. Instead of lavender and blue, Vegeta sported dark chocolate orbs who's color you could only distinguish if you were nose to nose with him. Which only happened once when I daringly asked to train with him one desperate day. Training with him is asking to be knocked around to within an inch of your life, although by doing so he treated me as an equal in battle; or rather, I would like to believe he did so, but I doubted this a bit. My gaze moved up then, past his prominent forehead and to rest upon his hair. It wasn't straight and limp, but defied gravity in long raven locks, that you couldn't help but wonder what texture it held. To one's touch was it rough and coarse like his personality or silky and smooth as a Prince is stereotyped to have?

My eyes wandered down from his hair to his own dark eyes once more and I gasped sharply when I found him staring back at me. I stepped back, bumping into someone lightly as his eyes bored into my own, holding a tint of curiosity and slight boredom. Gathering my wits I looked away. Needless to say I had been staring at him for a good couple of minutes, which inflamed my cheeks to a light cherry hue. Fleeing wasn't an option; I had no choice but to approach him. After all I did promise my grandfather I'd find him.

Gathering my last strand of pride, which had been strewn by that heated glance from Vegeta, I strode up to him and watched in slight humiliation as he smirked in amusement at my behavior, "Onna?"

"You seem bored," I stated obviously as I shifted nervously.

He looked away, obviously coming to conclusion that I was nothing of interest. "These 'parties' are full of impudent and pathetic humans, that do not serve to hold any amusement for me."

He stated it rather condescendingly, but I couldn't blame him. I agreed with him on every level, but I didn't come over for idle chitchat and I think he somehow knew that.

"Then I believe you won't say no to ditching it to train?" I asked discreetly as I looked for a familiar tuff of sea green hair that was wound in a rather elaborate style tonight. No doubt she'd have reasons of protest for Vegeta's disappearance.

The Prince smirked and turned his gaze upon me again and I shivered as I noticed how closely I was standing to him. I was suddenly aware that he was gripping my arm, the warmth from his hand searing my skin. "Proposing we 'ditch' as you say, what makes you think my onna will not find us?"

I didn't understand what he was insinuating, though as another shudder ran through my frame, I found my voice again, "Not we; my grandfather. I'll make sure Bulma doesn't know you rather beat each other to a bloody pulp than stay here."

He let me go with my statement and frowned slightly, "As if she doesn't know already." He seemed disinterested again, the sudden change perking my curiosity just the slightest. "So Kakarrotto is eager for a beating is he?" He smirked at that comment and turned away from me, "Fine. I rather fight that imbecile than be in the presence of these insufferable miscreants."

Then he left and I couldn't help but think that my arm felt rather cold where he had moments ago gripped it. Turning away I navigated myself back to the kitchen, my mind failing to discern what exactly happened, but I knew not to scrutinize it too closely after all nothing happened.


My head snapped up to find my grandfather only a few feet in front of me, my attention span not even clueing me in on the fact that I had already arrived in the kitchen. "He's in the gravity room."

He smiled at the information and walked past me with a quick thanks before leaving the room. You'd think he might ask me to go instead of Vegeta, after all he knew I wasn't exactly a 'social' person per say.

I glanced around the swimming crowd and decided to wander for a bit, my eyes ever watchful if a certain boyfriend was spotted in the distance. Yet I didn't see him. I was uneasy about that, I know I shouldn't be, but maybe my feelings for him weren't complete devoided of affection. Maybe my feelings for Trunks were simply stronger and I failed to realize that I was paying more attentions to them than to those that belonged to my loyal boyfriend. I found myself at one of the stairwells and decided to go upstairs to lie down for a while. No use straining myself when there was no incentive for it.

I came to Bura's door and decided that she wouldn't mind if I stayed in her room for a bit, after all she was downstairs anyway. Yet, I stopped when I heard a quick giggle inside, which sounded suspiciously like Bura. I couldn't help myself, I'm a glutton for punishment. I quickly turned the knob and unknowingly broke the lock that had been placed. Opening the door, I found them inside. Bura seemed to have pounced on Mikhail just before my entrance and his face held one of bewilderment as she plastered her lips on him. By the look on his face I knew he had no part in what I was seeing, but I couldn't help the blurred vision that assaulted me. After all, wasn't I the one who told her before that she could have a go at him if she wanted?

He spotted me and broke away, his face filled with guilt that he didn't deserve. This was my chance to tell him it was over, but for some reason I remained stock still in shock. I never thought this would happen and for some reason I wanted to deny its existence.

"Pan-" He fumbled as he pushed Bura away and stood up.

I backed away and glanced at the carpet beneath me as I tried to access what to do, what to say. And I realized suddenly as a lone droplet fell against my palm that I was crying. All at once I felt the rush of sadness, anger and betrayal that was associated with the situation. Yet I never believed I would feel such emotions if this happened. I thought I would accept it as a release from the constricting relationship, but I was wrong. So wrong…

"Pan, I didn't mean for this to happen. Bura, she…"

I didn't hear anymore of it and I wasn't aware that he was gripping both my arms and was standing no more than a foot in front of me. I simple tuned him out and glanced up past him at Bura who seemed to be shocked by the emotions she saw in my face. Perhaps she thought of me as a hypocrite at the moment, after all I had been complaining about my relationship earlier.

I pulled away, ripping my arms from his grip as my mind panicked at the situation. I couldn't breathe suddenly and I knew I was panting wildly as I tried and failed to get my bearings. I did the only thing I could think of or rather just did it because of instinct. I ran. I heard Mikhail shouting for me and I knew I was running to a dead end, but I didn't care. I just ran till I reached the end of the hallway and veered into a room, launching myself at the lock of a nearby window. I didn't want to be here, be near anyone if I could help it.

I fumbled with the lock, my tears blinding me and I cried in frustration. I broke the glass then, feeling the slight sting of a few shallow cuts before pulling myself out and falling down onto the grass below. I stood up slowly, as if pained by the fall and suddenly perked up as I realized I wasn't alone at the moment.


I stared into his cerulean eyes, wanting to hide my tears from his sight. Why did he have to be here? Why did he have to see me like this? I couldn't stop crying, a whimper falling from my lips as I searched to find him alone, "What are you doing here?" I croaked out as I tried to calm myself, and failed utterly once again.

"I was getting suffocated in there and wanted a little fresh air without any nuisance. But that's not what is important right now, what happened?"

"Without nuisance…" I repeated and shook my head as if in agreement about something, "I better go then."

"No Pan," He grabbed my arm and stopped me and I felt like crying anew as I knew he only stopped me in pity of my state. "What happened?"

I glanced back and shifted as I tried to think of something to say, but my tongue felt like a wad of cotton in my mouth.

"Kami, look at your arm!" Trunks cried out in alarm and I followed his gaze to the cuts that littered the pale flesh.

"I'm fine." I managed out shakily as I tried to tug free. "Don't worry."

He seemed complete taken aback by my statement, "Fine? Pan your arm has been sliced up and you're in complete emotional disarray! You aren't fine!"

"What do you care?!" I shouted, yanking myself away. I didn't care that he was trying to help, in any other situation I would welcome it. Yet, now all I wanted to do is hide and never come out. "Go back to Marron and the party!"

"Pan, what's wrong? Let me help you." He stated calmly, his voice taking the tone of someone talking to a child.

"I'm not a child!" I yelled, stepping back further. "I'm 21 years old! And yet you never realize!" I don't know why I was saying all of it. Maybe I was tired of bottling it up all these years, maybe I thought if I told him that I'd feel better, but after thinking about it much later I probably just wanted to lash out at someone. To hurt him, like I was hurting; though I knew secretly I wouldn't have the same results. "I care about you so much, but you don't even bat an eye at me! I dated Mikhail to make you jealous, but when it didn't work I clung to him for all it was worth! I thought I was safe, I thought I didn't care about him! But when I saw him kiss Bura…" I shook my head rapidly, my mind telling me to deny everything that I felt. "I didn't think I'd feel this way! I hate it!"

I was crying all over again, my body trembling frantically as I let every emotion flood my words.

"Pan-I…." Trunks trailed off, probably unsure of how to comfort me. "I didn't know you felt so strongly, I mean I thought it was a little crush and then- well I thought you got over it…"

So I screwed myself over. My red herring turned into another excuse for Trunks to give me. Hugging my body tightly, I found myself only able to hear my own whimpers and the erratic beating of my heart that felt like it was being torn into pieces.

"Pan." I felt his hand touch my shoulder and I flinched. I don't know where I got the bravery to look up at him, but in his eyes I saw pity and I didn't want it.

"PAN!!" I looked past Trunks to the door that led back inside, Mikhail's large frame filling it as he spotted me here. My mind panicked once more as I backed away.

"Don't run."

Trunks had grabbed my arm once again and I stared at him stunned by the situation. Yet, it quickly passed and undeniable anger stole me as I snarled in a way that would have to be blamed on the saiyan blood that ran through my veins, little as it was. "Why the hell do you care."

It wasn't a question, but rather a statement that I had known for such a long time. I jerked away and ran, using my inhuman strength to gain speed as I tore off through Capsule Corp. and then the city before taking off into the night's sky. I didn't know where I was going, nor did I care.

The scenery changed and through my blurred vision I found myself settling down on a hard surface. It was a precipice that over looked a dying desert of rocky earth. My legs buckled as I fell on my side and I curled in on myself into a small ball as I let my tears fall without shame. The frozen air wrapped around my body and strangled my lungs, its dryness turning my mouth to ash. I welcomed the discomfort, the biting chill that felt like knives hacking at every pore. None of it fazed me as my mind ran over images of Trunks and Mikhail. Their words penetrating my heart once more, slicing the last bits that were still intact. I just wanted to get away from everyone, to completely drown within the biting sorrow that felt worse than any pain imaginable. I just wanted to hide, to hide and never come out.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I gritted my teeth as my back arched forward and my knees bent beneath me. Gusts of sliced air suddenly lifting my hair to wrap around my neck as my calves tightened and sprung within seconds. Another roar greeted me, a sharp remark cutting into my concentration as gun-metal pewter swung down over my body suddenly. Bracing myself, I caught the offending blade and grimaced as blood spurted and flowed down my side. My muscles tightened once more, holding me in a locked stance against my foe. A snarl passed my lips, my instincts telling me to fight till the death, while body prayed I'd surrender willingly. My vision blurred as my knees buckled for one moment, each muscles crying out in pain as I reasserted my balance. I won't give up.

"Is that all you have Onna?"

I shifted and tried to apply more of my dwindling strength, but found that I didn't move the blade any further away from my body. Instead it moved forward, inch by inch before it hovered above my shoulder. I shut my eyes, giving a small cry as I tried to arch my back against the hold. Yet the only result I received was a high-pitched cry of pain as my knee shifted suddenly and stripped me of my footing. Snapping my eyes open, I watched in horror as I fell beneath my opponent and hit the hard floor beneath me, the blade turning slightly to creating a shallow cut into the juncture of my neck and shoulder.

My breathing came in sharp gasps, as my side throbbed and overtook the new pain that I had received. Yet the sudden warmth of soft wet flesh alerted me to the wounds existence once more. I glanced at him, wanting to scream and pummel his body till he begged for my mercy. However, all my strength was gone and I would be surprised if I could even move at the moment. Instead I helplessly watched as he sucked in my blood, letting loose a low moan in quiet satisfaction.

"Very good. Even with your wound not completely healed, you still put up a good fight," He purred against my ear, "Though it didn't take any effort for me to pin you to the floor."

I blinked my tears away, knowing what he planned to do with me. He only used a weapon when he wanted to taste me; for saiyan-jins blood was a potent aphrodisiac. King Vegeta enjoyed a game of cat-and-mouse before consummating any act of lust with me.

"Don't tell me you're tired Pan." He drawled as ragged his teeth down my neck and over my collarbone. His hands pulled at my torn armor, swiftly pulling the top off and exposing me to the cold air of the training grounds. I shivered then, but it wasn't from the biting chill. I wanted to tear his hands away, yet followed my own role and gently raised them to rest upon his shoulders. I knew the routine and I hated it with every ounce of my being, but if I wanted to survive to someday see my freedom then I'd have to endure it.

Yet suddenly his muscles tensed beneath my palms and he growled warningly as my ears detected footsteps coming towards us. We were both upon the royal family's private grounds, therefore there were only three other people who could come at this time, and two of them weren't on the planet to my knowledge.


I heard the Prince's voice and stilled beneath Vegeta as he growled again, this time in annoyance, "Boy, can't you see I'm busy at the moment."

I heard a low snort somewhere to my right and a few more steps, "I'm sorry to intrude upon one of your affairs, however I must speak with you." He spoke as though he was disgusted by what he saw, though he knew of his father's decadent nature. However the Prince himself was known to dabble within such matters himself, his eyes lingering upon me lately; which did nothing but create more fear to rise up within me.

"Can't it wait?!" He cried out, anger tinting his visage.

"It won't wait." The comment sounded more submissive, and I knew the Prince regretted getting his father riled up. Vegeta wasn't one to hesitate on punishment of any sort, even if it was to be inflicted upon his own son. Yet I couldn't help but be curious as to what the Prince wished to speak of to the King.

Another low growl and Vegeta pulled himself up onto his knees and carefully stood before throwing my armor at me. "Report to a rejuvenation chamber. You have another battle in a week, I won't be disappointed this time."

I nodded and slowly stood, knowing time was of the essence; the faster I left the better. I didn't bother to place the garment on though, I simply hugged it to my chest and looked away.

"This better be good boy." King Vegeta snapped as he headed back to his own chambers.

Yet the Prince didn't move to follow for a moment and I glanced back as I sensed that he hadn't left. His eyes were suddenly upon me and he seemed to judge me for a moment. His look was one of curiosity and something else that I didn't want to think about too closely. Prince Trunks had no mate, though he was encouraged to take one by his father. Yet he defied the King on every occasion.

I shivered, but knew better than to turn away. To turn your back on the Prince or any of the royal family or even the generals and soldiers of the army symbolizes insolence and disgust; this was not permitted and death was a popular punishment. Since I held the Prince's attention, I couldn't flee as planned.

"Why does my father favor you so much?" He asked suddenly, his voice calm and imploring.

I balked at the question, not knowing how to answer it exactly. After all I didn't know why he did myself, though it might have to do with my winning streak in my battles. Though the day the King lost interest was not exactly a day I was looking forward to, for his interest allowed me to stay alive…even if I had to put up with his lecherous ways.

"I-I don't know…" I stated uneasily, not being able to look away even if I wanted to. The King and his son looked so much alike. Yet the Prince's hair was a bit lighter, holding a violet tint which accented lightening blue eyes that could bore holes through your being with one piercing stare. Many feared him, for he had a temperament much like his father, however he was supposedly more rational and calm when the King was not.

He regarded me coolly, his body fidgeting slightly as he glanced back to the corridor his father had disappeared into. "Perhaps," He muttered, whether to himself or me, I'm not certain. "I shall find out myself." He seemed pensive and disalarming, yet the insinuation blazed in my mind. However how could I be sure that was what the Prince meant?


The Prince twitched in slight alarm and I winced as the King's bellowing voice assaulted my ears. He turned away completely then and retreated inside as a guard suddenly appeared to escort me back to the rejuvenation chamber. Yet I didn't register it, I simply watched in silent confusion till the Prince disappeared around a sharp corner and his footsteps faded from my ears. I knew that the Royal family was known to be ruthless and I had seen it displayed many a time, however the Prince… At this one moment, he seemed to contradict what I knew and it didn't sit right with me; and his question as well as the matter he mentioned to Vegeta before tugged at my mind annoyingly.

A hard yank brought me back to my senses as pain ran up the limb, my body alerting me to the numerous injuries I had procured with the King's short romp. I found myself silently thanking the Prince for his intrusion, yet his statement still nagged at my mind.

"Get in."

I glance up and found myself in front of one of the large tanks and quickly shed my clothing before stepping inside. It wasn't necessary to do so, yet it was required despite the fact. I never questioned it, after all I had nothing to be ashamed of. Perhaps the glass bubble surrounding me assured me of no lecherous visitors and relieved my discomfort, or I was just use to it.

'Perhaps, I shall find out myself.'

What did he mean by that? I frowned as the oxygen mask was placed over my mouth, accompanied by tiny suction cups that soon lingered on my chest and arms. I followed the wires that connected them to the sides of the tank, my mind still tormented by the Prince's words.

"I shouldn't get worked up over it." I muttered underneath the mask.

"What was that?"

I glanced up at the guard and shook my head to dismiss his question. He frowned and exited the room, apparently disinterested in me. I had no complaints, solitude was precious and rare. Closing my eyes, I concentrated on the sound of my heartbeat and allowed it to fill my ears. I needed to concentrate on recuperating, after all I had a week before my next match in the stadium. More than enough time to contemplate the Prince's words, whatever they may mean.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

One thing you all should know…GT happened in my story, however the dragonballs never split and there were no evil Shenrons. Besides that, hell did break loose and Bebi did try to kill everyone and the black star dragonball adventure did happen. Why? Cause I want Goku in my story. Simple huh? lol

This is my first story where Pan is the main character, so I'm a little skeptical. I've been reading T/P, V/P and etc. to get the feel of her as well as watch some old episodes I haven't seen in a couple of months. No exact pairing yet, though I am going to throw some things out to make you think there is, lol. At least I have a better idea now of where this thing is going. When will Chapter 3 be up? Lol, hmmm, hopefully later this month...I'll try and keep up with the updating. This may be slow at first, but please stay with me. I'm getting there! So please review and give me any suggestions you want. They'll help my updates become more frequent. ^_~