Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Miss You ❯ Miss You ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The One I Gave My Heart To

Miss You

Disclaimer/Claims: I would like to point out I do NOT own DBZ nor it's characters, but I do own this fic and it's plot. Also, the song Miss You belongs to Aaliyah, who is missed everyday that she's not here with us.

AN:Thanks to ALL the reviewers!!!! Also, please check out my other fics, So, It Got A Bit Complicated.... and Beautiful! I'd be so happy if you reviewed!!! Thank you!

Oh. Hey,yay yay,yay. No,no,no. It's been to long, and I'm lost with out you. What am I going to do. Said I been needing you, wanting you. Wandering if your still the same with who's been with you. Is your heart still mine, I want to cry sometimes. I miss you....

'Off to heaven, yes,she went away. We were close friends, also lovers. Now, you're gone, and I'm lost without you hear right now. Come back, woman. How, I need you.Now, I'm sitting here, thinking about you. Thinking about the times we used to share. It's driving me crazy. Now, wandering if you'll come back, and love me, again.'

Said, I been wanting you, needing you. It's been too long. I miss you....

'It's only been days since you went away. So, why does it feel like years, on end. It's been too long, and I'm lost without you. Wandering if you're then same, and who's been with you. I wish, I could take it all back. So, you'd still be here with me.'

'Now, I'm sitting here, trying to explain, why you're not here, today. My head falls down, as our children begin to cry, at their loss of you. They miss, you. They're lost without you. Woman, please forgive me. Our children need you, they need their mother. And I need my mate back,' Vegeta mentally whispered.

'I've been weak with out you, here, by my side. I never knew how much, one woman, could affect who I am, and have ever been. You were right. I never knew how much you meant to me, until you went away. I never imagined that my life without you would be so painful. Now, I know, that without you girl, my life is incomplete...

Bulma smiled down from heaven, her misty blue eyes, staring down at husband, but then she frowned at his sorrow, and what she'd left behind. Her beautiful two children. 'I miss you too, Vegeta. But, you brought this upon yourself.' she whispered as she turned her head away from the scene, and reluctently let a few tears caress her face.

Bra and Trunks sorrow, soon turned into anger. Why did you do this mom!" Bra yelled. She loved you, she screamed. She loved, you, and it's all your fault. She went away because of you." Bra sobbed as she broke down once again.

Trunks tears quickly dried up, and his face quickly took on one, of masculine anger,"You cheated on mom, with that whore, after all these years!" he glared, now hating Pan's every being. (AN: I do NOT hate Pan, ok? But this is necessary,ok. So, don't hate me.)

Shut up boy." Vegeta sneered,"My affairs is not your concern."

"To, hell it isn't. Well, it is when It involves hurting my mother, especially KILLING her!" Trunks reminded, his eyes lowered even more.

"I hate you, and that bitch!" Trunks roared disgustedly, as he left, the house abruptly, forever...

Bra, looked at her father one more time, she had the same beautiful ocean blue eyes, as her mother. he thought, as she too walked away from him. "Goodbye, daddy." she whispered, before walking out of his life, forever...

After all these years, of building a family, and trying to change. Everyone who ever meant anything to him, was being taken away from him, because of one "quickie, with Pan." She'd been so persuasive and seductive, and challenging on his pride...

Next Chapter, begins to explain some things, which I'm sure you're all wandering. Like, why Vegeta slept with Pan in the first place and etc. So, be kind and REVIEW! They're gladly appreaciated! Also, this chapter was based off another one of Aaliyah's songs, "Miss You." funny, how I'm doing alot of dedications to her songs, but she IS my favorite artist! One In A Million, and most missed....