Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Miss You ❯ Losing What Means The Most ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer/Claims: I do NOT own DBZ, it stricly and lawfully belongs to Akira Toriyama, BirdStudio, Funimation, and Toei Animation! So, don't sue the half rich, please. I also, don't own the song "The One I Gave My Heart To" It belongs to Aaliyah, though the song does not appear in this chappie! lol. I do however own the plot of this fic so please don't steal!

The One I Gave My Heart To

Losing What Means The Most

Vegeta's Thoughts

It's hard to believe, that I let you go for something, that meant nothing, compared to the love we shared. You were the first person and last, to ever love me. I truly didn't deserve you. You deserved better. I can't believe I threw away all those years of your love and dedication. You truly were an angel, sent from even. Maybe a little more fiestier. I see now, that after all the hell I've put you through on Earth, that it would selfish of me to ask, that you come back from heaven, to live on hell with me. I truly want you to know this, though. I love you, and you are truly missed, everyday, you're not here. I'm sorry for putting my pride before you. I always pushed you away, but I guess this time, I've pushed you very far away.

I used to think that if you weren't here, I'd be better off, but now I'm regretting those thoughts Woman, I need you. And everyday, that you're not here, my heart strikes down in pain. I can't train, I can't concentratate, and I can't sleep, without you by my side. I truly wish I could take it all back. I don't know if you can me, calling you right now, but I'm trying reach you with every emotion, I'm feeling right now. I wish I had put you first, in everything.

Now, I'm sitting here, lost with out you. And our children. They left, because of what I did to you. They're right. I did kill you, and I have to live with that fact everyday. No excuse can make up for what I did to you.

I'm missing everything about you. Your laugh, your beautiful blue eyes. I remember how they'd light up, with fire, whenever I pissed you off. I remember your soft, silky blue hair. The way I'd grab it, when we were making love. I remember everything about you. Your soft tender, pink lips, grinding against mine. The day you gave birth to Bra. The look of pure joy and happiness in your eyes. I'd rather, have you here on Earth screaming at me, then have you being silenced from this world forever.

I want to take away, all the pain I've caused you in your lifetime. I know it hasn't been easy, handling all the things I've said to you, before. I wish we could start all over, so I could cherish each and every moment that I have with you. So, I wouldn't make the mistake, of ever hurting you. I still remember how hurt and betrayed you looked in the hospital.

I don't want to ever see you in that way, It strikes more pain to my heart. You're the strongest person I know. I don't know any woman, that would stay with a man, who never did anything but criticize her, except you. Your heart was too big, woman. It made me feel all these emotions, that I had never known.

You're my angel, my ex lover, my mate, and who I am. You complete me, but since you're gone. I'm incomplete...

Trunks and Bra

"Trunks, maybe we shouldn't have left daddy. Who know's what he'll do, with out us." Bra told him.

"Look, you can reconcile with yourself, later. Now we have to concentrate, on gettting that little bitch back." Trunks replied sharply. as he approached Pan's bedroom window, and unlatched it.

Pan was brushing her hair, when she came head on with an infuriated Trunks, and glaring Bra.

"Hello, bitch." Bra sneered.

"No, sis. Whores don't deserve the honor, to be called bitches." Trunks glared, trying to restrain himself from strangling Pan, against the wall.

"You're right, brother." Bra replied, as she slammed Pan against the wall, in unrestrained anger. You stupid whore." Bra yelled, punching Pan in the face.

Bra's actions only infuriated Pan, as she prepared to beat the hell out of Bra, but was stopped by Trunks, who slammed her head against the wall. Blood, began to slid down her face, as she fell unconscious.

"You think she's dead?" Bra asked hopefully.

"No. She's still strong." Trunks replied as he glared down at the bloody Pan. Next time, you fuck around my mother's husband, we're going to show you what half breeded saiyans can do. You demi whore." Trunks sneered.

"We, should kill you. Just like you did my mom." Bra yelled, angrily, as she turned to leave, behind Trunks.

Hey, Trunks? Bra asked as they began walking away from Pan's white house.


"What is it that you guys used to talk about all the time? Something about wishes, and stuff?" Bra asked.

"Dragonballs." Trunks replied flatly.

"Yeah, those. Can't we use them to wish mom back?" she asked.

"Yes, but who knows how long it will take to find those again. Even with the dragon radar." he muttered.

"So! We've got to try. I mean, I miss mom, and I can't stand her not being here to see me grow up. And face the trials of life. I want her to be there, when I get married someday. Dad, needs her too. I mean, you should I have saw how sad he looked when we walked out of his life. I think he truly regrets what he's done. He needs mom, too. Trunks, no matter how you look at it, no man, deserves to go through what dad's probably going through. Losing everything he ever loved. I know he cares about us Trunks, or he wouldn't let us get away with the things we do."

Trunks glared at his sister, though deep inside he knew his sister was right. "Fine." he finally gave in, as they headed towards Capsule Corps, for the dragon radar....

Yay! That's a rap for this chapter! Next Chapter, coming out whenever I type it up!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanx for you time. As always Review!!!!!!! Oh, yeah. I didn't explain y Vegeta slept with Pan. Hehe, maybe sum other time. You guys should be satisfied with this chapter, though! Hopefully. And like I said before, I do NOT hate Pan. Just when she's in a P/V. lol. So,peace, and holla at me!