Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Missing ❯ The hard way ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N- hey you guys this is the sequal to Never Again, its just a random little story, not going to be that great. its 22:03 and im just making this up as i go. i have over 3000 songs on my 3 compters and not one of them had the right lyrics, so i just settled for this one. please review and i'll make it worth your while, i promise!!!! anyway enjoy. oh yeah, i dont own!


~x~please, please forgive me~x~

Bulma walked through the streets of a seeming ghost town, once alive with movement and voices, all that had disappeared slowly over time, along with her happiness. It had been almost 2 years since the police had found her fathers rotting corpse, vegeta had generously got her off the hook, by feeding the hungry pigs a load of bullshit about dealers and old enemies. She had been greatful as much as she could, but he wasn't going to be getting kiss-a-grams and roses sent to his door, he turned her away when she was most in need, the asshole! Things had quietened down since then she was never questioned, well once or twice, she just told the police she was at vegetas helping him with some erands when it happened, of course he stuck by her with the alabi, he didnt need to spend the next 10 years or so in prison for harbouring a criminal, a murderer at that.

It was nearing the stroke of midnight and bulma was still wondering the streets, where could she go? not home, she wasn't welcome there any more. The small dindgy apartment still smelt of putrid rotting flesh, maggotts still lay wriggling under the carpet and blood stains still blessed the bathroom sink. If she went back she would have to remember the horrible incident all over again, she didnt need any more shit she already had enough on her plate. She quickened her pace as two men walked out of an alley behind her, they began shouting and calling after her, 'sweet cheeks' and 'sex kitten'.

"wanna make some money babe, we got the perfect job for ya", a strong london accent came from the first man, he was tall with broad shoulders and chunky legs, the rest of him didnt seem to fit.

She walked faster, she knew what they were up to and she wasnt getting herself into a life hell and misery, again. But her mind was telling her stop, turn around and accept the proposition, after all she hadnt eaten anything in days and she smelled kinda bad.

"yeah, all you have to do is lay on your back and we'll give you two hundred bucks, wadya say?" the other screamed to her, he was rather small but unlike hs friend his body looked normal.

Her mind kept screaming to her, keep going, run, the shelter is two blocks away. yeah, what will that get me? a free meal and a shared dorm with drug addicts and perverts?
She stopped, turned around and walked towards the two strange men, they both stood there with smug looks on their faces.

"do i need any special abilities or references?" she smile as seductively as she could, whilst trying to sound as innocent as the virgin mary herself.

"do you give good head?" asked the smaller man

"i've been told" she winked toward the taller, deformed man

"lets get you cleaned up, and then we'll start you on easy street. welcome to the world of prostitution, your gonna love it!"

~x~but i wont be home again~x~

Bulma stepped in to the large shower and let the hot water stream down her body like fresh summer rain. She loved the feel of the liquid fire rush over her body and wash away her pain and misery, well most of it anyway. She hummed silently to helself as she cleansed her dirt smothered flesh, oh it felt so good. As soon as the water ran cold she climbed out of the shower to find a young girl holding out a white fluffy warm towel, she squeeled, grabbed the towel and stood in shock at the young girl sharing the space with her.

"can i help you?" she asked not so nicely

"my name is jads, im here to show you the ropes" the young woman had long red flowing hair and bright blue gleaming eyes, almost even brighter than bulmas.

"so kid, how'd you end up working for two lazy lard arses like rob and tim?"she asked the naked teen

"i dunno, how did you?" she replied whilst drying a leg.

" i like your humour. same as you darlin', stranded no where to go, no money, nothing. and then them two out there carried my sorry arse in here and now......BANG, the moneys flowing in and im happier than ever, i've completely forgotten my other life". she informed the young girl while examining her badly manicured nails.

"So what sort of stuff do you guys do?", Bulma dropped her towel and walked towards the vanity cupboard, where pieces of material were laying, I think these are supposed to be clothes. she thought

" blow jobs, m and m-ing, strip teases. whatever the masters wish, i guess" replied the sexy red head

"whats m and m-ing?" asked bulma making a naive confused face.

" mutual masturbation, hunny" she continued "its where you..um...wank in front of each other for sexual pleasure, some people love it when you play with yourself, especially if you use something to do it"

"....oh, well you wont catch me doing that, i hate people seeing me in my bikini, and you want me to m and m?" laughed bulma

"well your going to have to learn hun, otherwise you'll be thrown back on the street" jads smiled smuggly at young bulma and exited the room.

Bulma gave herself the once over and put her hair up into messy yet sexy bun. Her clothes consisted of a black leather skirt, barely long enough to hide her lace covered butt cheeks, a red H shaped top just about covering her nipples and a pair of red 6 inch high stiletto's. Her make-up was red lip gloss with deep eyeliner and a black eye shadow, she looked sexy and misterious. How could this once innocent 15 year old girl turn into such a murderous hoar? it seemed like only yesterday that her and her friends were playing hop-scotch in the back garden of her fathers grand mansion. First her father had lost stocks and then a new company offered more and more to CC buyers and then the company had fallen apart, plus the fact that most, if not all, of the merchandise had malfunctioned. thats when her father had began drinking and after a while he began blaming her for the problems that happened. But no matter how long it took, bulma would buy back as much of the CC as she could then she would run it and invent new and more useful equiptment! she would take her rightful place as heiress and make CC the most brilliant company, ever! but first she had to work out which perfume to wear

~x~maybe some day you'll look up~x~

Bulma and Jads stood out side of the abandoned theatre waiting for their first pick up, several cars drove past just window shopping, and the ones that did stop werent packing enough cash.

"hunny, you'll find you'll pick up the senior jocks, they always got money, be good and you'll get a bonus" the older woman informed the tainted youth.

Bulma stood lounged against the smashed up ticket booth, not really listening to her mentor, scraping her heels on the pavement, looking rather drugged out of her mind. A mercedes convertable pulled up, the young jock hung his elbow out of the window trying to look masculine and desirable. Jads walked sexily toward the flash car, bulma watched as they conversed. The jock pointed toward bulma, jads turned toward her and smirked, she motioned for bulma to come towards the car.

"bulma, this is yamucha, he's looking for some action, and fancies a bit of you"

"um....hey" bulma jumped into the car and and crossed her legs as if implying ' you aint getting none of this booty unless your looking for a broken nose'.

Jads slipped bulma a piece of paper with a cell phone number and a map scribbled on it," if you get into any trouble, call me and i'll come get you, and when your done call this number and meet me there" Jads pointed to a red circle on the messy paper.

Bulma nodded in understanding and waved goodbye as she sped off toward the worst experience of her sad little life.

~x~and bearly conscious, you'll say to no-one~x~

Bulma lay, covered in bruises, under a fine layer of sweat and silk. Next to her lay the 'creep' that had abused her body and inflicted permanent damage on her mind. she felt used, she felt dirty and she couldnt sleep but the wost thing was he lay snoozing like a baby and she could see the look of contentment on his face as he lay dreaming, probably of something sick and perverted. Bulma turned on her side, her back to the scum of the earth, and stared at the clock on the wall, it had stopped at 9:30. She had no idea what the time was now, but she had a feeling it was way past two. She slowly climbed out of the discusting bed and began a desperate but silent search for her clothes, all she found was tatters. Bulma looked around the room, finally her search ended as she set eyes on yamuchas football jacket and slacks.

The cold air felt good on her face, but it didnt bring comfort to her like it did when she was younger. Bulma finally came to the place that Jads had told her to meet her, she stopped dead in her tracks and her face drained of all colour. It was her old apartment block, bulma pulled out the tattered paper that her 'friend' had given her and stared at the address, 19. Vegeta's flat! Bulma dropped to her knees, tears began to form but she wouldnt, couldnt let them fall. "Facing a ghost from your past cant be as bad as what your going through now", she told herself. She picked herself up and walked to the entrance of the apartment, she slowly walked up the stairs, purposely stepping over the ones that creeked, just like she did when she lived there. She finally reached the doorway, but she didnt knock, she looked down the hall keeping her eye on door 24, her old apartment, she slowly, causiously walked towards it. Stopping outside the door, she stared, police tape was still hung across it. Bulma pulled it down and walked into the flat, it was the same and it stank of rotten entrails, she gagged violently and ran toward the bathroom. After hugging the toilet seat for ten minutes she ventured into her old room, it hadnt changed a bit. she grabbed the suitcase from under her bed and threw as many clothes in it as she could. "i hope most of them still fit, it fucking freezing out there" she said to herself. Bulma left the haouse as fast as she could, without be heard, and walked a short distance to flat 19, she took a deep breath and tapped on the door.

~x~isn't something missing?~x~

The tell-tale sign of mumbling told bulma that this still was indeed vegetas flat, and that he wasnt too happy about having visitors at two am. The door violently swung open and all bulma could do was stand there as vegeta looked at her with a look of of disgrace and hatered.
"im looking for Jads, she said she would be here" bulma whistpered lowering her head with every word.
"why should i let you in, especially after all the shit you caused?" replied vegeta not at all sounding happy.
"she is supposed to be looking out for me, i work for her now"
vegetas eyes almost burst out of his head when he realised that bulma was the client that Jads had wanted him to meet.
"your a working girl?!" he shouted almost breaking the sound barrier
"i need money and food and somewhere to stay, where else can i go, VEGETA?!" she told him emphasizing the fact that he had turned her away.
"hey, your the one that decided to shoot your father"
" ah touche" giggled bulma
vegeta finally moved out of the way for her to enter the house. bulma walked into the living room and took a seat, also being greeted by Jads.
"sooooo? how'd it go?" asked jads, pretty much bouncing off the walls
"terrible" replied bulma
" no worries hun, it'll get better after a while. remember its only your first time!"
Bulma just looked down toward her feet, making minimal eye contact with the two people that occupied the house. tainted flashbacks were plaguing her, once innocent soul and al she wanted was to curl up into a ball and have the ground open up beneath her, making her abused body tumble into the lowest depth off hell. Vegeta re-entered the living area, placing tree glasses on the burned oak coffee table, two were filled with red wine and the other was a glass tumbler filled with cola, she guessed that was for her. Bulma reached for one of the glasses filled with wine and downed the contents in record time, both Vegeta and Jads looked at the teen with wide eyes.
"i guess she didn't want the cola" Jads looked toward Vegeta and giggled
"obviously not" replied Jads
bulma spoke up, not being happy with the convosation that was going on around her," well, why the hell not? im a fucking call girl, my body and mind have been abuse beyond repair, and you two are debating about me downing a glass of" she looked descusted at the glass,"this shit, well im sorry if i'll never be good enough for your society" witht that said, she stormed from the house, crying, slamming the door for emphasis.

A/N finally the first chappy for my new sequal is up. this has taken me so long you wouldn't believe!! well review babies and i'll try and get the next chapter up before march i promise. thanx to all those guys who have been reviewing my other fics. hopefully this will get ypu other guys reviewing. and remember no reviews, no chappy. so all those guys who dont review, your making others who want it wait longer. luvvies xx thoughtless xx