Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Missing ❯ ghosts from the past ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/n: hey guys im back witha brand new chapter, i dont own the song by evanescence and i dont own dbz. enjoy hunnies and i'll meet you at the end. xx thoughtless xx

~x~you wont cry for my absence i know~x~
~x~you forgot me long ago~x~

Bulma had been sitting on the front steps of the apartments for at least an hour before Jads decided to make an appearance. She had been crying for the majority of the time, but had decided against it when people began staring. 'I still have a tiny bit of dignity left, best if i hold on to that as long as possable, until the insanity kicks in' she thought to herself. Jads just stared at bulma, with her hands on her hips.
"what the hell was all that up there?" she asked the sobbing teen jokingly

"I just dont wanna be treated like a kid anymore, im pretty much a grown woman now". bulma continued to stare at her feet the whole time she was talking.

"well, why the hell are you still down here?"

"i dont have anywhere to go, im a little bit homeless at the moment" bulma giggled at the last part.

"well why didnt you say, lets get you some eats and then we can get some rest, how does that sound?"

Bulma looked up for the first time in the whole of the conversation,

"good". Bulma got to her feet and dusted of her skirt.

"how 'bout some coffee? its been a long night"said Jads as she wrapped an arm over Bulma's shoulder and began walking.

"sounds great, but only if i can have an expresso",

Bulma stopped walking as if to say 'im not going any further until i get an answer'.

"hell hunny, you can have an irish coffee if you want. i know a nice place that does a killa whiskey cappachino"

bulma giggled, for the first time she had some one who had been there, that knew what she was going through. She had a friend.

"and why are we still standing here?"

bulma laughed and threw her free arm over Jads' soulder, together they were strong, each knew it and both swore that they would keep the other out of as much trouble as possible.

~x~am i that unimportant?~x~
~x~am i so insignificant?~x~

Bulma wobbled slowly behind Jads, her legs were beging to show the tell tale signs of beatings. Jads slowly turned around to see bulma sobbing quietly, wiping her nose every so often with the soft leather of the, ten sizes too big, jacket.

" whats up hun? why you so upset all of a sudden? you were fine ten minutes ago" asked Jads, sympatheticly.

" i...i knew him, he was in my maths class...we...were working on a project be..before i dropped out of school" she began

whistpering, and then the flood gates opened,

" he was supposed to be my friend!!!" bulma dropped to the floor, curled her head into her knees and began rocking back and forth.
" why would he do that....he was my friend....he was my friend...AHHHHHHHHHH!!" Bulma smashed her fists against the concerete in a madened frenzy.

" Its ok B, i promise things will be ok, i promise!" Bulma calmed down slightly

" how can you say that" bulma shouted angrily " its not going to be alright, im a fucking prostatute, im a fucking hoar, how can things get better. look at me im.... descusting, look....look at this....look at me!!!!" bulma began ripping peices of her clothes off and scraping her nails across her face. Jads didnt know what to do, she grabbed bulmas hands and held them to her chest .

" Its ok bulma, im here and im not going to let anything happen to you".
Jads leaned in closer and captured bulmas lips in a heated kiss. bulma was shocked for a few moments, but found her self enjoying it and returned the kiss. She had never been kissed so passionatly before...but what was she thinking, she had that dignity to hold onto. bulma pulled back forcefully and looked at Jads confused.

" Why...why did you do that?" bulma swept her finger across her lips, still feeling the sensation Jads had left there.

" I didnt know what else to do, im sorry" repied Jads

" Yeah, well just dont do it again" Bulma climbed to her feet and baegan walking away. Bystanders were still staring at the young briefs girl and Bulma was none to happy.

" What are you all staring at, poor little briefs girl has hit rock bottom, well aint that a fucking crying shame!!"
every one began getting back to there own business as Jads approached Bulma.

" Come on lets get you to bed". Bulma just nodded in understanding and followed at a safe distance behind her 'friend'.

~x~isn't something missing?~x~

~x~isn't someone missing me?~x~

Bulma walked slowly into jads apartment, it was small but it had just enough room to call 'livable'. Jads was already in the kitchen making a snack for her and the young briefs girl.

"Its not much but it's home" called jads from the kitchen.

"Its fine" bulma replied in a monotone voice.

Bulma walk to the small couch and sat down, curling her feet into her bottom, and resting her pounding head on the back of the sofa. Jads strolled into the living room with two plates.

"Here, it's chicken mayo and cucumber ( a/n: mmmmmmmmmm my fave *droool*)" she passed bulma the plate and took a seat on the other side of the room.

Bulma looked at the sandwich and took a bite. A glob of mayo fell onto her chin as she sank her teeth in. Jads giggled and bulma laughed at her own messiness.

"So are you gunna tell me what you and vegeta were talking about at the door?" inquired Jads, taking a bite of her own sandwich, never taking her eyes off bulma.

"I dont want to talk about it!" bulma told her sternly

"Ok, then are you going to tell me how you know him?"

"Would you stop with the interigation, jeez!" bulma rolled her eyes, and pushed her left over sandwich to the side.

"Sorry, but you two seemed like you knew a lot about each other, when you were having your little heart-to-heart at the front door".

Bulma stared at the nosey red head,"look i knew him a long time ago, a friend of the family ok. But now that i have no family he's not my friend anymore, so can you lay off?"

"Ok, but i still want to know what you were talking about?"

"I'm not telling you anything, i cant trust you, and plus it's none of your fucking, god damn business, its nothing!" bulma stood up from the couch and walked into the ajoining bedroom.

" Sorry, but killing your own father sounds like something to me" Jads shouted

" What did you say!?" asked bulma, walking slowly out of the room.

"So why did you do it, bulma?" asked jads raising an eyebrow.

"You wouldnt understand, he did things to me, i had no choice, it was the only way out"

"Yes i do understand, you did have a choice and that wasnt the only way out"

"How would you know?"

"Because i was abused too, my step-father used to rape me, and hit me and my sister. She was older than me so she left and ran off to miami or somewhere. So i got her share when she went, my mum died when i was 12, so i was all alone. I ran away when i was 17 and tim and rob found me, so whats your story?"

"my dad would stumble in drunk every night, and if i hadnt done my chors he would beat me, if i hadnt done my homework he would beat me, if i would talk back he would beat me, if i stayed out longer than an hour after school he would beat me. The reason he was like that was because he had lost his company, after my mother died he never really tried, since all the inventions malfunctioned. He lost his whole world and he blamed it on me. So i shot him, and because of him i dont think im ever going to be able to trust anyone again."

"So your the briefs girl that done her daddy dearest in? wow never knew, how did you get away with something like that?"

"I almost didnt"

"So i take it they classed it as suicide?"

"I guess so?"

"Well you dont have anything to worry about, i will look after you, i promise"

With that said, the two girls left the discussion where it was and left the living area and headed for the bedroom. Tomorrow evening would be a busy one. Only a disturbed sleep would welcome bulma tonight, same as the past and that would carry on in to the future.

~x~Even though im the sacrifice~x~
~x~You wont try for me not now~x~

A/N: finally!!!!!!! chapter two is up, please review and tell me what you think. i will def try to get the next chapter up before my 18th witch is the 28th of june, there wont be any chapter in august cos im off to france fir 2 weeks with my peeps. but i will make up for it in july, i will break my record of 2 chapthers in one month, instead of 1 chapther in 2 months. love you all guys! xxxthoughtlessxxx