Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mmm... Kinky! ❯ Promised Punishment ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Promised Punishment

(Sequel to the Forbidden Room)

Rated: NC17

Warnings: Lemon, tentacle sex, yaoi

Summary: It's a lemon. It has no summary.

Pairing: Vejita/Raditzu/things…

Author's Notes: Dedicated to Manawolf, cause she wanted it to bloody much. Beta-ed by the awesome Ginia.

A soft warm hand ran across his cheek, causing him to shiver. Those same gloved white fingers gripped in the almost endless mane of black hair, yanking it down. Hard obsidian eyes glared through his soul, fangs revealed in a callous grin. "Your punishment, Raditzu… it has come. You disobeyed the rules… you filthy thing. I consider that treason."

Those lips curled into a hateful sneer, fangs glistening in the darkness.

"You betrayed me."

"No… never!" Desperate moans, ragged gasps… lost pleas. These were begging words whispered through dreams and bonds. Colorless skies surrounded them, thick air making it difficult to breathe.

In reality, hands fisted and shredded pale sheets, a back arched with the lustful ghosts of soft, teasing touches. A distant sun shimmered through a darkened window, causing amusing patterns on bare skin. A scouter beeped and blinked quietly in the corner, ignored.

Gentle and amused laughter cut through the tension, causing the elder guard to stiffen and pant for breath. "Never? Never is a long time, Raditzu."

"Never!" The tone almost gave a new definition to frantic. Black eyes begged for understanding and forgiveness. Above them in this strange nonexistent land, the full moon mocked them with its gleaming, devious grin. Tanned skin burned, itching for strokes. Wind whipped, yet didn't disturb a single thread of cloth or strand of hair. Grass stained bare knees. Arms were folded across a strong muscular chest. The boy was a man. The guard was a slave.

Neither would change a single thing.

There was a word for this, but it wasn't love. It could never be love.

"I don't believe you."

A heart stung with sorrow. The words were cruel and untrue, said by a man that knew nothing but callousness. It was his way of displaying affection, so Raditzu hoped… though he could and would never be sure. A wet tongue darted out, moistening dry lips that longed to be kissed. Hands touched grass, fisting clumps of the thick dark blades, uprooting them from their places within the ground. Shoulders shook as tears were repressed. "Never…"

The beeping grew louder, and the fantasy world of sorrow and pain was ripped away like an explosion of energy from a feral warrior. The longhaired guard sat up abruptly, vision darting across the room to locate the source of his annoyance, spotting the blinking contraption. His first thought was of a violent death to the machine, but his second was Vejita. He was the prince's guard, and he was only contacted when something important concerning the prince or king needed his immediate attention.

Rising from the sheets and ignoring the throbbing ache between his muscular legs, he grabbed the scouter and shoved it against his ear, glaring into the green screen. "What?!" he snarled impatiently.

Words and images flew across the tiny square shape of glass faster than he could read, but with a few glances at the transmitted images of fallen Saiyajin on bloody battlefields, the message of bad news was clear. The mission that he and Vejita had been sent to attend to had failed, and now only a handful of the assigned warriors were left, and the strongest by far was Vejita and himself. Technical Saiyajin remained, but they were as weak as newborn bugs and had little chance of even surviving against the moronic race. Removing the scouter, Raditzu breathed in the fabricated air that mimicked their home world's. The royal spacecraft replaced Vejitasei so well, but still, it was only a carbon copy, and nothing could substitute for the real thing.

The message he had been given via the scouter was clear. He and Vejita would have to take matters into their own hands on the tiny little icy moon planet. The guard and prince had considered this possibility, therefore it was no surprise. It was the reason they traveled across space with the crew. Nevertheless, things were not going to be easy - not on a moon planet, and certainly not after that dream.

The soft sound of air being sliced caused the guard to spin on his heels. Sultry obsidian eyes captured his gaze. A head was tilted to the side, resting against the frame of the doorway. Ankles were crossed; boots and gloves were the color of an angel's gown. His arms were folded across a blue-clad chest. A scarlet cape gently waved as it was fondled by the artificial air blowing gently from the vents above.

Lost for words, barely able to breathe, Raditzu could only stare in lustful desire as a gentle smirk crossed wet lips. "We are landing, Raditzu." Struggling not to shiver at the pure sex that the words dripped, the guard… the slave nodded. Chuckling under his breath, the royal prince turned and walked out with a snap of his cape.

Falling back onto the sheets of his bed, Raditzu moaned. His hands stroked the hardness through the coarse material of his shorts while dirty images of himself and the teenager crossed his vivid, filthy imagination.


Shaking back the untamable black locks of hair, Raditzu grabbed the nearest towel and stepped out of the bathing chambers. His body was stiff from endless nights of battles, and finally, after nearly a month on that damnable nameless planet, he and his prince had finally returned home. It was more than bliss to breathe in air that was filled with the thick musk of Saiyajin instead of the artificial mockery of oxygen he had been gagging on.

Wrapping the towel around his waist, he paused as he saw Vejita Ouji standing in the opened doorway of his bedroom. Beneath that obsidian gaze, the warrior found himself frozen. It seemed each time he and Vejita were separated, the prince became more beautiful. Vejita stood statuesque, arms folded across his bare wounded chest, clad only in a pair of loose blue shorts. It was so strange to see him clothed in anything besides royal armor. Raditzu was motionless as he watched Vejita's eyes trail down each curve of his body. Suddenly, the small droplets of water that continued to dry on his skin made him shiver.

"Tell me, Raditzu… how long have you been an Elite?"

Raditzu struggled to keep his voice from trembling. "Y-years… Sire."

Vejita nodded, licking his lips. Raditzu was transfixed by the movements of that moist, pink tongue, and he swore that, by the glint in Vejita's dark eyes, the Saiyajin no Ouji knew this. Leaving the doorway, Vejita turned and left the room, his tail flickering just before it vanished from his vision - an obvious command to follow the royal warrior. Unable to disobey, Raditzu's tail tightened around the towel that hid his growing arousal and he followed the prince.


Fuck no…

A smirk dressed full, royal lips as Vejita paused before those large double doors that had caused Raditzu to quake each time he passed by them. Even the lettering seemed to taunt him. He wanted to turn and flee, to dart down the hallway, jump under his bed, and cower there until he knew the door had vanished into the deepest pits of Hell, never to be seen again.

Vejita grabbed the handle and shoved the doors open with a backward glance that could only read: Fuck yes…

Ah… fuck!

Vejita turned as he passed through those doors, leaning against the frame with that regal, mischievous glint burning in his obsidian orbs that constantly lurked in Raditzu's wet dreams. Graceful hands slid down, thumbs hooking in the fabric of his shorts and slowly tugging down. Raditzu's eyes were wide as he watched the loose material being slid down the prince's muscular hips, revealing bare skin that the guard had only seen in sudden moments during the heat of battle… and even more.


Almost silently, it slid and fell to the ground, only to be kicked away with a swift swipe of the prince's boot. Raditzu could only swallow defenselessly, the grip of his tail growing tighter.

"Inside, Raditzu," Vejita purred, turning and vanishing in the darkness.

In all his years as a Saiyajin, Raditzu had faced, battled, defeated and been defeated by things he couldn't explain, horrors he could barely imagine. He'd watched friends, companions, pack members, and lovers die before his eyes, and never once had he shed a tear or missed a step. He'd lost his sanity and innocence in the service of Vejita Ou and Vejita Ouji, and he had done it with a mad smirk on his lips. He would slit his own throat if his king or prince demanded it, and he would even use his own fingernail. He had never feared what his prince may next command of him.

However, Raditzu was terrified of this.

After so many years, he had almost completely blocked all the memories from his mind, but standing so close to the opening made them all come flooding back. Being stripped, abused, raped by those… those things… pleasured by them until he sobbed and begged for more…

The only reason he stepped through was because Vejita was within. Raditzu was sworn to protect and serve his prince, and even at the loss of his mind, he would obey.

His bare feet thudded against the cold floors as darkness encased him. The doors swung shut behind him, leaving he and Vejita caged in with the hungry demons that lusted for the taste of Saiyajin. "Sire!" he called out nervously, searching the darkness, struggling to force his eyes to adjust to the sudden diminished brightness.

"Silence, Raditzu!" snarled the prince. Raditzu bit down on his bottom lip, but spun in the direction of that harsh voice. The outline of his prince was could be faintly seen, the quiet gleam of sweat shimmering softly, the source of the light unknown and barely in existence. Was there even a source? Maybe the creatures that slithered through the cracks of the walls were able to generate their own light, or perhaps light was what kept them tamed.

Raditzu didn't like not knowing an enemy's weakness.

"Sire, I…"


Raditzu winced and stumbled back just slightly, but he gasped as he felt the heel of his foot land on something far too familiar. It squished like a puddle of drying blood, but vanished before he'd even realized that he'd stepped on it. Raditzu spun around, his fingers glowing faintly with the threat of attacking the beast. Had it been absorbed in the stone floor? Did it break up into millions of little balls of goop and slide away?


Vejita's moan caused Raditzu to spin, his eyes growing wide at the sight of his prince. The dim light that radiated from his hand left the monarch's supple body quite visible… as well as the hellish creatures that were so skillful with pleasure. Greenish-black pulsing vines circled Vejita's body, constantly moving against his skin, circling every curve and teasing every possibly pleasurable spot on his body. The slimy creature had nearly swallowed the Saiyajin's tail, little black spots digging into the fur, caressing the skin beneath and ruffling the hairs. The slimy blackness slid up the prince's inner thighs, circling his buttocks before slipping between them. Vejita groaned audibly, his head tossed back, eyes closed and lips parted in utter ecstasy. Even his tail was held up further in the air, permitting… welcoming access to the disgusting abnormalities.

"Ve-vej…" Raditzu cautiously approached, afraid that his movements would upset the demons that currently had such a strong hold on his prince. At the advancement, the creatures halted, as if frozen on Vejita's skin. Raditzu stiffened, swallowing nervously, only to gasp for breath as he heard Vejita chuckle. "They remember you, Raditzu. They had fun with you…" the lust-filled voice whispered, tail thrashing in frustration.

"How…" Raditzu was at a lost for words. Vejita eyelids slowly slid opened as he tilted his head towards the royal guard, a deliciously evil smirk on his lips. Hands trembling, he slowly stepped backwards, fearing the schemes that his prince was hatching. Droplets of moisture from his shower continued rolling down his body, curving over each well-formed muscle. "If you had bothered to control your cowardice for a single moment, Raditzu, you would have been able to speak with them. They are telepathic creatures… slaves to all Saiyajin… a beast that lurked in the shadows of a planet that was long ago conquered." Vejita's lips pulled into a smirk just seconds before the disgusting squishiness of the creature's body circled his ankles. Raditzu jerked in a vain attempt to try and free himself, the ki in his hand vanishing with his lack of concentration, but he only succeeded in stumbling to the floor, landing on his forearms. Raditzu snarled darkly and turned sharply, kicking as if the sensual slaves were a powerful foe, and in result Vejita's amused laughter echoed through the cold room.

"Such a paranoid coward…" Vejita purred.

Raditzu's dark, enraged eyes shifted to his prince. "I am NO coward!" However, his voice caught in his throat midway through that sentence. Vejita's head was thrown back, his nails running through the flesh of the slimy demons as they circled his hardened shaft. "T-hen come and face your fears," Vejita groaned.

Raditzu was going to come… in more ways than one.

He could feel the slimy beast that had circled his ankle sliding up his thighs, searching for places they had before abused. It took every ounce of control the royal guard had not to snarl in disgust and blast his own leg off to rid himself of that strange sensation. Yet despite his horror, he felt that the towel that circled his waist was not thick enough to hide the effect these beasts and Vejita's beauty were having on him.

Slowly approaching, struggling to repress the shiver that wanted to escape, Raditzu approached his prince, his eyes fastened on the strong body that quaked beneath the slimy tentacles of this faceless beast. How many endless cold and lonely nights had passed that were filled with dreams of causing just those shivers and earning those very same moans? How many dreams of Vejita writhing beneath his body, begging and crying his name, pleading for him to give the prince more, had left Raditzu to wake up hard and sweaty?

Vejita turned as Raditzu reached him, his hand snatching out and gripping the long, raven mane, yanking the longhaired Saiyajin to his knees, right before the throbbing shaft that was aching for attention. Raditzu's eyes grew wide as he watched the slimy creatures slid away, vanishing in the tussles of black hair that surrounded the prince's ache. "They hear your thoughts. I hear theirs." A sadistic smirk greeted Raditzu's shocked gasp.

The hand in his hair tightened, threatening to yank out the soft strands. It pulled him forward until his opened mouth brushed against the wet tip of the engorged arousal. Raditzu stiffened, but he was forced forward nevertheless. He gagged as he swallowed the shaft, tasting the gooey slimy residue that remained from the playful black creatures. Much to his own surprise, the taste reminded him faintly of blood, and that mixed with a flavor and texture that could only be described as Vejita: Saiyajin no Ouji. It had him leaning forward, burying his nose in the short tussled locks of hair, easing his throat and stroking the length with his tongue, wanting more of that sweet flavor.

Vejita's grip slowly eased and began running through the soft locks, petting the elder Saiyajin as he mewed and struggled to thrust deeper into the heated warmth. The grip on his hips was strong, though, holding him still. It aggravated the young prince, but he permitted the small bout of control, too overwhelmed by the soft slick wetness that was slowly growing in size within his body, each movement growing quicker, his insides stretched and caressed.

The musk of his prince filled Raditzu's senses, making him whimper and moan as he felt himself responding to the delicious taste. The demon was slowly stretching his opening, slipping inside and growing with each second, making him wince yet shiver at the same time. It slid deeper, finding his nerve center and abusing it for all it was worth. He leaned forward, hands sliding around to knead Vejita's buttocks, pulling apart the round globes and allowing easier access to the demons that violated the prince.

Vejita bucked into the heat with a cry, feeling the tight throat contract around his shaft, squeezing the tip and leaving him aching for more. His hands unconsciously dug into the thick mane, drawing the Saiyajin closer as spots began to appear in his already blurry vision. "Ra- ditzu!" he exclaimed, trembling as his knees gave way.

With a dark chuckle that sent vibrations through the young prince, Raditzu cradled the body against his own as he suckled on the tip, savoring the cries and mews of Vejita as his seed was released. Falling limp into the muscular arms, Vejita softly purred, burying his face in the guard's shoulder. Grinning, Raditzu stroked his back, feeling smooth flesh occasionally marred by the faint remembrance of battle scars.

His blissful, mindless petting of the all-powerful royal Saiyajin was quickly interrupted by the impatient, horny vines that were slowly circling his waist, trying to pull him away from Vejita. Raditzu snarled, spinning and blasting the creatures without thought… as if they posed some threat to him and his prince. Once again, Vejita's laughter had him halting, brows narrowed with impatient anger that lusted for blood.

"Let them do as they please," Vejita smirked, shoving Raditzu down. The guard fell forward, landing on his hands and knees, and quite aware that his slime-filled ass was raised in the air.

Vejita's hand slapping his firm rear came as a complete surprise.

Raditzu jerked with a yelp, head craning to look over his shoulder at the smirking prince. "I've always wanted you writhing beneath my body, begging and crying my name, pleading for me to give you more…" The guard's eyes grew wide as he stared in shock at the familiar words that had swum through his lust-filled thoughts just minutes ago. The hand came down again, cracking against his tanned skin. "Will you beg and cry my name?" Vejita demanded with a smirk.

Folding his arms, ass waving in the air, Raditzu buried his head within his arms to hide his flushed face, only to bite down on his tongue in surprise when something pressed into his stretched entrance. Blood flowed down his throat as that small pressure was accompanied by a second intruder, then a third. The swarming pieces of the demon circled those fingers, growing in size with each small thrust. He felt himself on the verge of screaming as Vejita's free hand circled and slowly stroked his aching hardness.

"T-this is my… my punishment?" the guard cried between pants and moans.

A dark chuckle echoed out in the quietness of the room as Vejita's thrusts and caresses grew quicker and more vicious. The prince's chest pressed against Raditzu's backside and warm lips brushed against his ear. Breathing in the elder Saiyajin's sweet scent, Vejita purred softly. "Of course not, Raditzu. You haven't seen anything yet."

Trembling, Raditzu came with a cry.
