Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Mmm... Kinky! ❯ Dominatrix ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mmm… Kinky!


Never once had Vejita understood the concept of Halloween. Bulma had begun celebrating the mock-holiday when Trunks was four years old and Vejita had then learned the true meaning of pain and suffering when the mother and son returned. He had discovered there was a level of Super Saiyajin that not even Kakarrotto could reach. The Sugar Saiyajin was a frightening powerful demonic creature.

Despite his attempts to avoid the holiday all those years, it had never stopped until Trunks had become a teenager. However, much to Vejita's lack of planning, another child had been born, and the holiday of Halloween had continued with even more excitement.

Vejita had pleasantly forgotten about the holiday at the current moment until he heard the shrill joyful cry of his most beloved daughter as she darted down the stairs, the sounds of her mother's heels following her.

"Papa! Papa! Look at me! I'm a princess!"

"Of course you are," Vejita muttered absentmindedly as he rested on the couch, feet propped up on one end, hair fallen over the other arm. His eyes were closed as he waited for sleep to come, but the young Saiyajin no Oujo wouldn't permit her father such bliss. "Papa! Papa! Look at me! Please, Papa! Wake up!"

Vejita grunted in annoyance, his eyes sliding open as he looked to the young girl that stood in front of him, grasping the edge of the couch with hopeful eyes. Vejita gasped as he saw his beautiful little blue haired daughter. She was clothed in a long pink lace dress with a golden crown atop her head, holding a wand in her left hand and a big white bag in her right. Her face was painted excessively with smudged red lipstick, a lot of blue eye-shadow that touched her eyebrows, and so much blush that it looked as if she had just flown around the world a few hundred times. "Oh gods!" Vejita exclaimed, jumping to his feet and grabbing the young child. "Bath! Now!" he snarled, moving towards the nearest bathroom.

"Vejita!" exclaimed Bulma from the doorway, halting the Saiyajin no Ouji mid-step. He glanced over his shoulder to see Bulma standing in the lounge, hands on her hips. Shadows played across her pretty unpainted face, created from a large antique lamp that sat in the corner. "Don't you dare wash her face! We spent a lot of time getting her pretty and she's a beautiful princess, aren't you Bura-chan!"

"Hai!" she chirped, wiggling from her father's arm and falling to the floor to rush towards her mother. "I'm a princess! I'm the princess of dragons and knights!"

Vejita gaped as Bulma giggled, picking up her daughter. "First off, woman, she has always been a princess! She's my daughter, and as you constantly seem to forget, I am THE SAIYAJIN NO OUJI! I am royalty, as is she!" Vejita was on the verge of exploding as he continued in his rage. "And secondly, she looks like a whore!" Bulma's lips parted in a silent gasp of shock as she pulled her daughter's head against her chest, hiding Bura's face as if by merely gazing at Vejita she would be corrupted. The prince was far from complete, however. "You know, woman, I take that back! She looks like Furiza!"

"Momma, who is Furiza?" Bura asked softly. Bulma glared hatefully at Vejita. "You should be ashamed of yourself," she snarled before turning and walking out of the room, the front door slamming shut as Bulma took Bura trick-or-treating. Vejita growled faintly and moved back to the couch, falling limply on it and throwing his arm across his eyes. Happy Halloween….

Idyllic silence passed for long moments as Vejita felt the soft hands of sleep approaching to claim him. Just as the senshi felt himself drifting off he was jerked awake by the sounds of quiet footsteps nearby. Sitting up with a faint yawn, he looked over his shoulder and abruptly cut off that yawn.

In the hallway stood a frozen Trunks, currently the age of nineteen. His shoulder length hair was pulled back into a dark purple colored band. The young prince was clad in tight leather black pants that revealed every bulge and muscle. Black boots coated his feet. Straps that looked like leather belts made some strange mock-version of a shirt across his torso. A spiked dog collar circled his neck, the chain to it intertwined with his left arm, hand grasping in the end. Trunks tried to open his mouth and speak, but the embarrassment was clear - his face was flushed. "Papa…"

The incident with Bura forgotten, Vejita rose to his feet and paced across the lounge, leaving the room and pausing in front of his son in the foyer, taking every inch of that luscious teasing picture of his son. He circled the young prince, gazing at that firm and round rear in those tight pants, the smooth curves of his back and hips, knowing that Trunks could feel his eyes on every inch of that boy's pale skin. Finally coming to a halt in front of Trunks, Vejita raised a curious and amused brow. "You're a pleasure slave for Halloween?" And he had been mad about Bura? At least whores got paid for their services and did them willingly.

"N-no!" Trunks exclaimed immediately.

"Then what?" Vejita demanded.

"Uh… I'm… you see… I'm-a-dominatrix-for-Halloween." The words were run together so quickly that Vejita barely caught them, but nevertheless he was shocked. Standing still for a long moment as he processed the thought, Vejita couldn't help but snort when it finally sunk in. "You're a what?"

The idea that Trunks would ever be seme in any situation was absurd! Trunks didn't have the guts to take control of anything. He was timid and frightened, like a newborn kitten, though Vejita wouldn't deny the boy's curiosity might one day build up enough for Trunks to ask for control. Even in a worse case scenario, the idea that Trunks would be screwing Goten raw - if the two boys ever got together as Bulma warned Vejita - was bizarre. Trunks just didn't have the dominating instinct.

"Papa… please… I'll be late…"

"To your orgy?" Vejita scoffed. Trunks' eyes widened as his blush returned. "No, I think it can wait. Now say it! I want you to say it again. You are a what?"


Even the word sounded strange in Trunks' voice. Vejita raised a curious brow, eyes running up and down his son's body again, loving each squirm. "And… uh… just who shall you be dominating tonight?"


Vejita laughed, looking up into those large blue eyes. Trunks swallowed stiffly and the elder prince had the feeling if he teased the boy any more Trunks would downright faint. However, in some sadistic manner, Vejita found himself unable to stop. "I think it's only right that I know where you're going, what… who you're doing. Your mother always says I should ask more about you, so come on, Trunks. Give me the details." Vejita stepped forward, watching with a grin as Trunks stumbled backwards, nearly trembling. "Dad, please, I… it's just a Halloween party… I swear…."

That edginess in the lavender-haired male's voice told Vejita that he was lying completely. Vejita grunted as he grabbed Trunks' shoulder, shoving the teenager against the hallway wall, a picture of the family tumbling to the floor, the glass within the frame shattering. "You know better than to lie to me, Trunks," he growled out, feeling that viciousness growing, as did his desire. Trunks' breathing quickened. "Tell me every little detail," Vejita purred.

"I… I… Goten and I are going! It's a small party… only about ten people, I swear. I… I promise I won't smoke or anything… I…." Trunks was panicking. "I'm sorry. I won't go. Please… I'll go change and call Goten!" He moved to run up to his bedroom, but Vejita had a firm grip on the chain that circled the boy's arm, and as soon as Trunks moved to leave he yelped and stumbled back, finding himself again the wall, with Vejita above him.

"I said every little detail," Vejita smirked. "Have you done this before?"

Trunks was silent for a brief moment, sweat covering his brow, hair slightly damp in his nervousness. He nodded once, abruptly, and turned his head away. "With Goten?" Vejita demanded, leaning closer, a hand snaking up to gently grab the boy's neck. "Yes," Trunks whispered softly, voice full of shame. He moved to speak again, perhaps to apologize or explain, but Vejita was tired of it. A single firm grip of his hand clutched across that mouth, forcing silence. Trunks eyes widened as he looked to his father. "And you've never been dominant." It was an observation, not a question, but nevertheless Trunks gave a small nod.

"You're a shame, boy. Uke to a low class Saiyajin…" Vejita wanted to spit he was so disgusted. The succulent slender body before him pressed itself against the wall, obviously hurt by the harsh words, but still trembling with fear. So slender and supple… Vejita purred softly, releasing his son's neck and mouth, and allowed his curious hands to run down those muscular shoulders, down those long arms, around those narrow hips….

"W-what are you doing?" Trunks cried out as he felt fingers sneak into the hem of his pants. Mischievous onyx eyes gazed up with a smirk. Vejita yanked hard and watched with a grin as the buttons popped off, falling to the floor with a small clatter. "Trick-or-treating," Vejita responded, hands snaking around inside those pants. A sly finger found a small scar between those firm butt cheeks, and a single stroke earned a delicious yelp of pleasure from Trunks.

"What… was…" Trunks exclaimed, collapsing lifelessly against the wall, the bulge in his pants evidently doubled in size. "You obviously don't know much, Trunks," Vejita whispered, stepping away from the teenager. "And I think you need to be punished." There was a kinky little smirk on Vejita's face, and despite his better judgment, Trunks sighed in lust. Vejita titled his head slightly with a devious leer. "Do you want me to punish you Trunks?"

Trunks was speechless, and beyond breathless. His nails dug into the wall behind him as his loins cried out a yes. The smirk on his father's face didn't fade away, but Vejita did turn, heading up the long curve of the stairwell. After a few steps he looked over the banister, offering a wicked grin. "If you think you deserve punishment, Trunks, then come to my bedroom… after you take off that ridicules outfit… or you can go on to your little party." With a shrug and a chuckle, Vejita vanished upstairs.

A few minutes of silence echoed out as Trunks regained his senses and logic. Then, as fast as he could, the young demi-Saiyajin scrambled up the stairs, stripping his clothing as he moved.


Coming to a screeching halt in front of the large looming double doors of the master bedroom, Trunks halted, toeing off his left shoe with his bare foot. He only wore those tight leather pants that felt painted onto his skin. His loins ached with desire and it was all he could do not to touch himself, but the promise that Vejita would soon be touching him kept the demi-Saiyajin no Ouji from doing so.

Still, Trunks paused outside the door, a little nervous. This wasn't right. Vejita was his father, and what if someone found out? The thought was quickly banished; Trunks had been worried about what would happen if anyone found out about the orgy sessions with Goten - especially his father… and look what had happened!

Trunks reached out and grabbed the knob of the door, twisting it and shoving it open. He was greeted with soft rock music playing from the stereo behind the door. The room was dark, lights off. The bed in the center of the room was turned down, but bare. Where was Vejita? Trunks stepped forward, eyes wondering around the room. His mother's vanity sat in the corner, her jewelry and makeup - much more than usual for Halloween - sat strewn out on the surface. A few random pieces of clothing - shoes, gi, shirts - rested on the floor, forgotten. There were three doors in the room, each leading to a separate place - a bathroom, closet, and another hallway that lead to another wing of the house.

Trunks moved towards the bed and sat down on the end, eyes looking back to the door he'd just come from. Maybe Vejita had come to his senses and had left to avoid a confrontation. Trunks couldn't quell his disappointment. He'd lusted for his father since he had first hit puberty. Vejita was tall, dark, and delicious - un-doubtfully a sex god. He remembered standing outside the door as a boy, afraid of the storm outside, and hearing Bulma scream with her climax. He remembered wanting Vejita to make him scream like that and the young boy had touched himself at the thought.

What was he still doing in here? His own mental voice screamed at him to leave before the situation was somehow made worse. Rising to his feet he moved to dart out of the room.

Unfortunately… or perhaps fortunately - it wasn't completely clear to Trunks which was fact at the current moment - a voice was cleared behind him. Biting gently on his bottom lip as his stomach fluttered and knotted, he slowly turned around, hand clutching the edge of the door. Vejita stood in the entrance of the closet, clothed in nothing outside a very loose and low-riding pair of black boxers that were… quite tight. Trunks adverted his eyes as his cheeks caught fire. Vejita raised a brow and titled his head slightly, hands on his hips. "Boy?"

"Uh… right," Trunks muttered, glancing at the door that he clung to with his hand. He pressed it closed, the loud click echoing in the room as if it was a death sentence. Why was he so afraid? Why was his mind demanding him to flee while… other things were telling him to stay? Why couldn't they ever agree or anything? This was so fucking frustration! Trunks leaned his forehead against the door and closed his eyes tightly.

"The Dominatrix not feeling so in control?" Vejita mocked behind him. Trunks turned around with wide eyes. "What?"

"You said you were a Dominatrix, right?" questioned the Saiyajin no Ouji with a grin. He held out his arms, as if begging Trunks to make a move. "Well, dominate your claimed."

Trunks stared at his father, agape. Vejita stood still, those onyx eyes watching him, silently urging in the dare. It was then that Trunks noticed the room had been prepared for this. The shades were drawn shut over the window, casting the room in a welcoming dark glow. The only lights came from the opened doorway of the bathroom and the cracks of the now closed doorways that led into the halls.

When Trunks didn't move, Vejita's arms fell back to his side, his brow narrowing with impatience. "If I have this holiday right, it's a day when ninjin don't act as they truly are, but as characters. Now are you going to finally let your Saiyajin self out of that cage or are you going to stand against that damn door all afternoon gawking at me?" He folded his arms, teeth visible beneath his lips. Trunks swallowed faintly, realizing just what was happening.

Vejita was giving him a chance to following his instincts without repercussions. Trunks gazed at his father, seeing each curve of his muscles down to the finest details, burning each normally unnoticed detail into his mind - the short small pointed nose, narrowed brow, constant smugness despite the frown not only in his face, but in his entire posture. Gods… what cruelty made this man his father? The curves of Vejita's body were completely visible, even through those loose shorts. His shoulders were back, muscular chest glowing faintly in the pale light. Each muscle was honed to perfection.

"I…" Trunks whispered, stepping forward cautiously. Vejita scoffed and turned his head aside with obvious annoyance. "Too human," he snarled. Trunks paused at those simple words, anger overtaking the nervousness. If it was one thing that he loathed, it was being told that he was more human than Saiyajin. Perhaps it was being forced to repress the urges to fight, control, and hate… being told that he couldn't train, but had to instead focus on his education… being laughed at by Gohan when he wanted to learn more about the Saiyajin, or when he quietly muttered his lust. Maybe it was the fact that Goten was ashamed of what the two of them did on late nights. Maybe it was just because there were so few of them left and Trunks felt obligated to maintain some form of his heritage for his long dead ancestors… but whatever it was it made him angry. He stepped forward and glared at Vejita. "Don't say that."

"It's true," Vejita snarled, gaze snapping to glare into his son's large blue eyes. "Look at you; disgusting! You spend your days behind a desk instead of taking what you want! I doubt you could kill an animal with your bare hands without sobbing for its soul! And how do you confront the desires that plague you? You pretend! You play games to drive away the lust until it comes flooding back and you can't take listening outside doorways as the man you want fucks another!" Trunks' shock caused him to be unprepared as Vejita shoved him down across the bed. He landed with a bounce on the soft mattress and tried to sit up, but he found himself trapped beneath Vejita as the Saiyajin no Ouji climbed over him, legs straddling his hips and hands placed on either side of his head. Dark enraged eyes glared down with anger as a groin rubbed against his tight pants. "Tell me," his father growled with burning lust in his voice. "Tell me you don't see my face when you let Kakarrotto's youngest fuck you raw." Trunks was silent as Vejita leaned down, running his lips across Trunks' cheek, down the curve of his jaw, teeth grazing his jugular.

A hand left the side of his face, tracing down his abdomen and snaking into his pants, popping the remaining button as it pulled the leather back. "That you don't feel my hands as that boy jerks you off," Vejita continued gruffly. His lips pulled back, leaving Trunks' skin chilled and causing the lavender-haired teen to shiver. That cunning hand encircled his throbbing need and slowly stroked upwards. "D…ad!" Trunks exclaimed in a faint whisper, torso shoved up as his head fell back.

"Daddy's little dominatrix," Vejita chuckled, withdrawing the hand. Trunks moaned out in protest and sat up after Vejita slid off him, moving towards the far door… the one that led to the gravity chamber. "When you figure out what the hell is going on in that head of yours, feel free to come searching," he paused as he reached the door, hand on the knob. "Will it be this Halloween?" he questioned, raising a brow.

The idea that Trunks would have to wait an entire year to have another taste of Vejita's talents… nearly four-hundred days until he would ever get a chance to kiss those luscious lips or hold that lithe form was unbearable. Trunks scrambled to his feet, tossing all his humanity out the window in the pure undeniable need to claim and mark his property.

It was like nothing he'd ever known since his childhood as he stood on the frontline of battle, the world's weight on his shoulders. The world had been his, and he had done everything he could to mark it by sacrificing his life for it. Perhaps that was the reason Vejita had never shown a telltale sign of sorrow for his lost planet, because he had never claimed it as home. Chikyuu was home now. Vejita had died to protect it. Whatever the reason, and whatever the feeling, Trunks could not let Vejita leave this bedroom until dawn. He knew it, and he would fight for it.

Halting before Vejita, Trunks slammed the half-opened doorway closed and shoved the Saiyajin no Ouji against the wall, claiming those lips - all within micro-seconds of one another. Trunks grabbed the back of his father's head, pulling that luscious mouth against his as another hand wrapped around Vejita's waist, tugging their groins together with a grunt. The friction earned a faint growl from the elder Saiyajin, causing Trunks to smirk against that warm wet mouth. His tongue plunged inwards without permission, earning a nip on the edge that drew blood. Vejita purred as the scent and taste filled his senses. His chest rumbled against Trunks, earning a similar yet fainter sound in reply.

"Are you done playing house with the ninjin?" Vejita moaned out, tossing his head back against the wall as Trunks' mouth daringly traced down, nibbling on exposed skin. He only received a rough bite on his left nipple in reply. Vejita grunted, hands twining in those silky lavender locks of hair as the demi-Saiyajin abused his skin.

Trunks released his father's neck and knelt down on the ground, yanking down the boxers in one swift tug. Vejita's eyes widened as he looked down, seeing his son's warm eyes staring at his erection. Apparently the answer to his latest question was a certain yes. Feeling that gaze hardened Vejita even more, making the need almost unbearable. His hand tightened in those pale colored locks with a sigh. Trunks didn't gaze upwards, but instead moved forward, lips softly kissing the head. Vejita's eyes slid closed as he relaxed against the cold pale white wallpaper, urging Trunks forward. A wet tongue ran up the bottom teasingly, testing Vejita's reaction, before swallowing the entire long length. The darker Saiyajin could fell the back of Trunks throat as a hand circled the base, caressing what refused to fit. He moaned aloud, knees bending slightly. He couldn't take much more of this taunting. Trunks' innocent made him throb with desire, and each slight touch caused rapture. The boy was young, but his sessions with Goten had made him skilled.

"Filthy whore," Vejita moaned quietly, head pressing against the wall, with only his hair serving as a pillow. Both hands intertwined in the demi-Saiyajin's locks as Vejita plunged his hips forward, eyes hooded. Trunks only responded with another firm suck, drawing his head back until he released the trembling object of his desire. "Really?" he whispered carelessly, ducking his head down. Vejita's eyes widened with a grunt as his son slid beneath him, turning to sit on the floor underneath Vejita, forcing the elder Saiyajin to release his grip of those soft locks as the oddly-colored hair tickled his thighs. "What are… whoa!" Vejita yelped as a wet tongue licked his anus. Before he had a chance to respond to his discomfort with even the idea of being on his knees and pounded mercilessly into ecstasy, that pleasure-creating hand roamed out again, fisting his length and pumping in replace of those wet lips. "Ugh… boy…" he muttered, lost in the sea of desire and unable to find his way back to protest.

Trunks, meanwhile, was grinning at the insanity that escaped his father. The mere idea that he could cause Vejita to writhe with his teasing touches sent shivers of pleasure running. Sticking his own fingers into his mouth and coating them with saliva, it was all Trunks could do to not either laugh aloud or fuck Vejita raw. Trunks couldn't do that, though. He'd been lusting for this so long, he couldn't allow it to end so shortly. Slipping soggy fingers from his mouth, Trunks slowed down the ministrations to his father's shaft and pressed a single digit deep into the caverns. Vejita growled out at the ache, his inner muscles tightening around the intruder, trying to prevent its entrance. Trunks grinned, realizing this was where his sneakiness could come into play. Rising up to his knees, he gripped Vejita's need tighter and pumped it faster. Warm blue eyes gazed at the long muscular and finely detailed backside of his father, finding a faint wound at the very base of the Saiyajin's spine.

Leaning forward, Trunks gently licked the abrasion.

Vejita screamed and drove into the tight fist, falling forward as his knees gave way. Sticky wetness covered Trunks hand, dripping to the floor. The young demi-Saiyajin gripped his father's falling body, two fingers now buried deep within Vejita's opening, and safely guided his father to the floor, a small smile dressing his lips at the fact he could cause Vejita such pleasure in such a simple movement. Vejita was limp on the floor, eyes hooded as he panted in attempt to regain his breath. Trunks scissor-ed his fingers, stretching the opening before plunging a third deep within. Vejita moaned out as the digits struck a tender spot within him. Trunks could barely contain himself, gazing at the delicious figure lying before him, squirming at each devious action Trunks committed. He arousal was painful and protruding from the opening of his leather pants.

Ripping his fingers from his father's entrance, Trunks decided that had been enough. He was about to find release in the leather if he didn't do something and do it now. Rising up completely on his knees, he shoved his pants down and yanked his father's backside closer. Vejita growled out, regaining his senses finally, and climbed to his feet. "Boy if you…" he trailed off as the head of Trunks' arousal shoved forward without a pause. Trunks chuckled subtly, brushing his thumb, still moist with Vejita's cum, along that sensitive blemish again. Vejita's breath caught in throat and he moved slightly backwards.

"I know you want it," Trunks growled out, hands gripping the tanned hips and yanking Vejita back on his length. Vejita cried out and jerked upwards in the pain, but Trunks was quick to pull the full-blooded Saiyajin against his chest, keeping himself buried deep. "Hush," Trunks purred, licking his father's throat. Vejita moaned out, relaxing against the demi-Saiyajin's grip. "Good boy," Trunks whispered, softly nibbling at the skin. He sat back on his heals, allowing Vejita to sit atop his thighs. "You want to be in control. I know. So feel free, but know, dear father, that you have been dominated."

Vejita struggled for a protest or insult in his outrage, but he found himself forced into silence. He had coaxed this out of Trunks, and both knew it though neither had truly expected it to go this far. Trunks was just so skillful when he trusted his instincts. Vejita forced his eyes closed, a bit ashamed but also highly amused, and drew his hips up, hands pressing against the wooden floor. With the feel of the firm hardness within him, already he felt his arousal returning. Vejita moaned out and leaned back, head falling to rest on his son's shoulders.

Trunks grinned, arms wrapping around Vejita's torso as the Saiyajin rose and fell, inner muscles pumping Trunks' shaft without mercy. His mind was fuzzy from the pleasure and his chest ached with each breath he tried to take. "Gods, Vejita," he purred, licking every available inch of exposed skin. There was a sweet saltiness to his father's skin that tasted better than any form of chocolate could. His rough touch ran down Vejita's muscular torso, trailing across firm hips to grasp the hardening rod between those warm thighs. Vejita jerked at the touch, growling faintly.

It was heaven to touch Vejita. It was a fulfilled dream, with each caress and whispered name. That warm back pressed against his chest and with each movement their skin melted together. Trunks could sense every thought that echoed in Vejita's mind, and it was driving him to the brink of madness. He needed more, but there wasn't more to be had. He wanted to loose himself within the Saiyajin no Ouji, for their bodies, minds, and souls to become one so the ecstasy that he felt now would never cease, but it just wasn't meant to be so. Trunks cried out with the force of his climax, striking his father's sweet spot hard with the force as his hand yanked down the prince's shaft one last firm time, sending Vejita right after him.

In a huddle of damp flesh and limbs the two men collapsed. Trunks, however, could not tear himself away from the haunting thoughts. At the moment, still trembling with the force of his orgasm, he could barely recall his own name, but the delicious beast before him was another story. "I need you," Trunks hissed, crawling up to straddle Vejita's hips. The Saiyajin's slit eyes reopened, a tiny smirk playing across his succulent lips. "I know," he merely responded, reaching up and grabbing the demi-Saiyajin's shoulders, pulling him down for a vicious kiss that left the younger breathless and already aroused yet again. At the moment there wasn't a thing Trunks would deny Vejita, and perhaps the inverse was true though none would ever know the answer. Delicate touches were exchanged and whispered words of affection that had always been there in silent nights were subtly admitted.

It all vanished with a harsh bite. Pain overwhelmed the pleasure as Trunks yelped, arching his neck bag as the fangs buried deep, drawing blood and guzzling it down like a magical elixir. He moaned out in the agony, his hands grasping his father's arms, nails clawing deep within the skin.

Licking lips, Vejita pulled back, staring up at the bloody sweaty demi-Saiyajin. "Beautiful slut," he purred, drawing Trunks down gently. Blurry vision from blue eyes locked upon tanned flesh, and without thought, only animalistic desires guiding him, Trunks drew back his lips and bit into the exposed skin. He thought he might scream as the taste struck him, like burning lava flowing through his nervous system. He moaned as he suckled on the life-force that was given to him, his awakened groin driving against his father's stomach unconsciously.

Vejita purred contently, stroking the satin hair, before grabbing those shoulders and shoving the boy away. Climbing to his knees before the younger prince could regain his senses, Vejita grabbed Trunks' hands and shoved them above the boy's head, looking down at him ferociously with pure dirty deviousness blooming in his eyes. "Let's see just who the dominatrix truly is, boy."

Was that fear in Trunks' eyes?