Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Moments in time ❯ Whispers part two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

It was a cold winter night. What had just a few hours ago had been a ferocious blizzard was now a peaceful landscape of snow and ice.

He stood at the doorway, watching him. How long had it been? Less than a year, now that he thought to count. It had felt like a lifetime. A lifetime since the moment he had come when he was sleeping and-


He was lying in bed, the covers pulled back to show his beautiful chest, his handsome face the picture of tranquility. He could be so alluring, even in the simplest ways. It never ceased to amaze him.

"What do you want, Kakarotto?"

"Come to back to bed," Kakarotto's eyes softened, and his expression showed longing, and want, "it's cold without you."

"Well if you're cold, why don't you go and get another blanket?" he retorted.

He regarded him for a moment, and then got out of the bed, quietly disentangling himself from the sheets. He was walking towards the door as if to leave when Vegeta grabbed him by the arm. In a flash, Vegeta pushed him to the ground and was straddling him, pinning his lover's hands to the floor.

He was growling, frustrated because he had what he wanted, had more than he could dream, but he still wasn't happy. It didn't feel right, somehow. He had a loving, skillful mate. One who catered to his every whim, who maybe even actually loved him, but Vegeta couldn't shake the feeling of uneasy, and discomfort. He had won, but it wasn't enough. Tonight, he didn't want to just sleep with him, he want to fight, he had missed the fighting so much-

"Damn you, Damn you Kakarotto," he snarled. "Why do you still torment me?"

He was shaking from rage and Kakarotto was just looking at him, with this fucking soft expression, and it made it worse, for once why couldn't he understand-

Then Kakarotto sat up, scooting backwards and lifting Vegeta onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around him, murmuring softly against his lover's ear. His tail coiled around Vegeta's, ruffling the fur. One of Kakarotto's hands ran through his hair, tilting his head back for a long, deep kiss.

Kakarotto lifted him, carried him to bed and gently laid him down, one hand cradling his prince's head. The other hand rested on his chest, directly above the heart. He felt it beat frantically, his prince knew where this was going, and it made him agitated, nervous.

For one year, he had been submissive to Vegeta, lowered himself before his prince in order to please him, but had turned out for the worse. His prince did not need someone to be below him, he needed someone beside him. It was so simple; it was a marvel that he had not realized it sooner. Smiling, he leaned forward to steal another kiss from his prince.

Moonlight shone through the window, as outside it began to snow once more.