Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Monkey Business ❯ A Day in the Life of Bejita no Ouji ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z or any of it's characters. Monkey Business is a work of fiction that is not to be taken seriously.

This story is rated PG-13. Which means it may not be suitable for those under the age of 13. You have been warned.

A/N: This, *insert some words here* signals someone's thought. This, *-*-*-*-*-*-* signals a scene or character change.

Before you start reading, you should know:

This story takes place in the present-time Dragonball Z timeline. The only differences are:

(1.) The story takes place on Planet Vegeta

(2.) Planet Vegeta is the head in an alliance with surrounding nations within the galaxy

(3.) Frieza has already been destroyed

Chapter 1: A Day in the Life of Bejita no Ouji

Vegeta could feel the "angry" vein bulging in his head. These political affairs seemed to leave him in a state of constant bitterness. "Nappa." Vegeta turned from his seat at the head of a long rectangular table to address his head guard and military advisor.

"Yes, Prince Vegeta?"

"Tell these pompous air-heads that they will either calm their tempers and quiet their voices or they will face public execution by my order!"

The bald-headed brute did exactly as he was told. no order could be issued any faster or with any less accuracy. All of the counselors sat in their seats, eyes glazed over in fear, awaiting the lecture of "Orderly Conduct" or the punishment of not acting decent in the first place. To their surprise, neither came. Vegeta just sat at the head of the table staring at them, allowing their continence to do the punishing for him. After a few moments, Vegeta told them of what he wanted.

"As you are all aware, you have been summoned to this meeting upon emergency circumstances. What you do not know, is how important this meeting is to the future of your species." Vegeta paused to ensure that all were paying attention. "You have gathered here on Planet Vegeta from all parts of the galaxy. Each of you is a renowned leader of your people who've fought gallantly in the war against Frieza, eventually helping to defeat him. The Saiyans were the primary reason for that victory, thanks to the transformation that occurs under the full moon. Because of us, you're planets were spared the fate of being purged. You now have the opportunity to spare your precious planets again by agreeing to my proposal."

Vegeta looked around the room to ensure that his words were sinking in. "Planet Vegeta, as you all know, is running low on recourses, primarily water. If you can find a planet with a dominant water source of water, we will not need to obtain it from yours." Vegeta noted the faces of all of the counselors in the room. Some were showing anger, but most were revealing fear. Vegeta smirked at the lack of courage these men had and wondered how they would have beaten Frieza without his help.

"And if we don't agree?" Said a counselor as he cautiously stood to meet the Prince's angry glare with one of his own.

"Simple," Said Vegeta and with a glowing finger pointed at the man, "you will be disposed of." With that statement, Vegeta sent a small focused beam toward the counselor. The man died with a look of sheer terror on his face shortly after the beam of energy pierced his heart.

"Any others?" Asked Vegeta; who still had his finger pointed at the group, sizzling with energy, ready to be released at any moment. The others just shook their heads in response. "Good." Vegeta said with a gruff tone, still maintaining his unrelenting smirk. "You may all be on your way, just remember, do not take my proposal lightly. If you even think of revolting, I will obliterate you. Your armies are of no use against me. It would be wise to find a suitable planet within three years, or I will be forced to take yours instead. I really don't want to go through the trouble of that, but I will if you force me to. You may go, but remember, you have been warned."


Back in his chambers, Vegeta stood at his windowsill listening to Nappa read off the events and problems of importance happening on Planet Vegeta: "An ally to the throne was found dead this morning from food poisoning, foul-play was suspected. The water conservation effort is still at an early stage but seems to be getting the...............what the............Prince Vegeta, were you expecting company?"

Vegeta had already noticed the small craft plummeting toward the ground at an alarming rate. He didn't know who it was but it wasn't a Saiyan craft nor a craft from any nearby planets. "Nappa!" Vegeta hissed. "Give me a power level report on that ship, tell me how many occupy it and how strong they are?"

"There is one occupant, sire. The power level is at.......um....."

"Well, what is it! Come on, I haven't got all day!"

"eight.....Prince Vegeta....The power level is at an eight."

Vegeta stood dumbfounded, "What kind of an idiot would attempt to bring their ship near my palace with a measly power level of eight!?!" Vegeta's own temper flaring up thinking of the occupant's insolence. * What man would dare show his face on Planet Vegeta with a measly power level of eight? Infants have more power than that. *

"A desperate one." Nappa answered as if he knew what Vegeta was thinking.

"Alert the men, bring the passenger to me alive."

"Yes, Prince Vegeta, it shall be done." After a slight bow, Nappa left the room. Vegeta simply stood by the window, watching as the craft rocketed toward the planet's surface.

Ok, that's it for now, please let me know if you liked it or not.