Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Monkey Business ❯ Enter: Bulma Briefs, Hit-N-Run Queen ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z or any of it's characters.

Chapter 2: Enter: Bulma Briefs, Hit-N-Run Queen

"AAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I'M NOT READY TO DIE!! Come on baby, you've gotten me this far, don't fail me now. PLEASE!!!" The ship was spiraling out of control, Bulma was running out of ideas. She'd already tried to reverse polarity on the auto-landing thrusters, even her last attempt of staying in orbit by redirecting the fuel used up by activating artificial gravity to the main thrusters failed. Her ship was going down and Bulma was too far away from her own galaxy to know which planet she was about to collide with. "COME ON YOU PIECE OF JUNK!!!" Bulma started frantically pounding her fists on the control panel. All of a sudden the ship came to life! The panels started flashing auto-pilot and the ship made a complete U-turn in mid-air. One of the engines fell off because of the sudden change in inertia, but going back to get a dead engine, when she wasn't sure how long the sudden burst of power would last , seemed like a bad idea.

Bulma wanted to get some supplies, but that planet seemed to be too arid to have what she needed. "I'm sure glad I didn't get stuck there! It would have taken forever to find some spare hydraulic parts on that arid planet." After surveying the area, Bulma decided that when she got to the outer edge of this planet's orbit, she would release the satellite. She was out on an assignment to find new galaxies with intelligent life-forms and this planet was the perfect spot to start observations. "Satellite, launch on my mark. Three........ Two....... One...... Launch!........... What the?"


"Tooma, take us up to that ship but don't attack it! Prince Vegeta wants the one inside left alive."

"Sir, incoming message from Prince Vegeta."

"Patch him through." The screen in the front of the ship lit-up and a huge picture of Vegeta's face appeared on the monitor.

"Nappa, transmit a signal to the other ship and patch me through to the comm. link so that I can address this issue myself."

"Right away sir."

Vegeta was sitting in his throne room yelling at a guard when a face appeared, the woman looked like a Saiyan female, the only difference he could see was that she had blue hair. Most Saiyan females have black or brown hair. "Woman, what business do you have on Planet Vegeta?"

"I have no business on Planet Veggie. My ship was just having some tantrums, that's it!"

"Vegeta." The Prince said in a flat voice.


"The Planet's name is Planet Vegeta NOT planet Veggie, you baka!"

"WELL EXCUSE ME, I stood here and told you that my ship was having some problems, and instead of offering to help you give me a lecture on the name of a stupid planet!"

A smirk started to form on Vegeta's face, "Why would we need to help you with your ship? You're coming with us."

Bulma's face became flushed with anger, "Now you listen here. You creeps are not taking me anywhere and..."

"Oh but we will. You see, littering or a possible hit and run with an engine is illegal on Planet Vegeta. If you try to escape, our law says that you are free game for anyone to execute."

Bulma was shocked, she could not believe this was happening to her. "Why can't I go home? What will happen to me? Who are you jerks anyway?" Bulma said, rambling random questions to buy some time.

"My name is Prince Vegeta of the Saiyan race. You will now reside on Planet Vegeta until stated otherwise. What happens to you after I leave is not my concern."

"That's what you think!" Bulma hit a button on her control panel, and the device which she used to regulate the artificial gravity was shot out of the launch bay. Bulma held on to the bottom of the control panel to keep her position long enough so that she could shoot the device just before it reached the foreign ship.

"Oh shit." was the only thing that Nappa said just before the artificial gravity generator exploded, taking off half of the ship and rendering the front intact but immobile. As soon as Nappa got his bearings, he was stunned as to what he saw. On the monitor screen, Vegeta was doubled over in laughter. "Prince Vegeta?" Nappa did not know what to think, he'd never seen Vegeta laugh unless it was to taunt an opponent. "Sir?"

"The mighty Nappa was just rendered inoperable because some weakling woman, crippled his ship in just one blow!?! This woman is full of surprises. Bring her to me! Dispatch units two through eight. Capture her alive and unharmed....and send a team to pick up what's left of Nappa's crew."

"Oh no you don't Mr. High and Mighty. Computer, what are our current surroundings?" Bulma waited impatiently as the computer relayed the message to her.

"Oncoming ships at twenty degrees to port and an asteroid field directly behind."

"Computer, drive into the asteroid field, then switch to auto-pilot." As soon as she gave the order, she ran back to the weapons control center and prepared one of the manual gun turrets for her use. "Computer, switch to auxiliary thrusters. If they're trying to capture me, I should at least give them something to chase."


Meanwhile, in the Royal Palace:

*What does she think she's doing? She couldn't hope to escape. What could be so important that she would risk her life to keep us from getting?* "Guard, prepare my royal ship, I'll get her myself!"