Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Monkey Business ❯ Monkey Ball ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z or any of its characters.

A/N: Thoughts have '…..' around them and speech has "…..."

Oh, and when there is a scene change, *-*-*-*-*-*-* will be between the separated scenes. Yeah, but I'm pretty sure you get that already from my previous chapters. Oh well, on with the story!

Previously in Monkey Business:

Vegeta just stared out the window, grumbling something about baka women. Nappa guessed that his presence would just serve to anger the Prince so he decided to leave him to his thoughts. Vegeta was so caught up in the woman's tardiness that he failed to notice Nappa leave. "This has taken long enough." Vegeta said to no one in particular.

With that, he collected all of his thoughts and decided it was time to leave. As Vegeta stepped into the bathroom he was surprised to see that the woman could, in fact, be obedient.


Chapter 5: Monkey Ball

"So, woman, you are finally learning your place?" Said Vegeta in the snidest voice that he could muster.

"Whatever, let's just go." Bulma was not in the mood for fighting right now. She had more important things to think about. 'This banquet has to be huge or else I wouldn't even be allowed to go. If Vegeta thought that I could jeopardize his, "My head is stuck too far up my own ass to care about anyone else other than myself" reputation; I would be locked in my room right now. So, since there will probably be a lot people there, it might not be so hard to make a break for it'


Bulma followed Vegeta down the vast stretch of corridors until they had reached their destination, the banquet hall. The doors slowly opened to allow the populace entrance. After quickly examining this new room, Bulma realized that she would have a harder time getting lost than she had originally thought. The seats were set up so that the head of the table could see everyone at all times. Of course, the guests didn't only occupy one table, there were already between fifty and eighty almost completely occupied; this was indeed a banquet of epic proportions.

With all of the guests trying to make small talk with Prince Vegeta, Bulma was left to her own thoughts. She suddenly felt very sorry for all of the people trying to talk to Vegeta; something about him just seemed to suggest he wasn't one for small talk. 'Hmm, it looks like I'm going to have to rethink my plan of action. Oh well, I'll tweak my strategy while everyone is busy stuffing their faces. I can still pull this off if I'm careful.'

As the banquet commenced, people began to fill into their seats. Even through all the commotion, Bulma noticed that one person was missing. "Um, Vegeta-"

"Woman, I am to be addressed as Prince Vegeta. Especially at an occasion such as this." Vegeta retorted.

"Ok then …… Your Royal Highness…. Prince Vegeta of Planet Vegeta …. Would you be so kind as to grant me, A LOWLY ALIEN WOMAN, an audience?" Bulma's retort was practically dripping with sarcasm. Unfortunately, Vegeta failed to notice the change in the woman's tone of voice, or the slight twitching that had started in Bulma's left eye.

"Yes woman, you may speak; but make it quick. I do not want to be put through your ranting any longer than necessary." His reply almost made Bulma do something she didn't want to do, like stand up and strangle the short little bastard for all he's worth. Ok, let's face it, she wanted to do it, but it would blow her chances of escaping right? For now, Bulma would just have to be satisfied with fanaticize about beating him to a royal pulp.

'Just once I'd like to shove that royal tone down his throat. I'll bet that would make him stop being such a jackass. I can just see it now-- STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT! Ok, Focus Bulma, you won't give into this. You will NOT blow-up in front of everyone, this is a public place.' Bulma quickly calmed down and decided to get on with her question. Loosing her temper in front of all these people wouldn't help anyone. "Prince Vegeta, I was just wondering. Since you are only a prince, where is the king? Shouldn't he be at this banquet too?" Vegeta seemed to think a second before answering her question.

"This banquet was prepared in the memory of my father, King Vegeta. He died exactly one year ago fighting a monster named Frieza. That's all you need to know." Vegeta was not sure if she understood what he had told her, but came to the conclusion that she would with time.

"Wait a second, if your father has been dead for a year. Who has been ruling Planet Vegeta? I mean you're to young to control an entire planet all by yourself!"

Vegeta sent Bulma a look that made her feel incredibly stupid. "I am eighteen years old woman, not some infant toddler. I am more than competent enough to run this planet. I suggest that for your own health, you end your questions now. I would hate to have to kill you because of your incompetence."

Bulma just sat flabbergasted in her seat. 'Why did he get all huffy over a few innocent questions? I must have hit a soft spot. This cold heartless prince just might have a pulse after all; and you know what they say about where there's smoke there's fire. Then again, he's just an irate prince. Maybe that was the first time that things didn't go his way and he just never recovered from his shock. Nah, what am I thinking? I need to get out of here, not start psychology 101 with Vegeta . . . That's it . . . I've got it! Time to put this new plan of mine into action! Planet Earth here I come!!!'

"Prince Vegeta." Bulma said in the sweetest voice she could muster. The prince merely raised an eyebrow to signal for her to go on. "Um…well, were are your restrooms?" Bulma asked through a deep blush, which was brought on by the stares of half of the guests. The room had become quiet as all of the attention was now turned to the woman that addressed the prince. Many of the guests were waiting to see what the quick-tempered prince's reaction would be. Would he indulge her somewhat juvenile but certainly understandable request, or instead have a paroxysm of rage?

"Nappa, show the woman where the facilities are." The prince ordered. As the Nappa passed Vegeta, the prince whispered to his second in command, "Keep an eye on her." The prince's voice was so low only a Saiyan in close range would be able to hear it. Of course, that was the point.

Nappa nodded briefly in mid-stride to show the prince that he understood, and was off to complete his task without question.


Bulma was surprised that a palace this size actually had private restrooms. After a little convincing to Nappa that she didn't need any kind of parental supervision to go to the bathroom, Bulma was free to put her plan into action.

"Alright, step one: infiltration." Since people can't always control their bladders, or the smell that comes out of them, there was a nice little high-powered fan connected to the vitalization system. "Wow! This'll be so much easier than I thought! Good 'ole muscle heads!" Exclaimed Bulma as she started to disassemble all of the mechanical objects in the bathroom to get the parts she needed.

"Perfect." Said Bulma as she marveled at he creation before her. Unfortunately, the original appliances didn't fare too well; the sink, toilet, electrical outlet, and a few other appliances in the bathroom were a little worse for the wear. Ok, so they were in ruins, but beggars can't be choosers. Right? 'Well, for what I had to work with, this is as good as it gets. It will make a good diversion though.'


It had been over forty-five minutes and the woman still hadn't come out of the bathroom. "Prince Vegeta aint gonna like this." Nappa had been waiting patiently this entire time; unfortunately, when he tried to tell the woman to come out, he got no answer. Nappa decided to break down the door to force the woman to come out. Instead of meeting an angry woman, he was met with a jolt of electricity that kept him from blowing the door open.

The thing that really puzzled him was how the door could conduct this energy. He decided not to think too much about it. A minor headache was forming in the back of his head as he went to get Vegeta. 'He'll know what to do, or get really pissed off; maybe both.'


Vegeta noticed that Nappa returned without the alien woman accompanying him. 'That buffoon can't even keep track of weakling alien! How did he ever rise to the military position he is in now? Tracking is covered in the most elementary training. This incompetence will stop now!'

As Nappa approached Vegeta, he noticed the scowl that was plastered on the prince's face. Suddenly, he felt very aware of what immediate danger that particular brand of scowl implied. Nappa said the only thing that came to his mind. "Sir, she has locked herself in the bathroom."

"You're joking!?! You are a Saiyan warrior, just blow open the door!" Things were about to go from bad to worse. Not only did his second in command lack the common since of how to force open a door, but apparently had some kind of death wish as well.

"Sir, I tried to force open the door. She has put up some sort of electrical barrier over it. It can't be forced open. I thought if anyone could get her out of there, it would be you." Nappa was treading on thin ice. Kami only knows how far Vegeta's temper could be pushed before heads started to roll. 'Preferably her head before mine though'.


Nappa was certainly not lying about the electrical barrier over the door. The force of the current made his muscles twitch. Vegeta decided to take a different approach. Instead of blowing up the door itself, he focused a beam of energy on the wall surrounding the door. To his relief, the beam penetrated the wall and created an outline of the doorframe. As soon as his task complete, Vegeta stood watching the situation unfold before him. The door and what portion of the wall that was connected to it, just sort of fell into the hallway. The Scene reminded him of a domino falling.

As the smoke and debris from the wall's impact cleared, Vegeta was amazed at what he saw inside of the bathroom. "How the Hell did this happen!?!" Vegeta screamed at no one in particular.


A/N: Well there's another chapter finished!!! I'm so happy; I got reviews!!! Thank you to everyone who reviewed my last chapter, you guys are great!!! Yeah, I'm not hard to please. Reviews do make great motivational tools!!!

PLEASE REVIEW!! I like to know how I'm doing, good or bad. Thanks. d=D