Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Monkey Business ❯ Interesting Developments ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z or any of its characters.

A/N: In this chapter, to represent thoughts, I will use single quotes (apostrophes). Like this: 'Insert thought here.' Sorry for any confusion, I was just getting tired of my spell check going haywire from the asterisks.

Chapter 4: Interesting Developments

"Woman! Aren't you ready yet? I'm beginning to get impatient!" Said Vegeta as he entered the most feminine space ship he had ever seen.

"I'm coming." Bulma said almost in a daze, "It's not every day that you get to see something you spent years creating become obliterated." When Bulma turned to face Vegeta she was near tears. "Let's go."

Bulma was completely silent for the rest of the trip to Planet Vegeta. Which gave the prince plenty of time to sort out his thoughts. 'She stares at it as if it were to be demolished. She should be grateful we are taking such good care of her ship. We do not do this for everyone.' At that instant the plane started descending through Planet Vegeta's atmosphere. "Well be there soon, so you'd better get your stories straight now; because if I catch you in one single lie, then I will tear you apart with my bare hands, piece by piece. Understand?"


Bulma did not answer Vegeta's threat. She instead watched the grappler ship that was dragging her own ship through the planets atmosphere. She gazed at the huge jumble of metal counterparts, dragging her ship with one huge arm, as it slowly decreased its speed to prepare to land. Since she was riding in Vegeta's "Royal Ship" which arrived at the docking bay first, Bulma was able to clearly see that the grappler ship was not descending toward the docking bay. "Where the Hell is that ship going!?!" she demanded in the most forceful voice she could muster.

"Where do you think woman? To the garage to be dismantled and examined." Replied Vegeta. He was still puzzled about this woman's origin, but those questions would have to wait. The interrogation would start tomorrow, after breakfast.

After exiting the ship, Vegeta led Bulma down a long corridor. Since it looked like she would be stuck on this planet for a while, Bulma decided to learn as much as she could about its residents. She promised herself she would learn everything she could and act exactly how they told her to until she gained enough of their trust to make her move.

Vegeta led Bulma to the most beautiful room she'd ever seen, and coming from a house like Capsule Corp. that was saying a lot. "This will be your room for the night. Do not wander; only leave this room when you are instructed to. Understand?

"Why aren't their any guards protecting you?" Bulma paused as Vegeta turned to face her, "Well, you are the prince. Aren't you at all worried that someone will try to assassinate you?"

Vegeta raised an eyebrow at this remark. "The Prince of the Saiyan race needs no protection from low level guards!" Vegeta took a second to regain his composure then continued with a smirk and a somewhat playful tone. "I'd like to see the fool who thinks he can kill me!"


"Boy, come here!" yelled Bardock, from the recliner of a dingy, third class house.

"Coming daddy!" replied a child's voice from another room.

"Kakkarot, be ready to leave in fifteen minutes, we're going to train."

"Oh boy, I like to train. Daddy, when is Raditz coming home? He's fun to train with." Said Kakkarot as he pulled a worn-out Saiyan armor outfit over his spandex. "Ok daddy, I'm ready to go."

"Let's get on our way then. We'll have to train extra hard if you want to be better than the Saiyan Elite."


"What do you propose we do about the current water situation Sir?" Nappa asked Vegeta. He did not respond, he was too preoccupied in his own thoughts to match the mumble coming from Nappa with a meaning, much less an answer. "Sir?………Sir? Anyone home? Hello?"

"I've never seen anyone in the galaxy who bears such a close resemblance to a Saiyan. Well, only through looks. After all, it's not possible for her to have descended from a Saiyan. She would have a higher power level, although, she could be one of Frieza's experiments. Yes, that would explain why she has such a low power level, Saiyans who've lost their tail also loose a great deal of strength. How do I know she doesn't have a tail? She could have hidden it. Yes, I'll have to have her checked right away. I'll put my best team of scientists on it right away. She can't fool me. Heh heh, I'm onto you woman. No one can play the Prince of Saiyans as a fool. I'll show you. First things first, we'll have to find out if you really do have a tail."

"Prince Vegeta, what are you mumbling about?" Asked Nappa. Who was a little annoyed at the fact that Vegeta was ignoring him just so he could talk to himself.

"Nappa," Vegeta ordered, "have someone retrieve the woman from her chambers and take her to the genetics lab." Nappa stood dumbfounded, not sure what to make of these orders. "If it' s too inconvenient for you; other, somewhat morbid, arrangements can be made." The irritation was becoming clear in Vegeta's voice, Nappa decided to not think on the matter and do as he was told.


Bulma was resting in her new room, when a knock at the door awoke her. Bulma swung the door open as hard as she could, thinking it was Vegeta; but to her surprise, she found instead a boy. "Why hello little guy. Where did you come from?" Bulma said in her sweetest voice. The boy did not answer; instead he just stared up at her as if he was a starving little lost puppy. "My name is Bulma. Do you have a name?"

The boy just stood at the doorway not saying a word. From the look on his face, he seemed to be a little confused. Bulma was about to ask him if he was hungry when the boy said, "My name is Kakkarot, you're a pretty lady." Bulma was a little shocked; she had thought that the little boy couldn't talk at all.

"Why thanks little guy. Kakkarot, is it?" Kakkarot looked up at Bulma with one of the silliest grins Bulma had ever seen in her entire life, all Bulma could do was smile back just as friendly. "So Kakkarot, why have you come to visit me?" Bulma thought the little boy might have been sent by Vegeta to gather information. She didn't want to put it past him to do just that. As far as Bulma could tell, Vegeta was as ruthless as they got.

"I walked past the Prince's room on my way to meet my father and I heard them talking about a woman they had captured. I wanted to see what you looked like." After hearing what had just come out of his own mouth, Kakkarot's eyes widened in astonishment. "Oh no! My daddy is going to kill me! I was supposed to meet him for training!" Kakkarot looked up at Bulma. He didn't want to leave her; she was the only person who was actually nice to him. "Bulma could you walk me to the training hall, please?" Bulma shook her head yes, they made their way down the corridor as Kakkarot asked, "Um, Bulma. Where's your tail?"


Nappa knocked on the door of Bulma's room but got no reply. He opened the door expecting to be hit in the face with something heavy, but nothing came. It did not take long for Nappa to realize that she was gone. He returned immediately to Vegeta's chambers to alert Vegeta of the news.


Kakkarot and Bulma arrived at the training hall to see Kakkarot's father pacing back and forth across the floor. "Daddy!" Kakkarot yelled. His father started yelling at the boy but stopped when he noticed Bulma.

"Son, who is this? I thought I told you to go on ahead of me to the training hall, not pick up women." This remark made Bulma smirk, but feel sorry for Kakkarot at the same time. His dad was very demanding, and sometimes that can be hard for a child. "Boy, if you're going to bring home women everywhere you go you could at least introduce me."

Kakkarot blushed as he replied shyly "This is Bulma".

Kakkarot's dad walked up to Bulma and shook her hand. "My name is Bardock, nice to meet you."


Vegeta paced furiously throughout the corridors of his plaice. This woman would pay for being so impudent. No one ever lived a long life by disobeying the orders of a prince. 'When I find her, she will pay dearly for her disregard of my authority. Little Bulma will soon learn, the true power I hold.'


Bulma sat and watched as Bardock and Kakkarot trained. She had never seen anything so brutal. Even the Bruce Lee movies back home could not compare to what she saw. If this was training, it scared Bulma to think of what real fighting would be like for them. Kakkarot was knocked to the ground, just as he was about to smash his elbow into Kakkarot's stomach, Bardock stopped in place. The man was frozen with terror, and soon Bulma knew why.

Bulma noticed Vegeta out of the corner of her eye; he had a vein throbbing on the side of his head. Bulma took this as a sign that Vegeta was not in a very good mood. As Vegeta started moving toward her, Bulma shot up out of her chair and met his enraged glaze with one of her own. "What the hell do you think you're doing woman?" Vegeta snapped. Bulma held firm, her angry gaze unwavering. This time Bulma had nothing to be afraid of; she had done nothing wrong. "I asked you a question!" Vegeta was almost completely consumed with rage, when out of nowhere he smiled.

This frightened Bulma. Vegeta did not have a smile of kindness; it was more like the smile of a guilty criminal who was just released on bail. "W-why are you looking at me like that?" Bulma asked. The look on his face was terrifying, it showed her how much of a lunatic he really was. There was no way of telling what he would do now.

"Bulma, Bulma, Bulma. Don't you understand? You've just ruined your chances of being treated as a guest in this place." Vegeta's eyes became more dark and menacing with every word that came out of his mouth. "From now on you will be under constant surveillance. You will go nowhere and do nothing without me knowing what you plan to do first."

Bulma stood still, carefully planning what she was going to say. One wrong word could be fatal. "How do you plan to know where I am and what I am doing, all the time?" Bulma started to get a smirk on her face as well, "I mean, can you really trust that not one of your guards will take pity on me and help me escape? Do you really trust your people that much?"

Vegeta's smirk was unchanging, it was almost as if he wanted her to say those exact words. "It's not a matter of how much I trust them. As you can see from your new friend Bardock, it is a question of how much they fear me. Of course this is none of your concern." Vegeta paused to watch Bulma's confusion become evident on her face. "I will be the one you will have to answer to from now on. You will go nowhere without my consent. From now on your life is no longer your own. Your days and nights will be carefully monitored. For you, privacy is a thing of the past. It would also be to your advantage that you not try to escape." A menacing grin took over Vegeta's features. "I'm sure you'll try, but after you're returned to me, your punishment will be far worse than any oblivion you could imagine."

Bulma was infuriated, "What gives you the right to think that you can just order me around? I'm not your property! You're just too self-absorbed to accept the fact that for once, someone objects to your rules. I don't care how strong you think you are, you can't keep me here forever. I would rather die than sit in a dirty old cage, with your blockhead guards bringing me food for the rest of m life."

Vegeta just stood silent as Bulma rambled on; he figured he would humor her a little just to see how brave this woman really was. So far she had more audacity than anyone, man or woman, he had ever met. He was going to enjoy breaking her down. Making her realize that she no longer has the rights and privileges that she obviously once had. Oh yes, this would be fun indeed. "You stupid, stupid woman. Do I have to spell everything out for you? You are property! To be more exact my property, that is, until I can figure out what use you could be to my kingdom. Once you decide you are not above taking orders from a Prince, you may get a chance to have a future."

Bulma decided that this was a battle she could not win. She knew her chance would come; all she had to do was wait. So when Vegeta ordered her to follow him, Bulma went without hesitation.


Vegeta walked Bulma through more corridors than she could count. From the outside, this place didn't look so huge. Bulma was beginning to be almost thankful that she had a "tour-guide" with her 24-7, it would literally take Bulma years to find her way out of this maze of a plaice.

Vegeta arrived at a tall elegant door and immediately Bulma knew it was his room. The doors seemed to open on their own as Vegeta stepped in front of them. "These are my chambers." Vegeta said as he waited for Bulma to take in the sight. Lavish curtains, rugs, ornaments, beautiful decorations; obviously, Vegeta didn't decorate this place himself. Although, the entire room seemed to suggest that a very dark and troubled person lived in it. The only colors in the entire room were menacing, dark, and utterly beautiful at the same time.

Vegeta started walking toward a door on the other side of the room, Bulma followed quietly. Vegeta stopped directly in front of the door, causing Bulma walk right into his back. Vegeta did not seem to notice; instead he turned around and looked Bulma directly in the eyes. It frightened her, not knowing what he was going to do next. "This will be your room from now on." Said Vegeta as he opened the door slowly.

Bulma was astounded, to say the very least. She was expecting a prison cell or some kind of confinement room. The room she got was far from it. In fact it was far more elegant than her own room back home. Coming from an extremely wealthy family, that's saying a lot. There was a huge canopy bed to one side of the room, a fish fountain spouting some kind of bubble concoction on the other side, and directly across her was the biggest window she had ever seen. Bulma slowly walked over to the window and gasped when she saw the unremarkable view set before her. Bulma could see for endless miles, she felt so small compared to the magnitude of buildings and structures before her. Insignificance wasn't the only feeling she was developing. Bulma had to sit down on the bed just to keep from falling over; viewing that altitude had made her somewhat drowsy.

"I take it you are satisfied with your quarters?" asked Vegeta in a gruff voice. "Follow me." Vegeta led Bulma back into his room, Vegeta walked to a door right next to his bed. As he opened the door, Bulma noticed an in-ground bathtub with rose petals lying on top of the water. "Get in" said Vegeta.

"What!?! You pervert! There is no way I'm going to be a part of your warped little bathtub fantasy thing!" Bulma retorted.

"You stink, you need a bath. There is an important conference tonight and I don't want you appalling my guests with your stench! I said nothing about watching or joining you bathe, and I really have no desire to. You have one hour to be ready; if you take any longer I will come in and drag you out myself." Vegeta, after getting his point across, turned and left.


As Bulma was sitting in the fragrant liquid, she heard footsteps approaching the door. She tried to sink low enough below the petals so that no one could see her exposed body. As the door opened, Bulma could see Vegeta's silhouette on the other side of his bed. He appeared to be looking out a window, over his kingdom, pondering something. To Bulma's surprise, three maids came in: one carrying towels, one with an outfit of some kind, and another with beauty supplies. They entered without saying a word, each lying what they had carried in across the counter. Bulma had noticed that they were all so obedient, "That will never be me," Bulma whispered to herself.


"Nappa, how is the water conservation effort coming along?" asked Vegeta. While the woman was busy, he might as well get some business done.

"It is working out nicely my Prince." replied Nappa. "In fact, we may have water usage eight months longer than originally estimated."

"Good, that will give us more time to find a suitable planet. That is, unless those buffoons from the council do come through with acquiring one for us." Vegeta was feeling better already. This was excellent news for his kingdom. "How long until the banquet starts?" asked Vegeta. He was beginning to become impatient, "That woman has been in there long enough!"

"The banquet starts in about fifteen minutes sir." Replied Nappa hesitantly

Vegeta just stared out the window, grumbling something about baka women. Nappa guessed that his presence would just serve to anger the Prince so he decided to leave him to his thoughts. Vegeta was so caught up in the woman's tardiness that he failed to notice Nappa leave. "This has taken long enough." Vegeta said to no one in particular.

With that, he collected all of his thoughts and decided it was time to leave. As Vegeta stepped into the bathroom he was surprised to see that the woman could, in fact, be obedient.

So, what do you think? I felt really bad about making my previous chapters so short, so this long one (hey, for me it's long) was to make up for them. I didn't get any response whatsoever about putting Frieza's death in future chapters, so right now I'm just trying to figure out what direction to take this story.

PLEASE REVIEW! Creative criticism is very welcome. Ok, I'm done. Thanks for reading!