Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Monkey Business ❯ Are You Ready? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z or any of its characters.

A/N: I just wanted to take a second and thank everyone who has reviewed this story (and to thank anyone who takes the time to review it in the future), it really means a lot to me. (Plus, it motivates me to write) So, thanks! =^_^=

Thoughts are symbolized by ' … '

Speech is symbolized with " … "

Scene changes are symbolized by ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~


Previously in Monkey Business:

"Follow me", was all that Bulma heard as Vegeta started to make his way down the corridor. As she was walking behind him she heard him grumble things like "Damn woman" and, "Stupid airshafts".

After about fifteen minutes of hearing Vegeta grumble to himself, Bulma decided, "This is going to be a long night."


Chapter 7: Are You Ready?

After entering Vegeta's quarters, Bulma decided to have a seat and wait for the prince's temper to cool off. Of course, Vegeta had a completely different idea. Instead of trying to calm himself down, Vegeta turned to the now sitting Bulma with a scowl unlike any she had ever seen wear before. He was pissed. Unlike the other times she had seen him angry, this time she could tell that he had a hard time keeping his emotions controlled. He was a man on the edge, and Bulma didn't want to be the one to send him over. 'I've got to play my cards right. If I don't, things could get ugly.'

"Enough of this silly waiting business woman. The interrogation begins now." Bulma looked up at Vegeta for any sign of sanity in those onyx eyes. To her relief, there was.

'But for how long?' she thought to herself.

"First question. What planet are you from?" asked Vegeta in a harsh voice.

"I am from a planet called Earth." Replied Bulma in the calmest voice she could muster. The last thing she wanted to do right now was to make him become more irate.

"What was your motive when coming to planet Vegeta?"

"My motive!?! I didn't want to come here! I was on a mission to find new galaxies and intelligent life when I was abducted!!!" Bulma wanted to smack herself for what she just said. 'Stupid, you were trying to not get him angry. Remember?'

"Well woman, we didn't have to capture you. You got yourself into this remember? This planet doesn't tolerate aliens who try to attack the city with falling debris. If you would have stayed clear of this planet you wouldn't be in this mess now would you."

"Just who the hell do you think you are!?! I did not come to this planet because I wanted to! My ship was about to crash. I ALMOST DIED!!! Yet here you are trying to tell me it's my fault that I was captured. I don't think so buddy! I was trying to stay alive, but apparently on this planet that is considered some sort of crime!" Bulma was fuming, but it was nothing compared to what Vegeta was feeling right now. 'Oh shit.' Were the only words running through Bulma's mind as she realized what she had just said, but more importantly, who she had just said it to.

"Woman…" said Vegeta, trying to keep his anger in check. "I will not tolerate such insolence! I am the prince of all Saiyans! I've had enough of this foolishness! We shall continue this conversation in the morning, after you have taken time to think about how much your life really means to you. For if you value it as much as you say, then you will remember that you are at my mercy. That means, the more of these little stunts you pull, the closer you come to being obliterated. Do you understand?" With a slight nod of her head she was off to her bedchambers.


"Stupid monkey prince. All I want is to go home. Is that too much to ask?" While she talked to herself, Bulma stood in her room changing back into her regular clothes. "Come to think of it, why would he keep me here like this? Think Bulma think. Hmm… Slave trading? Doubtful, they would have already sent me away by now. Concubine?" After the words came out her mouth Bulma felt a shiver run down her spine. The idea of being someone else's plaything wasn't a very appealing option right now so she tried to block it out of her head. "Hmm… maybe they're just afraid that I'll be some sort of threat. Yeah, they should be afraid. No one can hold me prisoner! Those stupid monkeys don't know what they've gotten themselves into!"

With her newfound confidence, Bulma put her hands in her pockets and started walking toward the window. 'That's weird, I didn't know I had anything in my pockets.' Bulma almost squealed in delight when she pulled her hand out of her pocket. Lying in her palm was a blue capsule without any sign of a label as to what was in it. "Lets see how they can handle me now that I've found this." Bulma just couldn't resist the evil little smile that crept up on her face. Finally, things were going her way.


Too bad Bulma didn't know that a Saiyan's senses were far better than those of a human. Vegeta laid in his bead running over Bulma's conversation in his head. "Concubine? She cannot honestly believe that she is worthy enough to be a concubine. Who would want her?"

'Don't say that, you know that you'd like to have her.'

"I'll say it if I want to! I am the Prince of all Saiyans! Why would I want a temperamental thing like her? All she is to me is trouble." Said Vegeta to… well… himself.

'You like her fiery temper. You cannot hide anything from me Vegeta. I am your conscience. Remember?'

"You are not my conscience, just a royal pain in the ass. Now leave me alone, I'm not in the mood to listen to you right now."

'You cannot hide your feelings forever. Sooner or later you will have to face them, and the longer you bottle them up the stronger they get. Remember that, Vegeta.'

Vegeta ran a bath to try and calm his nerves. "You're surprise is lost woman. I know you're up to something, and now I'll be ready." Vegeta's thoughts were cut short when the bathroom door started to open. Vegeta's eyes grew to the size of saucers when he looked at the door. Bulma was walking in, and she didn't even know he was in there. "Shit, I wasn't ready for that." Said Vegeta.

Bulma turned when she heard his voice. When she saw Vegeta she froze in place. 'Shit I didn't know he was in here. I thought he went out to go boss someone around.'

"Like what you see woman?" Said the now smirking Vegeta.

That snapped her out of her train of thought. After mumbling a quick "Sorry", the now blushing Bulma dashed out of the bathroom. 'Stupid arrogant prince, I only wanted to go to the bathroom. How was I supposed to know he was in there, taking a bath…' Bulma lost her train of thought yet again as pictures of what she just saw flashed into her mind. "Stop it! Stop it!" said Bulma, trying to clear the images from her mind. "Damn it. Why does he have to have all of those muscles" Grumbling, Bulma made her way back to her bedroom.


Vegeta sat quietly in the bathroom, still smirking. 'This could be fun after all'