Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Monkey Business ❯ Heat ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragonball Z or any of its characters
Thoughts are symbolized with: ` … `
Speech is symbolized with: “ … “
Scene changes are symbolized by: =============
Previously in Monkey Business:
Bulma turned when she heard his voice. When she saw Vegeta she froze in place. `Shit I didn't know he was in here. I thought he went out to go boss someone around.'
“Like what you see woman?” Said the now smirking Vegeta.
That snapped her out of her train of thought. After mumbling a quick “Sorry”, the now blushing Bulma dashed out of the bathroom. `Stupid arrogant prince, I only wanted to go to the bathroom. How was I supposed to know he was in there, taking a bath…' Bulma lost her train of thought yet again as pictures of what she just saw flashed into her mind. “Stop it! Stop it!” said Bulma, trying to clear the images from her mind. “Damn it. Why does he have to have all of those muscles” Grumbling, Bulma made her way back to her bedroom.
Vegeta sat quietly in the bathroom, still smirking. `This could be fun after all'
Chapter 8: Heat
The next morning, Bulma woke up felling like shit. She was tired, achy, and extremely grouchy. Bulma groaned when she realized what that meant. It was that time of the month. Too bad all of her toiletries were on her ship.
A musky smell assaulted Vegeta's nose when he awoke. Vegeta sat up in his bed trying to pinpoint the source of this new odor. The scent was almost intoxicating.
Vegeta's train of thought was interrupted as Bulma opened up the door leading from her room to his. Vegeta's thought pattern stopped as soon as he realized what the smell was. She was in heat. “Shit”, grumbled Vegeta.
“Well it's not exactly fun for me to see you first thing in the morning either.” Snapped Bulma.
Vegeta growled in response, but said nothing. He watched as Bulma made her way over to him and sat on the corner of his bed. She looked like wanted to say something, but Vegeta was not in the mood for games this morning. “What do you want woman?”
“Um… Vegeta… I need to ask you something.” Bulma got really quiet and started to play with a little wrinkle in Vegeta's blanket as though it was the most fascinating thing in the world.
“Well, what is it? Spit it out woman.”
Bulma just glared at Vegeta. “Vegeta… do you have any… um… tampons?”
“What the hell is a tampon?” Said Vegeta looking truly confused.
“It's… um… something a woman uses when it's her time of the month.” Bulma's cheeks were starting to develop a slight blush. Who would have thought that she would have to explain to Vegeta what a tampon was. `Well, maybe the women on this planet don't have periods… jeez, just my luck.'
“Your time of the month? This tampon thing, it is a device used when you are in heat?”
“Err… yeah, kind of. On my planet when women… go into heat, as you put it, they bleed for a couple of days. A tampon is used to catch the blood.” Vegeta sat looking at Bulma as if she had just sprouted an extra head. “Look, Vegeta, I have tampons on my ship. I just need to get into the ship to get the tampons.” With a slight nod and a mumble of “Fine” Vegeta got up and started to lead Bulma to her ship.
Upon entering the ship, Bulma started to make her way to the supply room. That is, she started to make her way to the supply room until she noticed that Vegeta was following her. “What are you doing?” Asked Bulma after she stopped walking to face Vegeta.
“Do you seriously think I would let you stroll around your ship alone? Woman, I am not going to leave you alone in this ship. You will just try to escape again.”
“Oh Vegeta I think you've got the wrong idea.” Said Bulma in her most sweet and sympathetic voice.
Vegeta became puzzled. “How so?”
“Because I'm not the kind of girl who lets a guy, I just met, see me half naked! I have to put in the tampon you know!” Replied a furious looking Bulma.
Bulma watched as Vegeta's `angry vein' appeared on the side of his forehead. “Well, apparently you're the kind of girl who likes to see men, you've just met, naked. Or am I mistaken?”
Vegeta knew that she was furious. Her scent spiked drastically and he had to fight his more primal urges to take her then and there.
“Fine, stupid woman.” Barked out Vegeta in a voice that was a little more husky than usual. “You have ten minutes. If you are not done by then than I am coming in to get you, and trust me woman, that is not a situation you want to have to deal with.”
She was WAY too emotional to put up with this crap….
Bulma slammed the door shut behind her. She had to get away from him; he was driving her crazy. In her entire life, she had never met anyone that could make her want to do things like kill him and jump him at the same time. When she got her bearings straight again, she promised herself to pay him back for how he was making her feel.
“Focus Bulma” She had to clear her thoughts to think of a way to make her plan work. Walking to the corner of her room, Bulma grabbed a little box and checked its contents to make sure that it was full. `Heh, heh, perfect…' Bulma grinned as all of the evil little things that she could do to Vegeta flashed through her head. This was going to be so much fun, she would soon have that little monkey prince begging for mercy.