Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Monkeyman ❯ Monkeyman ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]



Disclaimer: DBZ belongs to its respective owners and creator. If I owned it, I'd be laughing it up in my mansion whilst having a certain Japanese man shake my martinis and make me sandwiches. I also don't know the song `Monkey Man' performed by Reel Big Fish, since the Maytals own that.


Warnings: Lemon (i.e. sex between two people) What's more, it's a yaoi (i.e. between two blokes, or in this case Saiyans) lemon, so if you're stupid enough to read this when you don't like this kind of thing, and flame, you're proving that you might be able to run for President in the 2008 elections. Well done.

Mild gore: Not too bad at all, and very brief. Nothing you haven't already heard on TV.

Girlish screaming: There will be a few incidences of a full-grown man screaming girlishly.


Having read these warnings, enjoy. (By the way, feedback is greatly appreciated, for this is my first fic EVER. If enough people bug me, I'll do more.)

When I was writing this, I happened by chance, to come across Monkey Man on the music randomizer, hence the reason I decided to give this fic a theme song.

Finally, great thanks to the Chichi Slaughterhouse, who was the one who convinced me to write this in the first place (and the one you should be egging if you consider this to be disaster.)

"Monkey Man"

Aye yi yi
Aye yi yi
Talking about the big monkey man

Aye yi yi
Aye yi yi
Talking about the big monkey man

I never saw you
I only heard of you
Talking about the big monkey man

I never saw you
I only heard of you
Talking about the big monkey man

It's alright
It's alright
Talking about the big monkey man

It's alright
It's alright
Talking about the big monkey man

Now I know that
Now I understand
Turning the monkey on me

Now I know that
Now I understand
Turning the monkey on me

Aye yi yi
Aye yi yi
Talking about the big monkey man

Aye yi yi
Aye yi yi
Talking about the big monkey man

La la La la La la La la La la La la La la La la La la La la La la

Cos he's the monkey
He's the monkey man
Really really really really monkey man

Cos he's the monkey
He's the monkey man
Really really really really monkey man

Aye yi yi
Aye yi yi
Talking about the big monkey man

Aye yi yi
Aye yi yi
Talking about the big monkey man


Steam rose up from the dense foliage of the jungle as the chorus of exotic birdsong was carried with it. Moisture dripped from large leathery leaves as multitudes of brightly coloured frogs hopped between them. The ground was, in the few places left bare by the unrelenting assault of nature, covered with soft mulch, giving rise to a vague rotting, earthly smell. Here and there the trees were decorated with large, fleeting colourful flowers, of a variety of bright colours, only to be snatched away from their roots by the cruel hands of child-like monkeys, wolfing down the sweet nectar like it could be their last meal, if of course as if they'd ever heard of death row. An unlikely prospect in a land as desolate and isolated as this.


Small animals scurried away from the heavy footsteps of a slight kaki clad man trudging his way through narrow paths and the less dense undergrowth. He was wearing heavy hiking boots, with had clearly seen better days before entering this looming rainforest, and a matching pair of kaki shorts and a shirt, of which has been left open in the intolerable equatorial heat. On his back he wore the tattered remains of a rucksack, appearing to contain little in the way of belongings and strapped onto the side was a large machete. From a glance, despite his large blaze-like, jet-black hair, he still appeared a diminutive figure, however, he was well-built, evidently from training and excursions like this, by watching the familiarity of the forms of his muscle rippling under his skin and clothes as he walked. His ID card, still attached to his shirt, showed a picture of him, with his sharp face and mysterious, dark eyes, and stated: Vegeta.


A few miles upwind, a large shadow leap through the lighter treetops, scattering monkeys and startling birds, attracting the explorer Vegeta's attention. Twirling around he thought: `What on earth's gotten into those birds?'


Despite this, his continued trudging onwards through his trek, dismissing the startling as nothing. `Probably just a bigger predator moving through the area.'


Whoosh. Vegeta turned around, only to see empty (or as empty as it can be) jungle. `I swore I heard something moving behind me…'


`Well.' His brain told him acidicly, `What could it be?'


Dismissing his imagination, he ignored it, `It's probably just a breeze or something. Or my mind acting up, I'm so thirsty, my brain's probably going to be shrivelled in my head before long, maybe that's why it spouting up so much gibberish.'


Continuing, he soon noticed a large fallen log, soft from rotting, in a very small clearing surrounded by a dense sheer wall of trees and vegetation. `Looks as good a place as any to stop for a break'.


Setting himself down on the log, he pulled off his backpack of weary shoulders and rummaged through it. `Here it is.'


With a flourish, he pulled out a dented water flask aside the other contents- a souped up Swiss army knife, a few packets of dehydrated food, another flask, and what appeared to be a small, metal, stick, probably only a half foot in length- and swiftly unscrewed the top.


`I don't like this place- it's too quiet, and the birds have completely stopped singing. Better move on quickly.'


Even this man, the great Vegeta, didn't want to be dealing with a tiger, or any other kind of big cat. As he chugged the last of the flask down, he thought he glimpsed a black shadow darting around the sides of jungle behind his left side. Hurriedly, he screwed the lid on the canteen and shoved it into his bag.


`There IS something here.' Turning around to face where the shadow was, he spun around again as it flitted through the extremities of his vision, this time on his right.


`What kind of creature could move like that? No tiger could be that fast, certainly without making a noise, and whatever this is virtually silent, all I can hear is the breeze it makes because it moves so fast.'


The shadow phased into the jungle directly behind him, the surprise shocking him into jumping forwards.


Completely disquieted, and control shattered, Vegeta fled along the continuing path, grabbing his rucksack and flinging it onto his back as he left, without looking back.



Little did Vegeta know of what he'd see if he had looked back, as a large, muscular man jumped out into the clearing. He was very tall, easily well over 6 feet tall, when the other man's height was only 5' 4'' and he had a full head of dark, black hair, askew in all directions, and completely untamed. He appeared to radiate power from his muscular body, and moved smoother than a brand new, well-oiled engine. Even his attire appeared to be at home in this unforgiving wilderness; it being a small, animal skin loincloth, apparently made of tattered scraps of leather tied tightly around his waist, leaving very little to the imagination and behind him hovered a supple sable tail. Despite his being virtually naked, he was still fairly clean, which was probably the result of living in what was virtually the equivalent of a steam room all the time. Aside from his loincloth, he was carrying absolutely nothing with him at all.


Growling, he picked up a small handful of mulch and sniffed it cautiously, before letting it trickle out of his hands mushily onto the ground with a stale `phlap'. A devilish grin set it's self on his face as he gracefully shot up into the trees.



`Whew, what ever that was, I think I've lost it now.'


Sweaty and tired, Vegeta paused to reclaim his breath, before ambling along the jungle path. `I wonder where I'm going. I haven't had a clue other than continue in a single direction since that angry gorilla shredded my backpack.'


Vegeta sighed. `And my map with it. It wasn't my fault I thought it was a rock, I mean what kind of dumb ape lies in a pathway, for anyone who wanders by to sit on?'


`Well,' says his brain, `maybe one that has never seen a passer-by?'


`Shut up you. I've got enough problems, without you starting. Now that thing has driven me off any course I could have been taking, I could be gong back on myself. This ridiculous. Utterly ridiculous. The gorilla was the first setback in this, well a bit more than a setback- it destroyed the rations and equipment, and decimated his team down to him… not that he cared much for other members, the militaristic, psychotic woman Chichi, a know-it-all weakling scientist and some fawning midget. The midget and the scientist ran for it at the first sight, taking the transporter with them, leaving myself and the harpy bitch to fend for ourselves, since of course we can fend for ourselves.' he thought sarcastically. `Well I can handle myself but she couldn't. That ape mushed her up good though, the way her organs spurted out like cheap lumpy gravy from a boil in the bag meal. Lucky I didn't get splattered.'


"Hn. "stated Vegeta, whilst folding his arms. `Better get going, before that thing catches up again.'


He set off at a brisk pace, sack on back, along the narrow, close path.


`OK, it's fine. I'm no weakling. I'll be out of this in no time and I'll have the bloody gorilla as a trophy.' He reflected silently, smirk gracing his defined features. `Maybe I'll have it mounted on the wall. Pity he crushed Chichi. She would look great next to it.'


Behind him, a silent shadow flitted through dense treetops; the owner's light-footed, subtle movements betraying him not with a sound, as Vegeta proceeded on unawares.



Soon, Vegeta realised that the shadow must be back. It was too silent.


`It's baa-aack' teased his brain


`No it isn't. I see nothing.' he retorted.


`That's because I'm in your cranium and not another set of eyes.'


`Yeah, that's really a pity isn't it.'


Listening to his brain for once, Vegeta slow tilted his head skywards. To see the same large shadow hovering above him in the trees.


"Arrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" he shrieked, and swerved off the path into woods, sprinting as fast as his little (albeit muscular) legs would take him. Running through bushes and barely missing the larger tree the came around his unmarked path, he shot through the jungle at full pelt, not caring about the damage taken by his clothes and his bared legs as small branches whipped them and spiky briars bit at them.


By now, his shorts legs were in tatters; half of the right being taken out by a particularly nasty spiky leaved palm and the shirt was covered with rips and tears all over the chest. Small trickles of blood ran down his legs, flying off as he speeded through the undergrowth, churning up the once idyllic lives of the animals behind him. Imagine it, going around your daily business, when a screaming little man comes rushing through, trampling everything.



The shadow was, however, having no problem keeping up with the misfortunate screaming man, nimbly hopping around above him in the foliage, it wasn't a problem to keep up.



Soon, despite his physical prowess, Vegeta had to stop running.


`Where the fucking hell am I now?' He pondered. He was utterly lost here, in the middle of the virtually unassailable undergrowth, and to top it of, he couldn't even see the route he travelled here with. He was sweaty, thirsty and above all, exhausted from the non-stop running he'd been doing lately. He couldn't even sit down for fear of settling on a porcupine or something.


`Or another gorilla.' Mused his brain.


He looks around for a way out, and found none. He was stuck in this thick undergrowth and was going to have to fight his way through.


`At least the shadow seems to be gone for good now…' considered Vegeta, as he pulled down his backpack to grab the machete, which had miraculously made though the two runs without falling off his pack. `I'll have to hack my way out of here…'


All of a sudden, a pair of strong, burly arms shot out of the plant wall behind him, to hook around under his shoulders and pull him back, causing Vegeta to drop his machete in shock. The sheer height of what was dragging him back lifted the small man off his feet as he struggled against the tough arms restraining him.


"Urgh. Lemme go, whatever you are!" Protested Vegeta, as his struggles went no avail against the strong arms restraining him.


Abruptly, with his backpack still hanging from one arm, his was enclosed in the sturdy arms and pressed against a rock hard chest, leaving little room for movement and the body carrying him lifted off up into the trees. Vegeta screamed with panic as they where hopped from branch to branch at breakneck speed and there were several occasions on which he'd look back, where he would still be adamant they were going to crash with a broad, thick tree trunk, or a solid heavy branch. They sprang between the branches agilely, and Vegeta knew that this must be whatever has been following him. Nothing else could move that fast.



Not too soon, they landed, in a large clearing. And one side, there was a sheer cliff, which appeared to have some form of cave set into it and on the other side had a deep fast river flowing past it. The figure holding him didn't seem to want to move yet, so he took a chance to take in his surroundings, lest he escape from the clutches he was presently caught by. The jungle was extremely dense around here, and the river was running so fast he wouldn't like to take his chances with it. In the centre of the clearing, there was a large spit over a fire and a log. The floor was littered largely with fish bones, but occasionally varied with the odd leg bones from dinosaurs, and possibly wild pigs.


`It's obvious why this person lives next a river.' Thought Vegeta sardonically.


Without warning, Vegeta was unceremoniously deposited on the ground. Not without an "oomph" though, as the air was forced out of his lungs by the impact. He darted forwards, churning up loam like a startled animal, to put a few feet between him and his captor, before slowly turning up and around to face them.


In front him, he witnessed the form of the shadow of which had been following him all this time. His sharp glance swept over the large, loincloth- clad, muscular form before him, before finally reaching the face, which mirrored a similar cursory glance to his own. Dark eyes met his own, and unexpectedly, the large unknown man face broke out in huge goofy grin, his hand reaching behind his head.


"Wh-…who are you?" Vegeta asked the unknown man.


The man's cheery expression dropped, only to be replaced by one of confusion.


"I said, WHO. ARE. YOU?" demanded Vegeta, pointing to the man to empathize his point.


Pointing to himself, the man let out a grunt of bewilderment, as the smaller man glared at him.


Then, as though these lips had done very little taking over a very long time, the man managed to stiffly growl out; " Kar- ka-rot"


"Kakarot?" considered Vegeta, "Hmph, fine then Kakarot. So long as you help me get out of this awful place I don't really care less about what your name may be."


`But you do care about that loincloth, don't you?' his brain snidely added.


`Didn't I tell you to shut up?'


`Only pointing out that it covers just the bare essentials…barely.'


"All right `Kakarot', since you're so familiar with this place, you can get my ass out of here, can't you?" said Vegeta haughtily. "So get moving, monkey man. Get me out of here. NOW."


The previously confused Kakarot grew even more so as Vegeta continued his demands. What was this funny little man talking about?


The glare fell straight from Vegeta's face as the large mans look of confusion dropped from his face to be replaced by a feral grin, and he started to slowly advanced upon him. Looking down at himself, Vegeta realised it was probably due to his current attire…or lack of as it may be, considering the speed tour hosted by Kakarot hadn't helped his already tattered clothes, leaving his open shirt in ribbons and ripping up the side of his shorts. Bare feet beat on the ground under his slow approach, but the slight man was caught in his glance like a rabbit in headlights. In the nick of time, Vegeta realised where he was. Grabbing his bag open, he produced a metal stick, about 6 inches long.


"I'd stop if I were you, Kakarot. I know how to use this," he threatened, waving the stick about angrily. Glancing at the stick, despite it's appearance of being human made, and somewhere in his mind, reminding him of guns, it still seemed harmless, Kakarot continued his advance on Vegeta.


"Well," Vegeta gloated, "if you're not going to stop, then you have to be convinced thoroughly then." Whilst saying this, he flipped a previously unnoticed small, black switch on the side of the rod, which made to the rod extend outwards, getting thinner towards the end and white- blue sparks danced on it.


"Here's two words maybe you should learn to understand Kakarot." Vegeta smirked.

"Stun. Gun."


Grinning devilishly he thrust at Kakarot with his stun gun, hitting him in the upper thigh. As the large electric pulse shot through him, Kakarot yelped, and fell to the ground twitching a little before finally appearing to be unconscious.


`He should be out for a while.' thought Vegeta, as he started to cast his eyes around, looking for a way to escape. He didn't like his chances in the jungle around him, even if it did appear that all the animals that tried to live in there had been eaten by this jungle man. He didn't have the right equipment to scale those sheer cliffs, and was probably a bit too short to want to try his luck at climbing anyway.


`That leaves the river.' He pondered. `Hhmmm. I could find something to float on it- wood is plentiful around here anyway. And I'd also have water. Furthermore, rivers tend to have villages on them and from there at least I could get some help back to civilisation.'


Heading towards the middle of the clearing, he examined the logs that have been used to sit on for however many decades the man had been here.


`Quite a few, by the look of his ass groves here.' Smirked Vegeta `Sigh, I'll use that. It looks like it'll float and at least I'll be mildly comfortable-wha!'


"Wha!" yelled Vegeta as his legs were pulled out from underneath him, tumbling to the soft floor yet again. Looking up, he saw Kakarot yet again.


`What is he? That gun should have him out cold for hours. It could knock over an elephant for crying out loud!'


All of a sudden, Kakarot reached down, and picked him up by one leg to sling him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, with the little man's arms hanging down his back.


"Hey!" protested Vegeta, "Put me down at once, you oversized monkey!"


Watching the receding river, he realised they were heading towards the cave on the opposite side of the clearing. Kakarot was dragging him back to his lair! Panicking, he pounded on the man's broad burly back in a vain attempt to get free off his grip and tried to squirm his way out. All to no avail, this merely earned him a sharp spank to his round buttocks and an ominous growl from Kakarot. Gasping at this, he stopped his attempts of escape, whilst a crimson blush painted across his cheeks, knowing he couldn't get out of the vice- like grip of this massive man. Correction- now he was a massive, grinning man, as he ambled into his cave with his prize. On his way into the cave, he noticed the man had a tail…a long, dark sable- brown tail, wafting alluringly in front of him.


`Hey now, what is this?' he wondered, his arms reaching out to seize hold of the furry tail.



Only to be taken away from his reach as Kakarot set him down on the floor of the cave, next what appeared to be the big mans bed, consisting of a pile of soft grass `Where'd he get that from? There's none growing in these parts.' wondered Vegeta, and on top of it was an assortment of animal furs. Snatching a quick glance around the rest of the cave, he noted that there was very little around except the remains of another fire and into the rock on the far side, a few shelves. He didn't get a chance to notice what was on them, though, as the man was standing in front of him again. Waving just behind him was the tail. Swiftly he reached out for it, gently grabbing it in his hand, the large man froze and watched Vegeta intensely.


`What have we here?' he pondered, as he started instinctively to stroke the man's furry tail, causing Kakarot to purr, deeply rumbling in his chest and quickly, his eye closing in pleasure as the large man's legs buckled, refusing to hold him and let him tumble to the floor onto his knees, so he was almost level to Vegeta. In shock of the man's profound reaction, he released Kakarot's tail, only to have the burly man tackle him forcefully onto the furs, trapping the comparatively petite man beneath him, as Kakarot nuzzled and rubbed against him, tail swirling wildly behind him.


Blushing horribly at the closeness of the immense weight holding with down, Vegeta tried with no avail to lift himself and the bulk up, but it appeared Kakarot was moving off of his own accord. As the beefy man appeared to recede, he suddenly stopped, allowing Vegeta to jolt upwards, only to hit his face on a board chest.


"Oww." Grumbled Vegeta. "What are you made of, cement?"


Grinning sheepishly, the cave dweller leaned down to lick the hurt on Vegeta's nose, lingering, before pulling away with a chaste kiss on the tip, making Vegeta blush even more profusely as he considered his position.


`Why am I blushing in front of this simpleton, now of all times?'


The feral grin grew once again upon Kakarot's face, and as Vegeta glanced down between them, realised that it wasn't only thing of Kakarot's that was growing.


`Joy, I'm trapped under a massive, horny monkey man,' thought Vegeta sardonically `I'm probably the first thing he's ever seen the he could actually fuck. I can imagine he doesn't get many guests in these parts.'


"Look Kakarot, just because I happen to be the first thing that waltzes through here, doesn't mean you can fuck me however you like, you realise." Protested Vegeta. "You can go out and find…uhh…a nice monkey lady like yourself?" he added weakly.


`Wait, he doesn't even understand what I'm sayi-`


Vegeta's train of thought was cut of as Kakarot ducked down to lick around the shell of his ear, before running his tongue over his jaw line and over his lips, where it's journey was halted as Kakarot gently caught his lips in a tender caress, before once again running his tongue over the bottom lip. As one of Kakarot's calloused hands moved along his side calmingly, and the other reached behind his head to tilt him into the kiss, Vegeta opened his lips to groan at the feeling, the sound being swallowed as Kakarot's tongue ventured past his lips, to stroke Vegeta's counterpart.


As they broke the kiss, Kakarot's faced remained impassive as he searched Vegeta's eyes, unsure of how he should proceed due to the explorers apparently high-strung disposition. Beaming, he suddenly thought of something that might persuade the difficult man beneath him.


`What…just happened?' wondered Vegeta as he rested under the jungle-man, who still relentlessly petting his sides, now with both hands, `He just kissed me?! How dare he think he had the right to do tha-?'


Yet again, the burly mans actions disrupted Vegeta's thoughts, as the hands stoking his sides reached behind him to pull the shreds of shirt his back and toss them away, as the man's lips and tongue darted down to his nipples, playing with them teasingly, causing Vegeta to moan softy at his ministrations.


Encouraged by the sounds emitted beneath him, Kakarot proceeded down Vegeta, running his tongue over the robust abs whilst his fingers remained briefly to toy with his nipples. His path was cut short, however, by the tattered shorts worn by the slighter male, and grabbing both sides, he easily shredded them off as if they were made of paper, considering the sorry state they were in. As one hand lunged underneath Vegeta to caress the curve of his ass, the other pulled his head up for another brief kiss.


If it were possible, Vegeta's face would have blushed redder when he realised he was bare for the man grinning against his lips to see, considering this morning he thought it would be pointless to wear underwear in this climate, so opted to go commando.


Ducking down again, Kakarot continued to fondle Vegeta's ass as the other hand moved down to capture his penis.


Gasping, Vegeta attempted to sit up to find out what was going on, only to collapse bonelessly back onto the bedding when the larger mans lips wrapped around the head of the semi erect penis, nibbling tenderly before licking the head, and running his tongue along the length of Vegeta shaft, before leisurely taking it in inch by inch.


Groaning at the feel of the mouth around his penis, Vegeta finally managed to prop himself up on his elbows, witnessing the shaggy mop of the man briefly, before falling back again as Kakarot started to apply forceful suction, swirling his tongue around the tip, collecting the droplets of pre-cum. Vegeta bucked his hips up into the cavern of the waiting mouth, distantly surprised as Kakarot took all of him in, deep- throating his erection.


Shrieking at the feeling, Vegeta threw his head back as Kakarot increased his efforts, his vision strewn with stars as he came against the back of Kakarot's throat.


Still hazy and easily cooperative from his previous orgasm, Vegeta allowed Kakarot to turn him over and prop him on his knees without objection, a hand returning to stroke his sides reassuringly, as the other reached over him to an inbuilt shelf, picking up what appeared to be a small wooden bowl. Behind Vegeta, Kakarot's other hand swiftly left his side to dip two fingers into the dish, which turned out to be a primitive candle of sorts, filled with oil.


Kakarot lowered the two oil-slicked fingers to Vegeta's entrance, teasing it tenderly, before slowly inserting one into the tense heat, stroking the inside of the entrance to relax the ring of tight muscle, before adding a second finger to stretch Vegeta's entrance.




Vegeta screeched, as Kakarot's probing fingers brushed inside him against his prostrate, causing him to roll his hips towards Kakarot's fingers demanding his touch, encouraging Kakarot onwards, whose tail wove forward around Vegeta's hip to wind around his straining erection. As the tail pumped the restored erection of the one beneath him, Kakarot withdrew his fingers, receiving a small moan of complaint from Vegeta, as he pulled off his loincloth to liberate a sizeable erection. Retrieving the oil once again, he used it lubricate his rigid member, before positioning himself between the slighter man's muscular thighs.


Slowly, Vegeta regained enough of his senses to wonder what was going on behind him, of all was quiet aside from the tail coiled around his erection. Just as he was about to turn around to demand what was going on, he gasped when something larger than Kakarot's fingers pressed against his opening.


Vegeta cried out at the sudden pain of large member filling him as Kakarot drove forwards into him, pausing when he realised the petite man beneath was in pain.


`Shit, he's huge.' Exclaimed Vegeta in his mind.


Soon, nonetheless, the sting wore off, as Vegeta adjusted to the girth inside him, and started to wriggle back against Kakarot, to get him to continue.


"Move, will you, damn it!" he growled out impatiently.


Finally getting the message, Kakarot drew back languidly, only to slam back forcefully, starting hard fast rhythm, as Vegeta bucked backwards, drawing his engorged member back in, in awe as the larger man seemed not to be showing any signs yet of tiring of this rapid pace. Abruptly, the Kakarot increased the tempo, his tail pumping more wildly, as he grabbed Vegeta's hips with his hands to move him as he violently pounded into the tight heat.


Pleasure filled Vegeta's body as the grunting man above drove into him with vigour, Kakarot's engorged penis striking his prostrate now, as the rhythm of Kakarot's thrusting increased yet again, Vegeta felt a warmth wash over him, and a bright light filled the cave. Despite this, Vegeta was too preoccupied to care as the length inside him expanded, stretching him as the hands on his hips increase their grip.


Growling ferally, Kakarot and his tail upped the pace one more time, as it's owner felt the signs that Vegeta was near, the tell tale tightening around his shaft, compelling Vegeta to come hard over the sable, fluffy tail, screaming in ecstasy.


Soon, Kakarot followed suit, as Vegeta's inner muscles clenched forcefully around him, howling, he released deeply into him with one last plunge.


Pulling out of the petite man beneath, Kakarot encased him in his arms, rolling them over on their sides. Briefly twisting his head round in the hold to see Kakarot, Vegeta was just in time to see the spent man's hair flicker from a mass of glowing blond spikes, to it's original back mop.


"You…you…you're a saiyan, aren't you?" stammered Vegeta in shock.


`I've heard of these creatures, but I didn't think they'd exist.' He thought with astonishment. And what's more, one had just fucked him raw.


Kakarot's eyes perked up briefly at this familiar word, grinning at it and the general look of utter disbelief on Vegeta's face, before grabbing Vegeta and pulling him closer, nuzzling at the man's hair, inhaling the scent as he pulled a fur over them and drifted off.


`Ah well.' Thought Vegeta. `I know he isn't going to let me go now, and it beats sleeping with that psychotic harpy woman. And… it's…warm……and ………comfortable…………here.'


Yawning, the spent Vegeta nestled up against the broad chest of the saiyan, and joined him in slumber.


So what do you think? Should I chop off my own fingers with a meat cleaver, or should I write more? Feedback greatly appreciated. (Also, the oil thing Goku was using is actually what early candles were like, the fuel being animal fat, and the wick some kind of fibrous plant rope, just as point of interest. Crickets chirp throughout the audience as a tumbleweed goes by. Ah well.)