Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Monster ❯ Chapter 12 ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Knowing that Vegeta would be able to sense my arrival, I dropped down nearly a mile from my destination, crawling through the trees and thickets of a Louisiana swamp, dangerously near the infamously haunted Manchac Swamp. The ground was cold and soggy beneath the soles of my Italian shoes, courtesy of Vegeta. I scanned the darkness, catching signs of animals scurrying through the brush.
The wind was icy and I could see my breath dissipating in the air in front of me. I moved a stray vine out of my way, feeling the beat of a bass rumbling through the earth beneath me. I was close.
Sneaking out of the house had proved much easier than I would have expected, Chi Chi sleeping farther away from me than normal, nearly two feet from my side of the bed. She had grown more distant than ever the past few weeks, uneasy around me, cold for the most part. It was as if she sensed something in me that I had thought was so easy to hide. But she knew, somewhere inside herself. She knew.
Lights began to catch my eye and I was astonished at the sheer magnitude of the mansion that came into sight, the trees blocking the view as I pushed through them. It was made of large gray stones, like a castle, haunting in appearance.
The towers stretched high, the dim orange glow of candles placed along the windows, flickering in the breeze. I had to put my head back just to see the top of the highest tower, dark and foreboding. I shivered, catching sight of a large crowd of people, all huddled at the entrance, apparently wanting in.
Getting a closer look, I came to realize that they were all men, dressed in fashionable attire and waiting for the large black man at the front of the line to allow them access to the mansion. The music was pounding from inside, and yet, as they sensed my coming, every head turned in my direction, eyes sparkling in the low lighting.
I was caught off guard by their stares, each rather bold and impertinent as they refused to glance away, even as I looked right back. The closer I came, the harder they stared, until I felt the weight of a hundred eyes, all bearing down upon me. The crowd separated as I drew close, making two perfect lines like a red carpet for me, all the way to the bouncer who stood what must have been 7 feet tall.
As I walked past them, my guard up and my nerves wracked, I took into account the sheer beauty they all possessed, their eyes marvelously shaped, their lips and cheek bones sculpted. Each was different in his own way, some more feminine, some more masculine, but each holding a certain appeal that I found very rare in such large groups of people.
They stared at me unceasingly and I found it very hard to believe that I was quite so interesting, as, even in my gorgeous getup, I paled in comparison to their own beauty. The bouncer looked down at me, his dark skin reflecting the glimmering light of a nearby candle, his bald head shinny.
“You're late.” He said, his voice VERY deep. He opened a large wooden door, gesturing for me to go inside, the darkness and music flooding over me as I took my first steps.
Entering a long hallway, the thought suddenly occurred to me that I had no idea what I was doing here. Why had I come? What was the purpose? Like a zombie I had laid awake that night, my eyes open, staring at the ceiling, thinking nothing of the guilt that should have plagued me. I just laid there, breathing, waiting. Holding still until I heard that first deep breath from Chi Chi, that first gust of air being sucked in that signaled she was asleep.
And then, I'd crept silently to the drawer, thrown on my clothes, and flown out the door, never having thought, never having planned, never having feared what might happen. And now I was here, trying to justify my stupidity once again, trying to reason with myself that I had really just wanted to come and explain to Vegeta that what happened was wrong and would never occur again.
Stepping out of the hallway, I sucked in air, the sheer SIZE of the room causing me to stumble backwards. It was huge, completely dark and filled to the brim with men dancing to the pounding music, their movements sporadic with the strobe lights that bounced along the ceiling. The candles burned red, glowing along the walls and casting morbid shadows across the men. Each was dressed incredibly, like nothing I'd ever seen before, one more stunning than the next.
Tight fitting shirts, low collars, or no shirts at all, I was taken back by the spectacles. The light gleamed off smooth skin and glistening eyes, pairs of men kissing in the corners of the room, touching each other the way that Vegeta had touched me. Some were scratching and biting, becoming violent in their intimacy. Like a pack of sadomasochists, they derived their sadistic pleasure from causing pain. I became very quickly appalled.
I nearly smiled as I saw Aries and Titus in a cage-like confinement, swaying to the music, looking as beautiful as ever. The lights glistened off their shinny hair, their makeup finely style like a woman's, eyes decorated like Egyptians, hair tied back into tight, green braids. A gorgeous young man, shirtless and attractive to the extremities that Vegeta would have certainly appreciated, approached the cage, signaling for Aries. With a snub retort to Titus (that I couldn't hear of course) Aries waved the breathtaking creature closer, bending down as the young fop whispered into his ear, suddenly pointing over towards my direction. Catching sight of me, a stunning smile came from Aries, who in his gratefulness, smoothed the shinning blonde hair out of the young man's face. Aries bent down to kiss him, entangling his fingers into the beautiful mane of long blonde hair, tied up in a ponytail.
Quickly looking away, my eyes caught sight of none other than Vegeta, standing on a stage of sorts that hung over everyone else, his bare chest revealed through an unbuttoned black shirt, glistening in the spotlight that loomed over him. He was laughing, his canines glimmering sharply in the light as he tilted his head backwards and drank heartily, shattering the empty glass into a nearby wall.
He clutched a medium sized cigar between his teeth, still smiling wickedly as he hollered for everyone to eat, drink, be merry for tomorrow they were to die. I fell back into a corner, holding my arms around me as I watched the way he laughed, the way he moved, finding myself transfixed by the gleam that came off of his shiny, burgundy leather pants. I watched the way the light hit his abs, catching those certain muscles that only men possess that leads right into their groin. Watching the two lines on his stomach, gleaming smoothly in the light. I cursed myself. Even as I told myself I was strong enough to resist, I wanted him yet again.
Aries appeared by my side, huddling in the corner directly across from me, too close for comfort as his piercing eyes captivated my own. He gazed at me, lips forming an interested smile, fingertips brushing my face.
“He's been waiting for you, you know.” He whispered, his eyes dancing from one of my own to the other. “He'll soon ask you upstairs.”
I looked at him, wanting to shake my head, wanting to disagree with him and what he was implying. Perhaps, wanting to pretend that there was nothing between me and the creature that roared down to the crowds like the devil himself, promoting sex and drugs to the listening audience.
Aries just smiled at my confusion, placing a hand on either side of my head as he gave my body the once over, apparently pleased with Vegeta's all black selection complete with tight, Teflon pants.
“What I'm telling you is……” he smirked. “Is that if you go with him, you wont be able to resist. This is your last chance to say no Goku. Will you stay, or will you go?”
I just gawked at him. He knew everything didn't he? I didn't know if I was pissed off that he was right, or pissed off that he knew at all.
“Last chance love.” He spat again, as if he truly wanted me to take the escape route. Why was he warning me?
“Ah….” Came the rumble of Vegeta's voice. “If it isn't the gilded young Goku, escaped from the clutches of his wife. And looking quite delectable might I add.”
My eyes darted upwards, where he stood on the balcony of a staircase, his hands on either side of the railing, a smoking cigar clutched between his fingers.. I was taken back by his eyes, glaring down almost accusingly at me and Aries, particularly at Aries who stepped away only slightly, giving me perhaps an inch more breathing room.
“Aries!” Came the snap of Titus, standing with his arms crossed at the foot of Vegeta's staircase. “Come, we've been apart for too long. I bore of this party.”
“Oh Titus,” Vegeta sneered. “You've never been one for much partying, though Aries seems to enjoy it somewhat. I tell you, you're both like complete opposites. But Aries my love,” he said almost threateningly. “its time to listen to your other side and go. My guest has no doubt had enough of your ramblings eh?”
Aries turned to me, raising an eyebrow before turning away.
“Last chance.” I heard him whisper before accompanying Titus out of the room and into the hallway. My gaze turned to Vegeta who smiled before gesturing me to follow him upstairs.
I watched his back as we ascended up a spiraling staircase, the darkness causing him to grab a candle stick and light it while we wandered upwards.
“The mansion is mine,” he was saying. “Given to the Briefs family as payment for an old debt. Of course, they had no use of it as the previous owner had wasted away his money on booze and women rather than on any furnishings or refinements. But for me, it became quite the project, transforming from a robber's den into quite the posh set up, don't you agree? You simply MUST come for Mardi Gras one of these years. Really. Nothing quite like it in the world.”
He rambled on and on about the location, the wives tales, the ghost sightings and haunted houses. He told me stories of men disappearing into the swamps and returning violently mad or not at all. Of boats wandering along the Mississippi and being found weeks later at the very bottom. Of spirits and apparitions standing along the banks, waving to the viewers who spent the night wide awake in their cabins. Of voodoo and binding spells, spirits and demons controlled by witches to do their biddings.
I listened, following behind him up into the darkness, finding myself even more fearful and jumpy with each tale. Finally we reached the top of the highest tower, Vegeta leading me into a dimly lit room, complete with a four poster king sized bed, adorned with gold satin and red silk draped over like a screen. A fire burned in the mantle, the flames flickering red at times, mesmerizing me.
Vegeta stood looking out the window with his back towards me, enjoying the scenery of New Orleans from this height. The beautiful greenery of the trees and the moonlit sparkling on the surfaces of the swamps. He turned on his heels, gazing at me seductively, his eyes gleaming powerfully.
“I knew you'd come to me tonight.” He said in a mysterious whisper. “I knew if I asked it, you'd follow me to the ends of the earth, and so you have. Come to me, and I'll give you what you came for.”
I steadied my feet, even as they tried to overpower me and bow to his will. He had beckoned to me and I found myself crumbling beneath the weight of my desire, my conscience and willpower fleeting. I went to him, eyes low as he smiled at me, taking my face into his hands and kissing my forehead. Before I could stop myself, I sought out his lips, kissing him like I would kiss my wife, surprised that he allowed me to do it, as he had refused the night before.
I hated this. I hated myself. But I wanted it, like an obese person wants food, and yet despises it at the same time. A beautiful, desirable enemy. I dropped my head back as he devoured my throat, kissing and biting in all the right places, reading my mind it seemed, knowing where to touch when I wanted it. Knowing just what to do to make me blind, to silence my guilt, to cut off my conscience. Knowing just where to touch and release the justification that I needed.
He pushed me onto the bed, laying over me and sliding his hands into the bottom of my shirt, his fingers gliding along the bottom of my stomach. I felt my knees become weak, my stomach flutter down low, my breathing become rapid. He pinned my arms out to the side, as if crucifying me, tearing my shirt down the middle.
“Let me show you why you can never say no to me Kakarot.” He whispered. “Let me show you why you'll fall in love with me.”
As if coming out of trance, I shook my head enthusiastically, sitting up and pushing him off.
“No Vegeta,” I said unsteadily, my body absolutely screaming at me for being denied what it wanted. “We can't do this, I……… I don't want this.”
“Why?” he asked, cocking his head to the side as if he truly didn't understand what had tripped me up. As if I was a mad man for feeling any sort of reluctance.
“Because I'm married!” I nearly bawled, angered that he could not understand. “Because I have a son! Obligations! Loyalties! Do you even understand that?”
“Let me see…” he said, sitting upright. “You have a wife you don't love, who doesn't respect you, who takes any opportunity to degrade you. A wife who doesn't even know who you are, who you could never confide in, who you could never really care about-..”
“That's not true!” I protested.
“Isn't it though?” he snapped. “A cold, detached wife sleeping by your side. Unable to feel any sexual impulses. I'll bet she's never even given you a blow job. Tell me Kakarot, has she ever even touched it?”
“That's it!” I growled, jumping to my feet and going to the door. “You're sick Vegeta. You're sick.”
“Do you have to beg her?” He asked. I stopped in my tracks. “Do you always have to initiate it? Does she even like it? Or is that HER obligation? Her loyalty?”
“Stay out of my life Vegeta.” I growled, my chest rising and falling at what he said. The raw truth of it all. “You don't understand so just……. stop.”
“I don't understand?” He said coldly, standing up and walking towards me. “I'll bet damn near every night you stay awake till she falls asleep, just to beat off after the dreams. You sit there beneath the covers, quiet as a mouse, listening to her breathing while you do it. Somewhere inside, wishing she'd wake up and actually want it from you. But you know that will never happen.”
I clenched my teeth together. God, how could he know such things?
“And your son,” he laughed. “Your son would never know. So how would it hurt him?”
“If those reasons aren't good enough for you,” I seethed, trying so badly to calm myself. “Then fine. I won't do it because I'm not gay.”
I heard him sigh in irritation, gesturing for me to come closer and sit with him on the bed.
“What is gay Kakarot?” He asked me, his tone soft for once. “Isn't that just another human stereotype? I like to shop, does that make me gay? I'm good at dressing, does that make me gay? So you like sex with a man, does that make you gay?”
I just gawked at him.
“Uhhh yes.”
“Wrong.” He said sincerely. “It's your human thinking that poisons all logic within you. A man who speaks with a lisp, is stereotyped as gay. A man who is flamboyant, is stereotyped as gay. With all these categories leading to the same conclusion, do you truly put your trust in human thinking? Why do you let others judge you? If you say you're straight, than that's what you are. If you choose to be gay and label yourself as that, than so be it. To Hell with what you enjoy doing. In the end, it's you who decides, not your actions.”
“I don't understand.” I said honestly.
He sighed, climbing to his feet and walking towards the large open window, his arms wrapped around himself. The beautiful black shirt fluttered in the cold wind, the burgundy leather pants gleaming from the moonlight.
“Kakarot, come here.” He said in a low tone. I slowly moved to his side, regarding the gorgeous land of New Orleans, seeing sparkling lights in the distance. “Look out there. Tell me what you see.”
I thought about it, glancing across the trees and bushes, the glittering swamps and streams, the hanging vines. I looked towards the light, seeing the far away movement of cars and traffic.
“I see life.” I answered.
“That is not what I see.” He said quietly. “I see death wherever I look. Humans killing humans over pieces of green paper. Mothers aborting their children with excuses of rape and financial failure, when they know that in all truth, they simply don't want the obligation of motherhood slowing them down. I see babies left in garbage cans, tossed into public toilets, kidnapped for money, or killed for no reason at all. I see a world of monsters bent on destroying one another for the almighty dollar, for the power. I see people creating monstrosities in the name of God. For faith. For belief. I see atrocities enacted because of skin color, race, ethnic background, sexual preference and even gender.
“Just what are you fighting so hard to save Kakarot? Monsters?
“People causing others pain to end their own? Suicides wherever you look? Everyone has known someone who's done it. So selfish and weak that they take their own life, wanting to show everyone their pain, wanting to blame everyone for it. Wanting that last little bit of attention before they're gone. Never thinking of the poor soul that has to find them and live with that their entire life. Never thinking of other people's pain, so obsessed and infatuated with their own.
“I see a world where men beat women, calling themselves macho in the name of dominance over a weaker, smaller being. I see hatred and rape, fear and anguish. I see a world where every day an animal becomes extinct, never to be seen or known again by the next generation. I see moral decay and fear at what will become of the world if it's this bad now. Everyone fears death and yet they invite it, escaping reality through drugs, alcohol, cigarettes. “Live your life” they promote, and yet they kill it more every single day.
“I see a destructive race of demons who pollute the earth with their selfish, meaningless little existence. Living like locusts, devouring life until they die, either by their own fault, another's, or timeless, ageless, impartial death. I can't tell which is worse, dying young, or dying old.”
“Dying young.” I insisted, realizing the truth in everything he'd said.
“Oh? So you think that drifting off in a puddle of your own piss, lonely and scared in a nursing home is so fucking glorious? Lying there, knowing that everyone just expects that any day now they'll have to haul your rotted corpse out of the bed, skewer your insides and bury you six feet under. Your body broken and weak, failing you when you would never have imagined it in youth. Lying there with no one you love, having to say goodbye to everything you've ever known. Having to watch everyone you love die while you linger in misery, screaming inside at the memories that are all you have left. Watching the ceiling fan over your bed, move too fast to see, frustrating you while you lay in wait for your last adventure, unsure what it will be, unsure if there is one at all.
“The human dream.”
He turned to me, cupping my face with his hand.
“But that will never be your fate, Kakarot. You will never grow old, you will never die. You will never linger on until the end.”
“How can you be so sure?” I asked.
“Because I would never let that happen.” He whispered, his thumb moving across my lips while he studied them. I wanted to tell him that it was preposterous to assume such a thing. To think that he had the power to stop such a cycle.
“You're not God, Vegeta.” I said sternly.

He laughed heartily, throwing his head back and roaring with it. I stayed still, frustrated by his display.
“You're right.” He said merrily, tapping me on the nose. “I'm not God.”
“What I'm saying is…” he said calmly. “is that you will never BE human, Kakarot. You weren't born like them, you cant live like them, and you shall never die like them. A self destructive race of barbarians tells you how to live and what to believe, and you eat up their advice when they're an inferior creation. They cannot judge what isn't theirs, they cannot throw you into a stereotype, and yet you let them. Why can't you see them for what they are? They're cattle.”
“And what are we?” I said, my eyes on the floor. I hated what he'd said. I hated to think and to acknowledge that I was separate from humans. I hated the feeling of being unusual, as everyone despises being called “different” or “strange”. I hated being isolated or separated from my friends, from my family, from those I protected. Every day I sought to save a world that wasn't truly my own, to preserve creatures who Vegeta had labeled as unworthy of such a sacrifice.
Vegeta pressed his lips to mine, causing me to close my eyes, to accept it, to loathe it and love it all at once.
“Me and you?” he said, pulling back and raising an eyebrow. “We're wolves among sheep.”