Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Just a Clown ❯ More Than Just a Clown ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

More Than Just a Clown by Kaialicious

Disclaimer: DragonBall Z and the characters of DragonBall Z are not of my creation. They solely belong to Akira Toriyama. I have in no way made any profit off Toriyama's work other than to create a fictional tale for my personal enjoyment.

Warnings: This story contains Yaoi. It is rated NC-17. That means no under aged readers!

Author's Note: I am aware that the tale I concocted to explain Bulma's absence is very far fetched, but keep in mind that this was my first Goku/Vegeta pairing. Maybe next time I will just put them in another world all together.


He had over done it, yes, and he did not regret it. Every injury would only make him stronger. That was what he wanted -to be strong, to be stronger than any Saiyan that ever lived and yes, even to surpass Kakarrot.

Vegeta still did not understand how a veritable clown such as Kakarrot had come by such power. Indeed, it made Vegeta begin to wonder if the rumors that had been whispered among the commoners of Vegetaseii were true. The rumors of Bardock's ancestry, yes, such drivel for commoners. Some said that Bardock's side of the family had come directly from the royal line. It was a ridiculous notion. It had prompted others to back up the claim, saying that an ancient Saiyan king had sown his seed outside his marriage as well, producing an illegitimate heir.

Such talk was treason. One of King Vegeta's guards had informed the king of the rumor to which the king had laughed.

"Well then, let's send His majesty on another mission. That should make the rumors die down. He is a mere warrior, not a prince," Vegeta's father had said and ruffled Vegeta's hair. "You pick the planet, brat."

Royalty indeed. Bardock was as primitive as the cave dwellers of Earth were. As for his son…

"Vegeta! Vegeta, are you all right?"

"Please don't let it be him…" he prayed, "…anyone but him."

Vegeta heard the tumbling of rocks as they were shifted off his body. He clenched his teeth as the cold air blew against his face. It was hard for him to breathe. He opened his eyes and saw the bumbling idiot hovering over him. His shock of black hair was coated with dust.


"W-What are you doing here?"

"I felt your energy signal drop. I thought…I thought that you were hurt."

"I am hurt you fool!"

"Well your mouth seems to be okay," Goku mumbled sarcastically.

"Go away! I don't need your help!"

"You're going to get it anyway, Vegeta. You're in no shape to walk. I'm going to have to carry you -"

"No! Don't touch me! Don't you dare touch me!"

The oaf bore down on him. He easily picked up the expletive-hurling prince and ascended into the air.

"I'll kill you!"

"You don't mean that. It's just the pain talking," Goku gave him a smile.

Vegeta frowned. Making the expression had hurt.

"What were you doing way out here anyway?"

"Training, and you, you were spying on me! Is it not enough that you have surpassed me in strength? Now you must spy on me and laugh behind my back as well!" Vegeta accused him.

"I wasn't spying and I'd never laugh at your abilities, Vegeta. Why would you think that?"

Vegeta ignored him. He was disgusted with himself. Kakarrot was carrying him as if he were a child. His cheeks reddened.

Goku saw this and asked him, "What's wrong, are you going to be sick? I could stop and let you throw up."

Vegeta muttered a curse and then said, "If I weren't in such pain I'd kill you!"

"You…don't want to stop?"



Vegeta was glad to be out of Goku's arms and in the regeneration tank. Of course, despite Vegeta's protests, the fool had remained at Capsule Corp to make certain that Vegeta was fine.

I am fine. Why is he being such a nuisance? He is behaving like the woman!

Bulma. How he missed her…

She had been gone now for six years. She had died giving birth to their son, Trunks. Vegeta gad attempted to bring her back using the DragonBalls, but Shenron had told him that his wish could not be granted because Bulma was to remain in the afterlife. Apparently, the woman had made a slight mistake several years back when she had made her own wish. She had been unable to conceive and had foolishly said, "I would give anything to be a mother." She had sacrificed herself for a mere half-breed child.

To this day, the pain of her deed was like a dagger in his heart. He had loved her. Yes, there was no mistake in that.

As for his son, he wanted nothing to do with the little whelp. As far as he was concerned, the boy did not exist.

Kakarrot was always cosseting the boy. It maddened Vegeta, but he refused to voice his opinion. He did not want the boy to think that he cared.

"You're being hard on him," Kakarrot had once told him.

Vegeta had promptly told him to go to hell.

"If you're so worried about his welfare, why don't you take him!" Vegeta had shouted.

"Vegeta, if there is any honor in you; you will show your son that you love him! Don't let him grow up hating you!"

"He hates me? Good!"


"Take him," Vegeta insisted.

Kakarrot had done just that to Vegeta's surprise.

Every now and then, Kakarrot had informed Vegeta of Trunks' progress.

"He's very smart, Vegeta, and strong too. He's flying already."

The boy was seven years old. He should be flying by now, Vegeta thought.

"Yesterday, Trunks did something remarkable, Vegeta."

"What?" Vegeta snapped, showing Goku that he was bored with the subject.

"He went Super Saiyan. Can you believe that? Goten doesn't even know how to fly yet and Trunks is already off and running."

This revelation had raised Vegeta's interest.

"My son…a Super Saiyan?"

"Yes, Vegeta."

"You will return him at once Kakarrot! I will no longer allow you to train him!"

Vegeta's pride would not stand for it. His son was a Super Saiyan. So young and a half-breed, it confused the prince. What did it all mean?

Goku brought the boy back the next day. Vegeta informed the blue-eyed child that he would be training with Vegeta from now on.

"Do you have anything to say?"

The little boy, whose eyes were so much like Bulma's shook his head and replied, "No sir."


That had been four months ago.

The regeneration tank emptied and Vegeta climbed free of its wide interior. He was thoroughly healed. He stepped down from the dais where the tank was set and stiffened as he noticed the tiny figure huddled against the tank. The boy was sitting on the floor, his head leaning against the cool white surface of the machine, fast asleep.

"What is he doing here?" he asked Goku.

Goku brought Vegeta a towel and answered, "He saw when I brought you in. he was worried."

"He should have more faith in me. I am a Saiyan," Vegeta grumbled.

"Yes, you are, my prince," Goku smiled.

"You could have removed him. He could catch a cold. His immune system is not the same as ours," Vegeta went on, draping the towel around his hips.

Goku picked up Trunks and carried him to his room.

Vegeta was stunned by his sudden concern for his son. What had caused it, he wondered. He should be angry that the boy thought that he would die, but he was not.

It was strange.

He shrugged off his troubling thoughts and went to his chamber.


He was feverish. A tongue lapped at his parched skin, cooling him down. It had been so long since anyone had done this.

He ran his fingers through a thick mass of hair and whispered, "Bulma…"

A soft chuckle shook the last remnants of sleep from his brain. His keen Saiyan sight focused on the hair trapped in his fingers. They were not silky soft blue tendrils but thick spiky dark locks. Saiyan locks. Kakarrot's locks.

"Kakarrot? Kakarrot! What are you doing?"

Goku looked up at him and said, "I thought that what I was doing was obvious."

"You cannot do this!" Vegeta told him and tried to push him away.

"You need me," Goku told him.

"I don't need anyone!"

"You do. You're starting to care for Trunks and he cares about you too. He doesn't hate you Vegeta."

Vegeta gave up trying to move the unmovable Saiyan. He was far too strong. It shamed him.

"I don't want you here. Get out!" he snapped.


"No?" Vegeta said aghast.

Goku smiled and took advantage of his astonishment. He planted a kiss on the Saiyan prince's lips. Vegeta stiffened beneath him. Goku reached beneath the sheet to stroke Vegeta to hardness. The prince broke the kiss and grabbed his wrist.

"No more, Kakarrot. I do not need to be relieved," he said.

Goku sat back on his heels, giving Vegeta a perfect view of his erection. "Well, I need to be relieved Vegeta."

Vegeta could not help looking at him. He was large, larger than Vegeta, but just as thick as he was. There was no way that Vegeta could…Why was he even contemplating the notion?

"Get out Kakarrot!"

Goku reached for the prince's member again, firmly grasped it in his hand and grinned. "This is one battle that you can't win, Vegeta."

"No," Vegeta held his breath as Goku lowered his mouth over his swollen appendage.

The moist heat of Goku's mouth made him shudder with need. He clenched his fists into the larger Saiyan's hair and watched in shock as Goku steadily fed on his solid member.

"Mmmm…" Goku moaned and took him deep into his throat.

Vegeta's cheeks reddened. He threw his head back, and tightened his grip on Goku's spiky black locks.

Goku tilted his head, looked into his eyes. He wanted to see Vegeta's reaction to such pleasure.

He pressed his thumbs within the hollows just above Vegeta's muscular thighs, gripping his sides. He deliberately scraped his teeth along the prince's shaft, and aggressively dug his fingers into his flesh.

The Saiyan prince could no longer silence his whimpers. He cried out.


"My prince," Goku's voice was muffled as he feasted on Vegeta's proud cock.

"This is…highly unusual," he panted.

Goku slipped his hands under the prince's thighs and pulled him forward, causing him to fall back on to the pillow. The action widened Vegeta's legs, giving Goku ample room. He released Vegeta's glistening cock. The hard organ stood erect before him. Goku licked at the prominent vein on its underside and nibbled on the taut, sensitive skin.


"Do you like being in my mouth, Vegeta?" Goku questioned him. "Do you like seeing me worship your cock?"

His words enflamed Vegeta's cheeks.

"Kakarrot, must you be so…vulgar?"

Goku laughed at his obvious shock and arched his tongue to capture a drop of pearly white moisture that had escaped the tip of the prince's penis.

"Delicious," he said and forced the thick rod back into his mouth.

"You're trying to kill me," Vegeta accused him, raising his hips up to meet Goku's clasping lips.

Goku bobbed his head up and down the Saiyan prince's shaft. More precum escaped his tip and Goku greedily devoured the secretion.

Vegeta groaned and tugged on Goku's hair. Goku released his cock and nibbled at the tender skin on the prince's inner thighs. He hiked the smaller Saiyan's right leg over his shoulder and bit into his tender nether cheek.

Vegeta inhaled sharply.

His tongue touched him in a most forbidden place. Vegeta gasped.

"No Kakarrot," he told him in embarrassment.

Goku laughed at his wide-eyed expression and continued the sinful act. Vegeta could do nothing but clutch the willful Saiyan's head in his hands and squirm beneath him.

Who had taught Kakarrot such things, he wondered.

There was a time, when he was in Frieza's army and Zarbon, Frieza's lackey, had suggested such a union between them. Vegeta had hated Zarbon and had ignored his lurid suggestion. Perhaps that was why Zarbon had started to feed lies to Frieza about Vegeta's questionable loyalty.

All of that was in the past now.

"I think that you're ready for me, my prince," Goku said, and gave him one last probe with his tongue.

Vegeta shivered.

Goku rolled the little prince on to his stomach. He placed a pillow beneath Vegeta's hips, angling his rear upwards. He smeared his precum over the tip of his cock and pressed the bulbous head against Vegeta's tan colored bud.

Vegeta winced. There was a moment of discomfort as Goku's ample endowment entered him.

Vegeta thought that it would be impossible for him to get it all in. He was too large. He would tear him apart.

But Vegeta's body had been conditioned to take enormous amounts of pressure. His training had strengthened every part of his body; including the one, that Goku was intent on occupying.

Goku continued to fill him.

To Vegeta's surprise, he took all of him.

"Kakarrot…" the prince quivered.

Goku leaned over him, kissed his nape, and ran his hands over the prince's thighs.

"How does that feel, uke?"

Vegeta could not answer him. He was too overcome by the pulsing sensation in his engorged channel.

Goku chuckled and returned to his upright position. He violently thrust into him.


He halted and kissed the curve of Vegeta's spine. "I'm sorry my prince. That was too rough. I'll be gentle next time."

He slowly started to rock within him, urging Vegeta to do the same. Vegeta tentatively followed his actions and pushed back against him.

The pain was soon forgotten as intense shocks of pleasure raced through his core.

Each relentless stroke rubbed against a sensitive area within him, making him moan in pleasure.

He buried his flushed face into the bedding, still moving in synch with the larger Saiyan.

The feelings that assailed his body were indescribable. Not even being with Bulma had taken him to such heights.

Why is it like this? He thought in bewilderment.

"How is it so far, my prince?"

Vegeta mumbled an indistinct reply, to which Goku said, "That good, huh?"

Vegeta shook his head, "Y-Yes."

"I know how to make it feel even better…"

Goku reached around Vegeta's waist and grabbed his cock. He pumped his fingers over the prince's shaft keeping in time with his strokes.

"Kakarrot," the small Saiyan whispered.

His sheath lovingly clenched Goku.


Goku stiffened, and then came within him. The hot, wet wash flooded his raw interior, and triggered his own release. His seed spilled over Goku's hand, and dampened the sheets.

Goku licked the warm essence from his fingers and collapsed upon him.

After a few minutes, Goku adjusted his weight, freeing his little lover.

They kissed. Vegeta could taste his own release on Goku's tongue.

He draped the smaller Saiyan over his body.

"I told you that you needed me, my prince," Goku told him.

Vegeta did not argue with him. He was too sated to quarrel. Something still puzzled him though.

"Kakarrot, who taught you how to do those things?" he asked.

Goku laughed and told him.

"The Namek?" Vegeta was surprised.

All that time he had thought that the two were just friends.

"You're not jealous are you?"

"Of course not," Vegeta said. "Why would I be jealous of a lizard?"

Goku shrugged carelessly. "I don't know."

Silence stretched between them. Goku thought that the prince had fallen asleep. He closed his eyes and prepared to do the same.

"You're not still doing it with him are you?" Vegeta suddenly asked, breaking the silence.

Goku burst out in hysterical laughter.

Vegeta didn't find anything funny at all. "Well, Kakarrot? Are you or aren't you?"

Goku fell off the bed holding his sides.

Vegeta was annoyed with his behavior. "Kakarrot? Kakarrot! Answer me, damn you! I AM NOT JEALOUS!"


*Sigh* my first Goku/Vegeta fic. I'm a little insecure about it. I'm not too happy with the way that I explained Bulma's death. Oh well, that's the breaks. Thanks for reading. Please read my other stories and please, please, please review! ^_^