Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ More Than Meets the Eye ❯ Chapter 10: Truly Legendary ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Goodness me I'm back! Yes and with a very hard worked on chapter (and that's putting it lightly) I've re-written this at least 3 times due to moving jobs, losing pc work losing paper copies and other horrible things like that. But at least the adventure's starting :D oh and as I know some people do not like the Truten angle, whereas others do, I am actually going to write my version of their story at some point, so anyone interested should keep an eye out for that… Until then, enjoy :)
Chapter 10: Truly Legendary
Vegeta crouched on the ground; his haunting blue eyes were closed as he continued to quiver, unused to this sensation of such power. The others looked on, slightly concerned, would reality become the same as the myth, was Vegeta destined now to be so uncontrollable that he would kill the very one he was desperate to save? Goku finally let out the breath he had not been aware of holding for so long and allowed his soft eyes to open wider. The earth around them was shifting in waves much like it did when he collected genki for his genki dama.
“Vegeta?” his voice had an odd quality about it, the air around them so highly charged, one by one the others noticed.
“Dad…” Trunks raised a hand then feeling the need from his father he allowed the energy to be gently pulled through his fingertips. Vegeta still had the wherewithal to ask for the genki rather than simply take it, therefore his son was sure he'd be able to use it well.
Simultaneously Goku and Gohan seemed to realise what was going on, the both raised their hands and allowed Vegeta to collect more power from their bodies. Goten was the last to recognise what was happening and with a reassuring glance from Trunks he did the same, shivering at the slightly odd sensation.
Power began to swirl around the prince, his white hair flung by the winds around his hunched body. All so suddenly he stood palms open to the sky as he roared fingers curled like claws as he sucked every joule of remaining power to his person then in an instant was nothing more than a brilliant blue streak in the sky, vanishing up into the heavens.
Vegeta's arms were pinned to his sides as he hurtled through space, he did not even know if the speed he was travelling at had a name. Stars and galaxies whipped past in an instant as the prince felt with a lesser power he'd be ripped apart.
He had no idea of his destination or how he was finding his way there but somehow he felt he was getting closer to Jazera.
She was…
He stopped himself able to feel his now empty stomach lurching against his diaphragm with the halt in momentum. A simply colossal ship was before him, putting Frieza's little rust bucket to shame its glossy black surface screaming to him in its own mechanical smugness. A snarl crossing his paled features as he shot directly through the pulsating green shielding and into the side of the ship where he assumed the bridge would be.
Bingo, shattering through the glass but the force field held keeping the oxygen in and space out. He landed directly in front of what he assumed to be the captain's chair and lifted the large dark skinned creature up to his eye level. “Where is Ashi?” his voice echoing in that unnerving way that simply oozed power. The stout creature could only stutter and wave his stubby arms and legs pathetically. Vegeta snarled and shook him in a way that to him seemed lightly to himself but all of a sudden the captain's now charred neck was snapped.
The prince had no idea of his new power.
“Where is he!” he demanded, voice all but flattening those too close to him.
“Cargo bay nine” a terrified feminine voice stated, Vegeta glanced to its source, a pretty fairy like creature with delicate lilac skin and a pair of slender antennae protruding from her hairline.
“Well done onna, you just saved the hides of every creature in this room.”
Faster than any of them could see he was gone, burning a hole straight through the reinforced door leaving none of them doubtful of his ability to slaughter every creature on the ship with a simple click of his fingers.
Vegeta burned his way through the corridors; any being in his path was little more than a charred corpse moments later several of them stuck to the walls by their own liquefied skin mouths stuck open in perpetual screams of horror and pain.
Jazera's hands were fastened above her head as Ashi's hot fingers ran the length of her bare torso, the ki restriction bracelets burning her skin. She would never admit her fear at this moment, even to herself, but considering her position in front of one of the most powerful beings in existence, clothing that could withstand a small nuclear blast shredded from her body with ki charged fingers. The cold steel of the ship's hull against her skin almost enough to cause a shiver. Ashi gripped her jaw in one hand and pulled it to face him “what's the matter mistress monkey? Too cold for you?” He smirked and heated his fingers further scolding her skin. Jazera narrowed her eyes, that should not have even stung if her ki had not been so immensely drained.
Ashi leant in and kissed her violently sinking one elongated fang into her bottom lip, piercing the soft flesh and lapping up her blood with a look of delight before thrusting her face away from his once more. “Hn, Saiyajin blood is rather sweet, how nice…” His tongue flicked out to lick his lips with a smirk “I wonder if it will dry into little red sugar crystals once I've spread it all over this floor…” Jazera looked toward him with a smirk before launching a bloody glob of spittle toward her kidnapper's face.
“I'd almost like to see you try half-breed.”
Ashi swung round to face the door as his attention was finally brought to the immense power reading that was too swiftly closing in on his position.
“Too late”
The door blasted open, shards of superheated unnamed metal flying dangerously into the space, several catching the two beings inside, Jazera hissing as three burned her skin before she could shake them off. One stuck to the flesh of her stomach, fizzing painfully through the layers of her flesh until through sheer force of will and physical strength she wrenched her hands from the wall, still enclosed in the ki cuffs, the cold chain fell heavily onto her as she quickly clawed out the shard.
As the vapour and light cleared, the form of the Saiyajin prince could be seen through what had once been the doorway, although, he appeared different somehow. Jazera observed that his ki was unnaturally high to the point where she found it difficult to believe, it was also shifting oddly not by level but through the feel of it, positive and negative emotions flowing freely though the energy.
Vegeta darted forward knocking Ashi out of the way and stopping, crouched in front of the one he had come in search for “J-chan…” He breathed, voice still holding that odd quality, brow furrowing as she recoiled away from his touch. There was a hand shaped red mark on her arm where he had touched her, he had burned her… He cursed himself then ripped the ki restraints from her wrists. In an instant she had gathered the ki to raise herself up to super Saiyajin two and threw herself into his arms. She bit back a whimper as his power still hurt her immensely.
Vegeta suddenly found himself to be shivering with rage; he pulled his armour over his head, then tugged off the black undershirt and handed it to Jazera who slid it over her head. She smiled, glad to be covered once more though giving the prince a questioning look when he pushed the armour toward her “Use it too” she blinked, his voice sounded so very alien still “you will not, must not be hurt again.” Then turned toward the impatient Ashi, teeth bared.
No one, even with their highly trained senses could see the ascended warrior move. All they knew was that in an instant Ashi was pinned, struggling to a wall, his back painfully bending the steel behind him as he was held in a grip that would have crushed every bone in a human's neck to dust. The blue glow about his body intensified as his opponent's hair bled to red, transforming himself. It was as though he had no comprehension of the pureblood saiyajin's power as he thrashed violently against the trapping hand.
“Get off me you pathetic excuse for a prince of an extinct race” the half shiktenjin snarled.
“My race is not the one extinct, and may I remind you that you are half saiyajin too… Unfortunately for you, we will never accept you, you are not saiyajin, we have too much pride to name you one. Half breed shiktenjin, I should kill you in an instant.”
Then, almost to his own surprise he dropped the red haired fiend, releasing him to the floor and looking down to him with distaste. A moment's hesitation as the other caught his breath before Vegeta kicked him sharply in the ribs sending him flying several metres across the cargo bay. Ashi coughed, blood dribbling from his lips already as several of his ribs had shattered from the blow, puncturing his left lung. The prince stalked toward the creature, no longer his enemy, now the kidnapper was his prey, just like back in the old days, purging planets for Frieza. He picked up the other by the arm and sent his fist shatteringly into his face, sharp fangs piercing his lip as the saiyajin fist destroyed his appearance.
Jazera looked on in a mixture of awe and horror, Ashi had been cruel beyond reason, but she had known him several years. It was ever so slightly distressing watching his form be turned into a bloody pulp. She flinched as one of the shiktenjin's arms was broken, the bone splitting through his slightly charred skin and turning instantly black with the heat Vegeta was emanating. He was fighting back desperately skin peeling in burnt chunks from his crumbling knuckles as he attempted to strike his attacker. Beautiful white silken clothing reduced to ashy scraps, hair creeping back to its original colour as his ki waned.
Vegeta growled as he dealt the final blow, fist connecting to Ashi's skull causing it to explode chunks of fatty, jelly like brain in every direction. Bone and gore clung to the prince's hand as he dropped the unfortunate form onto the cold bloody floor. He turned toward the terrified Jazera, anger melting instantly from the shocking blue eyes. He began to make his way towards her, consciously releasing his power, allowing it to drop.
His hair darkened slowly from ice white to blue then black and finally his hints of auburn, eyes darkening also to their normal solid ebony. His skin back to its normal healthy tan but his tail remained, despite changing colour to reddish brown, swishing out behind him. He dropped to his knees and took Jazera's hands in his own; suddenly he found himself in her enthusiastic embrace cheek to cheek, her arms around his neck.
“Let's go home” she whispered, hoping they were simply within earth's orbit or at least somewhere within that solar system. She sagged slightly as her prince tensed “we're a long way away, aren't we…”
He nodded “and I'm not sure how I got here, or how long it will take to return…”
“We should look at the stars, and find a ship.”
Again he nodded and stood, lifting her carefully with him and carrying her small form in his arms, shaking a little thanks to the exertion of what had just occurred. Jazera's head rested against his shoulder as he made his way out from the gap that had once been a door and turned down the first corridor. He vaguely understood the language and so followed the signs toward the ship's hold, quickly blasting several soldiers out of his way and breaking into a small, quick looking transport.
Jazera slid down from his arms and placed herself in the driver's seat, hoping silently that the security codes had not changed in the time she had been away. She punched them in, tempted almost to prey, a light flashed green and the rumble of the hull doors rolling open began.
“Ready to disembark AVTON0734” a mechanical voice filtered through the onboard speakers. “Please proceed to the launch ramp”
Gently squeezing the controls and flipping several switches the ship purred to life and began to glide toward the opening doors.
“Clear to launch”
Jazera squeezed the controls harshly and the little transport roared to life, blasting out into space and hopefully, home.