Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Murderer ❯ Fearing and Being Feared! ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
* Hehe! This is just simply..... ::screams hysterically:: GREAT!!!!!!!!! ::looks around concerned:: I sincerely hope I didn't scare you away. Anyway, here's chapter 4. Hope you enjoy it. There is a very sad notice though, school starts for me tomorrow and I'll have tonns of studying to do as I'm in my last year of highschool and have to study for the entrace exam to University too, and the final exam at the end of highschool bla, bla, bla... So I will have extremely little time to update. From now on, I will more like update my website ( http://www.geocities.com/salvia_18/intro), all my works are posted there, so you'd better check that up before. Also, if you want to be notified when this fic is updated please enter your e-mail adresses when reviewing, so I know where to send it. On my site it uploads sooner than on FF.net. However, if you read it there, you'll have to sign my guestbook, as a review. I AM NOT GOING TO UPDATE IF I DON"T GET AT LEAST 5 REVIEWS. Thanks! And please continue telling me your opinion about the story. :)))))))))))
RAPE scene in this chapter, so if you are not comfortable with it don't read it (it's the flashback). I am warning you it is AWFULLY GROSS. I'm still amazed it was me who wrote it. Plus Yamcha's not going to get a light treatment.
Disclaimers: I still don't own DBZ.

Joanchan - Ok, so It was too short? I'll try to make it longer. ::pouts:: You are probably used to my other stories which go on for miles :: sighs:: and here I was thinking that I could do like the others writing shorter chapters. Ok, a longer one then. A worst description? Eh... well I don't write lemons (lemonish chapters) very often, and the one I did my best writing it (KKJ - Finn x Access) you said it was too graphic, plus I didn't want them to 'get to bed' just now.lol Ok, so I'm continuing with the plot, if it's still good.

Saiyajin-Raven69 - ::blushes:: Domo arigatou! Actually I did read something similar, so it really wouldn't be fair of me not to tell you about it. It is Scary Bulma's story named " If I can't have you I won't have any", it is a wonderful story. Ok, so I really did my best not copying it, but it is slightly similar. Well, I did the disclaimers thing here, so here goes the next chapter.

VegetasGirl9 - Really? Well then you're going to get the next chapter here! Enjoy!!!

BLACKKAT822 - Umm yeah... I don't know about the "supposed" part. Each author is so dpressed.... or better do you have to be extremly depressed in orther to be consideed a great author? NO FAIR!

not sure yet - Thanks. I love dark and dreary fics, very much! :-)))

Dragon Girl - hehe! I'm glad you like it! Actually I really didn't want to make him all that sweet, but... it's not what I want obviously, but how it comes out.

Sensation236 - hehe! YEEEESSSSSSSS! To all your questions. Of course she'll 'kick his butt' and not only!!

konton - Poor Dr. briefs?! I just adore torturing him like that. lol. I understand you very well... HOMEWORK ::sigh::

Bunni Girl - ::smiles:: Thanks. I will!

Lady_Ace - Do not expect me to answer you! ::frowns:: However here's the update ::smiles:: DOMO ARIGATOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

________________________ ____
By Salvia Tanima
* * * * *
Chapter four: Fearing and Being Feared!

Bulma was rolling the pen-like device in her hands. She was quite nervous. What if something goes wrong? Everything has to be perfect! It just wouldn't be fair! That bastard had to pay dearly, and if she couldn't succede... It was the very first time she had the oportunity to do this by herself. Before, it was either her dad's money that scared people off. He had bought her bodyguards that kicked everyone's ass, that dared to harm her. After that, it was Son Goku. Strange, when he fought to keep her safe, she didn't feel so bad as when with the bodyguards. The gorillas (AN: Not the animals), always thought of her as a whiney damsel in distress, while Goku didn't. Even though he was 4 years younger, and a great deal naiver, it seemed ok, that she couldn't handle fights. She was the one who figured the solution to their problems out, and that was a huge help... And then... Vegeta had told her she could very well avenge her pain by herself. She then realised that it was only after she had met Goku, that she had found real friends. Friends that weren't looking at her wealth.... With a few exceptions. A few meaning one lousy, sleaze bag, named Yamcha.

" It just HAS to work! Life can't be so cruel on me ", she whispered, clutching the 'pen' in her palm.

She would 'freeze' him and show him! He'll never even come near her. She would show him! She just HAD to make it! Scare the shit out of the bastard! That would be the ideal thing to do. But... there is always that damned 'but'. He would always laugh at her, when she got angry. She was never a threat to him. He was a ighter, while she had problems lifting a 10 kilos. It was just so damn UNFAIR!

" Why? This is so UNFAIR! ", she dropped the 'pen', " You are making fun of me, aren't you? " she looked towards the ceiling, " You don't deserve to be Kami-sama! You DO NOT DESERVE IT! " she broke down crying.


She jerked her head up, staring at her electronic agenda, near her clock.

" What now? "

She had always had the urge to squash the damn machine. Albeit she always remembered it had been her first invention. She had programmed it to answer to certain questions and it was quite useful. Even more, she had grown quite attached to it, as she had been merely 14 when she made it.

" Sorry to interrupt you, but it's time for Yamcha's fun ", it annouced with Bulma's voice, the tone dull.
" YAMCHA'S FUN?! " she screamed.
" Yes. It is the code for--", Bulma cut it off.
" I know damn well what it means! " she angrily muttered.
" You programmed me to tell you ", came the answer.
" Yes, I know. Thank you ", at that the machine turned off.

She knew very well what time it was. That bastard had her in his hands. No matter what, crime was still crime. Vegeta had been sort of sweet... She had chuckle at that. Never before would she have thought Vegeta, of all, to be sweet. That shows how mistaken a person can be. She had always believed him to be a ruthless killer, that care for no one and nothing, but now that she knew him better... Yet, Yamcha who would never want to blow up the Earth, not that he could in the first place, prooved to be 1000 times worse. Worse than Vegeta? She was positive Freezer only had possesed that ability, but it seems Yamcha was not THAT far away. But now what? Yamcha would be there in a matter of minutes. Maybe she could hide somewhere.

" But where? " she inspected her room.

She stood up, twirling frantically. She even considered the toilet in her distressed state of mind (AN: ::ducks:: PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!). After she gave it some thought though, she realised she could never fit in there. It seemed to her as if the whole room was spinning round her. She, eventually plumped down on the floor, tears freely making their way down her pretty face.

" Not again ", she whispered desperately, " Please Kami-sama... Not again ", she sobbed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FLASHBACK(AN: extremly GROSS LEMON)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bulma noted with fear as Yamcha's dark silhuette approached her. She tried backing away, but after a second she could clearly feel the cold wall in her back.

" Where are you trying to go? You know you can't get away from me ", he chuckled darkly.
" Please Yamcha. Don't do this to me ", she pleaded, however with no avail.
" And why not? " he came to halt jut in front of her.

She looked up fearfully to him. Never before had she felt so weak. He could squish her if he pleased, and she couldn't even pretend to be trying to prevent it. He could tell the police about it, she would land in jail. And there would be nothing she could ever do.... only stay in jail for the rest of her life.

" H-have m-merci ", she tried once again.

He suddenly ducked down, so he was at level with her.

" What are you talking about? " he mocked giving her a quizzical look, " What is it honey? Can't you take the pleasure?! "

He grabbed her arm, forcing her hand down towards the zipper of his pants. She was making desperate attempts to pry her hand away, but it only caused her more pain, for his grip tightened. Shakily, she pulled down his zipper, his grip not so tight on her arm. However he was still eyeing her carefully.

" Don't even think of getting away! " he menaced, " Now the boxers too! "

Eventually he was left naked, and his hands shot out to undress her, actually more like ripping her clothes off. She was shaking uncontrollably, and was desperately wishing for death to come after her. It had been the third time after the accident, and she couldn't even utter a word for fear of what Yamcha might do.

" That's better ", he chuckled.

Suddenly he gripped the back of her head forcing it down toward his erection.

" Now suck... BITCH! " he commanded.

Bulma's eyes widdened in horror. She couldn't move her head, and it was adviceable she didn't try. His slightly hardened dick was pressed against her nose, a bit of precum already on it. He was excited, she realized. How could he be? How could anyone be so sadistic? This could not happen to her, she tried repeating it over and over in her head, but no use. He would not move. Fearfully she lifted her head just a bit, opening her mouth in the process, only to have his erection shoved down her throat. She feared she might choke, but quickly adjusted. It was the last thing she needed, to die choked by this sickeningly disgusted penis. Starting a fast rithem, she began to bob her head up and down, intending to bring to orgasm as soon as possible. Some of her girlfriends had told her about deep throating their boyfriends, but they always sounded so excited. Then again, most probably their boyfriends were not such assholes as Yamcha. Suddenly she could feel the limb, she refused to acknoledge it as anything else, tense in her mouth. It was quite fast, but considering that she had done her best to finish it quickly... She made a desperate attempt to rise, hoping Yamcha wouldn't notice. No such luck.

" You swallow it, you hear me?! " he commanded hoarsely, brutally pushing her head down.

She could feel the sickening taste of his sperm make its way into her mouth. At first she tried swallowing it, but after a while, it just became too much. She simply couldn't. He disgusted her beyond imagination, and she felt she would die if she swallowed more. Suddenly she could feel a pressure at the back of her throat, as the swallowed sperm made its way back into her mouth. She vomitted everything out on him, dirtying Yamcha with his own seed. Once he recovered, which was way too soon for Bulma, he angrily glared down at her.

" I think I told you to swallow ", he growled.

Without a further warning he slapped her, causing her nose to bleed.

" Look what you have done! I'm going to wash up! " he entered the bathroom, adjoining her room, leaving a distressed Bulma to cry silently.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END FLASHBACK(AN: it's safe, you can read now)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Bulma shivered violently at the thought of the last time Yamcha had forced her to please him. If he ever did that again, she would surely die.

" No! It can't happen! It won't happen! " she kept telling herself that, all the while rocking back and forth, " NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" she let out a horrified howl.

* * * *

Vegeta swiftly opened his eyes. He had been waken up again. Looking newly at the ceiling, he listened for a while, but could hear no sounds from Bulma's room.

" Nah! It wasn't her ", he told himself aloud, " She'll pay that bakayaro ningen back "

Frowning slightly, he turned to the other side. He wanted to fall asleep so badly. This time he had had a partcularly steamy dream... staring Bulma and himself, of course. He smiled satisfied, closing his eyes once again. But something in the back of his mind kept repeating ' Yamcha's fun.... Yamcha's fun... Yam-- '. He quickly sat up, glaring angrily at his shut door.

" What the Fuck is wrong with me? " he muttered.

Yamcha's fun... Yamcha's fun. What the Hell did he have to think of something so stupid. maybe it meant the pathetic ningen's fun would quickly come to an end... At that he smirked. Sure as HELL it would come to an end. And the onna would take good care of it. The evil glint in her eyes that afternoon, left no doubt about the amount of hatred she held for her ex.

" Damn ONNA ", he cursed loudly, " Why couldn't you just let me take care of this? "

Then he remebered: it felt horrible to have your nightmare defeated by someone else. Even more, by someone who had nothing to do with it. At that moment Son Goku's naively smiling face popped up in his mind. (AN: POP! Hi it's me, Goku! ::waves smiling::---- I've definitely gone insane, ne? :: author shakes her head:: ) Stupid third-class saiyajin. He didn't even care if Freezer destroyed half of the world, it was just fun for him.

" Why in seven Hells am I thinking of Kakarrot?! " he said loudly, frowning at the closed door.

Suddenly a hrill cry caused him to bolt up, falling from the bed.


Vegeta landed, hard on his nose. Standing up shakily, he looked around, searching the owner of the voice.

" Now what? " he muttered, rubbing his nose.

Soft sobbing, coming from Bulma's room, hit his sensitive ears.

" ONNA? " he nearly screamed, " What's wrong with her? "

Quickly scrambling to get up, dshed out of the door of his, busting in through Bulma's. The sight greeting him there, made his knees tremble. A sudden need to soundlessly close the door, came over him, and unconciously he complied to it. Then, lightly padding over to Bulma, he gently put his hand on her shoulder.

" What? Who? Where? " Bulma jumped up scared.

On seeing Vegeta, she calmed down somewhat.

" Ve-Ve-Geta? W-Wh-What a--a-a-a-are you d-d-doing here? " she stuttered, still sobbing.
" Onna, what's wrong? " he stood up as well, " Why did you scream? " his eyes full of concern.
" I-- I-- I'm awfully scared ", she looked down.
" Don't be ", he came closer, wrapping his arms tightly around her shaking form.

Bulma leaned into his embrace, gripping frantically his night shirt, desperately trying to melt with Vegeta.

" I-- It's Yamcha... He's coming over tonight.... he'll be here in a while...." she sobbed..
" Then you'll avenge yourself now! It's the perfect oportunity. I'm sure the ningen doesn't expect it ", Vegeta soothed her, stroking her head tenderly.
" B--But I can't! Today is... ", Bulma told him of the nights after sh had killed her raper, well one of them.

By the end, her sobs had lessened considerably.

" And I am very scared ", she finished.

Vegeta's face darkened coniderably. How dare he? How could he do that to her? He just couldn't understand it.

" You'll do it onna ", he said gently, " If you don't do it now, you on't do it ever. And it's you who has to do it, although I'm itching to doing it myself... badly ", he joked, lightening her mood.

She looked up at him, her eyes red and puffy.

" You mean it? "
" Hai... Now let's get you cleaned up a little. You can't give him any satisfaction today.... ne? "

She merely nodded, and let Vegeta lead her to the sink. After five minutes, a fresh Bulma and a smiling Vegeta emerged from the bathroom.

" Geta-chan? " she turned to look at him.
" You're tempting me onna ", he smirked down at her warningly.

She just smiled, giving him a passinate kiss on the lips.

" Will you stay? "
" Now? "
" Hai "
" Why not? Sounds interesting ", he smirked, then looking towards her balcony, " The ningen will be here in 10 seconds ".
" Quick, hide in the shadows! I don't want him to see you right now ", she pushed him into a hidden corner of her room.

Sure thing, Yamcha landed on her balcony seconds later. His startlement was not small when he saw Bulma casually leaning against the wall, eyeing him smirking.

" Hey babe! Are you glad you can please me? " he asked a little awkward.
" Actually it's you who's going to please me tonight ", she said impasively.
" You'd better swallow the words now or... ", he didn' get a chance to finish.

Bulma took out her 'pen', pointing it at Yamcha, she pressed a button on it. The ningen instantly froze, the only thing he felt himself able doing was talking.

" Or what? " Bulma moved closer, circling a bit around him
" Stop this! " he glaerd at her frightened.
" No ", she giggled, " You're going to please ME, now.... albeit not sexually ", she laughed at his scared face, " And we're also going to have a very important guest to whitness ", she smirked.
" You're fattering me, onna ", Vegeta stepped out of the shadows, causing Yamcha to gulp audibly, " Don't look at me. It's the onna who's doing the work. I'm just watching tonight ", he finished leaning against the oposite wall.
" Well well... let's see ", Bulma watched Yamcha amused.

Pulling out a mini computer she proceeded to press some buttons on it. Yamcha instantly felt as if a million Vegeta's had punched him at once in every possible way. And he couldn't help but moan in pain. His vision was already blurring.

"Ready so soon?" Bulma taunted, " Too bad I have more in stack for you ", she said putting the computer away.

Pushing another button on her 'pen' a laser ray appeared (AN: Like in Star Wars--- Kami I hate that movie,though). She approached him slowly, amusedly noting the bads of sweat forming all over him.

" Now, now aren't we scared?! " with a swift movement, she cut down his pants alog with his boxers, " My, your horrible like that, you know? And that appendage ", she pointed towards his small and flat manhood, " Is the ugliest of all. I think I'm going to get rid of it for you. Don't forget to say thanks ", her voice suddenly became emotionless.
" N-No... Bulma.... You're insane ", he croacked out.
" I'm insane? And YOU? " her voice still calm, but dangerously low, " And how may I ask are you?! "

With a quick tug, she liced it down, like it were a piece of meat hanging there useslesly.

" BULMA! " Yamcha screamed.
" Now isn't this exciting ", she whispered, her voice still void of emotion.

Yamcha however was too much in pain to hear her. Suddenly he remembered Vegeta was watching him as well. Mortified, he looked towrds the saiyajin, but found his gaze directed beside him. Looking over, he saw Bulma on her knees sobbing. His eyes widened, a smirk making its way to his lips. Sudddenly Bulma jerked her face up, glaring at him. Swiftly she pushed the laser ray into the void where his groin used to be, elliciting a shirll cry of pain from him.

" Now get the hell out of here, before I kill you ", she menaced, tears sliding down her beautiful face, she released him from his frozen state.

Quickly scrambling, and sliding on the floor, Yamcha made his way out, dissapearing as fast as he could. Bulma broke down, crying, faintly noticing Vegeta lifting her and sitting her on his lap on the bed.

" You know all this made me remember a joke I heard at school once ", she smiled sadly.
" Tell me ", Vegeta gently coaxed her.
" A man went to his doctor, telling him. 'Doc my penis is too big. I want it smaler. What can I do? ' The doc thought for a moment, then told him. ' There a frog at the end of the lake. Go and ask it to marry you, the rest you will see '. The man goes to the frog and says ' Do you want to marry me? ', the frog answers 'No'. His groin lessens with 10 cm. The next week the man goes to his doc again. 'It still too long, doc'. 'Then go to the frog again, and as it to marry you '. The man goes and asks ' Do you want to marry me? ' 'No' sayas the frog. His penis diminishes with 10 cm more. The third week, the guy goes to the doc again. 'Doc, my groin is 10 cm too long '. 'Go to the frog again '. The man does so and goes to the frog again ' Do you want to marry me? ' . The frog frowns and says. ' You asked me to time before, and I answered you. For the last time : No, No, No'. And thus the man earned himself a 10 meter deep hole in his stomac ", Bulma finished smiling up at Vegeta.

The prince smiled at her, obviously amused by the joke.

" You're incredible you know? " he asked .
" Hai... Will you stay with me for the night please? "
" Of course ", he aid, his eyes twinkling wickedly.

End of chapter 4.
* Well? I'm waiting for you comments. The 'cutting the appendage down' is for Dragon Girl. Are you happy? It's you who suggested this for the raper ::winks:: The joke came from my friend Monika. I thank her very much, and sincerely hope she will ot read this story (she's only 11... her parent's... and MINE... will kill me). BTW. did you like it? I now when she told me, I was delighted, instantly picturing Yamcha with a hole instead of his groin.