Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Murderer ❯ Plans Above Plans... ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
* ::author does ancient Indian-style dance in front of the PC:: WAY! I got twice as much reviews I have expected. Thank you SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! I'm awfully happy. So here's chapter 3. I really hope you'll like it.... actully I'm still wondering whether they should kiss or not.... well read and find out what I have decided. Special thanks to JOANCHAN who is constantly keeping in the mood of writing, by sending me e-mails, checking out my homepage (hint, hint ^_~). Well on with the story.... For any of you who would've wanted this up sooner. I really had no time to reach the PC.

Dragon Girl - Of course it DID post (as I've told you in the e-mail.... go and read it to find out what your problem was). Here's the next chapter.... A HUGE thank you for the compliment.

Baby Buruma - MORE? My aren't we insatiable! lol And you'll get more!

Bunni Girl - ::blushes:: thanks lol. As for the rape... well no one can say I haven't warned you. And OF COURSE it is going to have a happy end. I HATE sad endings. Sorry I just had enough of sad endings. All the novels I studied at school had sad endings.... I have had it with them. Eh-heh. as for the work art part.... ::author turns 4 different shades of scarlet::

Lady_Ace - NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! ::tries frowning, but fails miserably:: Trying to torture me! Doesn't matter I'll continue writing. There just has to be someone out there that will flame me. HEHE I definitely WILL keep going! With so many nice reviews.

koton - Hehe! I know how I hate these things in other people's fics, so I decided to contribute to the suffering of the reader on my own ::insert crazed evil laugh:: I hope this is soon enough. :)

Saiyajin-Raven69 - ::fidgets with her skirt.... albeit she hates wearing one:: Actually I thought I make "Geta-chan" do it, at first.... but just a tiny lil' thought. However you've definitely convinced, that I need Bulma to do it herself. hehe.... here's the update.

Joanchan - Of course I will make a different chapter for the kissy stuff (and it will be not ONLY kissing ::winks::) It was rushed (the ending)? It's just that you know how my dad feels about this stuff (as you've read in my WP fics- and he still hasn't changed his opinion)... and he was about to come home soon.... so I really had to hurry. Plus I just adore making people angry with evil cliffies.... I'm angry with them myself, so why not make others too?

VegetasGirl9 - Thank you :: beams:: Is this soon enough?

By Salvia Tanima
* * * * *
Chapter three: Plans Above Plans...

Bulma and Vegeta just stared after Mrs. Briefs' retrieting form, bewildered, then they turned to look at each other, equally bewildered. After a while Bulma shifted, slightly uncomfortable in the prince's steel grip.

" I-- I'm sorry.... m-my mom is just.... she's like that.... ", she muttered, blushing fiercely.
" Well... ", Vegeta pinched her rear, causing Bulma to look up startled.
" HEY! "
" If she was so eager that we mate.... we should give your parents something to watch ", he smirked wickedly at her.
" WHAT? What are you trying to imply? " she looked at him a little frightened.

Lifting an eyebrow, he smirked. Lifting her, as if she were no more than a sheet of paper, he put her down beside him on the bed. She was facing the doorway, her back to Vegeta. Her eyes widened, when she felt him shift, so that he was kneeling behind her. Pulling her closer, she could feel his groing in her lower back and gasped sharply.

" Ve--Ve-- geta...", she felt herself grow hot.
" Yes? " he asked, while nuzzling her neck.
" I-- Think we should first close the door... if not lock it ", she told him shakily.
" And? "
" Don't you? " she asked startled.
" No ", came the flat anser.
" B-but-- ", she was silenced by his finger, that rested softly on her lips.
" SHH... I told you we'll give them something to watch ", he chuckled into her ear, " And don't worry. I will not make you my mate... yet ", he finished, his voice full of lust.
" MATE? What do you mean? "
" I think you know damn well what I mean ".
" Like b--boyfriend... as Yamcha and I were? "
" Definitely not ", he answered gruffly, his tongue moving in a distracting way on her shoulder.
" Then? "
" A bonded mate "
" That's even less clear ".

Vegeta pulled away from her puzzled. That woman was a mystery. One time she was a genious that could figure out even the most carefully hidden bug in the GR, but now she was acting as she were a newborn baby. Then it hit him: humans did not mate for life. And they definitely didn't bond.

" Well... ", he continued smirking, " That means that after we bond, that is I mark you as mine, no other male will ever touch you OR come near you more than... let's see 5 meters (AN: I'm on European standard, and don't really deal with miles or feet)... and that's for life... I mean it! Divorce for us means death ", he trailed off, kissing and nipping at her earlobe, leaving Bulma in a daze.
" What if they do? "
" They'll die the most horrible of deaths "

Smiling, Bulma leaned into his chest, Vegeta's arms comming around her, his hands enclosing in front of her belly.

" Then you will have to wait untill after my revenge... with this sort of activities ", she teased.
" With the marking, perhaps... ", he smirked down at her.

She blushed fiercely, ready to retort something, but just then they heard faint voices, that were slowly approaching. Suddenly they made out Dr. Briefs' clearly.

" Honey, you are surely wrong ", Dr. Briefs' voice unsecure, " What would Bulma do in Vegeta's lap ".
" I'm telling you, it's true! I saw them ", Mrs. Briefs giggled happily
" But honey, we're talking of VEGETA, he's-- ", his wife cut him off.
" No. He's not that bad. Only last week he helped me, when I couldn't reach the vase up on the shelf! " Mrs. Briefs exclaimed.

Bulma looked up at Vegeta, on hearing this, smiling mischieviously. The prince snorted disgustedly.

" How nice of you ", she whispered.
" I'll show you nice! " he muttered, grabbing her waist.

He lifted her chin towards him, lowering his lips to hers. She opened her eyes wide. Vegeta was kissing her passionately. And what a kiss it was. Never in her wildest dreams did she find a kiss so arousing. His tongue was exploring her mouth, coaxing her into respond. Hearing a sharp gasp, she supposed her parents were standing in the doorway. So, shrugging mentally, she gave in to the kiss. It wasn't as if she minded, of course. If there was one thing one could say about Vegeta, was that he kissed great, and his looks were not at all bad.

" BULMA! " Dr. Briefs managed to gather his senses.

The two immediately stopped their previous action, faking a surprised look. Actually it was more like shocked as she had never seen her father, so angry.

" Dady? " she asked meekly.
" Just what do you think you're doing, miss? "
" What does it look like to you? " Vegeta answered instead, earning himself a glare from Bulma, and a gape from Dr. Briefs.
" You! You are seducing my daughter! " he accused.
" Well duh! Took you long enough to figure ", the prince smirked, pulling Bulma closer.
" Ve-ge-ta ", Bulma hissed, only getting a smirk in response.
" Listen! I will not tolerate you to use my daughter, and then put her aisde after one night! " he said angrily.

Vegeta was beyond amused. This prooved to be just as interesting as he supposed it would be.

" Actually I am taking her as my mate.... in other words I am not letting her go... not after one night... not ever ", he smirked at the bewildered expression of Dr. Briefs.
" E--Excuse me? What do you mean by mate? "
" Well duh, daddy! He means we're going to get married! " Bulma answered exasperated at the show.
" Oh? Well... then... I'm... leaving, I guess. We... umm just thought you.... would want some breakfast ", he stuttered while exiting, followed by an extremely happy Mrs. Briefs.

* * * *

Breakfast prooved to be awkward for Bulma. Her mother was constantly smiling at her, occasionally spacing out with a dreamy look on her face. Dr. Briefs sipped his coffe, stopping every now and then to look at his daughter for quite a while. Each time he did this his eyes seemed to become wet, then he would glance briefly at Vegeta, resuming his drinking of the coffe. Vegeta had his trademark smirk plastered on his face, shoving down one pancake after another, seemingly enjoying the confused parents.

" I'm finished! " Bulma gladly jummped up from her seat, " I'll wash the dishes! " she declared, gathering the empty ones and quickly heading towards the sink.

Once there, she let out a sigh of relief, completely losing herself in the process of dishwashing (AN: Yes, it is possible. Everytime I wash the dishes - which I hate with passion - I think of Bulma and Vegeta get-together fics I've read and liked ^_~). Vegeta looked after her, chuckling at the sigh she had let out. Eventually Dr. Briefs and Mrs. Briefs were also finished and handed Bulma their plates. Soon, Bulma and Vegeta were the only ones left in the kitchen. Rising slowly, Vegeta carefully picked the dirty dishes left on the table (AN: Yeah, right! Vegeta picking up the dirty dishes! But right now I want him to :-P. It has a reason ^_~), and strolled over to Bulma. Putting them down, on one side, he quickly folded his arms around her slim waist.

" Vegeta! " she squealed as he nipped her neck.
" Hai onna? " he asked casually.
" I-- I can't... ", she wasn't able to finish, not with Vegeta's tongue and hands moving in a distracting manner.
" You can't what? " he pulled away from her puzzled.
" I'm trying to think of a way to make that bastard pay... but you don't let me", she finished.
" Oh? Is that so? Then I will definitely let you. Normally I would've gone and beat the shit out of him myself, but since someone is so eager....", he chuckled, " In case you change your mind, I'll be training in the GR ", he whispered sensually in her ear.
" OOH YOU! " she waved her hands angrily, sending a huge amount of foam on his nose.
" I see you've already changed you mind ", he smirked, earning yet another frown from Bulma, " Then so be it ", he said while Bulma eyed him warily.

In a jiffy he turned her over, moving to the side, he set Bulma on the top of the kitchen counter, so that her legs were stradling his hips. The counter not being very high, he managed to be at level with her, so he shoved his tongue deep into her mouth. Bulma couldn't help but moan helplessly, and wrap every available limb around the prince's gorgeous body. Suddenly the door opened, causing the two to break their contact. Dr. Briefs appeared carrying a heavy box. On seeing this, Vegeta detangled himself, albeit regretfully, from the blue-haired beauty, and made his way toward the door, purposely stopping and looking at the bewildered and highly flushed Dr. Briefs. It was quite a sight, Vegeta's shoulders were covered with thick foam. Noticing his intense gaze on them, he kicked his ki up a few notches so as to dry them, then padded out to the GR.

* * * *

Bulma had been working for a while in her lab, being very busy, bent over a small pen-like device. Suddenly, she found she was holding onto air, trying to find something. Looking over, she noticed, the device, she was looking for, was not there.

" Now where could it be? " she mused, looking over her lab.

Eventually her eyes landed on a very tall shelf. On the top of the shelf she noticed a small poket-computer like device.

" Oh there it is! " she jummped up, only to stop in front of it, " Now how do I get to it? "

Searching through the lab, she eventually found enough chairs and boxes, so put together, she could climb up then reach the device. Slowly and very carefully she began to escale the chairs and boxes, until at last she as able to reach it. Quickly grabbing it, she made a sudden movement, and everything under her began to shake. Losing her balance, she plumetted towards the ground.

" AAHHH! " she noticed fearfully, the way the ground was coming closer.

Closing her eyes, she braced herself for the rough impact. However, instead of landing on the hard ground, he landed in somebody's arms (AN: ::sings:: Gues who? ). Loking up, she found herself gazing into Vegeta's handsome face.

" Not a good tactic, if you were intending to learn flying ", he mocked.
" Ugh... Arigatou...", she paused, then smirked, " Geta-chan ", she smiled sweetly.
" Get-chan, ne? " he lifted an eyebrow, immediately swooping down a hard kiss on her slightly open lips.

After a while, however, he realised she could not hold her breath anymore, so let go of her.

" WOW ", she panted.
" Now, seriously, what were you doing? " he looked down on her.
" Trying to get this ", she held up the device.
" And why is that? "
" The finishing touch to my anti-Yamcha weapon? "
" What's it do? "
" It's a remote controll ".
" And what does the device do? "
" Freeze the one you're aiming it at "
" Is he too hot? " he teased.
" Not like that. I mean like he were a plastic model doll. So the person is aware of everything you do to him, but won't be able to move, other than talk, or... in Yamcha's case scream ", her eyes twinkled evily.
" Sounds interesting " he smirked.

End of chapter 3
* Ok, so this chapter was bit hurried, partly because I wanted to uploaded it as soon as possible, and partly beacuse right now I'm awfully hungry. I'm going to eat a little, or else I'll starve. Right now I'm too lasy to check for spelling mistkes, so sorry. As always, send me your comments, and opinion. If you want to flame, btw., tell me also why you despise the story.
Ja ne,