Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Murderer ❯ Being Understood ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
*Oh wow! This is just... I can't believe it! Not one flame! This is a dream. I just know how I've fearfully clicked on the statistics only to find 4 wonderful reviews. Thank you to all of you who reviewed and read my story. The day after I have posted it I really thought it was crap... since you said it wasn't I'm going to continue. Well.... thank you, again. And most of all sorry for my orthography, but... umm I didn't really check it. I was hurrying too much to post it. Ok anyway read on!
I still don't own DBZ.... KUSO!

Dragon Girl - Yep... castrating him while alive.... why didn't I think of it? Oh well... thank you for the wonderful review, and for putting me on your favorite stories' list. ARIGATOU!!!!! lol

Lady Ace - WHAT?! No flames?! WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! I wrote this story just for the sake of being flamed... and I even menaced people so they would get more daring... Oh well, I guess I'll have to deal with compliments then ::sighs:: Since you were so eager to know the next chapter, here it is. Enjoy. ::sigh:: I can't believe it : no frames. ::sob, sob, sob:: Hehe JUST JOKING! :-)))))))))))))))))))))))) THANKS FOR THE WONDERFUL REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!

lime - Hehe! I'm quite a pervert I know! Here's the 'more' you have asked for.

Baby Buruma - Here you are! Since you asked so nicely :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Murder er
By Salvia Tanima
* * * * *
Chapter two: Being Understood

Vegeta could only gape at the woman in front of him. She wasn't serious..... Surely.... she couldn't be.... or could she?

"Onna, what do I look like to you? A complete idiot or what?! Do you really think I'd believe you? "he finally found his voice.
"So... you can't help me either ", she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Onna, be serious! You couldn't hurt a fly! "he looked down at her skeptically.
"That's what I thought.... before this had happened to me ", she once again broke down crying.

Vegeta was still standing beside her bed, staring at her as if she had suddenly grown three more heads. He would've never thought it possible! Then... a faint memory seemed to reach him. He had been training till 4:00 in the morning, and was awfully tired, when he closed the GR. Making his way towards the house, he heard some whispers. Curiosity gaining, he slowly approached the house, being careful as not to be spotted. On the front door he saw Yamcha, shaking Bulma, who didn't really seem to mind it. At the time he had thought she would most probably liked being shaken. The weakling had muttered something about having her in his hand, or so, then left. Bulma had entered the house, then run up to her room and cried for nearly two hours, then fell asleep. Vegeta had been forced to listen as he had to fight the urge to just go and sweep her in his arms. Since then, he had been having strange dreams where she came to him for comfort, and.... well ...as these pathetic humans would say... one thing led to the other.

"Woman... stop... please ", he tried, helplessly plumping down on the edge of her bed.

She just sobbed, shaking even more.

"You did the right thing, damn it! What are you still crying for? "he tried being harsh, but his tone was strangely gentle.
" I... I... ", she was shaking uncontrollably, not being able to say a word.

Seeing her so down, Vegeta couldn't help but draw her closer, holding her tightly, though not hurting her. She clawed at his night shirt, snuggling even closer to him, while he pulled her onto his lap, occasionally planting a soothing hard kiss on the top of her head. Eventually Bulma stopped shaking, lifting her head to look at Vegeta.

"Why didn't you kill me?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with a strange light.
" Eh? I-- I ", he merely looked down on her, "I can't ", he murmured.

He couldn't kill her. Not since the day he had seen her so unfazed when Yamcha shook her. Of course he would never admit that he was in love with her... but he did admit, after long arguing with his ego and pride, that he wanted her... BADLY. Then why didn't he just take her? He couldn't. Seeing her smile, and be happy.... and she seemed so happy when they argued.... that was the best gift she could've given him. It made him get very angry with her... but mostly with himself. Yet he just couldn't help it.

"I have long ago stopped wanting to kill you.... onna ", he whispered.

She watched him amazed, as he said that, but purposely avoided looking at her in the eye. She had somehow figured he didn't quite hate her... but this took her completely unaware. She smiled at him, putting her arms around his neck, causing the startled Saiyajin no Ouji to look at the blue-haired girl.

"You know...", she began, lowering her gaze, " My parents have raised me in the concept of loving people around me. I was always trying hard to do that. Always trying to see the brighter side of life.... but sometimes it was awfully hard to do so.... Then I flipped out and started yelling frantically at everyone around me. I immediately regretted it, but could never apologize. I guess I was too stubborn for that ", she realized that he had put her in a sitting position.

She gazed at him, and when he returned her gaze she smiled, receiving a slight smirk in return.

" Enjoying? " he taunted.
" I could ask you the same question ", she retorted, albeit in a playful tone, despite how hot she felt.
" I certainly am ", his smirk widening.

She blushed at this, yet made no attempt to get off of him. Smiling shyly, she settled more comfortably in his arms. He in turn, tightened his embrace, looking up at her, waiting for Bulma to continue.

" My parents would usually leave me alone, deciding I needed to scream once in a while, or something. Goku would usually look at me strangely, but I think got pretty well with it. I mean he was the first person who didn't really mind it. He just went on being happy... making me happy too... so I usually forgot... Then I met Yamcha... ", she paused here, looking down on the prince.

He was scowling slightly, but nodded.

" Go on ", he told her, his voice still gentle.
" I liked him from the beginning.... he was sort of funny... ", her pretty face darkening slightly, " it was just so funny. He was afraid of girls.... and with his looks.... ", she dared not to look at Vegeta.
" Does my opinion really matter? " he asked suddenly.
" H-Hai ", she flushed pink.
" Then I want you to go on ".
" We... eventually became a couple... but since he got here... he used to live in the desert.... he changed completely. He was not ... the desert bandit anymore.... he became a common cheater. He would cheat on me every chance he got... but I still forgave him. I was so scared that I would remain alone... but this...Sometimes I wish Goku would've killed him when we first met him... he didn't because he was too hungry then", she giggled, " Actually it was me who saved the day.... as soon as Yamcha saw me he fled.... he got really scared ", she chuckled.

Looking down on Vegeta, she saw him snort. She couldn't help but giggled.

" But although I often was angry.... I never wanted to kill anyone... let alone actually doing it ", she trailed, " But I felt I couldn't hold on anymore... I felt I just had to make him shut up.... forever", she shut up, " I shouldn't have killed him... not when I know that there is a God... as well as a Heaven and a Hell... ", she stopped.
" But he raped you. For Kami's sake onna! What should you have done?! "
" I've never killed someone.... here murder is punished.... by law.... and Yamcha said he'll tell the police if I don't... do as he wants ", she let out a frightened sigh.

Vegeta looked up at her distressed face, as she inspected her lap. Suddenly memories of a long forgotten time came rushing into his mind.

" Onna... ", Bulma looked up into his face.
" Yes? "
" I know how it is... ", he said silently, " even though it's hard for you to believe... I wasn't taught... by my parents to be.... a ruthless killer.... but they died.... too soon... ", he fell silent for a moment, pulling her closer to him, as he looked down into her lap.

Bulma weaved one hand into his thick black hair.

" My father had always told me it was not an honorable thing to kill, rape and torture people. Sure there where times, like war- Vegeta-sei was currently in war with Freezer - when one had to protect their home..... Freezer had killed him right before my eyes. His men were holding me back, and forced me to look", he continued flatly, " Before dieing he told me it was never a shame to fight for what you loved... and he had fought for me... ", he stopped.

Bulma looked down, only to be met with his black eyes.

" And then? "
" You can imagine Freezer had done everything in his power to erase that from my mind... he had succeeded to some extent... but I never raped anyone", he suddenly fell silent.

Bulma was completely at loss of what to say, so she resorted to just stroke his head.

" I was only eight ", he continued, his voice shaking, " He raped me... I was only eight... didn't even know exactly what sex was about ", his hold tightened on her, as he gazed in front of him, concentrating on the wall in front of him, " He simply ordered me to undress before him... and.... I had to... he had given me a piece of his mind a few days earlier. I didn't exactly know what he was going to do... but knew I had better comply... it was the first and last time I did it... choosing to endure him beating the shit out of me... this happened on a .... not even daily, but hourly basis... so the first chance I got to unleash my anger I did so. Being a saiyajin, I was stronger then most of his soldiers, so he sent me, along with Radditz and Nappa to conquer, or mostly rather destroy, some planets for him. The first time I did it... I felt oddly relaxed for a while... "

~~~~~~~~~~~ FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~

The round space pod landed with a rough THUD on the brownish ground of the planet. 10-year-old Vegeta stepped out of it, his tail waving left and right in excitement. Turning, he waited for Nappa and Radditz to crawl out of the much too small spaceship.

" Well? Are you coming or what? " the young prince tapped his foot impatiently on the hard ground.
" Impatient aren't we, huh? " Nappa teased, but immediately went still on seeing the death glare his prince had sent him.
" I guess we should go north ", Radditz jumped in, trying to ease the atmosphere.
" Then we shall go north! " Vegeta grunted, turning his back to the two.

After a five minute walk, they arrived to a huge building, full with smaller and bigger towers.

" This looks hideous ", Vegeta declared disgusted.
" King Kamerian was never known to have a good aesthetic sense ", Nappa remarked, looking at the building.
" Let's go inside! " the prince ordered.

The two bigger saiyajin instantly followed their leader. On their way to the throne room, as the building was obviously the palace, many guards tried to stop them, but Vegeta merely threw them to the side, the bright red-faced creatures landing in the nearby wall. Reaching the door to the throne room, a huge red-faced alien stepped in front of the three saiyajin, blocking their way.

" Stop right there! What do you want with the King? " he asked.
" Get out of the way! " was the only response he got.

Angrily, the guard held his pointed staff at Vegeta's throat. The prince glanced at his weapon, a smirk appearing on his handsome face.

" Is this supposed to frighten me? Pathetic! ", he chuckled darkly, grabbing the item, and snapping it in half.
" Why you....", the guard fumed, " You'll pay for this! Prepare to die! ", he snapped.
" I think it's you who should do all this ", Vegeta smirked.

Without a word, he levitated, until he was at level with the alien's face. His hand shot out in a split second, instantly breaking the guard's neck. Letting him fall to the ground, he landed smoothly on the ground.

" Never tell the Saiyajin no Ouji what to do ", he calmly said, throwing open the door to the throne room.

King Kamerian looked up startled to find the saiyajin prince there. He had never met him in person before, but Nappa and Radditz had not been uncommon visitors.

" Prince Vegeta, I suppose", the king said, his voice cracking slightly.
" That I am. Freezer has had enough of your services. He doesn't need them, and neither your planet's ", he stated casually.
" B--But he can't ", the king crawled at his feet, begging.
"Of course he can ", the prince looked down disgusted," I guess you should witness your planet's end ", he smirked, grabbing the trembling king by his collar.

He flew upwards, braking through the roof, shaking the whole palace, Nappa and Radditz wordlessly following. Reaching the space pods, Vegeta showed the king inside his, stepping in after him. The three spaceships took off, leaving the planet's atmosphere. Stopping at a not so big distance from the planet, Vegeta pulled the frightened king out.

" Now watch ", he ordered.

Creating a considerable ki ball in his free hand, he directed it toward the planet, which instantly disintegrated.

" My p-planet... my beloved Kekoo-sei ", the king whimpered.
" Not a loss, I'd say ", Vegeta coldly said, " It was hideous anyway ".
" But I loved it! " the king screamed.
" Then you shall follow you beloved planet to HELL ", he said, his free hand glowing.

Breaking the skin and tearing the flesh on the king's chest he squeezed his heart. Kamerian's eyes were wide open, looking at him with hatred, even if he was dead for good. Angered, Vegeta threw him in the direction Kekoo-sei used to be.

" How dare you look at the prince ", he menaced, shooting out a ki blow that disintegrated Kamerian's lifeless form, not leaving anything in place

~~~~~~~~~~~~END FLASHBACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"... I've been feeling very well for a few days... Freezer was pleased with me. But then.... the eyes of the dead king started to haunt me, looking at me full of hatred.... He was complying Freezer's orders, doing his best.... but the ice-jin just decided he wanted him as well as his planet with all its inhabitants dead... so he killed him... or rather sent me to kill him.... It was not his fault yet I killed him tortured him... and there was nobody I could talk about it... Nappa and Radditz were too afraid of me, to consider me their friend...", he finished.

Bulma looked at him amazed. He had actually told her how he had destroyed the first planet.

" After a while it has stopped... or rather.... I shut away my conscience.... there were more deaths on it... and I certainly didn't need it wailing ", he concluded bitterly.
"It's natural ", Bulma finally replied softly, "I don't think I would've acted differently in your place ".
" Then why are you feeling bad for that piece of shit that raped you? " Vegeta looked in her eyes.
" Because... ", she stopped.

Why did she feel bad anyway?

" It's not that I feel bad... ", she paused, trying to collect her words, and feelings, " It's... I want Yamcha to pay... and I can't. He's much too strong... he comes every now and then... and rapes me... making me remember... I feel that it's not so much his fault than ... that asshole's ", she concluded, looking calmly down on Vegeta.

It was a new... pleasant feeling, being able to tell everything to someone... even more: that someone understood her perfectly. He had been through that himself.

" I don't .... want to kill other people... I want him to pay ", she added.
" Then make him... Physical force is not everything... You can beat him... with your invention ", he looked up at her determined.
" Will you stay with me... and help me? " she asked, dreading his answer.
"Yes ", he replied promptly.
" Arigatou "

He didn't answer, only pulled her closer. She watched him as he did this. Lowering her head to his, he lifted his to meet her lips. They could feel their breaths on each other's lips, doing wickedly pleasant thing to their insides. Vegeta's hand began to absently roam her back, soothingly. They inched closer, just a millimeter between them...

"BULMA! Breakfast is re--ady ", Mrs. Briefs banged in startling the couple.

She saw Bulma holding onto Vegeta's shoulders, and the prince holding her daughter by the waist with one hand, the other resting on the center of her back. They were both looking at her as they had seen a ghost.

" I KNEW IT! " Mrs. Briefs happily clamped her hands together, "I'm going to tell dad, honey!" she chirped happily, dancing out of the room, leaving the door wide open.

Bulma and Vegeta just stared after her bewildered, then they turned to look at each other, still bewildered.

End of chapter 2
*Phew! I'm finished! Please DO appreciate it! I did this just for you. Well? What are you waiting for? Go on and REVIEW! Sorry for those of you who wanted to see (erg... read) Vegeta being raped. I just love him too much to write about it. Sorry folks. I was listening to " FOREVER YOUNG " by Alpha Ville, and it seemed to soothe the mood. It's more romantic then the 1-st one, but well I just like them being so... like in this chapter. More to come... depending on how soon you review. Hehe. Bye!!!