Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Music Soothes My Lonely Heart ❯ Pretty Girl ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer* You know I don't own the music or DBZ It has lemon And CURSING!!

Music Soothes My Lonely Heart

She is waiting for him again. It seems she's always waiting. This time it was for a movie. He was suppose to meet at the usual place her locker. She heard her name. Bulma Chan Hope arose she turned crushed only to see her best friend and goku arm and arm (nothing new). Putting on the happy face as they began to run to her.
Chichi: Wanna go to the arcade in the mall with me, Goku and the gang?
Bulma: No Yamcha and me are going to the movies.
Goku: Oh is he going to met you the.... OOWWW (a painful elbow to the ribs)
Bulma: What was that about?!
Chichi: It's just that we saw Yamaha Leave already.
Bulma's eyes just dropped sadness over came the two sapphires that shown in her eyes as she peered at her friend.
Chichi: B-chan there is more.....
Chichi thought do I really have the gut to tell my best friend since whew forever the horrible thing she witnessed!
(Bulma looking sad and worried)
Bulma: WHAT IS IT?!
Chichi: B-chan baby he was not by himself! (There I said it GULP) He was with some vacant blonde.
Bulma: Are you sure that it was MY Yamcha?
Knowing it wasn't the first time the jerk had done this to her. I need to find him so that he can tell me that chichi is wrong it was not him that he loved her and only her. SO she did what she had to find the truth she ran!
Chichi: B-CHAN NO!!! Starting to run after her friend who needed her she thought. Getting no were. She turned to her lover he had her arm in a strong yet gentle grip.
Chichi: Damn it Goku let go!
A bit of shock graced her face, as she the gang had been there to hear all the vulgar details. Looking at them all 18 and Krillen holding each other in lovers embrace (nothing new) and Vegeta his usual mean ass stance. But Vegeta had a secret that only his best friend Kakarott (goku) new the arrogant man loved Bulma for along time but he dared not tell a single soul.
Chichi: Let me go DAMN IT Goku!!!!
Goku: Chichi she needs to find out for herself. Maybe this time the girl will believe us and leave the stupid Asshole that torches the heart and soul of one of my good friends. (Wow that's goku?)
Chichi was blown over almost never hearing her softhearted lover curse in anger let alone curse at one of his friends. The shock still upon her face she only nodded.
18:That jerk off son of a bitch mother fucking bastard needs his motha fuckin' ass whooped!
Krillen: And I know you're the though girl that can do it.
She blushed but quickly concealed it and returned to the scolded she usually wore no one noticed well almost no one her lover Krillen noticed
18:I will if that motha fucker hurts her again!!
Chichi: She is never gonna let the asshole Scumbag go. Man why is she so STUPID!!
OPPS did I say that out loud blushing red as her OPI I'm not really a waitress nail polish She chuckled nervously Everyone laughed cause they new chichi loved bulma like a sister. Never would she say a mean thing to her face. Silence fell upon the gang as a smaller but not the smallest member of the gang chuckled loud. They all gawked.
The gang: VEGETA!!!
Vegeta: She is right that girl is STUPID!!!!
Chichi: Vegetal stop being such a freakin' ass man
Vegeta: Shut up you fuckin' BAKA.
Goku: Hey Vegeta shut the fuck up of I'll tell You're (in a whisper) your secret.
Sudden silence fell upon the two friends no best friends. Kakarott would never tell feeling a bit cocky now he just chuckled. A smirk forms as he remembers something big.
Vegeta: You tell and I'll tell!
Goku froze knowing what his sly friend was talking about that day. It stood out to Vegeta. Goku had just about forgot about it. It was last year vegeta went to Kakarott's house having been there a million times he just walked in. Shock grew in his face. In a chuckle Vegeta saw Kakarott is CARE BEAR boxers watching the soap the young and the hopeless Sniffling With a fluffy teddy bear next him.
*~End Flashback~*
Goku: ewe No you would never You promised.
Vegeta: And neither would you.
The gang not knowing what the hell they were talking about just left the over grown over children and headed for the arcade in the mall. Realizing they ran after the group. Both laughing they knew there secrets were safe.

Bulma ran. She ran in search of the truth or the very naive's girls version of the truth. What she wanted to believe. Then like a ton of bricks hit her or they just hit her right in the heart. There he was engaged in a horrible act with this no name blonde. They were having SEX. He and Bulma never had sex yet. Knowing he was low but never that low. Never had she thought he was having sex with someone. A horrible shock waved over her she stood in a frozen stance as they finished.
Yamcha: Bye baby see you tonight at your place or mine?
Blonde: Mine you silly sexy devil you. Bye Yam-chan
Giving him a heated kiss Bulma hid then started to shout his name kind of like an announcement the girl unnoticing left. Bulma went to Yamcha he grinned and leaned in and kissed her
Yamcha: Hey sweetie I was looking for you!?
Bulma: OOHH were you now?!
Yamcha: What's with you girl?
Bulma: SO was she GOOD?
Yamcha: WHAT?!?
Bulma: Tell me what happened!
Yamcha: Nothing.
Bulma: You bastard don't lie to me I saw you two in the car.
Yamcha: Then why do you want to know?
Bulma: So I can hate YOU!!
Pretty girl is suffering while he confesses every thing. Pretty soon she'll figure out what his intentions were about. *~song~*
He finished...
Yamcha: so there you go let's go catch that movie now.
Bulma: OK
She was weak he knew that and used it to his advantage. She was deathly afraid of being alone. Ever since that call she got to tell her that her parents died in a train wreck. She lived by herself since she was 16 convincing the court that she capable of taking care of herself. And she did she was a good girl.
She didn't have to worry about money she had CC it ran it's self, she never spent a obscene amount of money except with the occasional spree with her best friends Chichi and 18, But alone she could not be. Well she had been with out her parents for two years now she was 18 years old. She had yamcha. They went to the movies as if nothing had happened. He walked her to the door and kissed her as if she was the only one he could ever love. She walked in feelin' good then the waves of nausea flew over her as bit of earlier in the day flashed in her mind. DIRTY that's how she felt.
That's what you get for falling again you can never get him out of you head.
(Bulma's thoughts): Why do I do this to my self? What is it about him?
*~Song~* It's the way that he makes you feel.
It's the way that he kisses you
It's the way that he makes you fall in love.

The gang got to school at the same time with the exception of Krillen and 18 who were always a bit late or early either way they were making out. Then there was bulma who pulled in almost killing herself turning that corner she was in a daze. Her friend all saw. Chichi and 18 ran p to their friend. She looked bad. The blue locks hadn't been brushed all night. She herself looked like the living dead.
Chichi: B-Chan what the hell is wrong girl you ok?
18: It is that bastard I know it tell us girl?
Bulma told the girls everything not leaving any detail out. They they were shocked to say the least.
Chichi: Will you let that mutha fucker go! You deserve better.
18: SNAP out of it will you hell!
Bulma: For Crying out loud you don't think I Know how stupid I am and weak all I all want is real love.
Chichi: Shit girl he doesn't love you. You know that.
18: Girl we just love you that's all we hate to see you hurt so bad.
Bulma: What do I do?
As bulma cried. The boys heard everything but said nothing to there friend knowing female company is better. Just then the bell rang.
The boys split up as the girls rush bulma to the restroom to freshen up and get to class. Later 18 met up with Krillen and went to math. Chichi and Bulma went on to study hall. And in the gym there was goku and vegeta just walking in as the last warning bell went off.
Goku: so what do you think about this morning?!
Vegeta: I don't know I just want to ring his scrawny neck. It tears me up to think of the usually proud women so sad that she would shed tears for that BAKA asshole.
Goku: You really love her?
Vegeta: (shocked then Smirked) Of coarse BAKA!
She is the only one I consider my equal.
She's beautiful as usual with bruises on her ego and her killer instincts tell her to stay away from evil men. That's what you get for falling again. You can never get him out of you head.
Vegeta: I will!
Goku: WHAT! What will you do?
Vegeta: Make her forget that asshole.
Coach: Ok girls let play some dodge ball and wouldn't you know it good grief they gave the balls to Vegeta and Goku. Low and behold there he was the tall jerk against the wall.
Gout: oh man how sweet is this!
Vegeta: No let me have him.
Goku: NO she is my fiend too.
Vegeta: BAKA I will hit you if you touch him.
Goku: Touchy Shit You're no fun.
Coach: Hey guys let begin
Vegetal slyly weeded through the other boys. They were almost all down like an animal looking at the weaker prey he creped around till he was right in front of the tall jerk.
Yamaha: Well well if it isn't the short little bitch Vegeta. You couldn't hit me if your pathetic life depended on it.
Vegetal: Bitch we'll see OH bye the way this is for her.
POW Yamcha was hit and hard but he did manage to say one word before he fell to the ground
Yamcha: WHO?!
The boys came running to see the taller boy on the ground in immense pain a big red circle on his face.
Coach: VEGETA!!!!!
Vegeta: He simply asked me to prove him wrong. He said there was no way that I could hit him. So I proved him wrong.
He walked off the coach still yelling at him. He simply looked at the ball in his hand and threw it in the air waiting for it finally it came SMACK it landed right on Yamaha's stomach he heard a loud HOLLY SHIT coughing then some spitting He smirked and walked away.
Goku: Man! You really gave it to that ass.
Vegeta chuckled
Goku: About Bulma?
Vegeta: Yeah I know what should I do?

In study hall....
Chichi: You are one of the best looking girls in school well I am the best but you come damn close. (Smiling) Why don't you see that everyone else does Shit girl even that baka vegeta sees that.
Bulma: Vegeta... that ass what does he know about love?! LOVE that is one thing he has no experience in.
Chichi: That girl is were you are so sadly mistaken.
Bulma: (shocked) Yeah WHO?
Chichi: YOU!!
Bulma: shut up very funny chi you are a freakin' crack up(sarcasm pouring out)
Chichi: Funny but I speak the truth oh pouty one (laughing)
Bulma: How do you know?....GOKU
Knowing that goku was vegeta's best friend.
CHichi: Not in so many words (smirk)
Bulma: WHAT?!
Chichi: I was on the phone with Goku planning some midnight lovin' when the other line of goku's phone beeped he answered it then got back to me long enough to tell me were to met him then he had to go. But sweet naive goku made one mistake he hit the wrong button all of a sudden I heard Vegeta on the other line fixing to hang up (Bulma gave her friend a yeah right look knowing chichi was so nosy)
Bulma: Chi you are a saint!
CHichi: Do you want to know?
Bulma: OK I'll be good.
Chichi: It went......
*~Flash back~*
Vegeta: Kakarott are you off the phone with that baka.
Goku: Shut up dumb ASS.
Vegeta: So anyways do you want to know who the girl is or what.
Goku: Yes tell me already you have been pining over her all day Who is she.
Vegeta: It's Bulma
Goku: Bulma our Bulma!!!
Vegeta: Yes I do love her well ever since I could remember She consumes my every thought but she is in love with the jerk-off.
Goku: Yeah asshole! So tell her YEAH tell her.
Vegeta: Yeah and have her laugh in my face and walk off with that jerk. Besides I am not her type. She is a beauty so full of spirit so smart.
Goku: Vegeta you love sick puppy you.
Vegeta: shut up! It was a mistake to tell you.
Goku: NO I will never tell a soul even if you should.
Vegeta: Shit man shut up and come over and let's play some Vice City. You can help me with some of these damn missions.
Goku: OK..BYE!!
*~End flash back~*
Chichi: And that's exactly how it went.
Bulma: Wow vegeta I would have never guessed! What can I say? It Is WOW...
Chichi: First you said wow twice then you can say you like him too.
Bulma: NO I don't!!
Chichi: Yeah right girl who you tryin' to fool?
Bulma: So what if I do like him a little bit I have Yamcha.
Chichi: Wow look at what a mess that is LEAVE HIM!!!
Bulma: I don't know? I need to get out of here.
She ran again this time chi followed her friend not even caring that she was being yelled at to come back by a teacher.
They ditched they went to a near by dock to sit and ponder. After about half of the school day went by.
Chichi: any revelations?
Bulma: No

JUST THEN.........