Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Musical Dreams ❯ The Birth of the Band ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author's Note: Hi Hi Peoplez!!!! ^_^ I'm Back!!!

I've been kind of busy lately, so I haven't really gotten around to typing this, sorry about the wait. The important thing is that I'm back writing, and that's all that really matters though, right?

...Right? O_o;;

^_^ I'm hoping that I get a good writing flow going for this story. There's still a lot to write, and seeing as how this is not just a T/P story (even though the story may seem a bit more focused around that couple), it is also a G/B and an M/U. As I have already stated before, this story WILL have lemons in it, but I won't be doing one with Marron and Ubuu. I'm sorry if you're disappointed, but they are only minor characters in this story, and I'm not trying to create a big thing over them. They're just there on the side for you to know that they still exist and for you to go "Aww" and stuff...

o_O; Or something like that...

Sorry again if you hate me for this, but maybe in the future I'll do a story about them or something if you'd like.

One more note, please, PLEASE people, Do NOT rush me with the lemons in this story. This is NOT a PWP (Porn Without Plot), this has a story to it, and a damn good story idea if I have to say so myself. I had one reader I remember saying in his/her review "Well hurry up!! We want those lemons!!!". I know they were just probably really anxious and everything, but it did kinda annoy me. Sorry to whoever you are if you are still even reading this, but I really don't like getting rushed. It's a little "Pet Peeve" of mine...But notice how I'm not mentioning names!!! ...Erm...I forgot your name anyway, but that's besides the point!!! O_o; I'm nice like that...I wouldn't do that to you. ^_^

Okay, with that said and done, I will proudly present to you the next chapter of Musical Dreams.

Enjoy!!! ^_~

Disclaimer: I do NOT own anything of Dragonball/Z/GT. All the characters and anything related to the show/manga were created by and are copyright of Akira Toriyama (God bless the man for that, I love you, dude!! O_o), and FUNImation and erm...that...other company that I can't remember right now that I know I'm going to kick myself in the head for forgetting it when it's so easy and I'm so stupid...and...and...*sweatdrops*

Well, as long as you get the idea that I don't get any profit off of this aside from the fans of my writing and reviews I get showing me how much people enjoy it, then that's okay. Sue me, and I'll laugh my ass off - You'll get nothing because I HAVE nothing...


"Okay...so let me get this straight," Bra started, after listening to this whole big story that Pan and Trunks just let her in on, "You guys were originally planning to get together and make a music career..."

"Actually, it was more of a thing where just Trunks would get into the career and I'd help..." interrupted Pan.

Bra glared at Pan, then sighed, starting to talk again. "Okay, whatever, and so then you heard me and Goten start in with our little music talents..."

"Only a little bit of talent?" Trunks scoffed.

"OKAY WHATEVER!!! WE'VE GOT MAD SKILLS! HAPPY NOW?!? MAY I CONTINUE?!?!?" snapped Bra, getting kind of tired of being interrupted, which only caused the other three to snicker a little at the temper that she had apparently inherited from her father. "GEEZ!!!"

"Okay, okay, we're sorry Bra-chan, continue..." giggled Pan some.

"As I was saying," the blue-haired Saiya-Jin continued, "So after all this, you guys now want to create a band, consisting of Goten, myself, Pan on drums, and Trunks as lead singer?"

"Well, something along the lines of that, yeah," smiled Pan. Trunks all the while sat there, still smiling a little at the thought that he actually now had a chance of getting his music career started off. Better yet, if they all agreed to it, he wouldn't have to do it by himself. "So what do you guys say?" asked the dark-haired girl, her eyes gazing from Bra to Goten.

"Sure," nodded Goten, grinning sheepishly with his hand rubbing the back of his head. "I don't see why not. Even if we get nothing out of it, it should be fun, huh, B-chan?" He beamed his innocent smile at Bra.

"Well," started Bra, sounding a little unsure, looking down at her lap and rubbing the side of her arm. Her hair was covering her face, which she purposely did trying to hide the tiny hint of blush that crept upon her cheeks from her little nickname Goten had just called her and because of his sweet smile. "I guess so...I mean, even if we don't make it big or anything, it seems like a good idea." She looked up, smiling. "It sounds like fun, and it's a big change from doing pretty much nothing all day."

"That's great!" beamed Pan, her eyes sparkling with delight as she clasped her hands together. "Oh, I can't wait! Trunks, this is gonna be so cool! Aren't you happy?"

Trunks smiled, nodding, having stayed silent most of the time during this whole thing, sighing a little bit. "Yeah, it is. I don't know what to say to you guys, I mean...I've always wanted to do this, and you guys joining me and helping me means so much." He looked up, his whole face brightened up, looking happier than he ever had before since he started working for Capsule Corp. "You know, especially because nobody really acknowledged it when I was really into the idea a while back ago..."

"Ahem?" Pan cleared her throat a bit, her arms crossed over her chest, tapping her foot on the ground.

Trunks smiled. "Besides you, Pan." He closed his eyes and leaned back against the armchair he was resting in. "I just hope that we really do make it. I mean...we got a long way to go..."

Goten sat up from the couch a little, sitting besides Bra. "Well, Trunks, as long as we get the band set up and started with everything, it shouldn't be too hard. You're already famous enough as it is with your family's business and everything, I don't think you being in a band is going to go unnoticed..."

Trunks frowned a little. "Yeah...you're right. Unfortunately though, I would rather just become known for my music and not being rich and all that..."

"Trunks, there would be no getting around it even if you weren't the president of Capsule Corporation. Our family is too well-known as it is, and you ARE rich, there's no getting around it..." Bra snickered, laying back and crossing her legs, staring down at her freshly done manicure and rubbing her nails across her chest, giving that snobbish kinda look, joking around. "I mean, come on, we ARE the Briefs family..."

Goten and Pan rolled their eyes, though chuckling some, meanwhile Trunks still frowned.

"Yeah...well...I guess..." he mumbled.

"Oh well, that doesn't matter!" Pan chirped. "What matters is that we get this whole band thing started, come up with some good songs that would make hit singles, and then blow the world over with this whole thing. Trunks will have his long-life dream come true, and everybody will have fun with it. It'll be a great experience. And as for the whole famous thing, Trunks, at least now you'll be known to have talents besides running huge corporations and being rich. I would know. Being the granddaughter of the 'World Martial Arts Champion' is kind of a good name title to have too, ya know?" Pan snickered a little. "Hee...I still get a kick over how many times he's gotten away with lying about that..."

Goten grinned. "Yeah...Bro would've gotten all the credit during the Cell games or whatever that was..."

Trunks started laughing then. "I just wish I had it on tape when I gave Mr. Satan a nice, big punch right smack in the jaw when I won the Junior Division that one time..."

"You did WHAT to my grandpa, Trunks?" Pan looked at him oddly.

"I was eight years old, Pan!" Trunks sweatdropped. "It was this thing where..."

"OKAY, ENOUGH OF WALKING DOWN MEMORY LANE!!!" Bra shouted. "Everybody shut up!"

"Geez, what's wrong with you, Bra?" Trunks gazed at his sister oddly. Goten shifted to the far end of the couch away from Bra, a little scared of her, meanwhile Pan scratched her head.

Bra scoffed, her arms crossed over her chest and head leaned high, her eyes closed, frown a little furrowed. She stood up, looking at them all. "Well, it's just that I'm tired of listening to the same old stories that I've already heard of a ton of times, and explaining the obvious of what we're going to do now with this whole band thing. Instead, why not stop blabbing on about non-important things and start on with this band? Come on now!" She grinned, cracking her knuckles and sat at the keyboard. "I'm ready when you guys are!"

Trunks, Goten, and Pan just sat there in their seats, eyes dotted with huge sweatdrops rolling down the sides of their heads. (A/N: Cue the face faulting!!!)


An hour had passed, and so far the four Demi-Saiyans had sat there in the basement, Pan twirling the drumsticks in her hands as she sat on the stool, Goten and Trunks tuning their guitars and Bra giving them their notes off the keyboard. Not too long after that, Trunks had warmed up a little, being "rusty" as he put it, though being able to have fooled the others the way he played the thing after 5 minutes of just practicing and strumming some major chords off the guitar.

Luckily for them, Goten knew how to play the base and guitar. He originally learned the bass at highschool, and then picked up the guitar skills off a friend of his when he went to college. Bra, like Trunks, had just still had the skills of playing the piano in her after all those years, not having played it since she was around 17 years old. They all played some songs that they knew off the top of their heads, some rock, some punk Afterwards, they tried to test their skills by one of them humming a tune, and then the others tried playing it by ear. Pan was pretty good at setting a good beat to any song with the drums, and the rest of them were good at the "Playing it by Ear" game.

It must've been at least five hours later before they finally decided to take a break and order pizza for dinner.

"Aaahhh, I'm hungry..." Goten whined, lying back on the couch, his one leg hanging off the side and his other one slumped over the backrest of the couch, holding his stomach with one arm and shielding the light from his eyes with the other. "I'm gonna die...put me outta my misery!!!"

Trunks sighed. "Goten, you're such a whimp..."
The spikey-haired Saiya-Jin sat up straight and put his arms across his chest, pouting. "Am not!"

"Shut up, guys! I'm trying to order here!" snapped Bra, the phone resting between the side of her head and her shoulder. "Yes, I'm sorry. What? Yes, you heard me correctly. No, I said 20 pies, not 2!!! What? No, no, 2 Hawaiian, 4 of the Meat Lovers Specials, 3 Veggie, 5 Extra Cheese, 3 Mushroom, and 3 Sausage. How much? Damn, I don't think we have the money with us...can't you put it on a tab for us? No? Why not? ...And you call $250 expensive?"

Goten just lay there on the couch, still whining over how starving he was, meanwhile Trunks just snickered at his sister's remarks on the phone. She just still didn't understand the concept of what a lot of money was from her point of view...and a regular, everyday, normal-salary worker's was.

Meanwhile, Pan came downstairs with bottles of drinks for all of them, tossing one to Trunks and Bra, which they easily caught, and one to Goten, although he didn't see it coming. This, in turn, resulted in the bottle hitting his head, causing him to fall off the couch and roll off into the wall, sobbing about how he was going to die of hunger AND of Uncle-Abuse...


"Eee...Pizza...mmf...disf isf WEALLY goofd..." Goten mumbled through bites as he ate gleefully, amazingly having recovered that horrible soda bottle attack.

"Goten, stop talking with your mouth full, it's disgusting..." Pan stated, rolling her eyes at her Uncle's horrible table manners, starting on her 13th slice of pizza. Bra giggled and Trunks smirked slightly.

"That man on the phone sort of had an attitude problem with me and that whole payment thing..." Bra frowned, but then smiled after a moment of thinking. "But he was so nice after I told him about just charging it to Capsule Corporation! I mean, at first he didn't believe me and everything when I said that we owned it, but then when I actually gave him mom's cell phone number and he called with the other line and found out..." Bra continued on about the whole pizza delivery bit, smiling as Trunks and Pan exchanged glances, sighing and shaking their heads. Bra was so spoiled...but hey, that's what made Bra 'Bra'.

After a while more of happy conversation, Goten devouring more than what his share of pizza was, Bra beamed and looked at them all, taking a sip of her drink and finishing it off, letting out a little sigh.
"So", she smiled, clasping her hands in her lap and looking at the others, "What exactly are we going to call ourselves?"

"Nani?" Trunks, Pan, and Goten said at the same time.

"Well, DUH guys, I mean, we can't have a band without a NAME, can we?" Bra rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe how seemingly oblivious her friends were to these things...although a response like that out of Goten wasn't really surprising. She smiled. "Hee...He's so cute when he's all clueless like that..." Bra thought to herself.

"Erm...I guess we really haven't given it much thought, have we?" Pan asked, smiling nervously at the others.

"Yeah...guess not," responded Trunks.

"Um...well..." Goten started, swallowing the last piece of his pizza as he started on the next, having grabbed the last slice of Meat Lovers pie, "How about something we all relate to?"

"Wow Goten, you're actually getting good ideas," Trunks leaned over and patted his best friend on the head. "You're just so smart!"

Goten smiled all happily. "I know!!! I..." He stopped for a second, and frowned. "Hey...are you mocking me again?"

"Well as long as it's not made into some stupid group where we all have nicknames for eachother..." Bra started, a distasteful look on her face. "Look at what happened to the Spice Girls..."

"Ugh..." They all shuddered. (A/N: Sorry if any of you people are...uh...ya know, fans of them or something O_o; *doesn't think anybody really is though...*)

"Well, they weren't a band..." Trunks stated. "Hmm...I don't have any ideas..."

They all sat there in complete silence. After a while, Goten started whimpering about his brain starting to hurt, while Trunks commented on how amazing it was that he actually had one, and then stated something about how the pain was "probably Goten burning up more brain cells...the little he actually has, that is", while Bra smacked her brother upside the head with her fist. Goten started whining about how mean Trunks was, meanwhile Trunks and Bra got into a little sibling fight, until suddenly all the noise was stopped by a fuming Pan standing there with her fist clenched tightly, having apparently put her fingers to her mouth and making a loud whistle sound to break up the bickering.

"I'VE GOT AN IDEA!" She stated happily, smiling at all of them after she had gotten their full attention. "Why not having the name have something to do with our race?"

Trunks and Bra brightened up a bit at the sound of that idea.
"That's a great idea, Pan!" smiled Bra.
"Good thinking!" commented Trunks.

Goten just sat there, scratching his head. "The Earth People?"

"..." was the only response Goten got outta that one.

"...What?!?" he asked, pouting a bit at the odd stares he was getting.

"The Saiyans?" Trunks stated, starting to just name ideas off the top of his head, ignoring Goten for the time being.

"Blah, that like...has no flow or originality to it at all, Trunks..." Bra stated disapprovingly. "How about 'The Saiya-Jin Warriors'?"

"That's too complicated and weird in it's own way. I mean, yeah, maybe something for like...a football team or whatever," Pan shook her head, sitting back down and leaning her head against her hand.

"Well people aren't even going to know what the hell a Saiyan is anyway..." mumbled Trunks, shaking his head.

"So who cares? I've heard of weirder names...and at least we know nobody else will have a name like ours if we use our race in the name," Pan responded, looking at Trunks. "As long as it means something to us is all that matters."

"True," Bra nodded. "Hmm...well, we have a basic idea, but this is still kind of hard..."

Trunks nodded. "Yeah."

"Okay, well, let's try steering away from the word 'the', okay guys? I mean...it's just...gah, you know..." Pan mumbled.

"Kind of dumb?" the lavander-haired prince responded.

Bra nodded more. "Yep."

"Okay then, just keep thinking," Pan stated, massaging her temples a little.

After a few minutes of silence, Bra looked up at Goten. He was just sitting there on the couch, his eyebrows narrowed, looking kind of...upset or angry. She leaned over from her seat next to him on the couch and patted him.

"What's wrong with you, Goten?" She asked, a little concerned.

"Yeah, you've been quiet for a while, why, you have no good ideas coming to your head?" Pan cocked her head to the side, a questioning look on her face.

Goten grumbled a bit. "No...I'm just afraid that if I say something, Trunks might have a nice little remark to go along with it," he glared over at the SaiyaJin prince.

Trunks blinked. "Hey, I'm sorry Goten...You know I just joke around with you...don't take my jokes so seriously!" Trunks smiled nervously, putting his hand to the back of his head. "Really!"

Goten grunted a little, arms still crossed, looking down into his lap. "Well, you've just said how many things in this day only...geez, if anybody can hurt someone's pride alone by just saying crude remarks, it's you Trunks," Goten sighed. He then looked up, a happy look suddenly wiping out the anger that was there a moment ago. "But...I forgive you!" He suddenly tackled Trunks.

"GAH! Get off of me!!! YOU BAKA!!!" Trunks growled, play punching his friend as he tried pushing him off.
"Ah, Trunks, but I know now that you don't really MEAN it when you call me a baka now!!! You're such a good friend Trunks!" Goten grinned, the two of them still somewhat sparring in a very non-violent, non-damage way, when all the sudden there was a loud, sharp gasp heard from end of the room where Pan was sitting.

"Huh?" Trunks, Goten, and Bra responded to it, looking over at Pan, seeing her standing there with her eyes wide open and a big smile across her face.

"Goten, what did you just say before about what Trunks could hurt? What did you say?" Pan went over to Goten on her knees, eye level with him and shaking his collar. "What did you say? Huh? What did you say?"

"GAH! Pan-chan!" Goten tried getting Pan off of his shirt. "Why? What did I say?"
"Just say it!!! What did you say that Trunks was good at hurting by just saying crude remarks?"

Suddenly, after a moment or two after Pan's last question, a sly grin started appearing across all of their faces.

"I said...Pride." Goten had one eyebrow narrowed down, the other raised, the grin still on his face. "Pride..."

Trunks and Bra looked up at eachother, two pairs of matching blue eyes staring at the others, the same, knowing looks on their faces. "Pride..." they both said.

Pan smirked, standing up to her feet as she put her hands on her hips. "SaiyaJin's Pride..."

"SaiyaJin's Pride!" The other three said, jumping to their feet as they all started chatting away merrily and laughing."

"What a great name!"
"It's so simple! Why didn't we think of it before?"
"Vegeta-san could've helped us with THAT one!"

And so...the band was made.


So how you guys like it? I haven't cranked out another chapter in a while, so I thought I'd give you guys a nice long one. No, I am NOT bashing Goten (I know, I do make a lot of jokes with him in this story), he's just so clueless and ditzy, it's so cute. It's comedy, right there!!! I can't help it if I just make it more noticable in my story! You know you love it...

Now be good readers, and Review!!!

Thankies so much! ^_^

Ja Matta Ne!
