Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Musical Dreams ❯ More Musical Talent?!?!? ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author's Note: Hi everybody!! ^_^

Just noting to you guys, I did a little editing in the story here and there. No big changes or anything, just corrected some grammar and added a few more lines, but it didn't change the storyline or anything.

I would also like to dedicate this whole story to one of my most favorite bands of all time, Jimmy Eat World. It was their songs that inspired me to write this, and without them, this would have never been written. Yes, that's right, and that means that you guys would never have gotten the chance to read it, and you would have all carried on with your lives feeling as though something was missing, making you depressed from now until the day you all die, never knowing what made you feel empty inside, and never ever getting to know the meaning of true happiness.

...Such a nice thought, eh? ^_^

And now, for your enjoyment, here's chapter 5 of Musical Dreams!!!

Enjoy!!! ^.^V

Disclaimer: I don't own Dragonball/Z/GT and/or any of the songs that are shown through-out this whole story, blah blah blah, kiss my ass, yatta yatta, etc. etc. Don't even try suing me, you'll get nothing out of it...erm...unless you want to take my pretty paperclip here...
Yeah, I know you REALLY want this paperclip...it's all nice and silver-like and shiney...and you know what? It clips onto your paper!!! I bet you had NO idea it did that!!!

^_^ I'll shut up now...you go on and read the story... ^_^


Trunks and Goten touched down onto the property of Son Pan's house. It was a really nice little house, just outside the edge of town by about a mile. It was a two-story house, painted a light blue with dark blue shutters and a white door. The two best friends walked up to the front door as Goten knocked on its golden knocker with the words "SON" ingraved in it. Goten kept knocking it, seeming to be enjoying himself, but nobody answered. Trunks figured as much; loud music was being played from inside Pan's house. After another two minutes of the continuous pounding from his easily amused friend, Trunks then reached his hand out to Goten's and prevented him from knocking again, his eyes closed and his teeth clenched, eyebrow twitching a bit.

"Stop it; You're either going to injure yourself or drive me nuts and cause me to injure you," he said as he then let go of Goten and pointed to the glowing button that was attached to the side of the door.
"Ooh, look Goten!! Do you know what this is? It's called a DOORBELL!!! They were invented by intellegent people a long, long time ago, because CERTAIN people couldn't stand the constant BANGING of the DOOR KNOCKER that nobody really seemed to hear!!! And besides that; They didn't have enough advil to deal with this crap..." Trunks growled, suddenly standing back and taking a deep breath, rubbing his temples a bit and resting his head into his hands. "Oi...Goten..."
All the while, Goten was just standing there and grinning sheepishly, his hand held to the back of his head.

After a minute or so as Goten rang the doorbell (ringing it several times of course because only one time was just not enough!), they both heard the music stop playing as the door opened, revealing a smiling Pan-chan.

"Hi guys! Nice of you to join us!" she smiled as she invited them in, showing them to a room towards the back of the house.
Trunks and Goten both looked at eachother, then looking back to Pan confused.


Just then a girl popped out from nowhere, smiling at them and gazing at them with her big blue eyes.

"GAH!!!" Trunks and Goten shouted as they fell over.

Pan and Bra stood over the two giggling.

"Well, nice to see you too Goten, Bro..." the blue-haired Saiyajin princess said, looking down at the two of them on the floor and smirking with her arms over her chest, the Vegeta side of her showing.
"What are you doing here?" asked Trunks, looking at his younger sister confused.
"Ya know Trunks, Pan IS my friend too, what, I'm not allowed over her house?" Bra answered, frowning at Trunks.
"No, I was just curious, and you shouldn't be popping out from nowhere like you just did, were you trying to give us both heartattacks?"
"Goten, no, you, yes..."

Pan coughed to break up the two siblings from what appeared to be the start of their usual arguing.

"Hi Bra!" piped Goten cheerfully.
Bra smiled at Goten. "Hiya cutie!"

Trunks and Pan smirked; They both knew that Bra had had a huge crush on Goten ever since she was little. Goten though seemed totally clueless to this fact, even though it's been noticeable to anybody who had a brain...

...so yes, this did leave out both Goku and Goten.

While Bra was flirting with Goten, Trunks followed Pan into the kitchen as she went to get drinks for everyone.

"Erm...so Pan, why did you invite me here today anyway?"
Pan looked up sweetly as she pulled out a several cans of Cherry Pepsi (A/N: PEPSI DAMMIT, PEPSI!!! It would be the PERFECT drink out of Coca-Cola, but they HAD to let Britney Spears advertise it, didn't they? DIDN'T THEY!?!?!? AAARRG!!! *yanks at her hair, growling, then looks up, seeing the commercial with her advertising the drink from the 50's era all the way to today* ... O_O AAAHHHH!!!! *screams and covers ears* MAKE IT STOP!!! *starts crying* MAKE IT STOOOOPP!!!) from the fridge. "Oh, nothing really, what, can't I invite you over for no reason?"

Trunks smiled, taking a can of pepsi from her hand and breaking the seal with the can pin, taking a long gulp from it before pulling it away, letting out one of those content "After-Drinking-Soda" sighs. "No, I was just curious, that's all. I mean, you don't normally invite me over all that often."

Pan closed the fridge door, setting the other cans of cola onto the kitchen counter, closing her eyes and sighing. "Okay Trunks, let me ask you this then..." she started.
"Nani?" Trunks looked at her, blinking a bit, suddenly confused.
"Trunks, what did we talk about yesterday?"
"Oh..." Trunks closed his eyes and let out a soft sigh, "that..."
"Yes, 'that' Trunks." Pan looked up at the lavander-haired Saiyan straight into his deep, sapphire blue eyes.
"Wow...his eyes are so deep...and blue..." Pan thought to herself. "Kirei..."
Trunks stared down at Pan as she stared at him, suddenly seeing her cheeks begin to flush.

"Erm...Pan? Pan-chan? Helloooo???" Trunks waved his hand in front of the 1/4 Saiyan.
"Wh...What? What?" Pan snapped out of her trance, taking a step back from Trunks, and looking down. "Oh...it's nothing."
"Well...what were you trying to tell me?" Trunks asked.
"Oh...that. Well, Trunks, we already went through with this." Pan looked back up into his face, trying not to get lost in his gorgeous blue eyes again. "You know me and how I am. I don't like to have an important dream or goal and not achieve it - It's like showing a sign of weakness. You just give up, and you can't do that." She sighed again. "You always wanted to be a singer ever since I can remember, and you still have the talent, your voice is so...beautiful."

Trunks felt his cheeks burning a bright crimson red.

"...and, well, I really don't think your talent should be wasted on sitting behind a desk all day, at a job you don't even like. I mean come on, be honest, do you find ANY enjoyment in that job?"
Pan smiled. "Exactly. So come on, why not give it a shot? We can start rehearsing together and in no time you'll be back on your feet, and with your popularity as being the President of Capsule Corporation, you'll be famous as a singer in no time."

Trunks thought for a moment or so, staring at the floor. Yeah, why had he just given up and quit? So who cares if nobody had the time for him when he was singing? He shouldn't let that just stop him from achieving the most important dream in his life!!

"Fine then, I'll give it a shot," said Trunks with a smile on his face.
Pan's whole face brightened up. "That's great!!! Oh Kami, you don't know how happy this makes me!!!" She giggled sheepishly. "Actually, I think this whole thing will be a lot of fun!"
"Yeah, I guess it could be," Trunks thought for a moment or so, his brow furrowing in thought. "But erm, no offense or anything, but how are you going to help me with this? I mean...I never heard you sing or anything before and...and...well..." Trunks scratched his head nervously.

Pan only smirked in response. "Come now Trunks, you don't think I can sing?"
"I...I never said that..."
"Do you know the band "New Found Glory"?"
Trunks blinked. "Yeah, I have."
"Ever heard of their song "Sonny"?"
"Yeah...it's one of my favorite songs by them, where are you getting at Pan?"

The quarter Saiyan smiled, taking a breath and began to sing...

"I'm sorry
I heard about the bad news today
A crowd of people around you...
Telling you it's okay and Everything happens for a reason
When you lose a part of yourself to somebody you know
It takes a lot to let go
Every breath that you remember
Pictures fade away, but memory is forever..."

Trunks just stood there, continuing to listen to Pan sing, his eyes widened. She sang beautifully!!

"An empty chair at all the tables
And I'll be seeing you when all my days boil down
But it's better where you're going anyway..."

Mouth opened in awe, Trunks suddenly snapped out of the little trance and started clapping.
"Wow Pan!! I had no idea!!"
"Good then. Oh yeah, and I can also play the drums."
"You...You know how to play the...?"
"Yes, learned how to play em' in collage, long story, don't ask. So, any more questions to ask me, Mr. Briefs?"

Trunks shook his head, chuckling a little. "Nope."
Pan beamed. "Great then! Well, let's get started..." she started as she headed into the hallway.

The lavander-haired man stopped her.
"Only one thing...how are we going to do this with Bra and Goten here?"

The dark-haired woman blinked. Wow, she hadn't thought of that.
"Well, I pretty much invited them here so this whole get together purpose wasn't so obvious, and I was afraid if you knew what I had in mind you wouldn't bother coming. Well...I mean I guess..."

Suddenly music started from one of the other rooms in Pan's house.

"Eh?" Pan peeked her head out in the hallway, following the flow of the music to the stairs leading down into the basement. Trunks was following her close behind. "What the...hey, that's where I keep the instruments!!!"

Trunks blinked. "You have instruments?"
"Yeah...duh, how else did you think I was going to whip your musically-inclined ass into shape?!"


Trunks and Pan slowly made their way down the stairs and into the small hallway of the basement, peeking into the room, pushing away the silky blue curtain that covered it, though making sure that they stayed hidden.

Inside, they saw Bra and Goten fiddling around with the instruments.

"Hey, this is so cool, I didn't know Pan had kept all these instruments in her basement!!!" Bra giggled happily as she ran her fingers across the electric keyboard, adjusting the volume to it a bit.
Goten looked up from one of the guitars he was glancing at, picking up one of the electric guitars and moving its strap around his shoulder. "Hell, I didn't know Pan had a basement!!!"

Goten earned a chuckle out of Bra for that one, and muffled ones from Pan and Trunks, though they stayed unnoticed still by the other two Demi-Saiyans.

"Yeah, I knew she had one, but I thought it was just for storage or something. I've never been down here before. It's really nice down here!" Bra gazed around the room in awe as she studied it.

The basement was pretty large - the whole room was painted a bright sky blue, the part of the wall connecting with the ceiling lined up with a darker blue tracing along the whole room. Against one of the walls was a huge blue couch, big enough to fit 5 people, and on the other corners of the room were two cozy blue armchairs. The carpet itself was a deep blue, matching the tracing color of the wall. The other side of the room had all the instruments - A set of drums, an electric guitar, a bass, and an electric keyboard. Along with these things were a few microphones, standing besides the chairs and some of the instruments. Beyond this room was another little doorway covered with yet another blue silk curtain, leading to a small kitchen, the fridge stuffed with food. Another little room was at the opposite end of the basement off to the side, where Pan had kept her washing and drying machines, but it was nothing really big. Besides that, all in all, the basement was the ideal hangout.

"Hey Bra, do you know how to play any of these things?" asked Goten as he sat back in one of the armchairs with the guitar still in his hands. He looked to his side to see a microphone there, blinking at it as it stayed held up towards him in its stand, leaning down to turn on the power. After this, he took the guitar's wire and plugged it into the amplifier. After adjusting the sound and volume on it, he strummed his fingers across the strings, checking to see if it was in tune. It was.

"Yeah, I guess I could say I know how to play a few songs..." Bra walked over to the keyboard and sat in it's black leather bench. She moved the microphone over to the side slightly so it wasn't towards her face. She turned the mic's power on, but didn't speak into it. "I used to take piano lessons when I was little, but I got bored with it after a while, so I stopped."
The blue-haired beauty gently placed her fingers on the keys, playing a few different chords, smiling gleefully at Goten. "Any requests?"

Goten grinned up at her from his seat in the armchair. "You know how to play modern songs?"
"Pssh..." Bra snickered a little. "Oh yeah right, like I really just only practiced playing Beethoven and Mozart. Come on now, do I seem like one of those boring type of girls to you? Now then, what'll it be?"

Goten thought for a moment or two.
"Hmm...well...erm...how about something from TRUSTcompany?"
"Ooh, you mean those new guys?"
The spikey-haired Saiyan smiled. "Yeah, I just got their CD. I love em'."
Bra smiled. "I didn't know you liked that kind of music! Yeah, I've had their CD since the day it came out. Hmm...now lets see, what songs do they have with keyboard in them?" She thought for a moment or so...

"Oh, I know!!!"
Pressing a few more buttons and gadgets on the keyboard, Bra sighed, straightening out her posture and setting her fingers on the keyboard, she started to play "Hover". The soft melody played out in that same mysterious sound that was used in the original song - like raindrops falling down from the sky.

Suddenly, to all of Trunks, Pan, and Bra's surprises, Goten suddenly started playing the guitar part to the song after Bra finished the piano solo. As an even bigger shock, he began to sing into the mic, his voice flowing out over the instrumental melody, blending in perfectly.

"To see you leave again...
It's over
And it kills me to watch you descend
To the end...
Can't think straight!
Shutting me out
Closing me out
Are you trying, hurting?
Taking me out
Leaving me out
Keeps me struggling...
I'm leaving..."

At this point, Trunks and Pan were already trying to keep themselves off the floor from the immense shock that both Goten and Bra were giving them. Bra could play the keyboard? Goten can play guitar AND sing? Dear Kami!! What was going on here?

Goten and Bra continued playing their little keyboard/guitar duet, Bra started singing along with Goten at the chorus part, apparently having moved the microphone to her mouth:

"You take me down
Further inside of me
Now I'm fading out
I can barely see
As I hover..."

They couldn't take it anymore.

With that last line sung, Trunks and Pan finally burst into the room, wooing, whistling, and applauding both Goten and Bra, both jumping out of their seats from their sudden enterances.

"Oh my Kami!!! Bra, I knew you took lessons when you were younger, but I never knew you could..."
"Uncle Goten!!! Where on Earth did you learn how to play guitar?! How did...WAS THAT YOU SINGING?!?!?!"

Bra and Goten just looked blankly at Trunks and Pan as they continued asking their questions with shock and happiness on their faces, until finally they both reached their hand out to the others' mouths, Bra's hand on Trunks's, Goten's on Pan's.

"One at a time, PLEEZE!!!" Bra stated, an amused look on her face as she gently let go of her brother's mouth.
"Yes, please," agreed Goten, doing the same with Pan.
"For your question, my dear little niece..." Goten snickered at the reaction he got from Pan as he said "little"; her fist swung at his head, but he dodged it easily. "I played a little guitar back in highschool in my chorus class when my teacher needed someone to play it, and yes, I was in chorus when I was in highschool, I just never really cared to share my class schedule with everyone. I mean, who really cares about that?"

Bra smiled pleasently as it was her turn to explain herself. "As for me, Trunks, you're talking to your sister here. You know, the daughter of Bulma Briefs, our genius mother who can work any type of gadget she comes across? It didn't take me very long to master the whole piano thing, so yeah, I can play. Your point?"

Trunks and Pan just stood there staring at the two of them, totally speechless.
That's when Pan looked up at Trunks, an evil grin spread across her face.

"You know what this means, don't you, Trunks?"
Trunks just smirked. "Mmhmm..."

Bra and Goten just sat there looking at the two snickering Saiya-Jins with fear on their faces.
...What have they gotten themselves into?


Yes, and please, if you love it too, please DO tell and review!!

Maybe if I get encouraged enough, I'll break out another chapter more quickly!!!

REVIEW!!! REVIEW!!! REVIEEEWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


O_o;;; Erm...yeah...just review, mm'kay? ^_^;; *wanders off to go and lie down...*

Ja Matta Ne!!!
