Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Musical Love ❯ Inside Out ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Inside Out

The hot Sun planet did it’s best to drive last night movie goers out of bed, each one refusing to wake to such harsh treatment. It’s bright beams shot down on sleepy heads, resembling Super Man’s eye ray. Even the clouds didn’t stand a chance at being in the way.
Matti shifted under her blankets, holding her teddy bear tighter. She curled up in a ball, bending her pillow against the head board, body sitting up against it. Just as she was becoming comfortable, her cell phone rang, tiny speaker singing the Dan-Dan ring tone through her bedroom, phone vibrating excitedly upon her bed table. Keeping her eyes closed, she frowned and patted the table for her phone. Finally finding it, she pressed a button and answered. “Hello?”

The biggest lie you ever told-your deepest fear ‘bout growin’ old
The longest night you ever spent-the angriest letter you ever sent
The boy you swore you’d never leave-the one you kissed on new year’s eve
The sweetest dream you had last night-your darkest hour, your hardest fight

“Konichiwa, Matti-chan.”
Desperately trying to rub the sleep from her eyes, Matti rested up on her elbow. “Mirai? What do you want? It’s….what, six in the morning?”
“8:32,” he corrected, “I was just…um…calling, that’s all.”
“Just to call?” Her tone showed clearly she was not appreciative of his care. “Mirai-san, so you know, I am no morning person.” She flipped on her back, head hanging over the edge of her bed. She took her teddy polar bear, resting him on her stomach so she could see his chipped blue eyes. “What’s up?”
Sounding even more nervous now, he answered, “Oh! Well…um, I asked Bulla to give me your number so I could call you.”
Matti rotated her wrist. “And?”
“Well……” A long pause sounded at the other end of her phone. “I heard my mom say that it was your birthday. We could go to the mall and I can get you a present. I would be owing you back and we could also….you know…get to know each other.”
She rubbed a hand over his groggy face. “Sure, why the hell not. But, let’s not go to the mall. Bulma-san told me about a music store…..the place is really expensive, though.”
“Anything. It’s okay.”
Blushing slightly, Matti said, “Alright. Thanks. I’ll be there by….noon, ok?”
“Sure. Bye.” Unbeknownst to her, Mirai did the biggest ’YES’ dance he ever did.
Arm limp, the cell phone fell, bouncing off the hardwood floor. Sighing deeply, Matti stepped out of her room and took a quick shower. When finished, she dressed, then took a towel to dry her face. Opening the door, her face was still covered. Walking strait, she fell right down the short set of stairs that lead to the bedrooms.
Yamcha was halfway to having the rim of his coffee cup to his lips, when he turned to watch her fall. Puar sat on the table, eating a cookie.
Throwing the blue towel away, Matti laid on the floor for a couple of moments before getting up. She took the sweat shirt she left on a kitchen chair last night and begun to pull it on.
Holding in every laugh he had, her brother asked if she was ok. Confirming a yes, he wondered what her plans were.
She tied her hair back in a low messy pony tail. “..Iom mufing wot wif mirar.”
Yamcha leaned closer to her. “Wanna run that by me again?”
Frustrated with his hard of language and her lack of speech, Matti slammed her foot down. “Iom Muffing Wot Wif Mirar!!”
Yamcha sat back in his seat, nodding. “Well….at least we’re clear on that…”

I wanna know you-like I know myself
I’m waitn’ for you-there ain’t no one else
Talk to me baby-scream and shout
I wanna know you-inside out
I wanna dig down deep-I wanna lose some sleep
I wanna scream and shout-I wanna know you inside out
I wanna take my time-I wanna know your mind
Ya know there ain’t no doubt-I wanna know you side out

Mirai was shocked, not sure what to do when Matti arrived early. The girl claimed to have a talk with Bulma and pick up some wiring equipment for her guitar gear. He could not stop blushing when Bulma forced Matti to sit directly next to him during breakfast.
“So, you actually called her?” Bulla asked in a teasing way, “Where are you guys going? You are going to get her a nice gift, right?”
Mirai shot a glare, teeth showing in a saiyan warning. “None of your--business.”
Vegeta chuckled at the nearly not caught insult his son was about to make.
“Anyway,” Bulma began, also catching the pause in Mirai’s sentence, “You can come back for lunch, Matt. We have to adjust the wiring in your amp, right?”
Matti nodded, stealing Mirai’s untouched toast from his plate. Bulla smirked like her father, aiming it at her brother, something his friend didn’t catch. “Yeah. I should just get a new one. The maintenance is so bothersome.”
“Hey! You should have Mirai bring you to that music place!” Bulma mentioned.
Matti thought for a moment. “I planed we would. It doesn’t matter to me;
Mirai-kun’s idea.”
“OOoo! We’re on -kun now?”
Mirai shot daggers at her with his eyes. “Bulla, it’s not like you and Goten aren‘t-”
SO MATTI!” Bulla interrupted shouting, “Think you can play something for Mirai soon? He really needs some updating in fashion and music!”
Her friend blinked, not sure how to react. “Um…..yeah, fine, sure.”
Getting up, the long haired warrior took their plates and put them in the sink. “I think we should head out now.”
Shrugging, Matti said her good-byes and followed.
Vegeta looked at his daughter. “What are you and Kakarrot’s brat doing?”

The saddest song you ever heard-the most you said with just one word
The loneliest prayer you ever prayed-the truest vow you ever made
What makes you laugh, what makes you cry
What makes you mad, what gets you by
Your highest high, your lowest low-these are the things I wanna know

“So, you shop here, huh?”
Matti nodded, looking over some large speakers that hung on a wall. “Yup. Cheapest and most greatest place.” Her gloved hand lifted the price tag that was attached to the box. “Damn!”
Mirai, who was observing a 6-string, glanced at her. “What is it?”
Not realizing she said that out loud, she quickly told him nothing. “Hey, do you have the shipment of Fenders in?”
The clerk who she called to nodded. “Yeah, on the floor over there.” He pointed off the opposite corner to her.
Heading over, Matti checked on the price. ‘Damn…still kind of pricey….’
Mirai stood over her. “Is that what you want?” he asked.
She shook her head, voice low so she didn’t sound disrespectful. “Are you kidding?! This stuff is way too expensive!”
He shrugged. “So? I told you, how much it is doesn’t matter. My mother is one of the richest women in the world.” He grinned in humor. “Do you really think I don’t get some of that dough?”
Blushing, Matti looked back at the suddenly interesting box. “…So what?”
Kneeling down, Mirai muttered, “Just because you can’t afford it, doesn’t mean that while I can, I won’t get it for you.” He then stood. “Hey, can we get two of these?” He even carried the boxes for her on their way out.
Matti gripped the small AMP selector, another item he bought for her. “I told you not to get those for me!” she scolded, “All you had to do was just buy me flowers or something!”
“Fine, I’ll do that later.” He hefted a box on his shoulder. “At least say thank you. A little appreciation can go a long way.”
Closing her eyes in flushed embarrassment, she thanked him. Barely catching the words in his saiyan ears, Mirai smirked. He put the packages down, then pulled out an empty capsule to put everything in. He handed it to her. “Where do you want to go next?”
After the music store, the two hit Barns N’ Noble and Jade Garden. Mirai found two books she liked, including the four dumplings she devoured with the previous five before that. They both agreed the day was one of the best either has had in a long time. Being the polite man he is, Mirai walked Matti up to her home when they were finished for the night.
“Thanks a lot, Future-kun. Guess I owe you one this time.” She leaned up and hugged him, resting the side of her head on his wide chest. Her hands slipped up on his shoulder blades to have a close embrace.
Not ever experiencing this before, he was not sure what to do. Mirai only wrapped his arms around her. “Nn-No problem……M-ch-chan..” He pressed his cheek into her hair to hide his vivid cheeks. He heard her breathing hitch, and suddenly realized he may have been holding her too tightly.
Matti unconsciously took a step forward when his grip loosened around her shoulders. For some reason, she did not want to let go. Something about holding him made her feel 100% safe and comfortable. The only other person she could feel the same way, was with her brother. This sensation was not the same, however, heart fulfilling.
Mirai noticed the lock she had on him and did not move away like he planed to. It was like she needed to hang on. He didn’t mind, actually liking the fact that a girl wanted to be this close to him.
“Ready Puar?”
“I don’t know, Master….”
“Come on! I’m not going to do anything overwhelming for them…”
“Lord Yamcha, you want to frighten them!”
“Oh shut up. The worsted that can happen is Matti kicking the shit out of me, and you know how short her attention span is.”
“I also know how short her fuse is too!! I’m out of this one.”
Matti pulled back, holding his shoulders and standing on tip toe to sweetly kiss his cheek. Feeling daring, she softly pecked the bridge of his nose. “Call me when you’re free…..’kay?”
He nodded, not being able to speak for a long amount of moments. He wrapped an arm around her lower back when she rested against him again. His crystal eyes closed, nose buried in her hair, savoring the moment.
Yamcha’s body was shaking with incased laughter. His hand slowly twisted the door handle.
Mirai almost died when he finally realized Yamcha was in the door way, standing in ‘big brother’ mode. He was not able to talk before and now he was sure his vocal cords would be severed, either by himself so he would not whimper, or by the warrior before him.
Matti’s face dropped. She could not believe her brother’s playful actions at this moment. He would be ready for bed by now, or at least dozing off in front of the t.v in the living room. Her raven eyes met his in a glare.
Seeing his sister was all set to throw him back in the house, Yamcha folded his arms, face creased in a deep frown. He swiftly threw his arms between them, pushing the couple a foot back each. He felt Mirai’s body tremble from the shove. He leered viscously at him.
He gazed at her. Her fists were clenched, teeth together tightly. A lump of saliva slid down his throat.
“….GO BACK INSIDE!!!!” Matti screamed, grasping his shirt collar and shoving him for far back, he fell. Taking the door handle, she slammed the door shut.
Mirai blinked several times before taking everything in. “M-chan…..”
“Stupid…fucking….” ;
“I’m really sorry. I should just go home.”
Matti turned to him. “What?! No you don’t!!” Her gloved hands snatched his jacket collar to stop him. “My brother was just being a jerk!! He really isn’t that over protective. I mean…..he’s Yamcha!”
He rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah….it’s just that is it getting pretty late….I should head home. I’ll call you again some time. Tell Yamcha that…I am sorry…I guess…..”
Head hung, Matti agreed. She went over and gave him a bear hug. “Good night, Future-kun.” She whispered.
Smiling, Mirai hugged her tightly back. “Night.” He kissed the side of her head, then reluctantly let her go. Checking for any people, he gathered his ki and flew off home.
Head tilted back, midnight eyes waited for his star to fade before leaving the view of the dark sky. She turned the handle, then found it was locked. “Y-san?” She tried again. “Y-san, open the door! Puar-chan?! COME ON!!!!”

I wanna know you-like I know myself
I’m waitin’ for you-there ain’t no one else
Talk to me baby-scream and shout
I want to know you-inside out
I wanna dig down deep-I wanna lose some sleep
I wanna scream and shout-I wanna know you inside out
I wanna take my time-I wanna know your mind
Ya there ain’t no doubt-I wanna know you inside out

“This is why I can’t go out anymore!! Because I am related to you!!”
“Come on, it was only a little joke….”
Matti turned on her heel to face her brother. “He won’t come over now.” Her eyes leered venom as she watched the Adam’s apple in his throat bob.
“*gulp* Maybe he just….doesn’t like you….?” He grabbed Puar and shielded her with his face. After a minute or two, he peeked behind the blue fur. Seeing her body tremble, he looked up at her face.
“The One Person I Like And You Have To Be An Asshole!!! WHY CAN’T……..oh, forget it!!!” She waved a hand at him, then took off to her room, slamming the door behind her.
“……Guess you went on with your plan last night, huh?”
“…….shut up Puar.” He sat her down in his lap. “How can I make it up to her now?”
She shrugged her shoulders, pulling a few whiskers. “I don’t know. Maybe you should just give her some time to cool off. When she comes out, you can say sorry.”
A bright glint came to Yamcha’s eye. “Or better yet!!” He grinned at her. “I can have Mirai apologize for me!” She cocked her head to the side. “If she could tolerate hanging around him for a whole day, there is a good chance they’re attached. All I have to do is ask him. I won’t get hurt, and neither will he!”
“…but he did nothing wrong,” Puar pointed out, “He’s scared of you right now anyway.”
Heaving a deep sigh, he agreed. Slumping down in the couch, he lazily folded his arms. “I’ll just do it myself.”

I wanna know your soul-I wanna lose control
C’mon n’ let it out-I wanna know you inside out
Ya gata dig down deep-I wanna lose some sleep
I wanna scream and shout-I wanna know you inside out

Mirai Trunks laid on his back, arm behind his head. He gazed at the spinning rose in his other hand, the flower being bought like he promised the previous night. His thoughts were on how intruding he must have been to Yamcha. All he and Matti did was hug, intimately maybe, but that gesture could have insulted the man. It obviously did, since he kicked Mirai out.
Sprawling, he sighed deeply. Figuring Yamcha was still miffed, he knew not to call for a few days.
Matti, on the other hand, waited a few hours for Mirai to call. Unfortunately, he didn’t. She knew why, just a little surprised he did not realize her brother was fooling around. Gritting her teeth, she opened her bedroom door to find him outside fixing his Harley. “He still hasn’t called!!”
Yamcha turned a wrench, glad he was half under the bike holding a blunt object. “Well, he must have better things to do then hang around with you. Vegeta probably has him on a training schedule. He did take a day off.”
Matti folded her arms, pouting. “Still……he could have left a message or something….”
He scooted away from the bike, sitting up. “M-chan, just because you went out, doesn’t mean he’ll ask you out again the very next day.”
“I know that it’s just……” She blushed slightly. “You do accept him right?” He looked up at her curiously. “You don’t care that I want to go out with him?”
He shrugged. “Better then some of the other guys you wanted.” Spying a screw driver, he got back to work. “Do whatever. I just want updates on what’s going on, you know? Since mom isn’t around anymore, I want to hear stuff like that. Dad would probably be all over you.”
“Yeah, that’s for sure.” She bit her lip. “Anyway, I’ll be upstairs.”
“Yup.” After several minutes, Yamcha called it an afternoon and put the motor cycle in the back yard. Having his shower then dinner with Matti, he sat down to some t.v before bed. Knowing his sister would not mind, he answered her cell phone when it rang. “Hi, this is Yamcha.”
“Yamcha-san?! Um…” Mirai paused for a moment in thoughts of how to respond. “S-Sorry to call, but, I-ah, just wanted to talk with Matti, that’s all.”
Yamcha did his best not to laugh. “That’s fine. I’ll go get her. By the way, last night, I was kidding around with you guys.”
“Oh….Well, I won’t hang off her like that again.”
“I don’t care, Matt knows that.” Hearing another pause, Yamcha knocked on his sister’s bedroom door. “M-chan, phone. It’s Mirai.”
Matti appeared out the doorway, holding a teddy bear she had since she was a child. She gazed at him when he pulled the phone back.
“You ok?” he asked.
She nodded. “I’ll tell you later.” Taking the phone, Matti closed the bedroom door behind her. “Konichiwa?”
“Hey, Mazzy-chan. I wanted to ask, actually, Bulla too, if you want to come over tonight. Trunks-chan rented a bunch of movies. I think Space Balls is in there. I know you like that one. You can sleep over too…unless Yamcha doesn’t like that.”
Matti combed her fingers through her hair. Sitting down, she hugged the miniature polar bear. “Gomen, but I really don’t want to go anywhere. I’m tired anyway.”
“…You go to bed at 9 o’ clock?”
“I feel like crap, okay?” Matti lied hotly, “I can come over tomorrow.” Her face heated when he apologized for the problem he must have made. “No, No!! It’s not you, really! I just….you won’t get it. Something between my brother and I.”
“Are you sure?” he asked in worry, “If you can’t talk to him, you can me. I’ll come right over.”
“Mirai…..” She did well to consider the offer. Then again, no guy gains pleasure in hearing a girl’s problem. Lucky for her, she had Yamcha‘s ear to talk off. “You wouldn’t want to hear it. I do not want sympathy either.”
“M-chan, if it’s that bad, I will be at your front door within seconds. Just talk to me.” Now he felt desperate to hear her troubles, but hid it well.
“Fine. This doesn’t mean you can get it out of me.”
“We’ll see. See you.” He hung up the phone.
Matti pressed the power button on her cell, holding it in her hand. “Like he wants to listen about how much I miss my parents.” she mumbled unconsciously out loud.
“So that’s your issue!!”
She jumped and turned to find her brother and Puar in the door way. She hugged Puar when the cat floated over. “I should doubly kick your fat ass for ease dropping. Now that you know, I do miss mom and dad. At least you got to know them.” Her chin rested in dark blue fur.
Yamcha took a seat beside her, throwing an arm over her shoulders. “Don’t bother with it. You remember them enough. Believe me, neither mom or dad would want you crying yourself to sickness just for them.” He held her head to his shoulder as she dove her face into his shirt. “Imoto! Come on! Trunks would not want to see you cry, right?” She shook her head and pulled away. “Clean up and I’ll let him in.”
Puar purred as Matti messaged her ears. “What’s the point? I’m just going to call back and-” She looked outside her room as the doorbell rang. As if on cue, her body sprang up and she headed to the bathroom in the hall.
“Told You!!” Yamcha called, heading down the short set of stairs to the door. “Hey, Mirai. She’s in the bathroom. Make yourself at home. I’ll be in the kitchen.”
The lavender haired hybrid nodded. “Thanks.” He strolled to the living room and sat down, waiting for his friend.
Matti splashed water on her face, shaking the warm liquid off like a dog. “Does it look like I’ve been crying now?”
Her brother’s cat shrugged. “Not really.”
Matti rubbed her head, smiling. “Thanks.” Before opening the door, she paused. “Oh, and make sure Yamcha Does-Not interfere with us unless it is very important.” Agreeing with the rule, they left the room. “Hi, Future-kun. You’re here….pretty early.” She heard her brother chuckle.
“Yeah. Sorry if it was a bother. Anyway….” He rubbed the back of his head, not sure how to ask. He held her hand when she took it.
“We can talk in my room.” She halted at the kitchen. “We’ll be up stairs,
He waved them on, keeping his back to them as he watched the small t.v on a high shelf. “’Kay. I’m going to bed in a couple of hours, so wake me up if you’re going back to Capsule.”
“I will.” Matti took Mirai up to her room, closing the door once they were in. Her fingers flipped on the ceiling light. Quickly, she snatched the bear from her bed and hid it behind her.
Mirai examined her guitar. The black instrument was leaning on its holder in a corner. He ran a finger down the neck. “Wow….this looks great! Where did you get it?”
“Um, it was my uncle’s, way back when. My dad left it to me after he found out I had an interest and talent in music. It‘s a Fender Squire Stratocaster, American made. Bulla put the Capsule sticker on. She complained it was too black. The AMPs you got me are all set up on the side.” She shoved the polar bear under her pillow.
“So I noticed.” He looked around some more. “This is a nice room you have. Your own privet place. Everything fits you.”
She blushed. “Arigato. What time do you have to be home?”
He shrugged. “It doesn’t matter. Trunks is awake, so he can let me in. So,” He sat heavily on her bed, smirking. “What’s going on?”
“Something must be important if you had been upset over it.” She stared at him and he grinned. “I can tell. Being a saiyan, your emotions were not that hard to sense.”
Matti pouted, turning away. “It was about missing my parents, that’s all. I already talked with my brother.”
Mirai snuck his hand under her pillow, pulling out her friend. He hugged it to his chest casually. “Tell me. I don’t mind.“

Tell me everything…..

When she glanced at him, her whole face turned red. “Y-you weren’t suppose to see that!! Give him!” She reached out to take it.
He leaned back. “No way! Not till you explain what’s wrong.” He yelped when his stomach was belly flopped on. “AH!” He struggled to hold the animal above them.
She growled, digging her nails into his arm. “N-O!” Her body sat up, but his leg came around her waist, pinning her against him. “Trunks-kun, stop it!” His hand grasped her wrists. “Come on!!”
Mirai rolled them both over so he was on top. While her body continued to struggle, his arms slowly wrapped around her sides. He pressed his cheek to hers.
“M-chan…I care a lot about you. When something happens, I get really scared and worried. Please, tell me.”
Matti held his arm, resting her chin between her hands. “Trunks-kun….It’s embarrassing to me. The story is typical anyway; my parents were killed in a snowy car accident, my brother was in the back seat with me, and only we lived. He was 13, I was 2. I can’t remember them and I hate it. Niisan tells me not to worry, but it bothers me. I mean, every kid knows their moms and dads, but us.”
“Not really,” her friend said, “I never knew my dad till I was 17. I cheated to meet him too. Let me tell you, it wasn‘t worth the trouble.” Matti wound her arms around his neck, resting her cheek on his collar bone. He moved back to kiss the top of her head. “See? You can tell me anything you want. Embarrassing, or not.” He held her tighter.
She closed her eyes, feeling comfortably dozy in his embrace. “Mirai-chan?” Her cheeks flushed at the question she was about to ask. “Ha-Have you realized that I really, really like you? Like…really, Really?”
Mirai handed the polar bear back to her, then laid on his side, pulling Matti’s body to his. “Yeah. For once, Bulla got old news.” His hands gently caressed her cheek when he saw her face beam. “The only problem is, your brother will eat me alive.”
She giggled, pecking his cheek. “No he won’t. I already asked if he didn’t want us dating, and he said you’re the best guy I have picked in months.”
“R-really? Geez, I thought he was going to strangle me to death last night!”
“Nah, because he knew I would do it back.”

‘Inside out’
By Bryan Adams
‘The Best Of Me’