Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Must Have Been the Food ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Must Have Been the Food
By: Vampira, the damned
[Dragonball Z]
It was like a dream come true, well I mean like a wish cause I already have everything I want, money, beauty, friends, family- not to mention my Kawaii pup Pluto and of course there's Goku…
(Sighs) There isn't a day that goes by I'm not thinking of him. Son Goku; my best friend since we were three! Anyways he could never be interested in me, were just too close
Do you understand? I mean were best friends, we know each other inside out and the thought of Goku and me dating is well not really imaginable and besides it would be too weird, with the awkwardness as boyfriend and girlfriend and all
But hey I'm not complaining having Goku as my best friend is something every girl can only dream of, and he's a million times better than a boyfriend is (though don't tell Yamcha he would go bizurk!)
Right but enough about Goku, the real reason I'm so psyched is that Dad got tickets to Scotland!!!! Can you believe it? And here's the best part, well the second best part, he's pulling me out of school for a MONTH- a whole friggin month just to go on this trip with him and mom and not only that but I get to bring a friend (Okay that was probably the best part)
And you can just guess whom I asked! That's right Goku and he said YES! At first I thought I would faint on the spot especially after he gave me one of his adorable smiles but then, get this - he hugged me, and it was MORE than a friendly hug (though I don't think he knew I knew :P) and he then said
“I can't wait to spend a whole month alone with you Bul-chan” ………
I think my heart just skipped a beat; just thinking about it gives me shivers all over. Goku and Me, Me and Goku! I love it oooooh Chichi is going to be so jealous! And about time too that bitch has practically been stalking Goku EVERYWHERE! She is so annoying it's NOT funny always throwing herself at Goku every chance she gets, bah she's worse than Yamcha and he's like the King of Clinginess!
Hmm… maybe I can set those two up and get them off my back. Anyways I g2g Mom's yelling at me to pack, something I really should do.
*From the personal diary of Bulma Briefs
How she hated that day with a passion! And for all those un-educated people out there, Monday is not only a horrible day of the week (and is 80% dreaded by the human population) but it also symbolic for the end of the weekend and to get off your lazy ass and back into school
So now, who was all with her when she said she hated Monday? (80% rises to 99.9%)
Groaning a cerulean head popped out from under the covers to swat at the alarm clock that chirped annoyingly on the nightstand by the bed,
Shut up you stupid thing
OH B-U-L-M-A, get out of bed and don't pretend you can't hear me! We have an very important day ahead of us SO UP!” screeched Mrs. Briefs from the other side of the door upon hearing her daughter's clock go off
Shutting her eyes tight Bulma Briefs, kicked off the blankets before hopping out of bed and ran to the bathroom before she could change her mind, only to stop in front of the body length mirror that took up half of one wall
There stood a tall lanky girl, she was pale but it most likely had to do with just waking up. She had shoulder length cerulean hair that usually was straight and perfect was now knotty and rough. Her pale blue eyes where smudged with sleep and she had dry pink lips
Ha, aren't I a little beauty queen
With a smirk she grabbed a towel out of the closet and leaned over the side of the tub to start the shower, then stripped of her fuzzy blue cloud pajama's and got in herself
She felt like scratching out her eyes as the cold water hit against her back full force causing a steady rhythm to occur - but sadly it was the only way to awake her senses. Shuddering she reached for the soap and began to clean herself free of sleep
I really don't want to go to school…
Bah, blasted woman! Thought her shopping was more important than her own daughter
Though she would probably say the same about her mother
Groaning she turned off the taps and reached for the towel “Yeah, whatever Mom just leave!”
She could have sworn she heard laughing on the other side of the door- stupid woman
With narrowed eyes just in the slightest, she reached for the door handle; if her mother wanted to just leave then she could do what ever she wanted! (Muhahaha Freedom to the people! - Minus parents)
And right now she wanted to walk around in a towel
With the satisfying thought in her mind she flung open the door only to come face to face (well rather face to chest, as he was 6'3 and she's 5'6) with a pair onyx coloured eyes
She blinked once
Three times, and…
“GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!”
“HEY YA Bulma! Sup?”
“Owe- what did you do that for?” questioned the one and the only, dreamy Greek goddess of sexiness; Son Goku with a look of confusion on his face as he rubbed his sore cheek (which had a suspicious red hand print on the left side)
“HENTAI- GET OUT” yelled Bulma as she swatted him away; baling her tiny fists together to beat his chest before she gave one final push then slammed the door in his face
“What - Bulma? Hey open up I have to use the bathroom!” whined Goku as he pounded on the door and the girl sighed on the other side
Did she really like all of this?
“Buuuuuuulma! I really have to go,” complained Goku with desperation in his voice and a small smile traced the out line of her lips
Yes, yes she did
“Oh Shut it Goku, and use the bathroom down the hall” yelled back Bulma and then there was silence, she snorted knowing that's where he probably was
Smirking she opened the door once again and headed into her walk in closet to get ready, before it hit her,
Hey, what was Goku doing in my room anyways?
Author's Rants
A/N: Ha so there's the first chapter, what do you think? Wait don't tell me review then say so!
::DISCLAIMER:: I Don't own DBZ or Scotland
Life Notes: So I guess you all wondering whom the hell I am! Well maybe not all of you but I'll tell you anyways.
I am Vampira the Damned! Fear me, silly mortal! (Insert eerie music)
…And that's all your getting out of me
And this right here, [the Author's Rants] is my corner it's © by ME so bah *sticks out tongue* yes I act like a child for 147 years old ^_^0 right so this won't always be filled with rants, like today it's my introduction - this being my first fic and all, and besides mama always said first impressions are golden -_-0 I should know my kindergarten still hates me and I don't even go to that school anymore *shudders*
Right, so some things you should know,
ONE, I hate school, teachers, homework and everything else in the world so if you give me grammar lessons I will personally kick some… butt
TWO, telling you now this IS a Bulma/Goku fic as I find there simply isn't enough out there in what the 29000 most likely more fics for DBZ/GT section, Bah! So all you Vegeta/Bulma fans B-E-W-A-R-E
(Insert evil laugh)
And THREE, I am a free spirit, uncontrollable, insane child so expect the worse from me ^^, and warning you now I'm not a very dedicated person so if there is any long, VERY long lapses in my updating take note I have not died I am just simply lazy- that and I do have a life out of the computer chair, I think
Story Notes: so taking that this is a Goku/Bulma fic (as I've said many times before) then you know right off the bat that this is also a AU'ish fic. ~Sigh~ Toie just couldn't make the two main characters get together (well Bulma was a main character at one point anyways…)
Anywho here's some helpful info on characters so far (which you will receive threw out the story)
Bulma Briefs; [Age 17] Bulma as you can see IS one of the main characters. She's every man's dream girl (when she isn't waking up) and it Goku's best friend. She's had a crush on him ever since she could rememberbut won't dare say
Mr. Briefs; [Age 43] Mr. Briefs is Bulma's dad. He's the owner of Capsule Corp. and is also a nutty professor except a whole lot bonier. He's not that important as he's always away on business trips or “surprise” meetings though all in all he tries to be there for Bulma and when he's not he spoils her with the allowance of his credit card (one of his many mistakes)
Mrs. Briefs; [Age 39] Mrs. Briefs is Bulma's ditzy mother who cares more about shopping then anything else, she doesn't appear a lot and isn't a whole lot important either but she's good for a laugh and Bulma practically despises the woman.
Goku Son; [Age 17] Goku has ought to be the cutest male on campus he and everyone else [whose 17] are in High school senior year and his best friend has been Bulma since they were kids. Though his looks might of changed to hot god of all gods (drool) he hasn't lost his innocent appearance and acts still very much like a child.
Yamcha; [Age 17] Yamcha had know Bulma since they were kids, they never used to get along but lately Yamcha had come to appreciate Bulma in a new light as in her woman side. He's clingy and possessive at times and -really- gets on Bulma's nerves. He and Chichi were subconsciously made for one another.
Chichi; [Age 17] Chichi is Goku's insane wannabe girlfriend, she has her own fan club after him and guess what she's the only member! Right- she's not really important other than the fact that she really ticks Bulma off with flirting with her Goku
Pluto; [Age, 9 months: human years] Pluto is Bulma's dog, he's not important except for just being cute and lovable (isn't it disgusting?)
Krisma; [Age 36] Krisma is Bulma's bodyguard she used to work as a CIA agent but was fired due to her … bad attitude. Other than that she's not really important
Message: Before you drink THINK! -Ha ha I find those commercials SO stupid, anyways every chapter I give out an important message or quote cause hey if I got all of your attention might as well make you learn SOMETHING
Posted: January 11, 2004 [12:48 am]
Vampira, the damned