Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Must Have Been the Food ❯ Trapped in a cage ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Must Have Been the Food
Chapter 2: Trapped in a Cage
By: Vampira, the damned
[Dragonball Z]
Have you ever noticed how when most people talk they keep getting closer and closer to you? Until they're eventually right up in your face talking like a megaphone? And the worse part is they don't even notice it! I guess it's one of those mysteries of Mother Nature that we're never going to find out
Anyways the reason why I asked was because today in math class Yamcha (who sits in front of me) kept leaning closer and closer. It was so not fun, I could even see the newest pimple on his face it was -GROSS- I swear if I'm -ever- that close to anyone again I'll scream
Yeah anyways the good part was Goku came and saved me! He's like my knight in shinning armor and I'm his beautiful princess … HA, I wish! No Chichi was all over him again ~sigh~ I swear, God is plotting against me…
From the personal diary of Bulma Briefs
Whoever was stupid enough to create the educational system much less the brick building that traps free souls of students in, better be rotting in hell right now
Really, what was its purpose? (Not speaking the obvious) but other than that it was a total drag. It destroys so much talent and wastes 6 hours of one's day. Six hours a day, 30 hours a week, 120 hours a month, 10 months of a year making you trapped for 5290 hours … so it might not seem like that much. But you would think otherwise while wasting away in a wooden/steel desk, and besides that's only one year! Precious time that no one will ever get back in one's life.
And for what, seventeen years (if you went to collage) of underpaid pricks yelling at kids for homework assignments or to join them in detention or something corny like that. Ha they probably only did that to take there miserable life out on someone else for a change and what better way than to become a teacher
Hmm, I guess this should be a good time to note that I hate school, with a passion.
“Hey Bulma, are you okay?” asked Goku with that goofy smile of his that I just have to surrender too... how can he be so adorably cute and yet so incredibly sexy at the same time?
It's a wonder to me, but yet I don't really seem to mind.
Giving a beautiful smile, that usually make men swoon I stood by his side after stepping out of the car (Which was his pride and joy - trust me once you get him started he'll never shut up about it!)
“Oh yeah everything's fine, just thinking that we pay our taxes then why we should be stuck here all day” the smile I wore melted away in to a eerie dark scowl as while pointing a thumb to the brick building, well the very large brick building.
And how it not be? After all the parents board made this huge stink about needing a new high school! Bah, parents who needs them?
On top of the entrance (of the school) were the bright letters `ORANGE STAR HIGH SCHOOL' - and then a painting of an orange
Who was the dork who put that there? Who thought that it would be funny to have a horribly bad pun on the school building why it was…
“GOKU!!!!!!!!!!” screamed a loud high pitched voice that it could even make a banshee cower
“Er, hiya ChiChi - have you been here long?” asked Goku somewhat nervously and Bulma just glared
Ah yes, this would be the dork. ChiChi Ichimura the most preppy-est, annoying, conniving, little bitch. A personal demon sent from hell by Satan himself
She was supposedly t he “perfect” teenage girl - bah! If they only knew…
Anyways, the bitch -er ChiChi, was head of the drama, science, art, cooking and technology club. And was co-captain to the drill team.
God, just looking at her made Bulma sick. - Prefect primed hair, manicured nails, perfect face (which she thought it looked like a egg) and that annoying sunshine-too-bright-where's-my-sunglasses-smile
“Hey Bulma” drawled ChiChi somewhat nastily that offended Bulma deeply as she narrowed her blue eyes at her
“Listen Chi-chan, why don't you leave Goku alone for a bit. I'm sure he's tired of your presence by now - I mean we still have to get to our lockers before the bell rings” said Bulma with feigned innocence as she glared daggers. ChiChi returning turning them with the same passionate hatred.
They probably would have stood like that all day if not the man of their affections (unknown to him) stepped in “You know Bulma's right ChiChi - we do have to get to our lockers. But I'll see you around, maybe we can have lunch together?” asked Goku kindly and the girl brightened
“Okay Goku-dearest, I made all your favourites anyways - maybe we ditch Bulma later you know” she said with an insufferable giggle and Bulma wanted to strangle the wench
“Oh, right” said ChiChi in a off-handed tone, though Bulma knew she wasn't the once bit sorry
Wrapping her arm possessively around Goku's she growled at ChiChi,
“So if you excuse us, Goku and I have to go - without you” hissed Bulma as she huffed and dragged the boy away as fast as she could. Before that bitch, I mean ChiChi could sink her claws into him
ChiChi just glared after the two before turning sharply on her heel and walking away. She'd show Bulma Briefs that she was a force not to be reckoned with!
Smiling in satisfactory she looked down at the badge on her uniform before shinning it so it gleamed in the hall light - the words `Leader of the Son Goku fan Club' beamed proudly up at her
Yes, she would win…
[Scene cuts short as Bulma walks out hotly]
“Excuse me, I believe this fic is about Goku and me- not ChiChi! You phony board of directors better not be cheating me out of my contract! Or I swear I will sue your -“
[In board of directors office]
Vampira: *fidgets nervously* Um, who was the idiot who gave Bulma a script?
*Crickets chirp*
[Back in DBZ land]
“Gee, Bulma what's wrong with you she was just trying to be nice” said Goku as he opened his locker which as conveniently next to hers.
“Nice? That hoe was talking about me like I was trash - and I was there. Honestly Goku I don't know what you see in her she's just a dirty little - “
“BULMA! Don't finish that sentence! She's my friend and I would appreciate it if you at least were a little nicer” plead Goku and Bulma snorted
“Please, she just wants to sleep with you”
“Alright, I get it already. I'll be nicer but if she does anything to piss me off, and I mean anything then I won't hesitate to beat her puss-“
“What?” she asked quizzically and Goku shook his head as he slammed his door shut, a little too hard
Suddenly she couldn't help but smile, strangely Goku had always been strong. Even as a toddler, he was busting things faster than the pre-school teacher could fix them. And totally on accident - it was ironic really.
That a sweet gentle guy like Goku could have all that muscle packed under there.
Blushed and hid her head behind her locker door as she grabbed her own books, [Dirty thoughts Bulma - very bad]
Throwing on a casual tone she flashed the raven-haired man a smile.
“Gee, Goku this is what, like the eight door you've busted this year. Mr. Ryoma isn't gonna be too happy about this” she said with a small laugh and he flushed as he tried to replace it
“Bul-chan can't you help just this one time?” he pouted and she had to hold on to her locker for support. He really did make her weak in the knees - and just with a look too.
She was doomed, curse her stupid heart.
I know crappy place to stop. But I thought I've kept you all waiting long enough just post what I have already and get it over with - I really am sorry for taking so long with updating!
Also thanks to all my reviewers, I personally didn't think I would get much…
Right-o, so the story is starting to take a different spin (if you noticed the new summary) and it will be more about crazy-ness one never thought managed - but not stupid. [Example; a Days of our lives take]
*Shudders* who ever thought of the soap operas concept [much less the story lines] must picked on as a child, I swear it.
Anyways, so none of that mumbo jumbo crap - okie?
And just to let you know THIS WILL BE BULMA/GOKU! … ^____6 just thought I might stress the point once more.
Once again thank you everyone who reviewed and keep doing so please [Review button: click me! Click me! You know you want to…]
Love you all lots! And if you don't like DBZ so much (which I wonder how could you not?) then check out my other stories - not that I'm self-promoting or anything… *twitches*