Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel... Won't You Be Mine? ❯ Chapter 7: Is This What Love Feels Like? ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Seven- Is This What Love Feels Like?
Author's Note- Piccolo's my hero! I wish I had my very own Piccolo! Listen I don't own him or the othe DBZ characters, but I do own Alielle. Hey! I gotta own somethin'. Remember to review cause I like reviews. Also check out my othe stories and my fav. stories cause they be cool!

Piccolo feels his throat constrict as this beautiful woman looks into his eyes. He can't help but gaze into the silver eyes before him. He opens his mouth to speak but suddenly his mouth is so dry. His stomach begins to flip-flop and he feels extremely ill. His heart is continually reminding Piccolo that is was there pounding away in is ribcage. Piccolo has never felt this way.

"Piccolo? Are you ok? You look ill." Alielle asks forgetting that she just asked him an important question before.

"I-" Piccolo's voice is scratchy and he can barely get a word out.

"Boy, you sound real sick! Let me go get Dende. He can heal you." Alielle skips out the room before Piccolo could protest.

'Dammit Piccolo! What the hell is wrong with you?' Piccolo thinks.

'You are in love.' A voice from within answers.

'Shut up, Nail. I don't need your crap.' Piccolo argues with the voice within.

"Piccolo, Elle told me you were ill. Elle, leave us alone for a minute." Dende says as he hands Piccolo some water.

Alielle obeys leaving the Nameks alone.

Dende smiles at Piccolo, "Not going too well, huh?"

"Eavesdropper." Piccolo scowls after drinking down the water.

"It's my job. Anyways, just go for it."

"What if I just want to get rid of these feelings?"

"What if she shares the feelings? Did you ever consider she could love you?"

"Impossible. She is so beautiful. She could have any man in the galaxy."

"Piccolo… Tell her. And be a man." Dende rushes out after making his last statement.

"He's all yours." Dende says to Alielle as he runs past.

Alielle peeks in, "Do you still want to talk?"

"Yes, there is something I need to tell you."

"Alright," Alielle enters cautiously.

"I told you to leave because I was having dreams. Actually a reoccurring dream."

"A dream? You asked me to leave because of a dream?"

"It was about you."


"Actually… us."

"Us?" She echoes Piccolo again.

"We were… kissing and… having umm…" Piccolo's face is red and he mumbles the next word, "sex."

Alielle is shocked and her eyes get the size of… well they were big! "You dreamt about us having sex!"

"Well yes," Piccolo is extremely embarrassed.

"But you are asexual, right? You can't-" She stops when she sees he is shaking his head, "You aren't?"

"No. I evolved being born on Earth. I am fully male and I think… I might have fallen in love with you."

Alielle begins to laugh, not that she finds Piccolo at all amusing, just that she has been worried about falling in love with him. Piccolo looks at her angry as she laughs because he assumes she is laughing at him.

"Oh, Piccolo. I can't believe it. I've been trying to get you to not hate me and trying not to get too involved out of fear of falling in love with you. I figured you were asexual and couldn't be everything I wanted. But I do love you."

"What are you talking about? How could you love me?"

"Piccolo, did you ever wonder why Goku chose you? He chose you because he knew I admired you. I fell in love with you by watching Goku's memories. And you and I are alike."

"How are we alike?"

"We are both alone… well not anymore. But it's just I've always thought being alone would be better but I know that love is vital. Everyone needs love."

"So, there is no way to get rid of it?"

"Nope. Love doesn't go away."

Piccolo stands and walks to Alielle. He looks into her eyes, he pushes her hair from her face and cups her cheek. She smiles at him gazing back into his endless black eyes. He leans in and kisses her on the lips gently, experiencing his first kiss. He close his eyes as she wraps her arms around his neck and closes hers. Their lips lock together for thirty seconds and after Piccolo holds her to his chest.

'Now I know why Goku and those others would do anything for their mates. I'd have to say… it feels… right… good.' Piccolo smiles a genuine smile and just enjoys holding her.

'His heart is beating fast. Poor dear, must have been scared to death. He's a pretty damn good kisser for his first time. Can't wait to… stop that you naughty-naughty girl! In good time… In good time.' Alielle smiles enjoying Piccolo's warmth.

"Ali… will you accept me as your student, once again?"

"Yes. I will if you will accept me as your mate."

"Ah, I thought that was already established."

"Well, it's nice for a girl to be asked…" Alielle smiles looking innocent as she stands before him.

"Ali, will you be my mate?" Piccolo asks through gritted teeth.

"Yes! Now, where am I going to sleep?"

Piccolo blushes at her implication, "We could go back to our cave."

"Our cave? I like the sound of that."

Piccolo and Alielle head back to the cave. Needless to say, it was a very interesting evening.

****That's the end of Chapter Seven. Please R&R! Love is in the air? Is Piccolo going to accept this radical change in his life? Will he be happy? AND more importantly did Piccolo and Alielle get it on? All in the next chapter!****