Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel... Won't You Be Mine? ❯ Chapter 6: Fallen Angel ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Six- Fallen Angel
Author's Note- To own Piccolo or not to own Piccolo, that is the question. Anywho, I don't own him and I probably never will. Oh how reality hurts. But I do own Alielle. She flies me to the mall and to school and... oh well on to the story!

Piccolo flies and he flies fast! Thoughts race through his mind and he can't help but be worried. He can't sense Alielle but she always could hide her ki. Piccolo lands in front of the Capsule Corporation and storms in, not noticing the exploded ship and huge chasm. Gohan and Bulma are waiting.

"Piccolo! Thank goodness you came!" Bulma rushes over to the Namek, "Alielle, all she said was your name before she went into a coma!"

"A coma? What happened?"

Both Bulma and Gohan look down at the ground. Gohan finally speaks not making eye contact, "She was training with Vegeta in the Capsule ship. We don't know entirely what happened but Alielle's power exploded and the ship with both of them inside. Vegeta managed to get out with a couple scratches but… Alielle she's not too good."

"Where is she?" Piccolo asks angered.

"Follow me. My father and a couple doctors are watching her." Bulma leads Piccolo into the lab.

His heart beats hard against his chest, almost as if it is trying to remind him it is there. She's lying on the table with the doctors cleaning her wounds that continue to bleed silver blood. Her wings are on the ground detached from her body. Piccolo feels so angry and he doesn't know why. He makes his way to the unconscious princess.

The doctors ignore him and keep going about their work. Piccolo pushes her silver locks from her face. His heart continues to remind him.

"I should take her to Dende." Piccolo says to no one in particular.

"Piccolo," Gohan says from the door, "She won't make the trip. It would be too rough for her. Just let the doctors get her stable and then once she wakes she can go to Dende."

"And if she never wakes?" Piccolo mumbles.

"Pi…ah." Alielle wakes hearing Piccolo's voice. She tries to move but she is in too much pain. (AN: It was a real short coma, eh?)

"Alielle, don't speak. I am here." Piccolo takes her delicate hand.

"I'm here too, Elle." Gohan walks up to the table looking down at her.

Alielle bursts into tears, the tears she had been hiding for so long. They stream down her face and Piccolo can't help but pity the girl.

"Where is Vegeta?" Piccolo asks Gohan gruffly.

"Pl..ease. Piccolo, don't." Alielle says her voice quavering.

"And why shouldn't I? He did something and no one is telling me fully what happened. I'll get it out of him!" Piccolo releases her hand.

"Don't go." Alielle begs.

He looks into the woman's tear-filled eyes. He stays by her side as the doctor's continue to work on her.

"This is the best we can do. She can make the journey, now. But you must be wary of how you hold her. And don't let her talk too much."

Piccolo nods. He scoops the woman into his arms with the blanket wrapped around her scarred body. Piccolo tells her to sleep and after the journey she can talk all she wants.

Alielle smiles hearing the Namek's promise and she falls asleep in his arms as he flies her to Dende's. She wakes with the little healer over her. He has healed her wounds but still her wings are broken.

"Now what happened?" Piccolo asks her gruffly.

"I don't want to talk about it." Alielle looks away.

"But you will tell me or I will beat it out of Vegeta." Piccolo growls trying to intimidate the girl.

"You'll only get yourself killed." Alielle says calling the Namek's bluff.

"Tell me or I will go get myself killed."

"Fine, but only in private will I talk." Alielle gives in to the stubborn Namek.

"Can you stand?"

"Yes," She stands to her feet, she feels off balance without her wings.

Piccolo leads Alielle to his usual room in the Lookout. Alielle walks off balance to the bed. She sits looking up at the Namek, she knows she can't lie to him.

The tears begin to fall once again as memories flood back to her. Her past when she was a princess flows back to her, when the saiyian Garssus came and almost forced himself upon her.

"It was a misunderstanding. That is all I will say."

"Tell me then why are you crying?" Piccolo's voice is full of concern as he sits beside her.

"I can't stop. Please, can I try training with you again?"

"Answer my question and then I answer yours."

"I was training with Vegeta. He had me pinned against the wall. He began saying strange things about having the most powerful child and how a prince should have a princess. Please don't tell Bulma, don't tell anyone! He kissed me and tried to force himself upon me. I refused him and he grabbed my wing. I struggled and the ship ended up exploding because I powered up to my extreme. He managed to get my wings."

"Alielle, I will kill him for touching you."

"No! He has a family. He was just being foolish. It's my fault. I seem to have a strange affect on pure blooded Saiyains. It was the same way on Alexia. Even Goku… found himself attracted to me. For some reason it is just Saiyains. It is so sort of chemical thing. I researched it. Saiyains are attracted to a certain scent Alexian women's wings emit. It's strange… I know."

"So you are saying that you and Goku were more than friends?"

"No! He was loyal, he just continually said I was beautiful."

"I still want to kill him." Piccolo snarls looking at the beautiful woman beside him.

"Why? Do I really matter that much to you? I thought you hated me."

"I don't hate you." Piccolo says staring at the girl who stares at the floor.

"Then why did you make me leave?"


****That's the end of Chapter Six. Please R&R! Is Piccolo going to tell her? Can he face the fact that he might actually love someone? Will he be rejected if he does tell her? All in the next chapter!****