Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel... Won't You Be Mine? ❯ Chapter 5: Namekian Evolution ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Five- Namekian Evolution
Author's Note- DBZ is cool even though I don't own it. But if I did own it I know a few of the DBZ squad would be my personal slaves. Ah! Life would be good. Anyways... I do own Alielle (She does my chores) so leave her alone, K? K.

Alielle wakes to Piccolo's pacing and she watches the Namek, her eyes maneuvering over his muscular body. The princess sees that her training partner is very deep in thought. She stands seeing if he would notice, he doesn't his eyes are still screwed shut. She begins to worry.

"Piccolo, are you ok?" She asks genuinely concerned.

"Grrr… Woman, just go. Leave me be. I need to be alone for awhile." Piccolo grunts angered by the Alexians presence.

"Go? If that is what you wish so be it. I will go to Capsule Corp. When you are ready to train again, I will be waiting." Alielle extends her wings and flies outside the cave. Once she is airborne she looks back at her former home. It was her first home after being reborn.

'Piccolo… I will miss you. I know you will not come for you enjoy being alone. I tire of being alone… if only I could show you. Five hundred years, I was alone. You are just like me. If only you weren't a Namek…' Her thoughts race through her mind as she flies through the midnight sky, 'I can't believe I am feeling this for an asexual being, a grouchy one at that. Damn, I really need a man!'

Piccolo continues to pace to and fro, 'It's better. Alone. That damn dream will go away. She will be happy with Bulma, they can harass Vegeta together. But Vegeta is like the saiyains that destroyed her home. Dammit! Forget that airy whore! My power is greater now. I can continue my own training!'

The doorbell rings throughout the Capsule Corporation. Bulma in her pink pajamas walks lazily to the door rubbing her eyes. She opens it to see Alielle standing, shivering. Her eyes widen and she quickly rushes the princess inside.

"Alielle, what are you doing here?"

"Piccolo kicked me out. Can I crash here?"

"Of course." Bulma escorts Alielle upstairs.

Vegeta is standing in the hallway, arms crossed, "What are you doing here?"

"Boy, you two are perfect for each other. The same question but completely opposite meanings. I am here because I have nowhere to go."

"Aww, did the Namek kick you out after he got what he wanted?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I sensed that huge increase in that pathetic weaklings power. You gave it to him and now he needs you no longer."

'Could that be the reason? No. Vegeta is a moron.' Alielle thinks before saying, "That must be it. Would you care for a training partner?"

"I train alone but you can always train with the kid."


Bulma escorts Alielle to a room. Bulma wishes Alielle a goodnight. Alielle promptly removes a blanket off the bed and wraps it around her cold body. She sits and meditates.

The next morning is very different. Alielle is invited to dinner, where she partakes in civil conversation with Bulma. She is surprised that she is getting along so well. Needless to say, Bulma and Alielle become fast friends. Vegeta oes to his training room and when Trunks tries to follow, Vegeta shakes his head, "You will train with the woman."

Trunks shrugs and Alielle begins to teach the kid a few tricks.

"See your father's training pod." Alielle points and smiles devilishly.

Trunks nods vigorously.

"We are going to have some fun," Alielle kneels down on the ground and puts her palm to the ground. She concentrates on the earth beneath herself and the ground begins to shake under Vegeta's ship. Soon it is a full-out isolated earthquake under just his little pod. Vegeta rushes out and Alielle smiles standing making the earthquake stop as Trunks bursts out into laughter.

"Woman, what the hell did you do?"

"Elemental control."

"Dammit don't teach him that!" Vegeta yells angry, "Do I have to be a damn chaperone?"

"Fine, then train with me."

They did begin training for a couple weeks.

Piccolo wakes again from the same dream. He stands and begins pacing. The Namek's face is covered in sweat. The dream has been reoccurring since he met her and she hasn't been around in three weeks. Piccolo needs someone to talk to, someone who can cure him of this absurd dream. Piccolo begins to think of who he can talk to.

'Gohan is too young as is Dende. Vegeta would have a field day with this one, anyways she is with him.' Piccolo can't help but feel anger thinking of Alielle with Vegeta, 'He better not… Focus! Yamcha! He's good with these things. And he is weak so he won't dare talk about what I am going to tell him!'

Piccolo flies to Yamcha's house and knocks on the door. Yamcha opens it rubbing his eyes, "Piccolo!"

"Sorry to wake you, but I need to talk to you."

"Alright," Yamcha lets the Namek in, concerned for him.

"Nothing I say to you shall be repeated. Understand?"

"Got it! What's up?"

"I have been having a dream…"

"A dream?" Yamcha repeats.

"Yes, now let me speak! It's about a… woman. We are… kissing and um… naked and…" Piccolo's voice continues to get quieter.

"Having sex?" Yamcha asks.

"Yes." Piccolo's face turns red.

"You want to know the reason you are having these thoughts? Well, I'm no Sherlock but you either have feelings for the girl and they are acheing to get out."


"Or you see everyone else with mates and you feel you should have one too. But you are asexual, how can you…"

"No one knows this and I should kill you for revealing it to you but… when my father made me on Earth, I became more human. Nameks are very adaptive and with being born on Earth I picked up some human traits I would really rather not have."

"Then I think you do have feelings for your dream woman." Yamcha smiles at Piccolo who scowls.

"How do I get rid of them?"

"Get rid of them? It's not like that Piccolo. If you love her, then you love her. There is no getting rid of that." Yamcha says.

"I have to get rid of them!" Piccolo says angered.

"Sorry. I say the best solution is to tell her and see how she feels. If she doesn't feel the same way, then that's the quickest road to recovery."

"Good, there is no possible way she likes me." Piccolo smirks.

'PICCOLO!' Piccolo hears Gohan's voice telepathically.

'Gohan? What is it?'

'There's been an accident…'

'An accident?'

'At Capsule Corp. Alielle… she's hurt…'

"WHAT!?!?" Piccolo storms out flying full speed to Capsule Corporation.

****That's the end of Chapter Five. Please R&R! Accident? What kind of accident? Is Alielle going to be ok? And is Piccolo going to open up to his dream woman? All in the next chapter!****