Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel... Won't You Be Mine? ❯ Chapter 4: It's Been One Week Since You Looked At Me ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Four- It's Been One Week Since You Looked At Me…
Author's Note- DBZ will never be mine :boohoo: ::SOBS:: Oh well at least I own Alielle! I created her. She be mine, all mine. But I'd rather have Piccolo! :sigh:

Alielle stands before him in her stained formally white dress. She walks to the edge of the lake, her bare feet millimeters away from the water. The young Alexian princess steps onto the water, yes onto! Piccolo watches bewildered as the woman walks on the water as if it is a solid.

"This should be simple for a Namek. Mind over matter… very simple." Alielle smiles as she springs up and down on the water. Piccolo couldn't help but notice her generous breasts at a moment like this. His eyes then return to her feet, sure enough she is jumping on the water as if it is ice.

"As interesting as this is, what will this do with raising my power level?" Piccolo folds his arms but walks to the water's edge.

"Silly Namek, (AN: Trix are for kids!) it has nothing to do with your power level but it has everything to do with raising it. Come on, take my hand." Alielle extends her hand to him.

After looking at her angrily for saying things in riddles, he takes her hand in his, what he wouldn't do just to squeeze the life out of that tiny, frail, but deadly hand. He tries to mimic her but his foot goes straight through into the water, he growls with frustration.

"You aren't concentrating, sweetie. You'll get it if you want to. Maybe you just need some motivation." Alielle smirks and starts pulling him into the cold water (AN: It is late fall, ya know). "You better decide to concentrate or I'll have you fully submerged."

Try as he might, he could not pull her into the water. Determined to beat her, Piccolo manages to concentrate and step upon the water. She smiles, 'That was quicker than Goku, quicker than anyone, even myself.'

"Now what?" Piccolo loses concentration and falls through the water, in the middle of the lake. Alielle cracks up losing her concentration and falling in the water as well.

They both climb out of the water, drenched. Their clothes clinging and Alielle's dress is slightly see-through. Piccolo notices and zaps another outfit on her, one like his (AN: minus turban and cape, come on she has wings!). Alielle's gold skin turns red and she can't seem to stop laughing.

"Will you stop that incessant noise?" Piccolo snarls.

She stops seeing how irritated Piccolo was, "I'm sorry. At least we got clean and our shoes are dry! I know my training techniques are a little unconventional but they do work!"

"A little? Girl, I can't wait until this week is over and I can get you out of my life."

She plops down on the ground, "Why do you hate me?"

"You irritate me. I like being alone, why do you think I have a cave in the middle of nowhere?"

"Aren't all caves in the middle of nowhere? But anyways, a promise is a promise let's see how much you improved just today." Alielle sighs and stands up, "Well, power up."

Piccolo scoffs at the woman, "Are you truly this naïve?"

"Are you?" She quips.

Piccolo powers up to his maximum power and surprisingly he has already raised his power fifty percent. 'She's already half-way there. This must be some sort of trick.'

"Not bad, eh? I know your wondering how, so let me tell you. I have researched the powers of a Namek and knowing your past training techniques, I saw what you were doing wrong."

"Woman, you surprise me."

"I'll stop calling you Namek if you stop calling me woman."

"Well there are a few choice names I have neglected to call you because I was being nice." Piccolo smirks.

"Oh, Piccolo! Was that a joke? It was! I'm going to have you up a level in no time."

"What does cracking jokes have to do with that?"

"Everything, everything."

Days go by, Piccolo continues to listen to Alielle patiently. Well, at least as patient as Piccolo can be under the circumstances. He actually is starting to get used to the idea of having her around, well at least he doesn't absolutely dread it. When the one week ends, Alielle has Piccolo power up.

Golden energy swirls around the Namek as he hits an all-time high almost three times that of his power before they started. He looks down at his glowing powerful body and then his eyes lock with Alielle. She is smiling, pleased with her pupil.

"Deals a deal," Piccolo tries to muster some stoicism.

"Look if you don't want to train with me, I can go live with Bulma. She always takes in strays."

"No!" Piccolo shouts to both their surprise, he clears his throat, "I mean I think it would upset Goku if we didn't try a little harder to get along."

"Gohan's coming." Alielle says looking at the teenager as he lands.

"Mister Piccolo! Your power is awesome. I think it is even greater than mine! How did you do it?" Gohan looks at his sensei with admiration.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you." Piccolo thinks back to all the crazy exercises Alielle had him doing.

"Miss Alielle, you did this, didn't you?"

"Well, I helped. And call me Elle. That's what your father nicknamed me. Or at least I think that's what he said through all that food in his mouth," Alielle giggles, very sweetly.

Gohan out-right laughs, "Yep, that's dad. Well anyways, you are coming to the Christmas party, right?"

"Of course, we are. Wouldn't miss it for the world!" Alielle answers for Piccolo and herself.

"Great, see you in five weeks!"

"Well, now… Five weeks, what shall we do?"

"Who said I was going?" Piccolo folds his arms with an intense stare fixed on Alielle.

"I did. You owe me, Piccolo. You couldn't find a better date than me!"

"Date?" Piccolo's eyes widen to the size of dinner plates.

"Oh, I am just teasing." Alielle chuckles lightly and thinks, 'Even though it would be nice. I never had a date before.' before she says, "Let's go back home."

Piccolo watches as Alielle meditates and he drifts off into meditation/sleep as well. Sweat begins dripping from his face as he has another one of those blasted dreams. He wakes and begins pacing.

'What could they mean? Stupid human trait! Dammit all to hell! I don't want to think this!' Piccolo thinks over and over as he paces to and fro the entrance of the cave.

****That's the end of Chapter Four. Please R&R! Strange dreams? What could Piccolo be dreaming? And why is going on about human traits? All in the next chapter!****