Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel... Won't You Be Mine? ❯ Chapter 11: Defend Your Love ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Eleven- Defend Your Love
Author's Note- I don't own anything but Alielle. She is mine. I created her, I molded her in my own image. Well... close enough.

Alielle and Piccolo watch as the whole gang make their way to them. Piccolo removes his hand but is careful to brush it down her back, causing her shivers. Alielle smiles and waves at them all.

"You've gained weight." is the first thing out of Vegeta's mouth.

"What? Why you, little… How dare you say such a thing!" Alielle puts her hand on her hips and tilts her nose up, flinging her hair.

Bulma elbows Vegeta before saying, "Actually you look great!"

"Thank you. I've been working out!" Alielle spins around, "So let's go sign up!"


They sign up for the tournament. Piccolo and Alielle smile at each other when no one else is looking.

'What is with me? I find myself attracted to that her. Then she tells me it's just her wings. I get rid of the wings and lose the attraction but still I feel… like I need some claim over her… My ancestor was the one who destroyed her life… It must be the reason. I know, I already have my mate. But these feelings… why?' Vegeta thinks as he stares at the princess.

'Why is he looking at her? She is mine. He has lust in his eyes, I can tell! I won't let him have her. I won't!'

"Piccolo… we're going." Alielle's voice breaks Piccolo's angry thoughts.

They are heading to the junior division. (AN: We all know what happens…) Trunks ends up beating Goten in the finals. The tension in the waiting area is needless to say tense. Vegeta locks stares with Piccolo once again.

"Let's do this now, Vegeta. I'm tired of waiting. I will kill you, now."

The others look at Piccolo shocked. They know Piccolo hates Vegeta but what did Vegeta do to get this challenge. Alielle also looks at Piccolo shocked, she thought he would obey her and drop the challenge.

"Piccolo, don't do this." Alielle whispers.

"Alright, Namek. Let's take this outside." Vegeta jerks his head to the door and exits it.

Everyone follows Piccolo out. Alielle grabs Piccolo's arm and tries to pull him back, "Don't. You don't have to."

"I do." Piccolo powers up and the golden light swirls around him.

"No, you don't!" Alielle shouts as Vegeta turns Super Saiyain.

"Let the weakling fight."

'What the hell am I doing? I don't want her! Why am I doing this? Why did I try to kiss her again? She means nothing to me. But the Namek… I've owed him this for a long time.' Vegeta thinks as he stares down Piccolo in a typical standoff scenario.

"I am not as weak as you think."

Vegeta and Piccolo take to the air and their fight has them evenly matched. Alielle watches truly worried, she knows she has taught them both.

"Elle!" Goku gets her attention after calling her name several time, "Do you know what this is about?"

"Yes. My wings." She states simply. Goku understands perfectly as surprising as that may be.

Vegeta prepares for his Final Flash attack. Piccolo powers up and blasts Vegeta before his attack could be completed.

"Piccolo! Stop this, right now!" Alielle yells at the warrior, who is many feet in the air.

Piccolo ignores her and continues his attack on Vegeta.

"Why are you defending her, Namek?" Vegeta asks with contempt.

"Shut up and fight! You are all talk, as well as an ass." Piccolo pummels Vegeta who recovers quickly.

"You can have the princess if you want her. She is no longer of any use to me." Vegeta dodges another blast from Piccolo.

"What do you mean? You hurt her and now you will pay." Piccolo says defending his love, risking Vegeta finding out the truth.

The others can't hear the conversation and they look up bewildered. Alielle looks up with fear plastered on her face, she is no longer a brilliant actress.

"Why do you care?" Vegeta asks curiously.

Piccolo is getting worn out as Vegeta just seems to be getting stronger. Piccolo throws a right punch and Vegeta catches it in left hand. He does the same when Piccolo throws a left. Piccolo's fists are enclosed tightly within the Super Saiyain's hands.

It is a duel of strength, one Piccolo seems to be losing. To close the deal, Vegeta tries to fluster Piccolo.

"You love her. I see it in your eyes." Vegeta cackles, "She is a princess and you are just an asexual weakling!"

"Shut up!" Piccolo starts to doubt her love.

"Have you told her you weakness? She could never love you!" Vegeta looks down below, " Hey princess! Is this your knight in shining armor?"

Alielle shouts in response, "Vegeta, stop this!"

"You realize this is the end for you, Namek." Vegeta hauls Piccolo to the ground with his fists in his hands, "I want everyone to watch as I kill you."

Vegeta releases one fist and immediately when he does so Alielle teleports between him and Piccolo. Vegeta punches Alielle in the gut before he realizes it is her and not Piccolo. Piccolo looks in shock as Alielle collapses to her knees.

"Ali!" Piccolo kneels beside her.

Vegeta stumbles back, shocked. He didn't hit her too hard. He was just trying to scare the Namek. He didn't mean to hurt her, "Princess… why?"

Alielle tries to focus her vision blurs and unblurs. Her stomach feels like it is going to explode. The dizziness is too much and she faints. Piccolo is there to catch her.

"I'm taking her to a hospital." Piccolo says harsh, anger very evident in his tone mixed with fear.

"I will. It is my doing. I shall take her to the hospital."

Piccolo and Vegeta have another stare-off. Goku grabs them both by the shoulders and teleports them to the hospital, "You both will stay here for it is both your faults that she was hurt."

Goku's tone is full of anger and the two do not argue even though they still glare.

"We will come after the tournament. Take care of her."

****That's the end of Chapter Eleven. Please R&R! Alielle's in the hospital? What is wrong? And can Piccolo and Vegeta be civil? All in the next chapter!****