Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel... Won't You Be Mine? ❯ Chapter 12: Doctor Knows Best ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter Twelve- Doctor Knows Best
Author's Note- Alielle is mine... mine... MINE! Piccolo and the Z Squad are not mine, not mine, NOT MINE! Please Review and make sure to read my other stories!

Goku disappears. Piccolo carries Alielle to the counter and asks for assistance.

"Are you um… related?" The nurse asks as she leads Piccolo and Vegeta down the hall to a room.

"Do they look related?" Vegeta says smug, "She belongs to me."

"She does not!" Piccolo turns back after laying Alielle on the bed.

"Well both of you will have to wait outside. I will have the doctor look at her." The nurse shoos them both out.

The doctor examines Alielle. Piccolo listens while leaning beside the door. Vegeta paces back and forth.

"Stop moving. I can't hear!" Piccolo barks at Vegeta.

Glaring, Vegeta stops pacing and leans against the opposing wall.

Piccolo hears as Alielle wakes and the doctor begins to explain to her.

"Miss… You mustn't move."

"I feel fine. What am I doing here?"

"Yes, you will be fine, but there is something we need to discuss."

"What is it? Is Piccolo alright?" Alielle worries about her beloved.

"You are pregnant, did you know that?"

"No." Alielle puts her hand on her stomach.

Piccolo's eyes widen and he is just about to bust down the door, 'Is that what Vegeta meant when he said he didn't need her anymore?' Piccolo looks back at Vegeta.

"Do you know who might be the father?"

"Yes. I know exactly who it is."

"One of the two gentlemen who brought you here?"

"Two?" Alielle questions.

"There was the short man with pointy black hair and then the green man."

"Vegeta and Piccolo, came together? Yes, it's one of them."

"Should I allow them in?"

"No, I need time." Alielle lies back down and closes her eyes.

Piccolo opens the door, "Alielle! You slept with him didn't you?"

Alielle sits up with a start as the doctor tries to push Piccolo back, "What? Piccolo?"

"What are you going on about Namek?"

"Dammit, Alielle!"

"Doctor, Vegeta, leave me and Piccolo alone for a moment." Alielle orders.

They both obey and Alielle glares at Piccolo, "You know?"

"You are pregnant with that bastard's child!"

Alielle looks at him sternly, "This child is yours, Piccolo. I would never let Vegeta go that far. You know good and well that this child is yours."

Piccolo looks at Alielle, his fiery glare now full of kindness, "My child?"

"Yes, your child. We are going to have a child, Pici."

Piccolo sits on the bed with her, "Our child is in here?" Piccolo rests his hand on her stomach.

Alielle smiles, "Yes."

Piccolo hears the others gathering outside the door and talking to Vegeta and the doctor. The doctor lets no news about Alielle slip out.

"I can't believe it. I am going to be a real father?" Piccolo looks into Alielle's sparkling silver eyes.

"Yes." Alielle kisses Piccolo on the cheek.

"How are we going to hide this?"

"I think our little game is up."

"But… I'm… not sure." Piccolo mumbles.

"Piccolo… I think I should stay with Dr. Briefs so he can watch the child. We can tell them tonight at Capsule Corp."

Piccolo stands as the others enter.

"Is everything ok? The doctor said you were free to go." Bulma says worried.

"Everything is fine. I just need to be under a doctor's watch. Do you think your father would mind?" Alielle asks Bulma.

"Not at all! So you will be staying with us, then?"

"Yes. Is that alright, Vegeta?"

Vegeta nods his head, once, "Are you ill?"

"Yes. The doctor said it won't hurt me as long as I get rest and plenty of healthy foods."

"That's a relief. Back to you two, why were you fighting?" Bulma's glare could kill.

"I offended the Namek and the princess. It was my challenge, I just wanted to show the Namek his place." Vegeta says before Piccolo can respond.

"We were going to have a party at my house… but since you are ill…"

"Not at all… we must celebrate." Alielle smiles standing. Piccolo wants to help her but stops.

"Alielle, what's the bandage on your neck for?" Vegeta points out the small white cloth.

"It's from training." Alielle looks up at Piccolo glaring.

"It's your fault. Don't look at me." Piccolo folds his arms.

"At least zap me some clothes instead of this hospital gown." Alielle snaps at Piccolo.

Piccolo smiles devilishly and Alielle quickly recovers, "Zap me my usual training outfit."

"What did I say about making this a habit?" Piccolo says as he changes her into her training uniform.

"Well you don't want me going around-"

"Just stop that statement, right there." Piccolo says folding his arms.

"naked." She finishes sticking her tongue out at him.

"Very mature."

"I wasn't the one who was fighting!" Alielle shouts.

"Um, you two…" Gohan scratches his head, never seeing his sensi so… vocal, "We should head over to Capsule Corp."

"Meet you there." Alielle disappears.

****That's the end of Chapter Twelve. Please R&R! Oh no, Piccolo is going to be a father! He has to tell everyone 'cause it's gonna be pretty obvious in a couple months! Will he do it or will Alielle have to step in? All in the next chapter!****