Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Obession ❯ Breakfast Part 1 ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do NOT own anything but this story. All characters belong to their respectful owners.
Breakfast Part 1 _____________________________________________________________________ _________
She didn't even have time to protest as Jessine pushed her out of the changing room. She had no idea how she looked, her mind was too preoccupied with her horrible fate, and she was too scared to look at her dress, what if it was bad? Or worse…. What if it was good!?
At this point all Bura can do was prey…however the Kai's were obviously not getting her messages, so she did the next best thing… shut her eyes and hope this was a horrible nightmare
“What an exquisite site” whispered Broly as he moved away from the mirror and walked over to Bura. He grabbed one of her arms and pulled her towards the mirror and placed her in front of it, he kneeled down to Bura's height and started rubbing his hands gently up and down her arms a way to coax her to stop shaking and open her eyes.
“Go on open your eyes. See how beautiful you truly are” he whispered in her ear.
Bura for the most part was scared to open her eyes, she didn't want to see how she looked and she most certainly didn't want to see Broly so as an act of defiance kept her eyes closed and turned her head away from the mirror.
Suddenly his hands weren't so gentle anymore.
“I wasn't asking” he said, his voice no longer gentle
With his hold on her arms getting tighter Bura knew Broly wasn't joking.
So to satisfy him, Bura slowly opened one eye to look at herself in the mirror, she then opened her other eye to make sure that what she was seeing was real. She went to rub her eyes but Broly grabbed her wrist and said
“I wouldn't want you to ruin your make up… what you're seeing is real, and that is really you.”
Even though she knew what she was seeing real she still couldn't believe it. She never seen herself look so…doll-like.
She was wearing a simple white strapless gown that reached down to her ankles with doily like patterns on the top and bottom of the dress. On her hands she wore white gloves. Her hair was done up with curls coming down and two long strands reaching down to the small of her back.
To finish off the effect her face was done beautifully. Her eyelashes were extended perfectly and the eyeliner made her eyes look darker. In contrast to the rest of her face it was almost as white as snow, with pink blush to liven up her face and for final touch pink lip gloss to finish off the entire look.
She looked like the perfect doll.
Never in her life had she ever wanted break a mirror so badly, she wanted to destroy the image that was staring right at her.
….Mocking her plight.
She wasn't back yet. Obviously something happened.
They have been waiting for Bura the entire night. They feared the worst
However something kept them from running, their friend Bura and the Vegeta-sei necklace…well that was two things, but that was beside the point. There friend was still missing.
“I forget, why are we waiting for Bura?” asked Zo
“It was Your idea stupid” answered Lela
“Oh Yeah! But I forgot why?”
“Because she's our friend we can't leave her behind, and I'm sure she would do the same for us, besides there a chance that she might bring back the necklace”
Zo raised his arms in exasperation and shouted “Fat chance! I'm sure that King Broly took precaution and added more security to the palace, not to mention that he probably hid the necklace after the fiasco that went down.” Walking towards the nearest window, and contemplated their next move.
He was stressing out, Melzda saw him running beside Bura making him an accomplice. Melzda would then assume that he was the leader of the short lived rebellion since he had many connections because of his family name , making him a traitor to his people
All he wanted to do was have an adrenaline rush, and being in this group gave him that rush. Ever since he can remember he sought out excitement, his life as the son of a wealthy nobleman was boring. His family was boring, his friends were boring, and living in a lavish mansion was boring.
Every chance he got he would find a way to curb his boredom, like shooting things from long distances, going on dangerous expeditions, and space racing. In fact his habits are the reason he met Bura and Lela.
Lost in his own world Zo paid no attention to what Lela was saying. Instead focusing on a man posting posters on the walls
“Okay, since that plan is out the window, maybe we should go find Bura instead. Do you have any idea where they put her? We could sneak in and bust her out once we find her.” Blabbered Lela
“Or maybe we should head to Zel Nar as soon as possible….” Zo replied with a fake nonchalant tone
“Why would we do something like that?” shouted Lela with indignation
Without looking at her he pointed out the window and said “Because I'm the most wanted man in the Universe”
Not believing what he was saying Lela went look at what Zo was pointing at. What she saw shocked her, there was an audience gathered around a wall looking at the poster that the man had just posted
It read….Son of noblemen Aroog, Zokkic is wanted for 3 million credits .wanted dead or alive. Reward for any information on the whereabouts of the perpetrator.
If that wasn't bad enough their landlord was talking to an officer and pointing towards there window.
Before the police officer could look at them the two criminals ducked under the window
In hushed whisper Lela said “That's a good idea”
With that they grabbed all their essentials and made a dash to the door. They made their way towards the stairs but stopped when they heard footsteps climbing towards their floor. Beginning to panic they made their way towards the elevator, pushing the button repeatedly as they heard the footsteps get louder.
Zo almost shouted “I knew that greasy fat bastard would rat us out, I should have killed him when I had the chance”
Getting more anxious Lela whispered “what are we going to do?”
Zo was hyperventilating at this point trying to think of a way to escape, the footsteps getting closer still.
He was shaking like a leaf; if he got caught then it would be the end of him.
And then something happened
He was no longer shaking, or breathing heavily, he was no longer frightened…just a heighten sense of things
Zo then calmly whispered “You just wait for the elevator; I'll take care of this”
Shocked Lela almost shouted for Zo to come to his sense but before she could Zo covered her mouth and with a calm voice said “They don't know what you sound like all they know is that I was with two girls. I like to keep it that way” The footsteps still getting closer
More quietly Lela asked “What are you going to do?”
“I'm going to let them follow me” replied Zo as if it was the simplest answer in the world
Still unconvinced Lela said “But you'll get cau-ght” but was interrupted again
“Just do me a favor and don't follow me. Just wait for the elevator”
“But where will I meet you? And what about Bura?” Lela asked quietly
“We'll meet in Zel Nar and I'll find Bura and meet you there” answered Zo
“But what if you don't make it?” asked Lela
“Then I don't make it” quipped Zo, he smiled fondly at Lela and then brought his lips to her forehead and kissed it “just promise me you'll get there”
A tear came from her eye and quietly she nodded her head, a part of her believing that this would be the last time that she would see her friend.
She knew that if she never saw him again, that she would never find another man like him. Sure he was a vulgar spoiled prick but he brought something out of her every time he said something, she felt alive when she argued with him. She was a whole different person when she was around Zo. She didn't know what she felt… maybe it was love? Whatever the feeling was all that she knew was that if he died, then part of her would die with him.
She then grabbed him and kissed him full on the lips.
She smiled then coyly and said “A little incentive to get you there”
He then smiled genuinely and with that he ran the other way leaving Lela Behind
_________________________________________________________________ _____________
Money made the world go round. It fed you, it got nice stuff, and with the right person it bought you love….That was the landlord's philosophy
So when there was a ransom of one of his costumers he didn't hesitate to rat him out for the hefty sum.
Working in a seedy apartment building always paid well… not the residents mind you but the people looking for them.
It was actually quite brilliant. Make the wanted criminal pay to stay then rat them out and collect money it was win win for him
Stop crime and get paid
“So you're sure he's here?” asked the officer
“Trust me I never forget a face especially this guy, he didn't look like he belonged” the landlord said with a broken accent
“Does he have any weapons?” asked the officer
“I didn't see any weapons when he came, just some E-arth designed computers” the landlord answered
“I see” was all the officer said
“Now the reward money? Is it in cash or credit? Because I usually prefer cash but if it's credit that would be fine too. I would just like to know…no?”
However the officer wasn't listening as he was watching the culprit jumping from the top of the staircase
Too focused on the criminal the officer pushed the landlord down the stairs to catch the perpetrator
“HEY! What da do that for!? the landlord shouted at the officer
But the officer was already out the door.
The only sounds in the dungeon were the droplets of water hitting the floor and Gohan's shallow breaths
Gohan had no idea what time it was. Whether it was night or day he simply had no idea. Time seem to be nonexistent.
All that he was aware of was that he in a cell, in pain… and slowly bleeding to death.
He knew that they would keep him alive, even if he never revealed Zel Nar's location; they would keep him alive just for fun.
He had to keep fighting to live, but at this moment all he wanted was to drift into sleep and never wake up. In a way if he died then Broly would never get the information of Zel Nar he wanted, his death would ensure Zel Nar's safety.
Yep Death seemed to be more appeasing by the minute.
His breathing seemed to be the only thing that could be heard in the dungeon
`Heels?' Gohan thought `who where's heels in a dungeon'
Maybe if you were captured and wearing heels then thrown into prison that would be plausible, but these footsteps that he was hearing indicated that they were walking freely…and getting closer to his cell
Who was it? An enemy? Or an ally? Whoever they were, they were getting closer
Then the footsteps came to a halt…the door screeched as the stranger opened the door
As the door opened bright light flooded the cell temporally blinding Gohan from the unknown person, making him turn his head from the door
When the stranger closed the door Gohan cautiously turned his head to get a better view of the stranger.
It was woman wearing an all white outfit. She wore a nurse's outfit with white stilettos heels. To finish her outfit she wore a white ski mask that covered everything but her eyes.
Gohan was unsure how to react to this woman, he still didn't know if she was a friend or foe.
So he did the next best thing…
…he asked
“Who are you? What do you want!?”
The woman in front of him said nothing, instead she reached into her pocket and pulled out a syringe filled with an unknown substance walking towards Gohan
At this Gohan kept on guard and backed away (despite his limited mobility)
“Stay away from me!” Gohan shouted
But the woman in white said nothing and continued walking towards him with the syringe in her hand
Gohan tried to move away until finally he had his back to the wall
Caught and corned like a wounded animal Gohan tried to stand and defend himself however the effort proved futile as the pain in his body caused him to collapse
When he hit the floor Gohan shout in pain writhing on the floor from the pain.
The continued to get closer to Gohan until she was right in front of him
Unable to fight Gohan braced himself for the worse.
It was all over for him, this was the end!
“Do you wish to be free?” asked the woman
At this Gohan looked up in confusion “what?”
“Do you wish to be free?” she asked again
Still not comprehending the situation Gohan asked “what do you mean? Are you trying ask me if I want to go free or are you planning to kill me with that” his motioning towards the needle.
“I wish to free you of this pain and bondage” she stated
Out sheer will Gohan forced himself to stand up and boastfully reply
“Yeah I figured, you came to kill me…right? Well I'll tell you this…I'll never tell you bastards anything. I'll take this secret to my grave, and since you're here to kill me it won't be long.”
The woman merely nodded and without saying anything grabbed his arm and injected the unknown substance into him.
At first Gohan felt nothing, just a tingling sensation from where the liquid entered his arm, but then everything became numb. The numbness caused Gohan to fall to the ground, but this time he felt no pain… He couldn't feel anything
His entire body went lax
Then slowly, one by one his organs started to shut down until Gohan couldn't breathe no more.
As he was losing his ability to breathe Gohan could do nothing more than stare at his executioner and his liberator wrapped into one.
As he continued to stare at the women his vision slowly became blurry until finally everything went black
Gohan's POV
So this is what death felt like…nothingness…utter and complete darkness but strangely it gives me comfort
With the deed done the woman attached a two way communicator to the side of her head waiting for the person on the other side of the communicator to respond, and said
“The deed is done” then a pause “I will” then a long pause
“Understood…A Hole through the Heart”
Yes!... I'm that evil
Sorry for taking so long but I had a lot of other projects that kept me preoccupied.
From now on I will finish a chapter every 2 to 3 moths
Oh and one more thing…
oyeux anniversaire balated à vous, joyeux anniversaire balated à vous, chers heureux anniversaire balated mumz3l-Neskouiik-Bura, joyeux anniversaire à vous balated
Sorry it took so long girl
I wish you all the best. And thanks for being my # 1 fan