Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Obession ❯ Morning ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but this story. DBZ if a fictional show and belongs to Akira Toriyama
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The bright sun of Vegeta-sei slowly began to rise. Like a silken blanket the light started to lift the covers of the shadows of the night and illuminate the entire city. Their rays reaching the king's suite waking Broly from his peaceful slumber.
He and yawns loudly stretches his arms out. He cranes his neck to the side and then rolls his neck in a circle.
He brings his head back down to his pillow and smiles; he hasn't felt this good in a long time. Most of his mornings were just blurs and the ones he did remember were the ones he'd like to forget… massive hangovers, stomach aces, and the occasional mornings of unintentional erections from wet dreams. But today was different
Next to him laid the reason why he was in such a good mood. With her was back turned to him and curled up in fetal position shivering with fright. It was as if she was trying to protect herself from unknown danger.
A stray strand of hair covered a part of Bura's face and he moved his hand to bring the strand of hair behind her ear.
Broly couldn't help smile she looked so innocent and lost, almost like a newborn cub that couldn't find its mother and was forced to suffer the wrath of nature alone.
But this little creature had nothing to worry about for he intended to keep her alive and would keep her safe from any threat. As long as she obeyed him she would be cherished and adored
He had big plans for her
----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
Bura's POV
He moves a strand of hair from my face and I try not to shutter in disgust.
I been awake for a couple of hours now keeping still in fear that he might wake and take me again
Even though my back is turned away from him I can tell that he is watching me. I wish he would stop
Whatever he is thinking I do not know, nor do I care
He moves his hand to my waist and pulls me towards his larger body. I refrain myself from shrieking in utter terror
His warm breath caressing the back of my neck makes me want to vomit
Why can't this just be a nightmare that I can wake up from and forget? Why did this have to happen to me?
Why not some other girl?
Is he kissing my neck? Oh Kami he is! Make him stop! Please not again
What to do? What to do?
If I fight him he might force me, if I continue to stay still he still might force me. Either way I'm in trouble
----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
“I'm hungry” announced Bura
Smiling between kissing Bura's neck Broly replied “As am I?” as his hand reached for her right breast
“No I meant breakfast as in foods you eat during the daytime that isn't human flesh” Bura replied sarcastically
Ignoring her sarcasm Broly responded by saying “Breakfast is not for another two hours” with that he returned to kissing her neck.
“Can't we have breakfast in bed; I'm hungry now“asked Bura
“We can, but today I'm having a Business breakfast “replied Broly as he continued groping Bura
“But I'm not going to this meeting?” she asked “Can you order breakfast for me? Please?” Smiling in an attempt to coax him into getting her breakfast in bed
If there's one thing that she learned at the orphanage is that a smile can get you almost anything from the opposite sex
For a moment Broly seems to consider the idea “I suppose I could.”
`YES!' Bura thought with glee
Still in thought Broly said “Or maybe you could accompany me to breakfast”
`NO!' she thought with dread
Reaching his decision “And since you will be accompanying me, we need to get you cleaned and dressed up”
`Meh' thought Bura unsure weather this course of action was a good thing.
While Bura was contemplating her next course of action Broly reaches for the handle of his drawer and pulls it open to grab a small object.
The small object is a communicator of sorts; it worked like a phone but also had the ability to record anything within a 50 yard radius. The recorder was installed when Broly constantly forgot to do personal tasks.
The first solution was to have Melzda follow him around 24/7 and jotting everything down, it seemed to work at first but with her other duties she was forced to attend and her lack of sleep Melzda would often dose off when Broly would try to say something. So she was “relieved” of her duty (in other words Broly called her a useless piece of shit and to fuck off which she was more then happy to leave the position and get some sleep)
Then upon his father's suggestion that his communicator should have a recording device installed into his communicator so he could call upon anyone and record his thoughts at all times.
Right now he was contacting his personal fashion designer slash hair stylist slash make-up artist.
“Jessien! Are you up?”
“Da darling. I never sleep especially when there are new designs to be created” a Russian accented woman answered
“Jessien, I have special guest attending breakfast with me, and she's positively a mess”
“I will see what I can do Darling. Just give me a minute and I'll assess the damage”
And with that Broly turned off the communicator, laid his head on the pillow and pulled Bura head down to his chest, shocking Bura out of her reprise.
`What is he doing' Bura thought
`Shouldn't he be molesting me?'
Then to add to her confusion Broly started to gently stroke her hair as if petting a docile animal.
The silence was killing her
So to end the awkward silence she asked
“What are you doing?”
Although her head was turned away from Broly she could tell he was smiling
“Waiting for Jessien” was his reply
“I meant why are you petting me like some kitten that needs attention?”
“It passes the time and I find it …calming” he answered “and for you information I hate cats or anything of the feline species. You're more like a puppy or a lamb”
“Oh great! Now I'm an animal. I never thought there'd be anything lower then a thief” Bura mumbled with some bitterness
Insulted by her ungratefulness Broly pulled her hair forcing her to face him
And with an angered yet firm tone he replied
“Being My pet is a step up from that shit whole you called a life. You do well to remember that!”
“You're hurting me!” Bura meekly
As if forgetting he was trying discipline her, he returned to petting her hair “I know, and it hurts me to see you in pain, especially when I'm forced to discipline you. So just behave yourself and I won't have punish you”
Bura offered no reply she just scowled and turned her head away from him.
Angered by her defiance he forced her to look at him again, his left hand sliding down her neck and grasped firmly.
A snarl etching his face
“And when I tell you to do something you smile and reply yes Master like a good girl. Is that clear?”
Forcing herself to smile despite the fear she tried to contain “Yes Master”
There was no point in testing his patience, especially with his hands behind her neck, his cruelty was legendary
As soon as she replied Broly's entire expression changed from menacing to delighted almost instantly
He then moved his hand from her neck to her gently rubbing her cheek with his thumb
“See, that wasn't so hard?”
Bura could only shake her head as her only response
“Such a strange thing you are” Broly said as he moved to kiss her lips
Luckily the door slammed open

The sheer volume of Jessien voice shocked Broly out of his intent giving Bura a chance to hide behind Broly

"Not so loud it's too early for your obnoxious voice" said Broly obviously annoyed

"Wow usually you have a hissy fit. Why the sudden change?" Jessien inquired Unaware that Bura was hiding behind Broly.

"Well the reason is right behind me" he said as he moved away from Bura so Jasine could get a look at her

"Awe how adorable...you got yourself a Inu" (Inu is Japanese for dog) Jessien said in awe "It's adorable, can I pet it?"

"No! It's not an Inu!" Broly shouted deterred by Jasine's assumption, he started to pat Bura's head as way to calm himself and with a steadier tone continued “she's the newest addition to my harem"

"Uh! This thing is a humanoid?" Jessien asked clearly disgusted

"Yes she is as am I, as is the namekians, as is the endangered icejin and any other species that stand upright, " Broly explained to Jessien quiet irritable

"But she's so...messy" Jessien defended

Being insulted and ignored was something Bura never liked so she lashed out "Well you ain't so pleasant to look at yourself! What are you a shit faced fish bird!?" 

Bura has never seen a creature like Jessien. First off she couldn't tell what species Jessien was, fish lips that covered at least one quarter of its face. The face was comically thin with protruding cheek bones and eyes that were too far apart.

"Such vulgar language, I liked you better as an Inu at least they don't lack proper grammar"

"That's enough!" Broly interrupted "Both of you! Jessien I want you to prepare her for this morning breakfast."

Jessien went over to Bura and grabbed a lock of hair and started to examine it, then with a disappointed sigh said

"I can't promise you any miracles Darling."

"Why is that?" Broly asked

"Well at least when she was Inu" Jessien started to explain

Bura was not happy about continuingly being referred to as an Inu so she interrupted Jasine

"I was never Inu! I don't have dog ears, or a dog's tail. Get that through your brain or is that poor excuse for a hair do wrapped too tightly around your head for you to realize that!"

"You done? Good, now as I was saying at least when she was an Inu I had the excuse of over using ribbons and ruffled dresses that would have been adorable plus the whole trying to pass an Inu for a girl is much easier then trying to make a street urchin pass for an acceptable lady in higher society... I assumed you were a street urchin because of your poor grammar" presentable

"And what were you? A fishbird? Cause street urchin certainly beats fishbird any day in my book!" Countered Bura

"Well thank the Kai's your opinion doesn't matter" Jessien shot back

"That's enough!" Broly shouted, and then pointed at Jessien "You! get to work! If you mess this up I'll have you replaced! Understand"

"Alright, there's no need to shout. I'll do the best I can. It's going to be hard since blue is out"

Self consciously Bura stroked her hair in embarrassment. She always felt self conscious about her hair color not because she felt it was ugly but more because she was the only person of her species she knew whose hair was naturally shaded blue. She felt like she was in a side show.
"What's wrong with the color of my hair?" Bura asked

Sighing and shaking her head at Bura's naivety Jessien replied "its blue darling, Blue has been out for years. Nobody likes blue. Blue is out!"

"I like blue" the king simply stated
"BLUE IS IN!" Jessien shouts, and then moves to grab Bura's arm "come darling I'm going to make you are superstar!"

Normally Bura would protest to having a stranger pick out her wardrobe but considering the alternative Bura complied. As She was about to be dragged away to the bathroom when something stopped her by her ankle

"Ow!" Bura moaned

it was the chain that was attached to her from last night; she hardly noticed it this morning from the trauma she endured last night 

"A little help please?" Jessien asked Broly pointing to the offending object

With no reply of his own Broly reached into his drawer and pulled out a small key and moved to detach the chain from Bura's ankle noticing that Bura's muscles had tightened as if she was about to make run for it so he looked her straight in the eyes and whispered a warning

"Don't bother running"

The audible gulp from Bura was washed out by the sound of the chain rattling. Too scared to do anything else Bura let Jessien drag her to the bathroom 

Upon Witnessing the two disappear into his facilities Broly laid his head down on Bura's pillow and breathed in her scent, and began to dose off

'I got a good two hours before breakfast' came Broly's last thought before he drifted back to sleep

------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------

'I've reached rock bottom' thought Gohan as he was viewing his surroundings.

Doctor Octo something or whatever his name left hours ago when Gohan lost consciousness. He just regained conscious only moments ago.

There was not much else he could do but view his surrounding, and it wasn't a pretty sight …that and to think to himself

everything was covered in either metal or blood...his blood.

He looked down at his body and saw that the holes in his body were still fresh and oozing with blood. When the doctor drilled holes into his body some of the drilled holes pierced into his bones. If he were human Gohan would have died of extreme blood loss, fortunately he was half Sayian, which he often considered a curse. He never really accepted that he was part Sayian because he considers Sayians to be a backwards society, solving there problems through war and violence, and having very little appreciation for other cultures.

Even when his father acknowledged that he was a Sayian Gohan still could not accept the fact, and it didn't help when his father started to embrace that he was a Sayian, no longer did his father believe that evil beings had a chance at redemption, his father even subconsciously obtained an intolerance towards those who stomped on his beliefs and in typical Sayian fashion would beat down his opponent to submission until they submitted to his will or died.

He was still a good man but his outlook on life changed, mercy was for the weak and ignorant, his perceptions of good and evil were now filled with shades of gray, there was no longer just good and evil, now there was evil as a necessity, sacrifice the innocent for the greater good, and to insure peace prepare for war.

Don't get the wrong idea Gohan loved his father, he was a role model to him as a child, with a strong sense of morals and fought for the greater good, but when his father went to fight against the icejins with Bulma things changed.

He suddenly had to become the man of the house when his brother was born. He had to be the role model that his father couldn't be for Goten all the while believing his dad to be a selfless hero fighting against the bad guys and the greater good; he even wished that one day he would join his father.

Boy was he in for a rude awakening

when he reached 18 he finally was able to join the fight. He was ecstatic. Not only was His first mission assigned with his father but it was a very important mission issued by King Vegeta II himself

The mission was to destroy a research facility rumored to hold very powerful tools of mass destruction and catch Dr Gero a traitor to the Northern alliance. The job sounded simple enough but never could he fathom the consequences of such actions

His mission was to destroy all the research and equipments. What he didn't know was that most of the research was living breathing specimens. When the Sayians carried out there mission Gohan was quick to realize that those experiments was able to feel pain and express the emotion of fear.
And when Vegeta said destroy everything he meant everything no one was to be spared… experiment and scientist alike. 
As soon as Gohan realized that this was a slaughter mission he froze in shock. He couldn't believe that he was apart of it nor could he once believed that war was an honorable thing especially when you where fighting against your enemy. 

The mission was almost a complete success however Dr Gero got away; on the bright side all the research in that faculty was destroyed including Dr Gero's

However Vegeta was not satisfied
...Then again when was he ever


"You're all a fucking disgrace!" Shouted the frustrated King while the soldiers coward in fear
For man of his small stature he was certainly intimidating

"The mission was to destroy everything in that lab and to Bring Gero's head to me dead or alive. How come I'm missing a head?"

At first no one said anything for fear of being blasted into the next dimension, but then Goku spoke up "But Vegeta we destroyed everything in that lab, and so what if Gero got away it's no big deal we'll catch him eventual..."

"I'm sorry!" Vegeta interrupted "did it sound like I was finished talking Kakarot? It doesn't matter if the lab was destroyed! What matters is making a statement to all traitors; they need to know what happens what happens when you betray the Sayians!"

Although Gohan was still in a state of shock, he asked the question nobody bothered to ask "Why were we sent to slaughter innocent people?"

"What makes you think they're innocent?" Came King Vegeta's retort

Gohan never really had anyone respond to him with such hostility, usually people around were soft spoken around him except his mother but she was never hostile towards him overbearing but never hostile. So when Vegeta retorted to his question he had no idea how to respond.

"Do you even know what kind of man Gero was?" Asked Vegeta
“What does it matter” Gohan challenged “You ordered us to kill hundreds just so we can capture one man”
At that Vegeta laughed hard but then as soon as it came he stopped and frowned “I would have ordered you to killed thousands if it meant capturing Gero”
After that declaration Gohan realized that no one had any objections to the idea, not even his own father.
Needless to say Gohan did not like Vegeta
This man was just cold; He was a heartless monster to all his enemies and instilled fear into his subjects to garner their respect, and frankly he didn't like his father hanging around a person like Vegeta.
He believed that Vegeta was the reason that his father morals were so skewered
In fact his father believed that Vegeta was a hero
It was like his father worshiped the man. If Vegeta said jump Goku would ask how high, if he said jump off a cliff Goku would say which cliff, if Vegeta said Kill Goku would ask who?
But as much as he detested Vegeta he couldn't deny that Vegeta was an efficient ruler, he kept the Sayians in line, and promoted the higher education for all the Sayians, allowed the half breed Sayians the same rights as the pure breeds, and he was a brilliant tactician. It was as if Vegeta was the only competent ruler in the Northern Alliance that stood in the way of the Cold Empire which at that time had assimilated half of the Galaxy.
He had to choose between the two evils the Cold Empire or Vegeta
It was a bitter truth that Gohan had to acknowledge but he had to choose the lesser to the two evils and unfortunately that was Vegeta.
Compared to the Cold family Vegeta was a saint
While Vegeta was cold and heartless the Cold's were sadistic and vile.
There was this one story where the Cold's once captured a rebel force of some planet had them brutally tortured for three days, recorded the entire thing and broadcasted it to the entire planet for a week while at the same time assassinated all the leaders of that planet
While it brought joy to Gohan to see them dead it didn't change the fact that a more ruthless entity plagued the universe…Broly
This man was insane
It was as if he had no motive no objective, just destruction and mayhem
There was a reason he is the most feared man in the universe
He could wipe out entire civilizations with just a flick of his wrist, and with a smile on his face. He can not be reasoned with, there was no logic to his madness it was all a game to him
He loved to toy with his victims, watching them fumble every step of the way until he got bored with them and then he would end there life as slowly as possible.
He betrayed Vegeta just as the war was about to be declared over. While Vegeta was bringing the head of Frieza to the Northern Alliance Broly brought Vegeta's.
He declared himself King of the Universe and with no Monarchs strong enough to oppose him they complied.
And since that day no one was safe
Rebels, nobles, civilians it didn't matter to him, they were all his prey.
And there was only one place where anybody was safe… Zel Nar.
An abandoned sector that remained untouched due to the lack of resources.
When it was first found all that was there were dozens upon dozens of desert planets with uninhabitable living conditions. The Northern Alliance believed this sector to be useless territory, as it provided no strategic advantage, no resources, and no financial gain. It was to be was to be left alone. But someone saw potential in it…Bulma
She didn't see this sector like the others did. She didn't care that it had no value what so ever, what others saw as a universal wasteland she saw it as a project to create a safe haven for those who lost there home.
Of course the Alliance saw this as a waste of time and money and rejected the plan and left the sector alone, but surprisingly she continued with the project anyway.
No one knows how she did it but when it was completed it was a masterpiece what was once desert planet upon desert planet was transformed into a utopia, forest, cities, and oceans on every planet.
She had done the impossible, however no one but a select few would ever about this place. What Bulma had done was nothing short of miraculous and awe inspiring, but she did it behind the Northern Alliance's back, such an offense would have marked her as a traitor and all contact and resources from the Alliance would be terminated immediately, making Vegeta-sei and Earth insolated and vulnerable to an attack by the Cold Empire.
Zel Nar was probably Bulma's greatest creation, but of course she couldn't complete such feat on her own. So with the help of a select few they turned barren wastelands into lush and forests and jungles, created cities that covered the entire continents and created a seamlessly unlimited power source. Each planet was more illustrious than the last.
What was originally supposed to be a secret base and new home for the Sayians in the likely event that Frieza and the Cold Empire succeed in destroying the Sayian planet, however only a select few knew of its existence as a precaution. Sayians where known for being prideful and boisterous creatures so it wouldn't be a surprise if word got out of the existence of Zel Nar. But when Broly seized control Zel Nar remained a secret and ironically enough for the last sixteen years it has been the only place anyone was safe from the Sayian-jin Empire,
It was the only place that a resistance group can assemble. But after Gohan was tortured for information on the existence of Zel Nar such freedoms and luxuries were at stake, and if the location of its existence was ever revealed then no one was safe from Borly's wrath
Some people claim that he was the God of Wrath in mortal form, and there were times Gohan would have to agree with such claims. The man was practically indestructible and was easily angered, sometimes for no reason whatsoever, everywhere he went there was mayhem and destruction laid in his wake. No was safe and if Zel Nar ever fell into his hands the entire universe would be his to control.
That's why Gohan had to escape and lead the resistance…if only holes weren't drilled into his bones
Red dress, pink dress, blue dress, dress after dress it seem that it would go on forever.
For the last hour Bura sat in complete silence while Jasine picked out dresses for her to wear. Bura couldn't fathom why it to so long to pick out a simple dress, her motto has always been if it looks good wear it, if it's too expensive “barrow” it… without ever returning it.
Finally agitated at the long silence Bura asked
“Excuse me, but can you please just pick a dress?”
“Oh I'm sorry…I didn't realize you were in such a hurry to return to his majesties company” Jessien reprimanded
“No, no….I'm good. Take your time” came Bura's reply, moving her hand to bite her nails
The silence continued until
“I figured you weren't particularly fond of the King” Jessien asked
“No I'm not; in fact I'm quite terrified of him” replied Bura
“I'm not surprised, most people are, and I myself am not too fond of him, then again I'm not sure anybody is too fond or likes him for that matter” stated Jessien
“You are aware that he's right outside? I mean he could be listening from outside” Bura whispered
“Oh, he knows my animosity towards him” Jasine said
“But if he knows, why does he keep you around?” Bura asked
“Because I'm not a threat to him” simply replied
“But isn't he easily angered?” inquired Bura
“Yes. But there is no one who can do what I can do. I am irreplaceable” Jasine stated with pride
“What, like he has favorites?” Bura asked not sure if she was understanding correctly
“Not necessarily, you may still face his wrath if you are irreplaceable but he makes an effort to keep you around, however if you are of no use to him then you have tread carefully and stay out of his way, if you want to live.” Explained Jessien
“Oh, well thanks for the tip…Um is there is there anything else I should know about?” asked an awkward Bura
“Yes, a concubine has no voice, no power, has nothing she is her masters property … however if she has her masters heart then she has everything” hinted Jessien
Bura was speechless
But Bura didn't have time to respond back as Jessien pushed her out the room and into what was most likely to be the rest of her life
Do to a lack of time and interest I haven't been keeping up with the story.
So I would like to dedicate this chapter to mumz3l-Neskouiik-Bura
Thank you keeping interest and nagging me to keep up with the story
merci beaucoup