Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Blue Obession ❯ Desire ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own anything but this story, and I in no way gain profit from this and if in the unlikely that I offend anyone don't sue me…just stop reading it will save us time and money
Warning: this scene contains explicit and violently carnal acts that should not be read by readers under 18
Note: for fear of being banned from Fanfiction.net I will post this also on Mediaminer.org
Don't forget to review
Enjoy ;)
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`Okay lets see' thought Melzda `500 soldiers are dead 392 are severely injured and are likely to die and 174 are just minimally injured, okay now all I have to do is get all there names'
Behind her an uninjured soldier came up to her and said “Madam Melzda”
“Did you get all the names of the fallen like I asked?” Melzda asked not in the mood for pleasantries
“Yes all the names have been accounted for” said the soldier
“Good now take a memo you are going to get someone write this for all the fallen soldiers” Melzda said
“Yes mam”
“Dear loyal subjects, I regret to inform you that your son/ward insert the name has perished in the line of duty during a rebel attack. But do not be sadden by such news for he has died an honorable death. Fighting gallantly to very end as any Honorable Sayian would do. You should be proud to have raised such valiant hero for that is what he is a hero along with his fallen comrades they are all heroes. And you will be honored as well for raising such an upstanding soldier.
There will be a grand Funeral a week from now on the 28th of, where we will honor the dead and we wish for you to attend. And as appreciation for your son/wards service to the Sayian army you will be awarded your son's/ward's reparations
We are regretful for your loss
You're King”
“Is that all mam?” asked the soldier
“Just make sure that all of them are sent and send me a report, all by tomorrow” replied Melzda
“Yes Madam” the soldier said and walked away
When the soldier was finally gone Melzda turned on her scouter and contacted the S.U.C Service also known as the Sayian's Universal Communication Service. They were basically the Universal hub of communication
“This is Madam Melzda; I request an audience with the captain of the S.U.C, for the situation is dire”
“This is Commander Homa of the S.U.C what can I do you for?” commander Homa asked
“The Palace has been attacked and our security system is busted and will take some time to repair, so in the mean time I need the S.U.C to be our temporary source for security”
“But we are merely a communication center how are we to safeguard Vegeta-sei?” asked commander Homa
“It's pretty simple really. Basically it requires you to contact us of any disturbances across the galaxy; I'll send all my agents to the main territories that cause us the most trouble. With my agents on constant watch it's like the security system never got busted”
“Okay I can do that” said commander Homa
“While you're at it I would like you to call a couple of scientists to fix our security system and they need to be here by tomorrow”
“Tomorrow? On such short notice? I'm pretty certain that none of them will come by then” replied commander Homa
“Don't worry, I know exactly the scientists I want and I know exactly how to make them come. Call professor Vanice tell him we know where he lives and will execute him unless he doesn't comply. Then get Professor Gomen tell him we will kill his daughter if he doesn't comply. And finally get Professor Wamu and his apprentices and tell him to come or else we will expose him and his involvement with the Xo2 virus that caused the Entire Knex sector to blow up. Certainly he wouldn't want to be executed for that. Also tell them not to worry about transportation we will provide it. Oh, and call for there transportation” Said Melzda
“Very well, it shall be done” answered Homa
“And one more thing Homa…I need you to contact the best contractor you can find by tomorrow, can you do this one last thing for me?” asked Melzda
“Of course Madam Melzda, it will be no problem” replied Homa
“Thank you” was all Melzda said and hung up
`Well my work here is done' thought Melzda all she had to do now was to make sure that everything was done by the end of the week.
As she was walking she was walking down the hall to her room Melzda stopped in realization.
`Fuck! I forgot all about Zokkic' thought Melzda `what am I going to do about him?'
The first place to look was at his family estate but Zokkic wasn't that stupid. Even though he could care less about his parent's well being he knew it wouldn't be wise to crash in his own home especially when he was suspect in the theft, and he knows that he was a suspect which is why he wouldn't be in his home
But what to do about Zokkic? Cut all the wealth that his family processes. No, he probably cut all ties with them to protect himself, and beside his family is very influential among the elite class should they ever feel threatened they could rally against King Broly and that would prove to be a major inconvenience and it would force Melzda to do more work
`If we got on there bad side they could be trouble' thought Melzda `No it's better if we leave them alone for that might be of use us one day'
The only thing Melzda can think of right now was make him a wanted criminal and hire bounty hunters to catch him
Normally she would go after him herself since she was a bounty hunter herself but ever since she was forced to work for Broly her occupation as a bounty hunter ended and her carrier as second in command took its place
`But I feel more like a secretary' thought Melzda as she activated her scouter
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`Broly you bastard!' thought Goten as he watch some of his comrades die
`Its not enough that you murdered my father now you have to take away my brother too' Goten thought enraged `When will it end! How many lives must you destroy until you are satisfied? Do you get some sick satisfaction watching people beg for mercy? Your lust for madness is as limitless as your power! And it won't end until you die. I have to kill you for the atrocities you have…'
“I hate to disturb you from your session of self loathing but we need to know our next move” Seventeen interrupted
“Why are you asking me?” asked Goten
“Because your brother is not here to guide us so you have to lead us” answered Seventeen
“I didn't ask to be leader” said Goten
“Neither did your brother but he took responsibility and you should do the same” shouted Seventeen
“I'm not the leader my brother was!” Goten declared
“No, you're not” Seventeen admitted “But we need someone give the résistance hope, and they believe that you can do it. Their morale has weakened after the fight they need to believe that there will be a brighter future to fight for otherwise all hope is lost. If we give up that's it there won't be other resistances to fight for us, we are all that stand in Broly's way of absolute domination of the Universe, if we give up he wins, and your father's and brother's death would be for nothing, so do not give up on us, because we won't give up on you”
Goten was aspired by that speech and became speechless himself. There was a few seconds of silence when Goten finally blurted out
“Seventeen…that has got to be the gayest thing you ever said”
“I know and it shall never happen again. Now going to give us orders or are you going continue being a pussy?” Seventeen quipped
Smiling in spite of himself Goten replied “Yeah your right, I should stop mopping and get to work”
“Finally you're making sense! So what should we do?” Seventeen asked
“We need get our injured back to Zel Nar as soon as possible” answered Goten
“Okay…and then what?” asked Seventeen
“I have no idea!” replied Goten
At that Seventeen groaned
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`How many times am I going to be knocked unconscious before this night is over?' thought Bura
Although exhausted Bura rubbed her face to rub away the dirt, but became surprise when she realized that her face was clean.
`Where am I' thought Bura as she was scoped the area
Unfortunately the room was completely dark except for the proximity that she was in which was lit by several candles
`This defiantly isn't a cell' Bura thought
What she was laying on was quite comfortable and adjusted to the contours of her body. She then picked up the material to feel what it was and she was surprised when she realized that she was touching a silk sheet. She came to the conclusion that she was on a bed
`This is so comfortable' thought Bura as she adjusted her position to get more comfortable.
When she finally got comfortable enough Bura tried to dose off but couldn't do so for some reason. Although the bed was comfortable there was something odd about all this, why was she in a bed?
She remembered being in a cell…and some one was in there with her
And then it all came back to her
Bura said nothing but shook her head and started to cry, through all this Broly cupped her skull forcing her to look at him
Broly smirked an evil smirk and gave his decree and all Bura can do was look on in fear
“Your punishment will be to live out the rest of your life as what you hate most”
“NO!” she shouted shaking her head in fear and denial
“Yes! You will be my little concubine for the rest of your days, you will give me the pleasure that I desire.” Broly said as he began to pull down the dress that Bura was wearing “You will fulfill all my fantasies, wither you like it or not, and you will warm my bed every night as you lay on your back.”
Bura tried to push Broly away but the effort proved futile as Broly started to lick away the tears off her face
“I can hardly wait” Broly groaned into Bura's ear
As to prove his desire his arousal started to rub against Bura's inner thigh. Continuing his onslaught Broly moved his large hand and cupped Bura's still developing breast squeezing it roughly earning him a groan of surprise from her. He then moved his lips towards Bura's neck and started sucking and biting. All the while Bura tried to brake away from him
All Bura wanted was for him to stop his onslaught, she couldn't take it anymore, and as if reading her mind Broly stopped and said
“But I must” he groaned “I don't want to fuck my little whore when she's all dirty and grimy, we must clean you up first little one”
“I am not your whore, you bastard!” Bura declared her eyes full of defiance
Broly chuckled
“You're right, at least not yet” he replied as he brought his hand to her cheek and started to rub her cheek
Then swiftly he moved his other hand to the juncture between her neck and collarbone and then pinched a certain spot
Then the next thing she saw was darkness
~End Flashback~
`NO!' thought Bura in despair
She had to get out before Broly came
She tried to get off of the bed but something stopped her. Looking down Bura found that her right ankle was chained up to the bed.
`This can't get any worse' thought Bura
But then a sudden breeze brought her to the realization that her cloths had been completely changed. She was dressed in nothing but a ribbon covering her breast and crotch, the two were connected crisscrossing and tied into a perfect bow in the front of her breasts
`What am I a Christmas present?' Bura thought with some humor despite the seriousness of the situation
“What am I going to do?” Bura said to herself
Not thinking clearly Bura tried to break the chain that was holding her by pulling as hard as she can, but to know avail. She was so focused on trying to free herself that she didn't notice the sound of someone entering the dark room. Try as she might the chains refused to give way.
“Try all you want little lamb, but you'll never escape”
Broly's POV
As I enter my bed chamber I cannot help but hear the sound of clanking chains.
It seem like my new pet just woke up to her predicament and is trying to break free. But her efforts are futile. It almost saddens me that she is in distress…almost.
The sight of her arouses me, so young, so soft, and so untouched.
The way she is dressed amuses me, a single ribbon covering the most intimate parts of her body. Just like a wrapped up gift.
The maids must have had a field day dressing her up. Personally I thought they were going to dress her up like a doll, she would have made a perfect doll. By the time I've completely tamed her, bending her to my will she would be the perfect porcelain doll that belonged only to me, dressed in the most expensive gowns and adorned with the most expensive jewelry
But I'm getting ahead of myself
But she looked stunning no the less
And to think that she is all mine and once she completely matures she will be one of the most desirable creatures this planet has ever encountered
And doesn't a King deserve the best?
“Oh Yeah?” Bura she countered lamely. Trying to act brave in front of her tormentor and at the same time trying to break the chain
Smiling arrogantly Broly said “Give it up little lamb, I had these specifically designed to contain the most defiant of creatures just like you”
“I am not your pet!” Bura shouted with defiance
The light surrounding Broly gave him a sinister yet seductive glow and it seemed to intensify as he approached the bed. He reached the bed and continued to crawl towards Bura
Bura felt like she was being stalked by a predator, and in many aspects he was. His stare calculating and intense ready to pounce at any moment. He was a predator that was on top of the food chain and everything else was prey including her
Slowly he crawled towards her. We he reached he placed both his hand betweens Bura's head preventing her from moving.
“Would you prefer it if I called you kitten? Bunny? How about little whore?” Broly said as he lowered his head till there noises were touching “Stop me if you like anyone of them”
“I am not your possession” Bura declared
Giving her a light smile Broly Completely ignored her and gently kissed her forehead, he then started placing soft kisses all over her face
Surprised Bura tried to back away to avoid unwanted affection but to no avail, he was giving her a false sense of security, showering her with affection before torturing her and she knew it
Finally Broly reached her lips but she kept on guard. It started out gentle like a feather's touch barely touching her lips, but then Broly deepened the kiss but Bura refused to respond, but Broly persisted and forced his tongue inside her mouth
At that point Bura retaliated and bit his tongue as hard as she could
Being more shocked then hurt he pulled away. As he waited for the stinging sensation to subside Broly looked down on Bura with a warning glare causing Bura to cower in fear
Finally the when the pain subsided Broly swiftly returned to Bura's lips and bit down hard on her bottom lip with his sharp fangs drawing blood
Bura tried screeched in pain but was silenced by Broly's lips, as the burning sensation brought hot tears to her eyes. She couldn't stop crying from the pain
Broly started sucking on Bura's lip as blood started to pour out. He couldn't seem to get enough of her taste and started to suck even harder.
As the blood poured out of Bura's lip and into his mouth, Broly's arousal started to harden and rub against Bura's thigh
The feel of his arousal rubbing against her thigh caused Bura to shake with fear. She didn't want to be touched by a man in such an intimate place, in fact she would have died happily without ever being touched by a man period
Finally Broly pulled away from Bura's lips, trying to get some air after the feeding session
The look on Broly's face was one of utter satisfaction; he seemed more lax and calm as blood dripped down from the sides of his mouth and continued to run down his chin
He then ran his tongue around his lips as if to savor the taste of her blood, he removed the blood. Then with a hungry smirk he said “You're as delicious as I imaged”
With that said Broly moved to her neck and started licking and sucking her down her neck, finally stopping at the juncture between neck and shoulder and began sucking hard there.
While he was sucking her neck, Broly moved one of his large hands to the ribbon tied around Bura's chest, and with a swift tug the ribbon fell off her body revealing her naked form
He moved other his hand to her left breast and gave it a soft but appreciative squeeze causing Bura to cry out in surprise.
He then placed his lips on her right breast and began suckling it.
The new sensation was confusing to Bura, her body was actually responding to Broly's caress, sending small tremors of pleasure down her spine. The sensation caused Bura to unwillingly moan
Getting tired of playing with Bura's breasts Broly returned his lips back to her neck and started licking and nipping her neck again and moved his hands downwards and, placing his right hand on her hips holding her firmly and placed his left hand under her womanhood
He used his index finger and started tickling her citreous causing Bura to Arch her back. While Bura was distracted Broly dipped his middle finger into her womanhood making Bura gasp in surprise
The intrusion caused Bura to feel sensations that were both painful and pleasurable. These new sensations caused confusion for Bura making her want to cry. Broly was obviously torturing her, but he wasn't hurting her…still she could not comprehend what was happening to her body. It seemed like Broly was controlling her body against her will.
She couldn't take it anymore, she wanted it to stop, and she didn't want to be tortured with gentle ministrations from the enemy. So she did the only thing that she could
“STOP!” she cried indigently (she thought it was a bright idea at the time)
And the crazy thing is… he did
He made no immediate moments to retreat from the girl; instead he moved his head towards her until he was facing her.
He looked somewhat concerned for her well being and asked “Why? Do you not like how I'm touching you?”
“No…Yes…I don't know” quivered Bura
“What's wrong little lamb? Am I hurting you?” asked Broly his voice soothing and his hands everywhere
“No your not and that's just it, you're not, what are you doing?” Bura asked confused, with tears falling down her eyes
“I'm arousing your body” he replied
“But why?” She asked still not understanding
“So your body will respond to me. I prefer when my concubines are willing” Broly said as he continued to caress her body, his left hand moving in a circular motion on her left breast
As he teased her body with his hands he brought his lips to her jaw line and started kissing and sucking in a downward path moving towards her chest. He then took the right nipple into his mouth and started to suckle it, earning cries of unwilling pleasure from the hostess.
Interested at the cries of pleasure Broly started to playfully tug at her nipple, and then added more pressure causing Bura to arch her back more and then finally bit down hard causing blood to slowly flow down her body making Bura cry in pain. The pain causes Bura to run her nails down Broly's back leaving small red trails down his back
Upon the sight of blood flowing down Bura's breast Broly lapped the blood up, slowly and sensually, looking right into her eyes as he continued his feast upon his prize
At that Bura's body stiffened in fear, his eyes mercilessly piercing her gaze, she couldn't look away his eyes were so frightening and yet she couldn't look away. His gaze was so intense that she was unable to look away. It was like she was under a spell as if a moth was being drawn to the flame.
Then Broly left her breasts and moved to stare directly at Bura. With her eyes wide with fear Broly couldn't help but smile. He had her right where he wanted
With her gaze focused on him, Broly pushed his full length into her untouched entrance, breaking through her barrier
The intrusion caused Bura to scream in pain and rapture. Her body spasms forcing her to arch her back, her toes curled and her fists practically ripped the sheets.
The pain caused Bura to cry uncontrollably the to her was like intense piercing hot flames, burning through her delicate skin,
He forced himself into her tight entrance, stretching her walls to the limit
He only gave her only a second to adjust to his size before he stated thrusting. At first his pace was slow and even, trying to get used to the tightness.
Meanwhile Broly moved to her lips and kissed her hard he then grabbed Bura's legs and forced them to rap around his waist so he could gain better access and continued to thrust deeper into her core
“STOP!” she sobbed between kisses “It hurts” but he ignored her and continued to thrust into her
“Please” she sobbed
“Shhhhh. It's almost over” Broly whispered as he continued thrust into her
He kissed forehead and began to speed up his thrusts, forcing himself deeper into her core, causing him to moan in pleasure.
Bura on the other hand was screaming in pain. Tears continued flow down her cheeks. She tried digging her nails into his arms until it drew blood to get him off of her, but that only seemed to feed his passions.
Bura's entire body clenched and she tightened her grip on his hard length. A dam broke inside of her, sending her over the edge as she screamed in pain and ecstasy. Wave after wave of pain rolled over her, drowning her in sensation as she fought to breathe. She dug her nails into Broly's back as far they could go, before drawing them down in bloody trails.
Broly's mouth parted as he threw back his head in an animalistic roar of pleasure. Her orgasm rocked her body with centripetal force that threatened to tear her apart. She could feel the hot spurt of Broly's seed as he released inside of her.
It took awhile for Broly to catch his breath, sweat dripping from his forehead. He hadn't had an orgasm like that in years, and it was quite shocking to receive an orgasm of such magnitude from a novice such as this child under him.
He couldn't quite explain it, usually he viewed sex as a task, and if he wanted to receive pleasure he had to work to get it, while his partner was already on their third orgasm he wasn't even on his first. It was frustrating, half the time he just wanted to go to sleep, but he knew if he stopped he would have sleep with a hard on and just not healthy for a Sayian his age so he would have to stay up, finish what he started and sleep in during important war meetings.
Very unprofessional and unadvisable, lucky for him no one decided to form a coup when he's sleeping (very wise on there part)
But to get an orgasm at the same time as his partner and at 11:30 PM no less was nothing less then miraculous
Meanwhile Bura was in shock. Her entire body was shaking, every muscle was quaking. The experience was traumatizing so she tried to curl herself into a ball trying to bring her knees to her chest, and disappear to forget the horrid experience.
But the chain on her right ankle restrained her from bringing her right knee up to her chest so instead she brought her left leg down, hunched her shoulders and started to cry silently to herself
Then as if out of nowhere a large arm wrapped itself around her waist and pulled her close to its warm body.
Broly grabbed her close to him so as to make sure she wouldn't escape from him. Although the gesture was pointless it gave him great comfort to feel his new pet close to him
For Bura it was as if she was being incased inside a warm cocoon against her will, she wanted to escape but was too tired to fight it off, she could barely move, so instead she let it incase her
He then gently kissed her forehead and whispered “goodnight little lamb”
But Bura was already drifting off into unconsciousness to hear anything
Finally she drifted off into the land of dreams.
Woo! I'm finally finished with this chapter. I had writers block for like god knows how long. I never written a story with sex scenes before so you got let me know how I did.
Sorry loyal fans I took so long to finish but never give up hope because I intend to finish this story no matter what
So please review
Chow =3